Peter H. Diamandis: The Future is Faster Than You Think

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[Music] [Applause] hello and good morning good afternoon or good evening wherever you are in the world and whatever you're doing right now i want to interrupt that programming to welcome you to the chase drivers live show here on creative live i'm your host your friend your pal chase jarvis and excited to sit down with a very special guest today and if you're new to the show this is where i sit down with the world's top creators entrepreneurs and thought leaders and do everything i can to unpack their brains with the goal of helping you live your dreams in career in hobby and in life my guest peter diamandis has been named by fortune as one of the world's top 50 leaders he started over 20 companies in the area of longevity space venture capital and education he's a multiple new york times bestselling author the co-founder of bold capital partners is currently the founder and chairman executive chairman rather of the x prize foundation which leads the world in designing and operating large-scale incentive competitions and the executive founder of singularity university something i've always long admired we're very excited to have him today so please give a warm creative live welcome wherever you are in the world clapping tapping high-fiving uh peter welcome to the show thanks for thanks for coming in with us hey good morning pal it's morning where we are right now it is indeed we are on the west coast of the united states and uh very happy to have you on the show obviously we are in crazy times the fact that you are our guest and you have done so much great thinking writing publishing around areas of mindset of scaling great ideas of learning coven 19 therapeutics diagnostics longevity these are all things that are it's like your whole world is coming to uh the tip of the spear right now so i'm you know despite all of the pain in the world right now my heart goes out to everybody i'm having an extraordinary blast a meaning it's like i'm a kid in a candy store i'm a nine-year-old kid who's like holy can i say holy yes you can say everything you want amazing it's like it's like oh my god there's like so much happening so much potential so much um extraordinary ability to create reinvent solve um it's it's extraordinary it's never been like this yeah never ever and all as you you said um all of this the unrest um all of the um struggles and strife and challenges all of those are just um they're they're opportunities presenting themselves for complete reinvention and transformation and when i um you know i've read all of your books um stephen kotler long time friend that has co-authored those books with you been on the show before um and so your name has been on the show many times despite you personally not being here as you've had many stand-ins uh and i particularly went one thread a through point for so much of your work uh to me is this positivity and mindset and in fact if i had my act together i would have your twitter feed in front of me because you tweeted something i think this morning used about this opportunity to create and you know co-create and reinvent so much right now and mindset is at the foundation of that so i'm hoping you can start off our discussion today with the role that mindset plays not just in your work but in the advice that you give to others i think mindset is everything it's everything it's it is the single most important thing that differentiates success from failure from having a blast in life to being in the depths of despair and let's be clear right unless you're manic all the time we all have ups and downs but it's having the right mindset helps you part the clouds and see that guiding star i'm i'm you know i spend a lot of time with my different communities my abundance community um singularity community x prize community uh my future loop community and and ultimately what i say to people is um if you took away everything from jeff bezos elon musk warren buffett bill gates everything but kept their mindset they would rebuild and recreate much of what they had uh because it really is a matter of how do you see the world uh when you see challenges or opportunities how do you react to them and i think that's really important and and i think one thing that people ask me say peter have you always had that that positive abundance and exponential mindset and the answer is no you can tend towards it trend towards it have have some biases towards it but i i built this one step at a time by deciding what i want to let into my brain like you know who you hang out with the posters on your wall what you spend your time on all of that molds your brain right our brains are 100 billion neurons 100 trillion synaptic connections and it's this massive neural net and it's shaped by your experiences and so if you want to have you know you know this people say if you want to if you're overweight you want to become skinny hang out with skinny people if you're not in shape hang out with people who are in good shape and and those you know you're the average of of the people you spend the most time with so what do you let into your mind um that's really important can you share with us some of the ways that you actively program that i mean you gave some some uh i would call them uh real but also very simple examples posters on your wall who you hang out with but let's dig one level deeper into peter's world yeah so happily i mean and there's nothing i would talk about i avoid politics and sports but otherwise i'm good um uh so first of all i didn't get here in one fell swoop right and so nobody if you're in the beginning of your journey give yourself permission to get there incrementally one step at a time small leaps here and there but i'm really lucky uh by virtue of the crowd that i've cultivated who my brothers my sisters my my dearest friends uh and