Peter Herbeck - The Devil's Seven Step Sexual Strategy

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[Music] hello friends this is peter herbeck i've been wanting to share with you for some time a something that dr peter craft wrote about the spiritual battle and the root of the spiritual battle that we're facing in our time you know we live in the in the battle between the kingdoms the kingdom of god and of our lord and of his christ he's ultimately won the war there's battles that still have to be fought here on earth and it's against the kingdom of darkness against principalities and powers is against satan and will ultimately be against the antichrist when he rises in the culmination of the battle between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness it's important for us to be able to discern the signs of the times and to understand the strategy of the devil so we can resist it scripture the apostles tell us jesus tells resist the devil and he will flee from you of course if you don't believe he exists you're not going to resist him and he'll have his way there's even voices within the catholic church today leaders prominent leaders who say that you know the devil's just a symbol it's not he's not real that's not it's not scriptural truth that's not truth that's not the teaching of the catholic church and it's foolishness to deny his existence it's also foolish just to to see him around every corner and be totally paranoid as believers we don't have to worry about that we need to stand in christ greater than he that's in me than he that's in the world but we have to have our minds enlightened we have to see clearly the battle lines so we don't find ourselves being seduced into cooperating with the devil's strategy and promoting what he's after so i'm just going to read through these seven steps that he gives so number one the great good the ultimate end in this world is to win souls that is eternal creatures human beings that's why jesus came to save us one soul one heart one person at a time and that's what the devil's after to destroy the image of god in man that's number one it's the ultimate goal number two uh powerful means to this end that is to winning souls is the corruption of society for the enemy it works especially well in a society of conformists after all a good society is one that makes it easy for people to be good the satanic corollary is also true a bad society makes it easy to be bad has there ever been a time when we've had more and easier opportunities to be bad i just look at all the corruption in society the massive corruption in government the massive corruption in business look at the condition of family life human sexuality the level of perversion it's just off the charts it's there it's the sin that's in the human heart so he's saying a society it serves as a restrainer one of the restrainers on that corruption of the human heart and our society isn't restraining it anymore it's now cooperating more with it and that means evil's able to rise more intensely so number three the most powerful means to destroy society is to destroy its one absolutely fundamental building block the family the only institution where most of us learn life's most important lesson unselfish love the family the building block the icon of god the place where the whole story of god gets lived out in the flesh the key there the enemy strategy is to destroy it number four the family is destroyed by destroying its foundation stable marriage so it's attacking male and female husband and wife number five marriage is destroyed by loosening the glue of sexual fidelity so the sexual revolution has caused us to turn away from the understanding the revelation that the lord gives us the sacredness of human sexuality and has led you know millions upon millions and billions of people into sexual sin uh and habit patterns of life totally inconsistent with the gospel it's all meant to undermine we're calling it culture calls it freedom people making their own choices people aren't able to express sexuality any way they want to with whoever they want to how many people they want to do it with whatever way the government and our society now basically protects that and very little is said against it because so many of us in either one time in our life so many people have been affected by him and sucked into the sexual revolution at different levels and in different ways there's and we're compromised number six fidelity is destroyed by the sexual revolution and number seven and the sexual revolution is propagated mainly by the media which are now massively in the hands of the enemy media social media it's all over the place and it could be easily accessed like the phone i'm using here to record this video in a matter of seconds i can i can get almost any kind of sexual perversion in front of me that i want for nothing it's all made so easy this thing's like a trojan horse and the level of addiction to pornography which totally twists the mind at heart in relationship to sexuality why is this all happening it's happening going back to the very first thing dr craft mentioned because of what this battle what life on earth is all about it's a battle between the kingdoms and it's a battle over the eternal destiny of human beings and a society that's good he's saying and reminding us that fears god obeys the commandments sets up habits and values and honors the right thing it really does serve as a restrainer not a total restrainer but that restrainer now is completely thrown off and that's why we're seeing the spiral the spinning out of control of all of human identity all around these sexual issues it's a spiritual battle that's at the core of it and why the