PETITTI | What's In Store July 2023

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hey everybody this is Noelle from petite garden centers and we are doing a what's in store for July when did that happen my gosh and so we've had a lot of ups and downs as far as weather is concerned but plant material is looking absolutely gorgeous and usually mid-summer is hydrangea season what we call hydrangea Fest and I have to show you and I know I've shown you this hydrangea before but this one here down below is called we bit grumpy it is a macrophila or macrophila hydrangea you'll see you'll hear me use both terms mop uh mop head hydrangea it has the most phenomenal color to it I've never seen a hydrangea ever go this dark Deep Purple before kind of has a raspberry pink but that raspberry pink turns very very dark afterwards so it is a beautiful mop head with wee bit grumpy however it is not a repeat Bloomer so you've got to make sure that these guys stay protected over the winter you hold you know you protect that mature wood so that those buds and blooms can develop on that and stay protected over the winter now it is paired with this shrub right here this is why Jilla this is part of the my Monet Series this is my Monet Sunset and I've told you many times I really appreciate you know flowering shrubs of course but when flowering shrubs like weigela have beautiful colorful foliage and you can retain that color for three seasons growing season so spring through fall this plant is beautiful and it really pairs nicely with the dark green leaves on the wee bit grumpy but of course that dark color and this sort of chartreuse lime color beautiful right Beyond and a little bit taller of course is going to be your classic smooth hydrangea this variety is actually called incredible incredible is like an improvement over Annabelle although I know a lot of us are familiar with Annabelle and really do enjoy Annabelle incredible is just a step up a little bit more sturdy as far as branching is concerned but same big beautiful white mop type flowers and I will tell you the smooth hydrangea all the different varieties came out this winter no problems whatsoever have really grown like gangbusters no fault in their blooming blooming heavily right now the macrophylla type had a really hard time over the winter so they're just starting to push out New Growth from the base of the plant so if you want an easy one the smooth hydrangea or arborescence type is really really easy very cold tolerant just really easy to grow so try that one or try panical hydrangea you don't get the same colors don't get me wrong there's no blues and the panicle type or the smooth type but boy they they seem to be again more weather tolerant more cold tolerant so just so you're aware okay we're gonna move on here behind me is another cool combination we've got hydrangea Let's Dance can do and the Let's Dance series I know I've mentioned before these hydrangeas are repeat Bloomers or what they call remondent they keep on going keep on pushing up new buds new flowers bloom on old wood Bloom on new wood so they're nice to have in the garden and can do is very different from some of the other hydrangeas obviously lace cap type whenever you have a lace cap flower the true flowers are in the center and that's always going to be better for your pollinators the sterile flowers are around the outside and they're really really showy so you get the best of both worlds with flowering with this and you can see mature flowers buds just coming open and it's covered the foliage on this one is really cool too it is more pointed not as rounded or ovate as some of the other hydrangeas and we have found that the foliage on this hydrangea definitely changes colors especially if you put it in more sun it'll turn a little bit more burgundy colored really cool the fall coloring is really really awesome so look for can do if you're looking for a repeat bloomer lace cap beautiful plant look at that my Monet so this was the original Mina Monet weigela and again it's got a little bit of pink a little bit of white and cream to the foliage and that variegation just it takes you further into the growing season with more color on the plant now just beyond of course is this one and it's just starting to bloom this is a new panicle hydrangea it's called strawberry sundae strawberry sundae is actually the improved version of vanilla strawberry yeah I think it's vanilla strawberry I usually reverse strawberry vanilla or vanilla strawberry but I'm pretty sure vanilla strawberry and that was a beautiful beautiful hydrangea Pinnacle hydrangea still very nice just big flowers and those big flowers tend to kind of bring some of the branches down especially after a rain shower so look at the snow vanilla strawberry really really strong red stems beautiful panicle blooms on it and of course they're going to turn that nice pinky color as well so strawberry sundae look for that one and those guys are really good in full sun conditions that's the best hydrangea for brighter sunnier drier areas of course if you're looking for a companion plant for your hydrangeas nearing that part sun part shade condition you know that four to six hours and you think what would look good with them or grow well with them this is sweet Spire also known as Ikea if you've ever heard of Henry or little Henry they are ideas and they are a great plant to grow alongside especially actually your macrophylla hydrangeas what's cool about these plants is they are Midsummer Bloomer so you'll see those white they are kind of Spike blooms and they sort