peter & mj; their story.

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[peter:] we should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though [michelle:] too late you guys are losers [ned:] well, then why do you sit with us? [michelle:] because i don't have any friends [classmate:] peter's not going to washington [liz:] really? right before nationals? [michelle:] he already quit marching band and robotics lab i'm not obsessed with him, i'm just very observant [peter:] oh no... [michelle:] my friends are up there! [peter:] what?! uh... don't worry, ma'am, everything's gonna be okay [mr. harrington:] we will need a new team captain next year so i am appointing... michelle [michelle:] uh, thank you my-my friends call me mj [peter:] i, uh, gotta go [mj:] hey, where're you going? what are you hiding... peter? i'm just kidding, i don't care, bye [mj:] what up, dorks? excited about the science trip? [peter:] hey! uh, yeah [peter:] i'm gonna sit next to mj on the flight and watch movies with her the whole time [peter:] did you know brad was coming? [peter:] did you see brad and mj on the plane? they were watching movies and laughing the entire time [peter:] i really like mj, man, okay? she's awesome, she's super funny and sometimes i catch her looking at me [peter:] i have a plan i'm gonna buy her a black dahlia necklace because her favorite flower is the black dahlia i'm gonna take her to the top of the eiffel tower, give her the necklace and then i'm gonna tell her how i feel hopefully she tells me... she feels the same way [brad:] i know you're trying to get with mj, it's obvious but i like her too [peter:] wait a minute, hey... you cannot show her that photo dude, come on [brad:] i'm sorry man, i have to she deserves the truth [brad:] this is so weird... it was right here on my phone! [mj:] yeah... weird [peter:] i didn't think i was gonna have to save the world this summer i know that makes me sound like such a jerk, i just... i had this plan with this girl that i really like and... now it's... all ruined [peter:] you look really pretty [mj:] thank you [peter:] you're welcome [mj:] you look pretty too [peter:] thank you [mj:] wanna go in on a pair? [peter:] you mean us sit next to each other? [mj:] yeah [peter:] if you go ahead, i'll go grab us a pair [mj:] okay [peter:] hey i gotta go could you just tell mj i'm sick or something? [fury:] parker! you better be on your way! [peter:] i'm coming [mj:] hey! [peter:] hey [mj:] where were you? [peter:] um... i got lost [mj:] good thing you're back [peter:] yeah [mj:] g'night [peter:] night [peter:] uh... look i'm not ready for this trip to be over yet and... i kinda wanna do something fun [mj:] yes [peter:] "yes" like you... wanna go? [mj:] yes [peter:] okay, awesome, uh, i'll see you outside in 10 minutes [peter:] it's our last night in europe and i had this plan that i wanted to tell you mj, i— [mj:] "i'm spider-man" [peter:] ... what? [mj:] that's what you were gonna say, that you're spider-man [peter:] i'm not spider-man, i mean... what would make you think that i was spider-man? [mj:] i mean, i've been watching you for, like, a while now, it's... kind of obvious [peter:] were you only watching me because you thought i was spider-man? [mj:] yeah why else would i be watching you? [peter:] doesn't matter just thought that maybe— [peter:] what the hell was that? [mj:] it looked... so real [peter:] i am spider-man but look, we really have to get out of here [mj:] i can't believe i figured it out! [mj:] so what are you gonna do? [peter:] i need my suit, and i have to go to berlin [peter:] she knows, i told her [mj:] he didn't tell me, i figured it out [peter:] don't tell anyone about this, okay? anyone who knows is in danger [peter:] if something happens to me, could you please give this to mj? [happy:] you're gonna make it back you'll give it to her yourself [peter:] mj! [mj:] hey! [peter:] hey! [mj:] are you okay? [peter:] i'm okay, are you okay? [mj:] yeah, everyone's okay [mj:] anyway, there's this sweaty guy... he gave me this [peter:] oh, mj, i'm so sorry i had this plan, this stupid plan and i wrote it all down and i was gonna buy you this and give it to you in paris at the top— [peter:] and... you kissed me [mj:] i wasn't just watching you cause i thought you were spider-man [peter:] i really like you [mj:] i really like you too [peter:] are you sure no one else has figured it out? [mj:] yeah, i mean... it's not like anybody really pays attention to you except for... me [peter:] aw, thanks [mj:] don't be late [peter:] i won't see you later! [peter:] sorry i'm late! you ready? [mj:] yeah [peter:] you're gonna love this [mj:] i'm just not gonna watch! i'm not gonna watch! [peter:] you okay? [mj:] let's just... i'm never doing that again [peter:] okay well, i should probably get out of here [news reporter:] we come to you now with revelations about last week's attack in london [mysterio:] spider-man attacked me for some reason spider-man's name is peter parker! [peter:] what the fu— [stranger man 1:] she knows him! [stranger man 2:] are you spider-man's girlfriend? [peter:] whoa, whoa, whoa! please don't touch her, sir [stranger woman:] come on, let me see your face! [mj:] woah, woah, woah, woah! [peter:] mj! i'm so sorry but i can't see anything with your hand in my— [mj:] sorry, i'm sorry! [mj:] we should go, come on! [peter:] but you said you don't want to swing! [mj:] you should just swing me, yeah! [peter:] okay, we can take the subway! [mj:] that was so much worse [peter:] are you okay? [mj:] yeah [peter:] come on, come on, come on! okay, i'm so sorry! [peter:] this isn''t what it looks like, happy! [aunt may:] you must be mj! [mj:] yeah, hi! nice to meet you [aunt may:] so nice to meet you [agent foster:] you're a smart young woman with a bright future ahead of her why would you risk it all by getting involved with a vigilante like peter