it's like i'm always looking to hang out with people who up my game who stretch me who inspire me who allow me to inspire them because i i think it's life is a matter of what you give not what you get right and if people are open to that inspiration your work here are case in point um so the x prize foundation which is organization i founded god it's hard to believe 25 years ago now wow yeah it's great wow if you'd asked me i'd have said 10 maybe 12. yeah crazy 25 years ago but i looked great by the way listen i'm a nine-year-old kid in my body um and and i'm shooting for 700-year lifespan we can talk about that later yep um but uh i'm the x prize and the 100 incredible people who work there and the and the millions of people who support our work just go to to learn learn more we flip the conversation and say uh how do you solve that problem not can it be solved every i believe that every single problem on the planet can be solved by the convergence of the right mindset the right technology and capital and so it's how do you solve it right not not um and and when can you get it solved not if can you get it solved so that's that singular university um uh my blogs i put out you know if you go to i put out a blog every every week which is focused on on the abundance mindset and exponential mindsets um you know one thing i was just mentioning to you uh in the beginning i actually i'm so angry at the news media um because the news media in my mind you know i call cnn the crisis news network or the constantly negative news network i don't have a good acronym for fox yet um but i know what that first letter is going to be though you got my brain going sorry uh so but if you think about it right there's somebody in the newsroom or an editor at the newspaper who is like deciding what you're going to see and our brains evolved on the savannas of africa hundreds of thousands millions of years ago back then if you missed a piece of good news not too bad you missed a piece of bad news your genes were out of the gene pool and so we evolved an ancient piece for our temporal lobe called the amygdala that scans everything everything we see in here for negative news and if we see a piece of negative use it puts us on red alert and so we pay 10 times more attention to negative news and positive views so if you open the newspaper or watch any news network it's 10 to 1 negative to positive and the question you have to ask yourself is that the way the world really is is it all just negative news or is that a selection bias and i believe it's selection bias there's amazing news out there but new good news networks don't succeed um so three years ago i sent out on a journey uh to reinvent how i get my news how i get my information i built a company we just are rolling it out now into beta it's called future future loop yeah future lop and um what it does is it actually scans uh all the news around the world science journals uh social media newspapers magazines everything and it um it looks at it and it rates everything from a quality of the news to news bias to positive so semantic is it a positive forward looking piece or is it a negative piece and then it's looking for convergence of technologies it's like is this news piece looking at how ai and robotics and 3d printing are coming together and then how it focuses on industries or interests so you can put in any subject like clothing or ceramics or you know painting whatever you want and it will tell you how uh how that industry is being reinvented by technology in an abundance and exponential mindset and then we also created some fascinating things that created a version of avatars so you can we are able to create avatars of elon musk or ray kurzweil or jeff bezos or myself and so you can look at the news through their eyes so um it's like uh we'll be rolling this out in a couple weeks uh so it will like show you okay this article is selected by virtual elon and upvoted by virtual peter and and it becomes sort of a um a means by which you can see the news through the lenses that you want and it just helps me see the news in a much more constructive positive sense so i mean though those you know it's interesting people talk about ai being biased right but the algorithms are not biased it's the data you feed the algorithms that's biased if you feed an algorithm only dog images and you show it a cat it says oh it's a dog and our brains are the same way it's what you feed our brains that biases us so anyway that's mike that's fascinating and and as we stay grounded in this concept of mindset as as you said the foundation to everything um you you said it was it we we moved quickly through it because we got right into the actual meat but you said it's like what you feed your brain and it's very similar to i'm understanding what you're saying is you are choosing whether you choose you choose your friends whether you how you choose the news and in a world where future loop is not everywhere in ubiquitous quite yet i'm sure it will be in six months if your track record says it says anything but um we are programming ourselves and i'm wondering if you can are there you you cited like on the horizon there's the news and our friends what about internally what you know i like to say that the most important words in the world are the ones we say to ourselves yeah and so 100 yeah so give us give give me i uh up every morning and in the shower i have my mantras that i have right a lot of this uh one of my closest friends on the planet someone i i think the world of as a mentor as a friend as a co-conspirator is tony robbins so tony and i have a couple companies together we're writing a book together called life force which will be a late 2021 book about extending the healthy lifespan um but you know if anybody's ever gone to any of his programs uh and god knows he's he's like the not going to events is like slaying him because he's imagining like 30 30 