Peyton Manning: A Perfectionist Mindset that Dominates the Toughest Job in Sports!

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That thumbnail scares me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Icurasfox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damnit I miss watching him play

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rwjehs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

yo what’s up with peyton’s head on the right

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MildlyNothibg111 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was a bandwagon Colts fan for years just because Peyton Manning was must-watch football.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RubberBandura πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Biggest forehead in the game

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/apexpredator0505 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I forgot what Peyton looked like with a normal hair line

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AH_BioTwist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's the GOAT.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"If I tell you it's Easter, you better hide eggs."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WabbitCZEN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

GOAT imo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Reynolds-RumHam2020 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
a game by guarantees it's fun or what okay give me time way to touch down here okay I'm very passionate about gaming football I love everything about I love practicing all those working at it I love Sundays I'm out there playing football when every play to be just perfect Peyton Manning just a machine and when you win it's the greatest feeling in the world there's nothing like but when you lose it's the pits I never like the guys that said well you know we'll get them next year it's supposed to bother you so you need to be intense and passionate about it [Music] hey get the wrapper right hey man mr. fait pretentious days any fun [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's your favorite football player then your dad your favorite football player too well you're on the right track you're gonna be a football player when you go mm-hmm I was lucky growing up I had my my hero and my favorite football player right there in my house you always just included us and everything needs to take us out to practice on Saturday mornings and we go into the locker room after games and hanging around all these famous NFL football players there's a unique way to grow up I think a lot of former rival leagues really want their kids to be the same things that they've done but to my mom and dad that really didn't matter I think they wanted us just to work hard and study hard and to be successful at something whatever that may be it always just encouraged us to play sports and just to enjoy but it was never a pressure situation I think that's still today why I have such a love for the game laughs so much fun playing football because of the way he handled the whole situation just making it a fun process starts when I was three years old always had a game in the backyard I'm not talking about touch he's I'm talking about full pads official uniforms we had lockers in our rooms we had the national anthem beforehand what we'd sing and I'm three my brother Cooper's five so you're saying about half of it then you forget the words and you started it's kind of mumbling and then start the game off my dad used to film hit great home videos on camera you know they used to say Payton to your five-step drop I was a kind of a fat pudgy kid so I Here I am kind of waddling back doing this drop but even then I had a pretty natural footwork I guess I could always pick up a ball and throw it pretty naturally I think it's why I've had some success at quarterback but I've always played quarter but I never played any other position ever played defense never played special teams people ask me what position I would play besides quarterback I just say coach that's about all I could do first year I played organized football in the seventh grade the Newman greenies there's a heavy right roll pass right that was a number one play and it's just run out to the right and brought a deep core around I ran the option pretty good of it I can fake the pitch and turn it up and get downfield back in the day I used to study a lot of fell on my dad and his big thing two things he used to scramble a lot and he'd sprint right and he'd kind of reversed back left I mean he'd be 40 yards will haunt a lot of scrimmage so I did that a few times I'm sprinting right and then I was open and I could have run fallen but it was more fun to kind of run back and scramble around and the other thing I did was one time I saw my dad there's a handoff play he was supposed to get the ball and run him back but he just kept it himself so I did that one time the running play came in I just decided I was going to keep it to be like old dad the coach yells at me if you know Payton run the plate we're not out here making up stuff but it was more fun the way I did [Applause] let's go that was really the best time I've ever had playing football I was a sophomore my brother coupe who's a senior he was an alive receiver I completed about a hundred and ten passes that year and I threw a tea to my brother Cooper but the other receivers obviously weren't too happy with me or with Cooper and we had our own signals our own plays their own code words and things and it was really a lot of fun he was a great receiver but he was injured and his freshman year at Ole Miss and so he had to give up football so I changed my jersey number the more the