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hello there friends and welcome for today's Pathfinder enhancet guide we have an updated radio build this time it will be very thematic as you'll be keeping him as a full hell night perfect for his character background and lore hell Knight might not be one of the most optimal Prestige classes but this field will still be very viable and capable of many attacks per round with the signature gnome hooks Hammer weapon and pretty nice damage too your armor class won't matter because you can easily avoid getting hit and fully focus into damage by acquiring reach something we will be stacking just like a paladin you'll be able to Smite demons for even higher damage and attack rolls and get some extra domain Powers too just like a cleric so without further Ado let us get into our Raju pure hell night build all right so virtual comes as a level 5 Armature which is the hell night specific fighter archetype and one level of Hell night hell night unfortunately well I'll be blunt it's a pretty subpar Prestige class right your most interesting and Powerful feature is might chaos which works the same way as the Paladin's Mighty Evo and by the way Stacks with its chew so Silas Markov Justice is amazing for Raju except it's more versatile because the enemy doesn't have to be good or evil aligned just chaotic and 99 of the enemies who fight in the game including the toughest ones are chaotic even for the first DLC where you fight some chaotic enemies that are neutral and not evil essentially you'll add double your hell night levels as extra irresistible damage and also your charisma modifier to your attack Rose you can also choose a different hell night order and this will change the disciplines you have available for you and some other abilities in the case of radio he already starts with the order of the god claw so you can't really change it it grants you an aura and increases the armor class attack and damage rolls of allies against chaotic enemies honestly they only really use you'll be getting out of this is to increase your character's armor class by a morale bonuses which is very rare the hell night disciplines well I'll be getting into them soon enough but but simply they are also mostly underwhelming the hell night Capstone however is pretty decent you can permanently enchant any weapon your wielding with either axiomatic flaming bursts or Unholy ideally you want axomatic which means extra 2-6 points of damage against chaotic creatures anyways because Raju is built to be a dual building character his main weapon is a gnome-hooked hammer which is a double-bladed weapon so despite being just one weapon it can be used for dual wielding as it strikes with two heads he still needs a lot of extra feeds to further Empower his melee capabilities which is why I recommend you first keep Two fighter and Armature we'll soon be getting levels into hell night don't worry for skew points you can keep persuasion and the other one is up to you you actually don't even need persuasion if you have another character that can cover it like Darren or Amber who will end up with far higher Charisma than him Athletics can work too even knowledge Arcana and religion since he already starts with them I would rather use magic device though for the extra versatility for level 7 you'll be getting shoe feeds which is very important because this way we can achieve improved weapon fighting for the second offhand attack and most importantly outflank to highly increase his attack roles with all of his hits plus the amazing Synergy with critical hits later on I would keep progression as an Armature until around 9. because we really need some extra feats as far as his ability points I recommend you increase strength that's right despite the fact it has higher dexterity you can end up with even higher strength because of the nature of size increasing spells if your Raju is aided by a trickster main character then you can increase his dexterity even further it's the only Mythic path I would recommend you keeping dexterity based plus this way you won't have to bother with Mythic weapon finesse at level 9 we get two feeds in prove it critical gnome hooked Hammer they don't have the highest critical range but their critical damage is pretty good for the second feat what you want is lunch lunch will provide reach to Raju which will even stack with size increasing spells like an enlarged person something you should always have on him the higher his reach the longer the distance he can put between himself and the enemy while still retaining the ability to attack at melee range the end result is because he attacks from decently far away the enemies will not focus on him and will go for your tanks instead so you won't have to bother increasing raju's Armor class as you won't be getting hit at all level 10 is when I would pick the last Armature level so if only so we can get another stack of weapon training and another weapon training ability because why not right what you want is trained initiative and then resume progression into weapon training double weapons as hooked hammers are a part of this group level 11 is when I would resume progression in johel Knight as by this point well we pretty much have most of the Feats we want for level 11 greatest weapon fighting for the last of hand attack for your force of wheel ability go with compulsion the other ones are rather subpar because fear and charm well it's very easy to become immune to this compulsion on the other hand is kind of annoying and you don't want Raju getting confused for your first hell night discipline as I said before they are mostly underwhelming I'm afraid there is something to be said about fearsomeness because at least it's a passive whenever you use your persuasion skill to make the enemy shaken they will instead become frightened if you want to go with fearsomeness you would also need the power attack and Dreadful Carnage Feats so that whenever Raju kills an enemy all of the nearby enemies will instantly become feared the only issue I have with this and the main reason I'm not picking it for this build is that well I personally hate feared enemies because they will run away from you which means you then have to chase them by chasing them chances are you end up arguing other enemy Packs along the way Chipotle simply I just don't recommend it the best choices overall here are pandemic Faith because you can at least pick some domain Powers you won't have as high scaling as a cleric but as I said it's the best option we have you won't gain the Spells just the domain Powers good choices are War for battle rage so you gain extra damage also strength for higher enhancement bonus on your attacks I would rather start with strength because usually in Crystal attack roles are more important for level 13 dazzling display or level 15 shatter defenses just in time for almost all of my other builds to highly increase his attack rolls the other force of availability doesn't really matter but you might also go with charm fear is very easy to become immune to then resume compulsion for a second discipline another domain power in this case War for extra damage or level 17 improved initiative and then we'll be getting an extra fit because of the war domain we picked