of shoot off to the side so they're they're they've got an interesting kind of flower pattern to them they are very fragrant so they do have a fragrance to them pollinators like them here's the thing about this plant Bloom's mid-season which is great complements the hydrangea but the fall color is phenomenal you'll see all colors Golds Reds oranges on this plant and there's a couple different varieties and sizes so check out sweet Spire I'm standing in scentlandia centlandia is a is a newer variety from PW but again very nice fragrance right now but as you as it goes through the season you'll start to see that foliage change in color and it's it's really beautiful I mentioned that it is hydrangea Fest time for us at petitis and so check out all of the different colors all of them are in bloom we protected our macrophylla hydrangeas over the winter so you will see uh quite a bit of hydrangea flowers here so if you kind of look at the different blooms you can see all the different colors raspberry crush this is an Endless Summer did I just say raspberry Crush I'm sorry summer crush is a raspberry there you go so summer crush this is going to be a compact Endless Summer variety okay so repeat blooming very very nice and tight as far as the habit and then right behind it is going to be your original Endless Summer so you can see that kind of light blue color very very standard for your original Endless Summer and then just beyond Endless Summer is Let's Dance blue Jangles again when ever you see a Let's Dance variety that's gonna be a repeat blooming hydrangea so blue Jangles beautiful Blues here and then again Look at wee bit grumpy a little stinker look at how beautiful that is so again nice deep dark flowering again just unusual coloring very very pretty and then right here this is probably rhythmic blue and I'm just gonna Chuck really quick yep so let's dance rhythmic blue rhythmic blue you can tell larger hydrangea have it here a slightly larger than blue Jangles again beautiful blue color so there you go lots to choose from and my goodness there's so many more but we wanted to show you kind of all the different colors here we are still in the shade or under the shade here at Oakwood and I wanted to show you the oak leaf hydrangeas this hydrangea especially is the best for your shady areas we'll do do very well is a native does wonderfully for us grows well for us foliage texture is always really important in the shade and so obviously you get that big bold textured leaf fall color is also wonderful in the shade and believe me this does not disappoint probably one of our favorite landscape plants around in Northeast Ohio and so you've got different heights and different varieties here so when you come looking for your hydrangea make sure you're checking the tags there are dwarf varieties but some of the dwarf varieties are a little bit bigger just just they got named that way so do check your tags out right here I've got Peewee Pee-Wee's kind of small but still around three to five foot uh tall and wide I have Queen of Hearts which is a a Pinker variety so the flowers will always start with the cream panicle and then they will deepen as they get more mature this one right here I love is munchkin munchkin is obviously one of your smaller varieties smaller Leaf smaller habit so again probably around the three foot Mark with munchkin but wow talk about how profuse the flowering is absolutely gorgeous and behind me a little bit larger these are actually Ruby Slipper behind me so again Ruby Slipper is going to start white and then you'll start to see as that flower matures more of the deeper pink colors here but large leaf again larger habit with these plants so just just look at your tags make sure you know what you're getting into but awesome awesome plants for the shade we're in the Rose section at Oakwood then I just wanted to show you all the color they are all in full bloom hybrid tea roses shrub roses the drifts the oh so easies The Knockouts I mean lots and lots to choose from Taylor's kind of panning and giving you a good idea but I wanted her to show you when you're growing roses um my goodness if you are into attracting pollinators look at the single roses where you can see the inside those yellow centers this is oh so easy urban legend and there are humming there are there are honeybees bumblebees there are a lot of different bees on this one just go into town so would make your bees very very happy so whenever you see those open single rows types there's multiple petals on this this one but again they're they're going right after that pound and the nectar with hybrid teas if bees are concerned you actually want to go for more hybrid tea type roses that have the tight pointed Buds and don't open all the way because bees can't really can't get in here and get anything that that nectar or anything that that plant is offering so if you are concerned about bees in the area try your hybrid tea roses or your Floribunda roses that have those nice tight blooms you'll see a lot less bees around there so that that's something that worked for you but my goodness it smells so wonderful back here so we wanted to give you an overall shot of everything that's blooming out in the Rose section since it's July we thought we would show you and Taylor is loving the petite knockout roses this season because they do they look absolutely gorgeous you're pairing for kind of more patriotic Gardens so if you wanted to do a nice red petite knockout with a nice blue blue macrophylla hydrangea I definitely would go with the Endless Summer series or