church can never compromise on this stuff he goes on just a few comments he makes the sexual revolution will quite possibly prove to be the most destructive revolution in history far more than any political or military revolution because it touches not only lives but the very wellspring of life itself look what's going on you know the current administration now uh president-elect biden i mean they're just radically radically um aligned with uh the whole abortion monster that's out there the killing of babies he describes this a little bit he says abortion means the willingness to murder for the sake of the willingness to copulate now it's very crude and it can be hard to hear but it's true i want to read it again abortion means the willingness to murder for the sake of the willingness to copulate is that what's in every single person's heart when they find themselves in that situation no but that's the fundamental thing the enemy has set up and playing on our weakness to want to exercise our sexuality any way we want any time we want why abortion it's a backup plan he says for birth control why is birth control demanded to have sex without babies it's it's the final assurance that you don't have to face the full consequences and responsibility of the exercise of this amazing sacred power that's now being perverted deeply he said this listen to this this is really amazing i never thought about it this way most sins against the fifth commandment that is thou shalt not kill are the result of violations of the sixth commandment thou shalt not commit adultery and that covers all sexual sin it covers all sin outside of marriage between a man and a woman right that's what that commandment's about let me read it again most sins against the fifth commandment thou shalt not kill are the result of violations of the sixth commandment 99 of the murders in the united states each year are abortions let that sink in remember one spiritual writer said never forget that demons demand to be fed there's a reason why human beings are being aborted all over the world since 1973 over a billion babies have been aborted throughout the world to maintain our sexual freedom quote our sexual rights we will murder the most innocent the most defenseless in the teeth of the strongest instinct motherhood it's a miracle of black magic explainable only by a supernatural power and defeatable only by supernatural power argument is insufficient america needs exorcism it needs radical conversion remember i think i might have mentioned on a previous video a friend of mine who knew mother teresa would visit her periodically the last time he saw her was in 1989 and he said he was saying goodbye and he said mother how can i pray for you and he looked at her he's tall she showed she looked up and said you don't have to pray for us pray for your country because god's judgment is going to come on your country because you're killing babies for the sake of materialism for comfort for pleasure that's the perspective of a saint and that's really partly i personally believe that's partly why we're experiencing in our country we're experiencing today and around the world the judgment of god is in the nations and the discipline of the lord the redemptive discipline is on his church because the church is weakening on these areas of the sexual revolution we're still pretty strong on against abortion but there's more and more voices rising in the catholic church that are saluting all the lgbtq all the whole lineup of stuff of various expressions of human sexuality human sexuality is not a human creation it's a gift from god it's defined by god it's great to be able to see this friends i'd encourage you to listen to this over and over again send it out to people so you understand the strategy of the enemy and how do we combat against this number one we need to be clear in our own lives so examine your own life are you contracepting are you tempted are you in into pornography or are you tempted to relations outside your own marriage give your heart over to god get help get the confession get support understand the nature of the battle if you've engaged in some of this before get healing the lord wants to forgive you he doesn't want you to live in condemnation he wants you to come into freedom so that you can live in freedom and you can help others you can love this way when when the within the church itself now i'm not surprised when the world acts worldly when the world takes positions of the kind that are emerging more and more in society radically against uh the christian worldview in this area but this is happening in the church and you need to resist it you need to challenge it when it's in the church if you hear a priest who starts promoting this stuff challenge him if you hear any religious teachers challenge them in love and stand and defend and stand in the way of the enemy strategy not only to infect the culture but to infect the church the battle is right here at home right here in the church and we need to stand in that truth to fight it for the sake of the salvation of souls this is not just the the imposition of commandments this is god's purpose and design right this is the battle for god's will which ultimately is a battle for the salvation of human beings let's take it to heart let's fight we don't have to be afraid we have to be confident in god and stand for the truth god bless you you
Channel: Renewal Ministries
Views: 15,011
Rating: 4.9544983 out of 5
Keywords: Christianity, Jesus, Christ, Evangelism, Mission, Spirituality, Evangelization, Religion, Catholic, Church, God, Trinity
Id: tAwjTJ8xJDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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