“Do Women Have Penises?” Julia Hartley-Brewer Clashes With Labour Shadow Minister

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Castle in stock feminist philosopher she speaked at spoke at the Oxford Union last night she had to have three security guards to protect her because of her trans activists and threats against her um that is untenable in in this country in a modern 21st century democracy that we should have somebody who's just simply speaking expressing their views needing to have Security on a effects via University campus although not specifically part of the the university um the views that she holds we are told are transphobic because she believes that men can't become women women can't become men and that women don't have penises um I have used transphobic or do you agree with her I I don't think using that that term transphobic is helpful and I I don't think it should be the case is she right though the Kathleen well look I I don't agree with uh passing stock for example on her views on conversion therapy I I think it should be banned I know she doesn't take that view but I do think she should have the right in peace to express those views at the Oxford Union if the officers of the Oxford Union wish to invite her which they did now of course people can peacefully protest too but she certainly shouldn't be uh intimidated and she should be able to express those views and I hope we can all have this uh debate in a more respectful way is she correct though that men can't become women and women can't become men and women don't have penises is she correct let me just explain uh the for the vast uh number of people of course it is it is biology right it is biology but not the others some gender we have today the gender recognition act that does allow a people who are born with of course with the biology they're born with to go through a legal process to have a different gender that that process is there today for people to make but they don't actually change their sex so they don't you don't if you if you could go through that process Nick but you wouldn't become a woman would you no no but but you see still be a man no no but the gender recognition act does a lot you could be legally I think incorrectly legally recognizable but you wouldn't actually be a woman do you accept that yes or no legal the legal changes in our law now and then but let me just say well why did you answer my question well because by the way by the way your press office is going to be furious with me but but you know I'm allowed to ask these questions it's a really easy question if you if you signed up and said I've got gender dysphoria I wanted it as a trans woman would you after sign the general you know all the going through all the processes that are legally in place right now would you at that point become a an actual woman if if you go the today's position is that if you go through the process gender recognition act you do legally if you are a biological man you can legally treated as if you are wrong however you've actually become a woman is my question you would become a woman another person but let me just say become a woman important that process lacks dignity and I've spoken just to people within the trans Community who say for example that as that process stands you have to for example get permission from a spouse if you have one to make that change as part of the problem yes if I if my husband decided he wanted to live as a woman yes I think yeah I think I might want to have a say in that yes well I we will have to agree I just want to clarify just want to say we're treating Your Shadow Health secretary very sensitively says you know men have penises women have vagina syphilis that you agree with kirstarma though you believe that men can become women women can become men and it is possible for women to have penises although as you say not the majority of them is that right is that a fair categorization men have penises women have and do any women have penises finals well well I I met someone from a trans Community recently I didn't frankly ask them that question there is a tiny proportion of people they're very discriminated against it just unfortunately because of hate crime are they yes look at the hate crime statistics they do I'm afraid are very high on them and better let them finish the sentence on on the issue the gender recognition actors that's legal says no to make that change we need to make that more dignified but we also need to protect safe spaces as well and try to get how do you do both if you think that some women have penises would you do it by for example we could talk about the The Prisoner issue where you have to have those risk assessments to make sure that nobody who is a danger to women is in a woman even if it's a woman but one of those weird women with a penis you would still be able to make that individual risk assessment to make absolutely sure that women are not okay I'm gonna ask you a final question Nick Thomas uh do you seriously think that voters are going to put up with this when you run for the office uh what I think is that when people are looking at so many different uh issues you hope they forget about it no I certainly don't I I certainly don't I think that the position of giving dignity to the trans Community but protecting Women's Safe spaces is a perfectly sensible reasonable position that I'm willing to do protecting women from other women I mean that's the thing look I know I'm going to have to let you go because we are so over time and I do apologize for that but you know what if you've given me a straight answer to the first question we could be done by 8 30. next time it says I hope you will come on the show again uh Shadow International Trade secretary um I'm sorry to you one of my expectations who's going to get an angry call for the labor press office they don't like me asking about women with penises I don't know why I think it's a really straightforward question [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: TalkTV
Views: 135,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debate, free speech, freedom of expression, live, live news, news, politics, talk radio, talk radio live, talk radio tv, talk tv, talk tv live, talkTV, talkradio, talkradio tv, talkradiotv, talktv live, uk, julia, julia hartley-brewer, jhb, woman, women, man, men, trans, transgedner, transgender, transwoman, transman, trans debate, gender debate, gender, clash, nick thomas-symonds, labour, mp, labour mp, labour shadow minister
Id: aOmRieSOhLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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