the Let's Dance Blues but the two of them together need the Rose needs full sun so six or more hours and if you have that six hours as well for the hydrangea no problem whatsoever you can plant them together just be aware you might need a little bit more moisture around the hydrangea but other than that they would go very nicely together and you can have that that blue and red and then if you add a panicle hydrangea in the mix or you add a white variegated weigela in the mix there you go you got your red white and blue we're over by the brambles so your raspberries blackberries and your blueberry bushes still great time to plant you can really plant your containerized brambles and blueberries anytime during the growing season no problem whatsoever the raspberries are are really starting they flowered earlier and so they're really starting to produce some fruit here looking gorgeous gonna get full and ready to go the blackberries are still flowering right now so a little bit later but we've got actually we've got a mixture of flowers and then also fruit just starting to develop too so the one thing that I do want to tell you with the raspberries and the blackberries you want to plant them in two different places if you're planning on growing both both are wonderful to grow you know at home very very easy to take care of but make sure you plant your raspberries and full sun in one spot and take your blackberries and plant them in a totally different spot you don't really want them commingling they've got some issues with disease and things so needless to say keep them separated okay and then right behind me are the blueberries and they're really starting to look really full and nice lots of fruit Taylor and I came around and picked some not too long ago but it was just kind of the first flush and I see that possibly the birds have come through and eaten some raspberry or blueberries too so make sure you protect your berries always you want to go ahead and use some bird netting over the tops of them so you don't have the deer or the Birds taking them from you I wanted to show you this cool new plant new for us at least and it is actually a willow it's a dwarf Willow it really only gets anywhere from like three foot tall to about six foot tall still considered a dwarf but again look at this foliage and whatever you can get some nice silver to kind of soften some of the hot colors and the landscape or just contrast with some of the darker purples or maybe the bright yellows it really has a great fuzzy texture to to it beautiful silver sheen on it and for sunny areas no problem whatsoever so look for this it's like a sage leaf Willow it's called Iceberg alley just beautiful we're in the perennials and oh my gosh Midsummer the perennials are just busting the daisies are all in full bloom we've got leeatris that's just starting the coreopsis is in all Bloom the coneflowers are just starting the daylilies are in bloom so there's so much there's there's just too much to mention but we'll mention some favorites right now so bee balm bee balm is or Monarda is a native plant of Ohio of course these are cultivated varieties but I'm going to tell you one of the most attractive plants for your pollinators freshly scented foliage beautiful multiple tubular flowers in this cluster so lots of nectar lots of things so lots of good things for them beautiful colors so this is actually Grand Parade Grand parade is part of a series there's Grand Marshall Grand parade there's a couple others really really nice a little bit older series mid height so you're probably looking at closer to maybe 30 inches tall when it grows in the garden good disease resistance still get a little bit of yellowing down at the base with these but you're going to find that with Monarda they just they do get powdery mildew they will yellow sometimes from the bottom and what we call that bare knees at the bottom so you always want to plant a plant that kind of covers their bare knees with them so we'll use things like cat Mint or a shorter coreopsis or platy coat on or that's balloon flower sorry at the base so they cover up their bare knees which is which works out it works out great lots of kind of dwarf varieties here the balmy series is going to be more dwarf so right around 20 inch Mark somewhere around there you've got rows you've got purple you have pink I think I did those all right but those are all through this area and then we get to this beautiful lobelia this is your perennial lobelia and look at the flowers this is a blue type uh what's it called Starship blue but beautiful tubular flowers for the hummingbirds so you can grow red you can grow pink you can grow blue and the hummingbirds will love those flowers just get their nose right into them then we're going to wrap around the table here and show you the flocks this is actually your tall Garden flocks and they are definitely a sign of Summer you know summer has arrived for sure so many beautiful colors the tall Garden flocks can be anywhere from let's say about 15 to 18 inches all the way up to 40 inches so it can vary in size just depending on variety flame series is on this side so Taylor can kind of pan through here but the flame series what's neat about them is they're a little a little bit earlier blooming than some of the others they are more compact so again right around that 15 to 24 inch Mark is usually where we see them grow Pro lots of colors to choose from purples corals even a blue their blue is really pretty it's kind of a light blue Dusty blue and fairly clean again mid-summer we see a lot of fungal