greater weapon Focus gnome hooked hammer or more force of wheel just go with fear compulsion and charm at level 18 for your last discipline go with Onslaught as a free action so you can activate this whenever you want you guys should increase your strength by a very nice plus four bonus the main reason I don't pick this earlier is because well it only lasts for a single round and discipline uses are pretty low you start with one and then get another one whenever you get a new discipline so at this point we would have three uses of this which is decent enough for bosses or other Turf battles and just in time for the toughest battles the demon Lords for level 19 I suppose you can go with combat reflexes I didn't pick it because we have ever read the and also a ring that can increase our attacks of opportunity even further and Raju really doesn't have the fits to spare otherwise piran a strike for even higher damage and as a matter of fact you can pick Piranha's strike at level 17 shoe instead of improved Initiative for level 20 there really isn't a point in getting 10 levels of armager because you don't get a bonus feat just extra wheel saving throws so what I would like to do now is go for Ranger and demons layer it's quite thematic for Raju as he despises demons and will be getting a plus two bonus to attack and damage against all demonic enemies in the game while still keeping our base attack bonus progression to the maximum for the last ability point just go with wisdom because if you increase any of the other ones they'll become a mod score and only even scores have bonuses all right now let us give a Mythic progression for our pure hell night Raju for Mythic 1 be sure to go with Last Stand this Raju really isn't built for tanking but in the rare cases he gets hit despite the fact it has reached to avoid that Last Stand will proc in and pretty much ensure he will survive no matter what enemy you're facing and two rounds is more than enough to defeat anything even not unfair for Mythic level 2 Mythic 2 weapon fighting to reduce the attack penalties with all of his weapons so now he won't get any penalty from dual wielding at all for music level 3 Everett is the must-have especially since we don't get combat reflexes of dispute for Mythic 4 Mythic critical into known hooked hammers for Mythic 5 you have a few choices my personal pick is abundant Smite chaos at this point your Smite chaos can already provide a lot of extra damage to you and well the more uses you have of it the better something else you can pick is domain Zelo so we can use our war and strength abilities as a swift action which matters a lot because they only last one round so we still retain the ability to do our full attacks I would rather go with abundance might chaos first however form ethics 6 Mythic weapon specialization for Mythic level 7 Mythic charge can be powerful if you have a cold party member to provide pounds to ride you otherwise just go with domains a lot as I explained before for Mythic level 8 either Mythic initiative or Mythic piranha strike depending on which one you picked first for Mythic level 9 you can go if anything you want including Mythic charge or always a chance as far as Mythic level 10 either Mythic initiative strike or Mythic weapon Focus as at this point you'll already have both the normal and greater weapon Focus alright now let us get into gear for our pure hell night Raju for amulets go with one set increase initiative like wind breath for armor full plates and later mithril fool plates to make use of raju's decent dexterity although tanking isn't really the focus of this build shirts and ropes don't really matter I just have happy Travelers here because I think it's amusing for Raju but you can go with anything you want four belts at first valves that increase strength later strength and Constitution ultimately all physical scores for gloves as you'll be doubling fencer's gift is the best to increase your offhand damage and also weapon training on the other hand if you want to leave this for your main character just go with gloves of dueling Plus 2. for boots either One X sacrifice or both soft Stampede besides that there really isn't anything important for helmets ideally headbands that increase Charisma so that your Smite chaos ability can become even better for glasses the goggles of piercing gaze for the bonus against all Outsiders and even the Boost to persuasion for cloaks resistance for the highest amount four rings you have a few different options I like the Ring of evasion as radio can achieve decent reflex even without the bonus from guarded Hearth and I also went for the ring of summoning as I think it's quite thematic for Raju because it grants him an aura that increases the damage and saving trolls of all party members against chaotic creatures this is a Storyteller Relic by the way you can also go for the ring of guiding star for the bonus to initiative and damage as far as bracers heavy hand is the best for doing characters other than that there really isn't anything special for bracers heavy hand is the best for debuting characters other than this one there really isn't anything special now let's discover weapons and quick slots Raju specializes in gnome-hooked hammers ultimately I would just go with finnian the Brilliant Energy property is amazing to reduce the enemy's Armor class and heartseeker can ignore all concealment as fun as the other boosts well you can just get them to either spells or class abilities and I already have a guide on how to enchant your weapons to the max earlier just takes you honorable judgment you can get it pretty early right after you recruit Raju and it has axiomatic besides that also another nice property of dealing extra holy damage to chaotic enemies it's just that eventually because you can add axomatic from let's say the hell Knight Capstone I would rather just settle for finnian there's also wrecking devil but its main ability is once again axiomatic the debuffing critical hits I don't find that important for quick slots you can give even a full hell night red to a pet to the Triceratops statuette other than that the classic Divine Scrolls from use magic device and I also think the Covenant of The inheritor Relic fits him a lot to Grant all allies the ability to penetrate demonic enemies resistance against physical damage but since it works as an aura just like the Ring of summoning you can also use this on another character if you prefer well alright friends so this was it from my updated radio hell night guide if you found it useful as always please remember to like subscribe and even consider becoming a channel member I truly appreciate your support thank you for watching see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 27,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, rpg, boss, unfair, crpg bro, owlcat games, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, regill, regill build, hellknight, hellknight build, gnome, gnome build, gnome hooked hammer, wotr gnome, wotr regill, armiger, fighter, armiger build, smite, smite chaos, smite evil, hellknight disciplines, hellknight orders, dual wield, dual wield build, dual wielding
Id: ohtl6UF4ok0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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