countries in 30 days uh with you know thousand twenty five thousand people in the audience with him so he's definitely having a different experience of life right now but um i have my what i call my massively transformative purpose so in the morning uh whether it's in the shower or before and it's two or three times a day you know and it goes like this i see hear feel and know that the purpose of my life is to inspire and guide entrepreneurs to create a hopeful compelling and abundant future for humanity and i say that over and over and over again so it what it comes out is okay for me it's about inspiring and guiding entrepreneurs right that's the means by which i impact the planet and how do i want to inspire and guide them i want them i want to help them support them encourage them to create a hopeful compelling and abundant future for humanity because i think ultimately we that's what we need we need to see hope we need to see not only hope but a compelling future for ourselves and to create an abundant future for humanity and this idea of abundance we're going from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset um and my dear friend stephen cutler who um we both have a tremendous uh love and respect for you know uh we wrote a book that changed my life i it was one of these ideas that came into mind like i was like wow that's big and then i called steve i said steven we have to do this book on abundance he goes i've been thinking about the same thing and it's the notion that technology is a force that takes whatever was scarce and makes it abundant and the simplest way to say that is as more and more people are are increasing in wealth and capability some people say oh my god i have to take the pie and slice it to thinner and thinner slices now it's like no that's no we're going to bake more pies it's like there's there's all the energy and water and ai is going to give us abundant healthcare and education and all of these things and it's again comes back to mindset it's it's fascinating the when this is a common thread amongst all of all of the greatest thinkers that i've studied in my life across all kinds of different industries you mentioned tony i've been a guest of tony's at many of his his um experiences uh but regardless of industry it seems mindset is the common thread at the highest performers and not just people who create success for themselves but as you know tony likes to connect success and fulfillment because what is success without fulfillment is hell right because you've done the things and you haven't you don't derive the personal and community benefits from them so it's fascinating to me that mindset is the thread and yet how and why are we so un you know ill-equipped as a culture why is this not the most important you know guiding principle that we teach our children from a very very young age what's why is that the case um because we as a species and as a culture for the majority of human existence it's been about survival um and it's been uh around just surviving against uh you know pandemics in the past or starvation or getting shelter and so forth it's just now that we have the luxury of being able to um to really take a vacation from survival but i would also say that a lot of the a lot of the teachings of uh buddhism uh and and some of the practices in hinduism and so forth uh do talk about mindset it's buddhism is all about mindset you know i grew i grew up as a as a greek orthodox christian you know from my for my family culture and so forth but as i read i'm i'm like oh i really actually like being a buddhist you know it's like it's like we can start to choose what philosophies and what mindsets work better for us yeah i got that that makes sense the fact that on an evolutionary scale our the freedom to not be surveying the horizon for saber-toothed tigers we're on the front end of that and so is it your belief and and maybe you can you know tie in the singularity university is that one of the reasons that you know the singularity university exists is this part of your contribution to education and and why the topics that the singularity university puts a a lens on is are are so related to human potential and are so optimistic or what's you know how do you how do you look at the role of the singularity university in this mindset and a new education for because that's why people are listening and watching right now honestly they want to learn and they want to learn from the world's best and what is i'm trying to beat this drum of mindset and because it's such a continuous threat across all of our guests and all of the top performers and you touch so many industries let's let's talk about you know what you've done for education and why so thank you and let me define what singularity university is so um i started my first university it's hard it's funny to say that when i was in grad school at mit i started with two co-founders todd hawley and bob richards something called the international space university and it's still going strong in strasbourg france and very proud of it and it's a multinational multicultural multi-disciplinary university for the graduate study of space and space is now becoming a thing becoming a vogue um 12 years ago i'm i'm backpacking through patagonia in chile and i bring one book with me and it's ray kurzweil's book that had just come out called the singularity is near and it's this big ass book and i've it's like ways of time in my backpack and it's like okay i'm going to read this book and as i'm reading this book uh ray lays out all of the different exponential technologies and where they are and 12 years ago was ancient history at the speed of change and i'm like i know a lot of this stuff but the way ray uh juxtaposed it all and put it together it's fascinating and i said there's no place on the planet you can go to really learn about all of these areas computation sensors networks ai robotics 3d printing