number he want which was 18 so I still why we're 18 today because I still feel like I'm playing my football for my brother who doesn't have a chance to play anymore [Music] [Music] think about my mom all the time I think about when my dad retired in 84 I'm sure she thought football was over it was just a little delay there before we really started cranking up with the first pick of the draft the Indianapolis Colts select quarterback University of Tennessee dad did tell me that it's helped me out is that you work real hard in college to get to be a high draft choice but once you get to the NFL you have to work even harder if you want to be average that Bester's want to be a really good football player you have to do even more 1212 choke it a little bit yeah I think you can overanalyze this game a little bit play I call it XD why snap it should have been yeah HD it still comes to a point where you're playing football just like you did on the playground or in high school or in college [Music] and still the game with football that you know how to play if you overanalyze it then you can get yourself in trouble that just happened it just happens that as beyond believed it is absolutely beyond belief the one thing I always appreciate about coach Morra is that he always backed me up my rookie year he told me kind of before the season hey I know you don't want to struggle but you are going to struggle in a lot of ways you kind of told me we're not a very good team I had some games riding played quite as well and he easily could have pulled me out of the game and what he told me was when you have a bad game you throw two or three interceptions it's easy to come out it's hard to stay in the game and avoid throwing number four [Music] but it was kind of a gut-check time just to just keep believing hey something good is gonna happen I don't think you want to have to do it through something like that but if you do instead of feeling sorry for yourself you better use it to try to make you a better player I kind of learned a lot in some of the second halves of those games even when the game was out of reach [Music] the record town then we fought through that here and like it's only won three games but at least we competed we kind of find out about some other guys hey this guy's gonna battle on this cow hang with me I can channel on this guy [Music] Pop's again fireman [Applause] [Music] [Applause] back in the second half [Music] now opening games we play Buffalo who beat Miss Sally the year before twice and we opened up which Buffalo at home beat them 35 14 all right right then it was hey let's do this again next week this is kind of fun beating team pretty badly so early on of that season we knew right away we have a chance to be pretty good going from 3 and 13 my rookie year to 13 3 the following year still the biggest turnaround in NFL history [Music] the 111 in a row that year that's a lot of Monday's when your high five and everybody's in a good mood the plane rides are great got everybody believing in themselves hey let's don't be the same old Colts that you hear about let's be a team that can win and big ball games we did that so that was really a special need [Music] [Applause] it's just like you know playing Little League baseball you know your best friends or your teammates and you play together and your win that's one thing my dad he said it's always got to be funny I mean you have to work hard you put a lot of time into it but you can't ever get where you're not enjoying yourself I lost my transcribe if you're not enjoying yourself you're probably not doing the right things at least a month I'll eat that play don't fix this ourselves jump it's good stuff the other guys is usually gonna have the flavor to it I've done a good job today how much y'all charge for free always just have true love and passion for a game which i think is why I love this game so much because I enjoy going to work every day and really just love it for Sunday's [Applause] I think quarterback is the toughest position in sports the reason I say that because quarterbacks got to know everybody's position everybody's assignment if a point T that means I'm coming your way there's a lot of times the receivers gonna go hey pay what do I have and you want to say why didn't you studied your PlayBook but you know you just gotta give him the right here I tell him what to do [Music] and you get the weather basketball there's no weather there's no wet ball there's no wind there's no snow the noise your teammates can't hear you you sure as heck can't hear them so what I don't hear somebody tell us him all right you back here yeah time is a rush you don't have all time to call the play get up there and grab a river in Red River right and you've got 300 pounders coming at you trying to tip your ball or trying to hit you watch the Blitz is right watch the Blitz is bi and then you got the defensive coordinator over there who's just trying to get into your head about blitzing you you have something called pressure the pressure that you have to complete this pass otherwise you lose the game so I think those things add up to make it a quarterback and the toughest job in sports [Music] explode the gun double right flip zebra Scott left wide right excellent f trail alert 52 sprint draw easy on two on two ready break hey Sally Sally Buffalo it's part of our Kate it's a lot of that is getting the players the play they're waiting to hear your cadence to see what the play is going to be another thing is trying to draw the line and beep its violent offsides yeah we'll take that whether you draw them off sighs you're not at least if they're flinching if they're edgy that means they're not gonna be quite as aggressive let me assure you love the 5-yard penalty but if you get them maybe they