parker? [mj:] did you send in your applications yet? [peter:] i literally just finished my MIT one can you imagine if we both got in? [mj:] we'd have to get scholarships so that we could actually go [peter:] come on, you got the scores and the grades [mj:] you think i'm being too pragmatic [peter:] that's one of my favourite things about you [mj:] really? [peter:] yeah [peter:] ever since i got bit by that spider i've only had one week where my life has felt normal that was when you found out because then everyone that was in my life that i wanted to know, knew but now everybody knows [peter:] can we just like stay up here all day? it is so crazy down there [ned:] so when we get into MIT we should live together! [peter:] yeah for sure new school, new town... it'll be like a fresh start what's up? [mj:] if you expect disappointment then you can never really get disappointed [peter:] come on we'll all be together [mj:] yeah, no, you're right, yeah fresh start [peter:] yeah [ned:] in light of recent controversy we are unable to consider your application at this time [mj:] you know what? i wouldn't change a thing i did [peter:] when mysterio revealed my identity my entire life got screwed up my best friend, my girlfriend, their futures are ruined just because they know me... maybe you could go back in time and make it so that he never did? [dr strange:] the runes of kof-kol it's just a standard spell of forgetting [dr strange:] the entire world is about to forget that peter parker is spider-man [peter:] can't some people still know? [dr strange:] that's not how the spell works and it's veeery difficult and dangerous to change it mid-casting [peter:] so my girlfriend's just gonna forget about everything we've been through? i mean, is she even gonna be my girlfriend? [dr strange:] stop tampering with the spell! [peter:] i know this is my mess and i swear to you that i'll fix it but i'm gonna need some help [mj:] peter! [peter:] hey! [mj: hey [peter:] guys listen about this whole spell thing— [mj:] it's... totally okay [peter:] wait really? [mj:] yeah i get it you were... just trying to fix things maybe just run it by us next time, you know? that way we could, like, help you [peter:] deal [mj:] sooo we get the rest of the guys you zap them and doctor magic will send them back [mj:] oh peter hey! [peter:] i couldn't do any of this without you so... thank you [peter:] i can't do this if i know that you're in danger so for me, mj, please just take this, please... [mj:] fine [peter:] thank you [mj:] be careful, okay? [peter:] yeah you too [jameson:] when will people realize that everywhere spider-man goes chaos and calamity ensue? everything spider-man touches, comes to ruin [tobey's peter:] i've been trying to find your friend [ned:] we don't know where he is [mj:] and right now we're all he really has left [tobey's peter:] is there a place where he would go to just– [andrew's peter:] get away from everything? [mj:] yes i- i think i know exactly where that would be [mj:] i'm sorry [mj:] peter, there's some people here... [tobey's peter:] sorry, about may... [andrew's peter:] yeah, sorry [peter:] it's all my fault i'm done [andrew's peter:] i lost gwen my, uh... she was my mj i'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for that [peter:] i can still hear her voice in my head she told me that with great power– [tobey's peter:] comes great responsibility [mj:] hey, you okay? [peter:] yeah i'm fine, are you okay? you don't deserve this i've ruined your life– [mj:] hey, no, no no no no look at me, i'm here i'm not going anywhere we're gonna get through this, and we're gonna get through it together okay? [peter:] okay [peter:] alright, here goes nothing what's that thing you always say? expect disappointment and– [mj:] no no no, no... we're gonna kick some ass [peter:] okay [andrew's peter:] are you okay? [mj:] yeah, i'm okay [peter:] mj! [mj:] peter? we're okay! [dr strange:] they're starting to come through and i can't stop them [peter:] they're coming here because of me, right? because i'm peter parker? so cast a new spell but this time make everyone forget who peter parker is make everyone forget... me [dr strange:] that would mean that everyone who knows and loves you... we'd have no memory of you [peter:] i know do it. [peter:] oh my gosh, you're bleeding [mj:] i'm fine, i'm okay... [peter:] are you sure? [mj:] i'm fine, i promise [peter:] you're gonna forget who i am forget who you are, what're you talking about? [peter:] it's okay i'm gonna come and find you and i'll explain everything i'll make you remember me [mj:] if you don't i'm just gonna figure it out i've done it before, i can do it again [peter:] i promise i'll fix this [mj:] i love you [peter:] i love– [mj:] just wait wait and tell me when you see me again [peter:] sure [peter:] hi, my name is peter parker and you don't know me but you... okay, come on... [mj:] can i help you? [peter:] hi, um... my name is peter parker and i... would like a coffee... please [mj:] okay, no problem, peter parker [mj:] donut for my fellow engineer [ned:] wait, what? [mj:] MIT, they're the engineers, the mascot [ned:] oooh, right right right [mj:] peter parker? your coffee [peter:] right, thank you um... are you excited for MIT? [mj:] yeah, actually, i am excited which is weird cause i don't really get excited about things, i... kind of expect disappointment– [peter:] because then you'll never actually be disappointed? right? [mj:] uh... yeah... right just kinda feels different this time for some reason [peter:] you okay? [mj:] it doesn't really hurt anymore [mj:] is there... anything else? [peter:] no thank you [mj:] no problem [peter:] i'll, uh, i'll see you around
Channel: wendy bijellberg
Views: 3,478,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q-kivZVeJaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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