synthetic biology augmented virtual reality blockchain and there should be a place that you can go and so i come back i just recruited ray onto my board at x prize i have a a now famous dinner with him and i pitch him i said ray we should create a singularity university that that allows people to learn about all of these things not go because right now you go to mit you go to harvard you go to stanford you go to wherever in the planet you go you go and you do a deep deep dive into one of these areas you become the world's expert not on bacteria not on a pictorial genome not on a plasmid not on a gene on a specific promoter sequence in a gene in a bacteria you know in the ground it's like you're so hyper focused and that's great but um i wanted a place where a person can go and see what's materializing where where's the convergences of these technologies and uh we shook hands on it and we kicked it off and it's a place right now and as you given everything going on is going digital more and more but if you go to you can see it started as a non-profit and then it became so successful we flipped it into a for-profit just be able to be more agile and be able to incubate companies out of it and abundance dot digital is my my segment of it that i mentor entrepreneurs in and ultimately i think people need to understand these are the most powerful technologies no matter if you're an artist a musician a physician or whatever career you want ai is going to transform your business ar and vr and computation and quantum computing and we're not trying to turn people into phds that understand the physics it's like you should understand like what's possible and where is it going and what are the convergences that are going to change things up because every industry is going to change every industry not in 100 years 50 years this decade yeah this community is largely about uh creativity and entrepreneurship and when a lot of folks think about creativity um this may be a little redundant for you know people are long-time fans of the show but for context in our conversation you know creativity is not popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners and glitter that we're taught in second grade creativity with the capital c is you know that's our ability to solve problems and to put two new and things that used to not go together together to to be useful and so if you're spending a lot of time obviously focused and talking about technology and our understanding of it but isn't there a isn't there a if you're sequencing these things isn't understanding and knowing the power of creativity and you as an individual's ability to create or co-create new things versus being sort of this cork in the tide like oh i'm along for the ride and and so how have you um how do you or how would you share with people um in our community this mindset of possibility that you are not a cork in the tide that you have to take responsibility for co-creating the world you talked about minds or we spent the first you know 15 minutes talking about mindset and that was that's actually a creativity exercise i'm just i'm curious to get your lens on creativity as a as basically a precursor for where you go to school what job you have and what you what you decide to pursue i'm wondering where your comment there i love that um so first of all i think the single most important thing anybody needs to do is discover their passion and their purpose um i think it's one of the most important things i spend a lot of time talking to entrepreneurs about what is your massively transformative purpose uh there's a great quote by mark twain he says there are two important days in your life the day you were born and the day you find out why right so i'm really i feel blessed and lucky uh when i was eight and nine years old uh i was born early sixties the apollo program happened at the same time that that amazing scientific documentary called star trek came into existence and the different the the the interesting dissonant and reinforcement of like wow this is what we're doing right now we're on the moon holy that's extraordinary and then star trek like this is where we're going and that lit me up and that became my purpose my parents uh born in ireland lesvos um uh ended up you know my dad became a physician moved here to the u.s my mom should have been a doctor she ran his office and it was always expected i'd become a doctor and so that was like mom i want to be an astronaut that's a nice son but you're going to be a doctor and so i went to medical school to make them happy uh i was running two companies my fourth year in medical school or launch company and that space university i mentioned um and but because i was fueled by that passion that purpose and so i think the most important thing that anybody needs to do is connect with that passion that purpose to discover it to let it blossom in you and then once you know that's your canvas and and it can change over time right mine early was space i retained that still to some degree but then it turned to what are the world's biggest problems and how do we solve them x prize and singularity were born out of that um and then making 100 years old and you're 60 has been sort of my passion and purpose for the last um the last five years i guess as you get older you desire to add 30 healthy years sort of like looms more significantly in life um but i think honestly getting connected with your passion is like the most important thing how how do we do it because everyone's saying it right i've been saying it everyone once you find your purpose it's like the tractor beam what does it used to feel like pushing rocks uphill now feels like running downhill the world is happening for you rather than to you but how how do you discover this so there's a few tricks that i i play with people and and first is you have to be willing to try things on and be clear that you can change you can