Pesto Bread | Richard Bertinet | Gozney Dome

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hello my name is Richard bertino and I'm back in the grocery kitchen where to England sure to make my beautiful soft velvety Olive and with that also we make some beautiful rolls maybe coffee tomato config garlic and some beautiful pesto so you ain't portrait so let's be the dough now I got my water I put my yeast in my flour put on top from the southern mixer it's going to slow speed fast when all the water and the flour have mixed properly then we add the oil in there so I'm at all now so all the oil is well absorbed now I'm gonna put a speed a bit faster and we'll add this sword in about four or five minutes it's time to add the sword now and two three more minutes of mixing maybe then if you listen carefully can you record in French is when you've got the air pocket to get burst inside of those because you know the dough is nice and strong and Light foreign [Music] you can see the dough is alive already beautiful and we separate the door in half for that to just give it a quick cutting over your beautiful so make sure this enough to the sticky side inside for this let's go the rest now so we can rest it for an hour two hours three hours even better overnight if you want to the longer you leave it the more flavor will develop it's not about specific times but you decide when you want to use it it's a greater to use for so many different type of bread from Focaccia to flat bread to Pizza very versatile so hope you have fun with it here we go so let me show you what to look like the same dough you just met and what's happened after a few hours you can see how much more volume we've got now really because look how Lively that is it's gonna be amazing so what the door is resting and making myself busy I'm gonna do some comfy Tomatoes some garlic and some pestos so so I've got my pronoun because I know me with tomatoes and pesto is going to be everywhere there's some nice tomato on the vine in here I'm going to keep this this is full of flavor also we will do the tomatoes Square to them so and just take the excess liquid out just add a prelimini dish don't worry about the Pips that's absolutely fine in there here we go a pinch of salt add the programs you can put some Rosemary and Thyme if you want to yes pepper and then some really well in there I'm going to put this on the side of the Dome there's a little mantle there nice piece of Kit so they can stay there so I'll show you the garlic now okay for my coffee of garlic it's very simple you take a whole lot of garlic squash it like this and just take the whole club like that in addition put a bit of um better if you can put some Rosemary sometime whatever you want and again that can be put in olive oil you can make a big jar of this and they make a beautiful paste or just use as a whole you can make garlic bread with this kind of all sorts of things so again I put this on the deck so we made our tomatoes and our garlic which is probably nicely over there I can hear them cooking away it's very nice you can make some very simple pesto so I don't have a blender so I'm going to use my hands so it might take a while so I got some garlic in here this one thing I do is my garlic especially if I use it raw is to take these bits off in here is it good that is to take this is really the part of the day which is not very digestible so try to get the abbies take it off open your garlic up check inside and that beach in here The Germ try to remove it add pine nuts a bit first that is some basil leaves rest of cheese I'm gonna add some olive oil now at the time the smell is fantastic really really nice so another thing I do sometime is if I make a lot of pesto and it's quite a lot I can put a bit of lemon juice and freeze some lemon juice with stuff from oxidizing it's a good trick to keep it a bit longer a pinch of salt try perfect so our pesto is ready Our tomato and Garlic's cooking away still need time to put everything together okay so our pesto is ready our tomatoes have cooled down now and it's spelled absolutely Divine the garlic again we leave it cool down it's well caramelized so the longer you leave it put you in your olive oil the dark hair will become inside so I get a little knife and Pierce through it but you can see now I've just had to take the skin off because beautiful garlic clove like I said this can become a paste you can use it whole add in butter in mayonnaise all sort of things already now it's a bit of fun so look at this I love Bubbles never bored of this because it's beautiful so it used to be a similar my table it was my scraper just turn the dough out look at the structure of the dough there how beautiful that is keep the door over gorgeous your flower top make a big rectangle just with your hands doing the rolling pin on if you're not that's fine then we start with the pesto first be generous with it a lot of pesto spray it all over another color already right to the edge then more flavor we're going to add the tomatoes now sprinkle your Tomatoes All Over look at those colors so you can do this with cherry tomatoes also what you want is colors really flamboyant and our garlic so how much garlic you put in there that's up to you if you're on a date tonight don't put too much smell divine okay so now if it's square and then we're going to roll it back with Swiss roll so start from one side worried about itself make sure you trap a lot of filling on the first layer start again from this side and again start again make sure you keep it nice and square right to the end is oozing of goodness so let me listen to the Rose interesting is we're going to buy them a little tins and then put a bit of vegetable pepper in there so that would keep all the juice all the oil into the bread I'm going to start with this so we cut them get a nice sharp knife and clink cut and lift them up cut side up and place them on The Middle lift [Music] so when they cut we need to let them prove now about 45 minutes the power warm your kitchen is 45 minutes should do and then we're going to bake them in the dome okay so our first batch I ready to go in the oven so put this in the dome with no flame if you've got flame it's going to be the pepper so I got about 300 degrees to start with there and then we put the dough on the front so I bake this with the door on says no flame so we can just keep the heat in the oven I will have a look halfway through of course for the color and swoop the tray around keep moving around so get even heat all over the tray [Music] listen to this let's do that noise beautiful so you could see with the pepper you can just check nice and stuff underneath so I've kept some of my oil from the garlic or the tomato and when they come out of the oven and just give it a bit just a little bit of a wash on top of this okay best time of the day eating so they cool down now you can see how beautiful they are and each one of them are all slightly different which I love about this as well so you guys for barbecue they go for it in just dipping pasta or anything like that if you look they just full of flavor inside because all that pesto and tomatoes and absolutely beautiful beautiful beautiful by this point we're reaching it the other way is when they cool down enough you can take one of them and then cut it and see inside look at this beautiful texture see all the flavor there inside and More River a few leaves you can put Tomatoes you can put whatever you want some new before um fresh basil works well you have cheese [Music] Peppa and this on top look at this how beautiful good enough to wait I'm a designated Chief tester [Music] hmm filthy the most beautiful one so delicious so of course you can find all the recipes the how to on that's all my recipes in there [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Gozney
Views: 46,059
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Id: Pp31Absuv9s
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Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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