diseases your powdery mildews rust all those types of things so flocks can get them as well it's not unusual and just like I was mentioning with the bee balm sometimes they can get bare knees so we tend to grow lower mounded plants underneath them but it's so worth it because these stems as they grow up you can cut them for flower arrangements they are fragrant the pollinators love them the hummingbirds the butterflies the bees they all come to them so it's well worth the investment but oh my gosh such a great great Midsummer Bloomer and on this side lots of different varieties again but we're going to see more of this series this is the glamor girl party girl I don't know there's more girls but needless to say this series is looking really really nice a little bit later blooming you can tell not as much color just yet with these but foliage is nice and green looking really nice going into the flowering season so a good series to look for when you're out there lots of Pinks lots of purples some white uh some Coral beautiful beautiful color and if you have a sunny to part Shady place that you want to grow some daylilies there's definitely some beautiful unusual varieties available right here I'm going to show you this dark one it's called Storm of the Century really pretty kind of frilly petals on this one nice yellow throat beautiful kind of burgundy maroon petals on that um lip sticking kisses is that right Taylor beautiful look at that tri-color gun ruffled petals but you've got the yellow throat red inner eye and then peachy really nice and then this is a double this one's called night Embers I might have shown this one before but when you see the the doubled petals inside so really really beautiful and again gee lilies they're they're very easy to grow they're tolerant of a lot of different soil conditions moisture conditions all those types of things the only thing is because they're in the lily family you have to protect them from the deer and the bunnies Okay so just be aware great investment just you got to protect them and look at this one oh my gosh what is this one again Calico Jack oh my gosh beautiful large flower creamy yellow burgundy Edge burgundy eye oh that's so cool we're in the annual Greenhouse here at Oakwood and the jury's still out did you try this one this is to Lotus Tilda and again grown for unusual flowers this could be a cut flower dried flower so an everlasting flower kind of unique growth habit we're still kind of wondering if you like it so let us know comment below if you've tried it and you're liking it or not so much but just something different something new for the sun okay so definitely for sunny areas we still have a little bit left of anybody's interested but I wanted to show you these guys for full sun these are actually straw flower bractagantha is what we with their botanical name they close in shade they open obviously in full sun so you're starting to see them really open up nicely and of course straw flowers they make noise so those little Rays or bracks on the sides they have that crunchy texture to them beautiful Daisy plants again any of your daisies are going to be great for pollinators these are really good for those full Sunny areas they can take some drought they can definitely take some hot areas but you know in containers make sure that you keep them keep them watered but they will they'll do really really well in good Sunny spots and then I wanted to show you and I'm going to have Taylor back up a little bit more there are some of the annual salvias that I wanted to show you look at this beautiful blue Salva Salvia so this is Blue Suede Shoes this is from Proven Winners and you can see how large these flowering spikes are and look at the flowers these flowers are good one and a half to two inches long and look at the blue color on it and then look at how the the calyxes here are a nice dark almost black really really cool again for full sun conditions because it's in the sage family or Salvia family but tubular flowers are always going to be great for those hummingbirds long tongue Moss all those good things so maybe if you're looking for something a little bit more blue for patriotic gardening try Blue Suede Shoes really cool the irrigation is on in the greenhouse so we're getting a little wet but we appreciate it on warm days um still plenty of time to plant your veggie garden if you haven't gotten out there no problem we still have veg available for you tomatoes peppers lots of different things so make sure that you get it planted we still have asparagus we still have rhubarb available too so if you're looking for something a little bit different to add to the veggie garden please by all means go ahead and do so we also still have herbs so if you're still looking to add some herbs to the Garden or to a container no problem whatsoever there's plenty of herbs and of course we always use a lot of parsley a lot of basil and there's still plenty to be had here but even if you're looking for some grilling herbs like oregano or Sage those types of things no problem we've got them here at petitis so make sure to enjoy your holiday and enjoy [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Petitti Garden Centers
Views: 8,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AJ Petitti, Angelo Petitti, Noelle Akin, Gardening, Petitti Garden Center, Petitti Garden Centers, Petitti, Petittis, Petitti Cleveland, How To Garden, Gardening Instructions, Gardening Tips
Id: lIpvLHlz2eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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