you can try something out for a week a month you know you don't have to commit for the rest of your life your passion can change over time but it's like what feels right for you so the first thing is what did you want to be as a kid before your parents or your or the world told you you couldn't right because passion is about connecting with energy emotion so it's like what there's got to be an emotion behind it there has to be love awe hate anger whatever it is there's a deep emotion that fuels that because ultimately doing anything big and bold in the world is hard and if you don't have that emotional energy where emotional beings you will give up before you get there the stuff that i tried just to make money it was it was empty and meaningless and i gave up and i it was it was you know the stuff that was truly the kid in me or the i've got to solve this this is awesome i'm like so excited to be a piece of this equation that stuff uh when you hit a brick wall you know you you rub off the uh the the hurt and then you get up and you keep going again because the the passion is still there so what do you want to do as a kid if i gave you a billion dollars and said i want you to change the world you can't spend this on yourself what would you do with it right i mean those are a few sort of directional games to play and then ultimately where technology plays in this is technology is going to enable us to become the ultimate creators so imagine in the future we all have a version of jarvis from ironman an a.i software shell that surrounds us and i say you know i want to create a thing that uh that ice that is able to uh hold my coffee keeps it warm i don't want to handle and i can like describe mentally what i want and the ai is able to visualize it in my augmented reality field and i say no no could you add this and add that and can you make it like so it the coffee doesn't cool off so i don't know about thermal coefficients but you do and can you tell me how much would make b to make oh it's a buck can you make it cheaper in any way and you can describe your intentionality and then the technology wrapped around that will then determine what the right materials are the right tool paths for 3d printers and you can say great that's it can you please make it for me right that's ultimately all of us become creators by just connecting our mindset on our intentionality of our what do we desire right so all you have to know is what do you desire can you dream big and desire and then use tech technology to convert your desires into physical visualizations and so forth i mean liz there's tools like photoshop that are part of the equation on the way there right or word that helps you spell right because you know i define someone who can't spell you know a word two or three different ways as not being creative i i that that brings um your description of that brings joy in my book creative calling the first of the four parts is about imagination and our we've sort of lost our imagination our ability to think big and that was part of what was um inspiring and reading you know bold the ability to think in a big bold way versus the constrained way that we're taught and so right now there's someone who's listening or watching and they're like yeah but and they're listing all of the sort of practical reasons that they can't do this citing things like mortgage and three kids and no time and what's your prescription to to those folks is it sort of go back to that dreaming big well i'm just like where people are stuck yeah and and i respect that right and there's the reality of life like i lost my job i've got three kids don't tell me about you know thinking big and so forth and you know respect i get that i remember you know not too not too long ago there was a moment in time where i had bought something and and this is like you know got a dozen years ago and i couldn't pay my bills that next month and i had to return it and it was like oh that hurt and um and so i never want to forget that because it grounds me in that regard but the most important thing was when you find your passion you will find increments of time to work on things to do things to imagine things and people love hanging out with people who are happy people love hanging out with people who've got a great mindset no one wants to hang out with someone who's a debbie downer and depressed all the time it's reality we all go through that but if you are if you can eat your way up um to be more excited and talk you t when you find something you're passionate about you speak about it in an exciting fashion you see you speak about it and people are attracted to you and all of these things add on to it so it all comes back for me of what are you passionate about can you find your passion can you have conversations with people can you go and read about as many people and and ask people what are you passionate about how did you find your passion get case studies and stories and so forth and and try things on and don't be afraid because oh my god what if i get it wrong you don't there's no right or wrong it's like what feels good for you it seems whimsical to people who haven't bought into it yet but that what feels good to you is again this i'm i've always sort of deconstructed my successes and failures and the successes and failures of people but on the show and at creative live and that you know the the cultivating the energy the passion the um the the framework for doing all of the stuff is literally what lights you up so i'm going to say something to you i'm going to say a phrase and i was hoping that you would then elaborate on it sure the best way to protect the future is to create it yourself yeah i believe that i believe that we are all um that we manifest our future and that we are more powerful than ever before people don't realize how powerful they are we are powerful uh first of all if you think about today as an individual