πŸ₯€ What Happened When I Abandoned My Garden πŸ₯€

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hey you guys areas here so today's video will be from my own garden and to be honest with you I miss it so much and if you're new here I'm a landscape designer here in northern New Jersey so spring and beginning of summer is incredibly busy time for me and especially this season I had no time to spend in my garden so what I wanted to show you today is what happens if you abandon your garden for a season so this sidewalk border right here I have not done anything with pretty much since last fall I did mulch I didn't weed I didn't add annuals like I usually do the only thing I did is spray it for deer because I didn't want to lose all of the plants so I would spray a deer repellent every week or every two weeks and that's it so I'm just going to walk the garden and show you what happened a little trigger warning if you're not into naturalistic or wild Gardens this video is probably not for you but if you love them I think you'll enjoy it so here's my abandoned Garden so what I'm going to do is just walk through it show you some plants that are blooming right now and also tell you about the lessons that I learned because I didn't care for this for a few months or more so the first plant is this even GM yakifolium this is a plant that I started winter sowing last year it's actually a really cool structural plant it is not in full bloom yet but I am loving it already the French Schubert flocks is looking beautiful this is a perennial that you can rely on for beautiful blooms and it pretty much blooms all summer long and right here I have euphorbia marginata that receded itself from last year it is an aggressive native annual but I'd rather have this than weeds it definitely suppressed some of the weeds that could have been here there's some other flocks that are starting to bloom right there there's a Pickney and the mom right here and I do have fever fuse everywhere I let them reseed because again as a weed suppressor and also sometimes they hybridize like this one and they become doubles look how cute those little button flowers are oh um there is a spiderwort right here and if I were here this morning this flowers would have been completely open spiderworts flowers only open until about lunch time and then they close until the following morning there's another French Schubert flocks that I divided I think last year so here's the lesson number one for me because I planted this particular area very thickly and with pretty assertive plants like Joe pie weed this is a shorter variety for a ruby right here and also switchgrass weeds pretty much do not have any chance of growing in between these plants so planting things thickly with assertive plants ah definitely saves on maintenance also calaminta that you see right there that is starting to bloom it's a pretty assertive plant and if you plant them thickly they'll look pretty good there are hardly any weeds here now this plant right here is an iris that bloomed beautifully earlier in the spring I am actually going to remove it from the spot though because when flowers die they look terrible some plants when the flowers die and dry out they still look very structural not irises look at that so I'm actually going to remove this one from here and put it into the more higher maintenance areas that I have in the garden snake is humalo is looking beautiful this is one of the favorites with the pollinators and just look a wonderful wonderful plant to have in the garden now I was a little bit disappointed with my agassiki here it disappeared I had really healthy three plants here and now I have like two weeklings I think the Arctic blast that we had in the winter killed some of it so I have to go get some more there is some milkweeds that are starting to bloom this is escalatia versus Salata I really like the interesting texture of this plant but again because I left this Garden unattended I kind of saw that it's starting to pop up everywhere and Seed itself I wouldn't say aggressively but I have to keep an eye on it now this part of the garden does not look abandoned at all in fact it looks spectacular and this Rubina hastada here is such a such a cute little plant well not little but the flower is a little also popular with pollinators and I see these really unusual insects on it um I love it look at that these echinaceas here I've had for a while echinacea's they're super low maintenance very reliable great for pollinators too sorry about the plane and this area here is one of my favorites with the Russian sage the switchgrass echinacea pallida that is such a graceful echinacea tall and those slender petals are so beautiful this plant right here is cedelsia and I really love it however it is a short blooming perennial kind of like a week or two and then it disappears but that's okay I enjoy it nonetheless there's some little blue stems and some more locks these are actually started as bare root from Costco bags but they're looking beautiful and this is lesson number two over here is that I usually heavily plant this area with annuals and dahlias in the beginning of summer or late spring so they suppress all of the weeds and because I did not plant anything here I have this weed I don't even know the name of it kind of is new to me came in and took over the entire area and this is what happens if you don't plant or don't mulch a certain area nature will come in and plant something herself whether you like it or not but I do have a few beautiful perennials here from previous years like this Gara and parthenium right here look at this bee I don't even know what that is so cute so um oh I also left some alliums that were blooming earlier in the spring for some structure but I'm going to take these down because I like to dry them and use them in holiday decorations and this area right here um this is the ugly part of gardening in the Suburban areas in a health strip is the trash some people just throw trash in it and it's not often it happens occasionally but it does happen but most of people are very very nice now this plant right here is true hyssop or hissypus people call agastiki hessev but this is the real hiss of right here again really favorite of pollinators and it's a medicinal medicinal plant it's beautiful and I started it from seed a long time ago very easy to start from seed now this area here are just some shrubs I have the hydrangea that got hit by deer regardless of me spraying it so I lost some blooms over here but because this is again planted so thickly with this miscientos grass weeds do not have a chance but this miscientious grass is way too big for this border so I'm actually going to downsize it it's just such a monster this area is again planted very thickly with some echinacea Joe pie weed and calamaris but what I'm excited about is this veronicastrom Fascination I've been waiting for this plant to bloom for two years they're kind of slow to start but once they start growing they're just so beautiful look at these candle like beautiful flowers and the color is gorgeous too there's another one that I have here that is not blooming yet this is white in color and there are some of Veronicas on the other side that is purplicious that is pretty much um in full bloom or going out of Bloom right now there's some larkspurs that seated themselves on the other side and that was another thing that I was kind of looking at as to how many annuals that I left standing will recede or self-seed and there's quite a few so this area here is not my favorite it's never been my favorite even when I was taking care of this Garden because I didn't have a plan as to what kind of plants I want to put in here this was like my dump area if I go to the nursery I like something I would plant it here because it's a sunny location and a soil is decent but these are just this hodgepodge of plants and I'm going to redo this area for sure but I have the flux blooming here right now and this iridgeron which is a weed but it's a very pretty weed you look at this how cute is that um also the Madame Julia Carvin clematis is still blooming and the filipendula is starting to bloom it's beautiful Pinnacle flowers right here so this area is another one of those areas that is heavily planted by annuals for the summer this is my reserved spot and I didn't do that and as you can see it's covered in Weeds and I could have mulched this to prevent this but I again I just didn't have the time so I'm just gonna have to take care of that but again it was interesting to see how many annuals will recede so like this poppies they receded right here and over there there's some Larkspur but again Joe pie weed which is this is the regular variety it's such a thick plant weeds have no chance to grow anywhere near this and also bee bomb right there in the back pretty aggressive as well this is another one of those areas that I plant with annuals with cleome specifically and I'm not sure if I will find any at this time of year if I don't I will try to find something but something has to be planted here because chickweed kind of running the show right now and it also is going to seed which is terrifying I have to get in here this is my priority number one but this area is also starting to fill in with elephant ears which I love love love love that bold texture these echinaceas here preceded themselves and I love the combination that they provide with the grasses here and this elephant ear this is the latest big leaf we're finally starting to get some heft to the Garden but yes this is my abandoned Garden that I have not been taking care of for months and months um it looked very beautiful in the spring but all of the Tulips I think because I sprayed for deer I still had some tulips left but yeah this is it all right you guys this is it for today's video and what I'm going to do next is go out there and garden I would like to spend a few hours today weeding and mulching maybe go out in the nursery and get some annuals and maybe Garden a little bit more this coming week because my schedule seemed to be a little bit lighter and I gotta tell you I miss it so much because it brings me so much joy anyway thank you so much you guys for watching today's video I hope you learned something new and I will see in the next one thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: Y Garden
Views: 31,493
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Id: uJjqMhhaN58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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