jump a little bit and then then you snap it right as they're going backwards that's when you got them in a good position we're gonna use the cadence now alright we gotta use the cage push that blitz Barney the snap count is something you have to use to your advantage is even it's a lineman in this league are so quick and so fast and the good ones the great ones they can anticipate snap counts or so more you changed it up and keep them off balance the better chance you have of not getting killed mix up the Blitz throws underneath caught by Reggie keep it going boys good job keep it going I'm gonna do a dummy 18 but if I might all ball the ball you I'll use Brown right Brown right pistol we did so many almost kind of our whole thinking is let's try to get to the best play right then I mean I think the worst thing you could say is well I wish you would have had this play call a burst this defense 5454 the defense is blitzing or playing a certain coverage where you have a chance maybe to hit a deep pass or to hit a touchdown let's go ahead and take advantage of hey watch this block by the kid here there is a time in a place also just simply call to play and go with it [Applause] [Music] I guess I like to consider myself kind of natural thrower you wanna keep the ball up you wanna try and make your release as quick as possible trying to follow through we finish finish finish the throw and we have a high school football team when you see all kinds of different passing motions and throwing motions I said go in there that's a good feat that's good feet smooth with two hands two hands two hands that was real good I'll see those today they have two hands on the ball the whole time I mean it looks cool sometimes and that looks real cool and all that I mean at one time that guy's thought you hate you fumble and your cost your team the game it's not cool at all why do you want to retreat and throw so you don't get don't get the you know what knocked out of you right after a five-step drop they get to the end of the drop you like to avoid any kind of wasted motion that's a good throw holy thing hey you don't trying to Pat it before you throw it you see a lot of guys the guy comes open and they pad it one time one two three and you've had it I might make you a little bit late all right you get a hitch in the motion it's yeah it just doesn't come out and so I've always been real conscious of that because that's kind of your baby this is how I'm throw I think I feel it pretty well snaps fired for the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you try those bottle every times is easier for the receiver to catch although I put a lots and lots of touchdowns that have been wildly balls when I've been on the money accurate couldn't have put it in a better spot and never heard any complaints from the receivers especially if it's a touchdown at the touchdown they're fine with I take a lot of pride in my profession in the position and feel like I have good presence out there I feel like I have a pretty good idea what's going on at all times I try to be the ultimate field general [Applause] Manning will feign to entertain stops look down the middle closer this note [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I guess I consider myself to be somewhat of a throwback player I really enjoy learning about the history of the game about the former players [Music] [Applause] rigel in the NFL Dan Marino's 48 touchdowns 1984 was one of the things that jumped out said I said that'll never be broken again now after 28 29 through 33 one time I felt like I had a lot the nice thing about that is it turned into a team thing for us I mean it's a quarterbacks record but our receivers were excited about I think they were running routes even harder you're trying to get open catching the ball and trying to dive into the end zone [Applause] defensive players were hey we get the ball right back for you so you can go out there and try to throw another touch step it's really turned into a team thing blitzes on by the bears as man he goes to grow leaves to keep to the endzone touchdown in half terrific catch an acre just a machine [Music] it was kind of a classic shootout it was the back and forth kind of game a member in the first quarter I leaned over and said we're gonna have to score every time we get the ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right here hey hey get the wrecker right snap is to Payton protection stay City [Applause] I can't think of another throat where I had as good of anticipation as I had on that particular throw in the seven years I've been playing I threw the ball a good two seconds before Stokely had even thought about breaking for the route and all of a sudden he turns and the ball is literally right there right on the money it's the work in the month of April and in May when nobody's around you works on the timing of those plays and it pays off for you in December [Music] never be broken [Applause] [Music] it's nice to say that you did something that nobody else has ever done [Music] the villain fell 49 in a season it's something I appreciate because of the respect that I have for the players to play before me I got to talk to damn you know I'm getting all emotional talking to him I can't believe it dan you know besides my father was always my favorite player throwing on that too my dad retired and to break his record sure means a lot and I'm just really just really appreciative of my teammates it's been a fun ride but it's still about the team [Applause] [Music]
Channel: NFL Films
Views: 497,852
Rating: 4.933969 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, NFL Films, American Football
Id: lb3KKotN8_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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