living in the year 2020 into 2021 you have access to all the information in the world literally you know i love you know saying okay siri what's the gross national product of ghana the gross national income of ghana was about 63.4 billion us dollars per year so i mean it's like um you can ask any question and get the answer that's extraordinary you have access to all the entertainment and knowledge on the planet for free i mean this used to be only resident in the hands of the wealthiest kings and queens and billionaires and even what they knew was minuscule you have access to you know spin up computational power if you know how to find it so ultimately we're more powerful than ever before we're able to reach out and connect to people and uh one of the most one of the most scarce things is the is the passionate committed mind so it really is finding your passion and being getting committed to it uh and once you do that magical things happen uh because of and then it's one of the things that's important is you have to let everyone know what your passion is because when you when you communicate that then the universe comes to you your friend goes hey i didn't know that that's awesome did you know that bill or trish over here knows this and that and all of a sudden things start coming to you you become a magnet for those things so um you know creating the future is by intentionality by saying you know and it's just it's magical it really truly is i don't believe in the of like magical thinking i do believe in uh in the in being clear about this is what i want to create this is where i want to go and i'm going to work towards that i'm going to find people who can help me on the way i'm going to read about it i'm going to learn about it and creating that future and by the way you know sometimes it takes a decade you know a lot of the things in my life i i jokingly say we talked about this i said it's overnight success after 11 years of hard work yeah isn't it true that the science supports this idea of manifestation the quant at a quantum physics level i think for the folks right there that are like oh i don't i don't need another uh version of the movie the secret thanks chase thanks peter give me something real and you know can you speak about this you know from the um the science of the brain and the science of um um quantum mechanics well the the science of the brain is one that we are constantly bombarded by you know thousands of times more information than we can consume in our brain and we have cognitive biases that filter what we see and how we process it and uh if you become clear about the vision of where you want to go you will pick up trace information little intonations and conversations and a sentence that you read that will lead you in those directions these are breadcrumbs that you would otherwise ignore right without a target you'll miss it every time and so just being able to you're bombarded by information and people and connections and so forth and we don't realize how much of that falls to the ground fallow but if you're clear about what you're looking for you will say something in a conversation that will elicit something else that will lead to something else and all of a sudden wow how did that materialize how did that happen it didn't just happen magically it happened because you were looking for it and because you were putting that out into the universe either by conversation or how you decide to spend your time and that for me is very real it's very real this notion that so much of the best things in the world are a 10 or 11 year overnight success has a lot of people worried especially again a whole the whole range of ages listen and watch the show and for someone who's later in that life arc there's a panic of i don't have 10 years and i'm going to use this as a creative segue to longevity and you you made a joke earlier you know um if you're if you're you know 19 and listen to the show it's like everyone would agree that you have time although you know life is uncertain and obviously we're in a crazy time right now where you know that that certainty is is showing itself in in a in a lot of ways but let's just agree for a second that wait a minute not only is life long but that is you know that is the only way commitment to something you actually care about over time it's the overtime part that most people whiff on so as you're talking with your hands here again for those who are listening rather than watching they they miss this benefit but i can see what i think is an aura ring yes my venture fund i'm very proud as one of the uh early investors in the aurora ring yeah great i i wear that as well and but you can't you know can't measure you can't improve it so well here we are um we want to pursue these things we're nervous about how long it takes to create the success that we want and sometimes it can take to your words 11 years i'm a god 11 years but you do and if you don't think you do talk to us about the future of longevity i know this is a you've written about this extensively you are active in it you made a comment earlier about adding 30 years to your life so uh awesome uh uh the average human lifespan uh for most of human history was like 28 or 30. uh you would have a baby at age 13 when you went to puberty and 100 000 years ago uh by what time you were 26 27 28 your baby was having a baby and back when food was scarce before whole foods and mcdonald's were around um the last thing you wanted to do was steal food from your baby's mouth or your grandchildren's mouth because it didn't perpetuate the species so the best thing you could do is die and so we didn't develop a uh in a long lifespan past our reproductive age and but it turns out that there are species of life on earth i remember when i was in medical school i watched a tv show on long-lived sea life that certain species of whales could live 200 years like the bowhead whale the greenland shark will do four or 500 years sea turtles will do 500 years as long as 700 years and i'm like holy why can they why can't we and i remember thinking to myself it's either a software problem or a hardware problem and we're going to solve those things and so we're finally at a point now where we're beginning to truly understand the software and the hardware of the human body and so there's a multitude of companies a number of which i'm invested in or have had the pleasure to co-found and or advise um that are in phase one phase two phase three clinical trials of incredible breakthroughs um and and this is i mentioned earlier that i'm writing a book with tony robbins it's called life force and it's about all of these different what are what are the technologies out there that are going to increase the vitality and health span this is not about being in a wheelchair at 120 years old this is about having the aesthetics the cognition the mobility at 100 that you had at 50 or 60. right so that you feel good you look good you're moving around you're enjoying life and such and i think that we really are going to add 10 20 maybe 30 healthy years over the course the next 10 to 20 years the rate of technology is expanding that fast and so there's a concept that um that ray kurzweil uh and aubry de gray talked about called longevity escape velocity and the concept is the following that for every year that you're alive there's going to be a so science is adding lifespan every year to your life by terms of breakthroughs of reducing cancer heart disease neurodegenerative disease and there's going to be a point that at some point where science is adding more than a year to your lifespan for every year that you're alive and then it becomes divergent and i truly believe kids today have a indefinite lifespan um if they if they choose that and and you know things get very strange not 50 years from now not 30 years from now 20 years from now as we are seeing ai impact everything and the speed at which ai is impacting the world and i'm tracking this and my work through future loop and others it's insane it really is like holy this is faster than i ever imagined it's like incredible things are coming our way so um there's a multitude from stem cells to what are called synolitic medicines that that kill zombie cells in the body senile cells to wind pathway manipulations to uh to vaccines to augmenting your immunity augmenting your cellular repair mechanisms there's a multitude of different companies and it's a multi-trillion dollar industry and you still can't take it with you so i do think that if you keep yourself in good reasonable health um and there are things you can do right now just for everybody listening the basics still apply can you you know get seven or eight hours of sleep every day right so i i used to like try and minimize my sleep and i'm i'm yes the aura ring comes out and i there's a great book by matt walker called why we sleep i commend it to everybody and after reading that book i don't i prioritize sleep i don't shortchange it if evolution could have gotten rid of sleep it would have because we're so we're so exposed during sleep we're so unproductive during sleep it is fundamental to your health the second thing is exercise the third thing is diet i try and do intermittent fasting as much as i can um so i don't have breakfast even though i was taught growing up it's the most important meal of the day i try and do a 15 to 20 hour fast every day and then and then mindset right if you think you're screwed and you're going to die you may very well if you are excited about life and you're excited about living to see what's next that attitude is fundamentally important so science is coming strong in the interim sleeping dieting exercising mindset super critical it's crazy house what is it uh simple but not easy right these are you're it's not like you're saying you need to get this rare root from sub-saharan africa and grind it into a powder and snort it out and snort it right you were saying sleep eight hours and and yet as a culture we're slow to adopt those things and uh you mentioned diet you mentioned intermittent fasting you know there's we've got episodes galore on that i think a lot of folks have gone very very deep so i won't tread where others are experts but anything else that you are doing with your diet that is um a simple takeaway besides yeah i mean i've gone vegan i've gone vegan 100 uh i was pescetarian eating fish and so forth but my biggest risk genetically is um is cardiovascular disease and so i've just decided to pummel it uh so i've gone all vegan i do my best to reduce uh sugar intake as low as possible um can you say sugars are those artificial sugars or natural sugars as well um artificial sugars uh as much as possible you know i love ice cream but i'm i'm lucky i'm luckily uh lactose intolerant so i really use that to i you know but uh all sugars and including trying you know just spiking my insulin levels by eating too much fruit um you know and there is there is the point to be made you know i don't want to like live long if i hate my life you know so it's all a matter of there's a phrase my dad taught me when i was fine methodology from ancient greek which means everything in moderation and so you know i i'm i'm moderate about being extreme there but i have gone vegan um because i think it's just you can get all the protein you need and it's healthier for you and um and then i have a supplements that i take i and and all at the end of the day for me it's about giving my body the best chance to intercept the technologies that are coming i like that it's it's a framework for intercepting the technologies are coming um for people who want to know more about that we'll let them dive into your um your individual works books and whatnot but if they go to my website uh i have all my blogs there and if you just search on supplements i've written blogs about what i'm taking um and you know i think there are ways to boost your immune system especially now in the la and you know age of covet 19 maintaining a strong immune system is critically important so we talked about uh longevity of course we talked about change and let's like smash those things together now so if uh we're gonna see a lot of change over an increasingly short amount of time that means the amount of change that we will see of course across the horizon of a life is extraordinary you already painted a picture of the jarvis ai um but you also said something in that last um um line of thinking around what we're gonna see change in the next 10 years and it sounded pretty radical you're going to add 30 years of life in the next 10 to 20 years of our time and people who are just being born now are potentially you know going to live forever now that sounds radical to someone who's not you know embedded in the science and maybe doesn't surround themselves with yourself and tony and and uh others so you know you know the last five minutes here i'll just tell you some of the stuff that i think is coming um and uh this is the the latest book that stephen kotler and i wrote called the future is faster than you think uh and in the back of it we talk you know the book talks about the next 10 years of how we're going to transform health care and education entertainment finance insurance real estate retail every industry the back of the book we talk about uh some of the really interesting stuff not 100 years but the next 30 years 40 years i mean first of all we have we're about to take the human race into this into space right elon and bezos both uh are guaranteeing that and that's been an area of passion for me uh millions of years from now whatever we evolved into uh we're gonna see we're gonna knows we're gonna go back historically these next 20 years is the moment in time that the human race moved off the planet into space right it's like the equivalent of the lung fish coming out of the oceans onto land it's we're about to bud gaia into the cosmos the other stuff that's really for me the most fascinating is that we're on the verge of connecting our brains to the cloud right uh the whole idea of brain computer interface the idea of our our 100 billion neurons 100 trillion synaptic connections are limited in our skull because of the size of the vaginal birth canal our brains can't get bigger but the same way that my cell phone when it needs to do a complicated problem it can do it on the processing on the computer on my cell phone it goes to the edge of the cloud on 4g soon to be 5g does the processing there and sends the answer back well we're on the verge of connecting our brain to the cloud where if i want to understand quantum physics or whatever i can go to the cloud think and google think and understand and even more interestingly if you're connected your brain to the cloud i'm connected and other people are connected then all of a sudden there's a meta intelligence i love star trek the only thing i'm sad that gene roddenberry did was create the borg as an evil species [Laughter] um thank you for for being a bright and positive voice in a time that's tough for so much of humanity right now i know that you're doing a ton of work with therapeutics and diagnostics for covid19 we don't have time to get into that but um send us off into your picture of the possibility of the future of someone who's listening right now tell us a story in a minute about what you believe is possible for a watcher a listener over the course of the next five ten years of this one precious life that they have i believe that we are able to connect with people who share our passions independent of where you live it used to be that where you were born determined everything uh your access to books to communications capability to whether you're black or white you know what religion you're a part of we have become unencumbered from that we're living on a planet and i believe that every person has the potential to rise to the abilities of their dreams and that's what i'm working for a world in which we can meet the needs of every man woman and child that if you're clear about what you want to do how you want to impact what your dreams are now because they can change in the future you can connect with other people who have that those similar dreams and passions and create magic that we can truly invent the future we want to live into and there's nobody use permission you need to ask it's a function of of just when you hit a roadblock pick it up and driven by your passion by that north star that guides you every day to just keep on keeping on and it may take a decade but you'll get there and there's joy in that and meaning in that and anyway pal a pleasure thank you thank you so much is there anywhere you'd like to direct people uh you've been in bright light i think uh if you want to follow my work if you go to i put out a blog every week on these mindsets on the breakthroughs i'm seeing is where i'm reinventing how you get the news that that you that shapes your mindset uh is where i mentor entrepreneurs those are the three things anyway so much for being on the show peter have a wonderful weekend and uh looking forward to consuming everything you're putting out in the next uh next chapter good luck best everybody listening thank you so much [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Chase Jarvis
Views: 34,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chase jarvis, chasejarvis, creativity, business, entrepreneur, artist, creative, freelance, photography, career, advice, peter h. diamandis, future, space, passion, inspirational talk, longevity, science, mindset, positivity, failure, success
Id: 72T3h_BlhOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 57sec (3477 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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