Flamiche aux Poireaux and Fougasse | Richard Bertinet | Gozney Master

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so your friend this one is it hello my name is Richard Athena and today I'm at the Gerstner kitchen where I'm going to show you how to make the beautiful Flemish the first thing we're gonna do is make some good though and to show you how to make a dog and use a mixer today we will make the dough we're a core in French Laval reveal which is mean made with famine and a tiny bit of yeast so get some cold water at the bottom of the bowl then our famines a strong bread flour 5 gram of years today and I get my yeast and just rub it a tiny bit with a bit of flour some fine sea salt you take about 1780 minutes to mix for the first four minutes we go on slow speed still way too bland all the ingre ingredient together and then we've gone speed number two so in French this part of mixing is called the passage when you blend all you're going be going together so I'll just want to show you what it should look like before he goes in second speed so it's no flour showing no water like a rough to other moments the warm-up before there is to the dog come nice and clean inside the ball no stickiness and the dough to be strong and elastic we about two minutes away so it's nearly done but not just just done as well so you get that stretch and beautiful but we need a bit more strength and its secret Anna meet at the bottom so another two minutes and we'll be done then what you try to become ready clean on on the bottom of the bowl and then the dough will be ready right often you put the dough straight from the bowl this dough in here to a bowl but you end up with no strands at all so the trick with this is to tell you though put on your table with no flour so tell you though and just give it a few up hey that's just give that strength and from that skin on the top and now the dough is ready to rest so tell me a flower you know that's a light supper interesting though pretty to rest in my bowl if it's nothing warm in your kitchen than just the baking cloth on the top it's perfect if you got a bit of a draft you put a plastic bag don't you screen film is going to stick but then it'd be fine I need him somewhere warm like an oven perfect good while the doors resting we're gonna get all the prep done for the flemish so we're going to slice some onions and some leeks so them operate a bit with a bit of butter then make a mixture of creme fraiche eggs with a bit of seasoning blend everything together and then we go on to other so the first thing I do is slice my onions put a bit of butter in there and then some leeks I don't put the leeks too early and the leeks will get the last minute tossed into it so we keep the colour of the leeks so what I want to do is to brand the onions a tiny bit so what is going and then you get my mixture of eggs for one Flemish is one egg and about one gram of cream so we make to finish and stir together I always use a spoon to mix them together but I want the recipes take groupie I don't overdo it with a whisk pinch of salt black pepper and nutmeg again I always use quite a lot of nutmeg oh you know just start to caramelize a tiny bit happy with that I'm gonna put all my leeks now and stir them in just wait a bit so the butter goes round all the leeks and this now goes into my mixture a vegetarian version could you with a louder mushroom anything you fancy really that's perfect that's really now to go on our dough ready for the oven okay so now it's time to bake the first thing I'll show you is before I meet the Flemish and finish it up is to make a food yes now the Foo gas is one of those brighter who looks fantastic I did one on my book on my first book though but normally people know where fou guys come from the word foo guys start with the letter F which in Latin means fire intensity that like the word focus when you focus on something really hard or full over in French or for nya focaccia all this type of flatbread better than half of the oven and the figures also in French was called su flam under the flame so a party was like a tool for the baker to know the top part of the oven no nice fine you got famous star on your oven is quite easy to read but before that there was no ephemeral stuff so they used to cut the piece of dough put them in your oven different space in the oven and then by the where they were baking a quitter a baking they could judge the temperature of the oven so I'm going to sure to do that so our dough has been rested for two hours now voila I'm taking off and we're going to put on table with a mixture of flour and semolina so we have seven our first fan simulates fantastic or you can use also some very fine parantha or maize flour so use my scrapper and release the dough so the dough is beautiful there be more flour and simmering on top and cut the dough in half now so I keep this aside for my famish and this make a perfect gas so they move my pointy hand over there the base is there and I cut the middle [Music] and then on the side you go beautiful your flower on the top and when you lift it on my oven he'll read gently so be careful when you lift it don't stretch it too much and up with a pair of underpants little from the side and then straighten it very hot oven so make sure we go to operate so while it is baking we made the Flemish now so I got a bit more flour and flat it up like a pizza so the Flemish the word Flemish flamenco SHhhh in German come from the eastern northern part of France now they may was pastry or professori or some but before they always made with bread though and the Baker's used to flatten they flood the donor on the oven peel some creme fraiche and some leeks and just slide them in the oven just be like the ancestor of pizza they don't tell the Italian leave a little edge on the side time it of similar on top and this will be lifted but our leeks [Music] the bread dough is very light you will lift everything if you're very light like tart pepper and then some cheese so we're gonna use some good grilled cheese you can use quantities fantastic or good cheddar if you want to some C with a bit of a bite so you can see the fuss is not done yet for this one we'll call Pat back so you reach about 90 degree inside the crust just a few form nicely so if I'm to be powered by your food as you can power by hit and finish them off a bit later it's beautiful and put on one side of the oven and put our Flemish inside you go I should take five six minutes in a very hot oven I start a the food gas add look at this perfect perfect perfect is if you burn bit on the side but that's part of the charm like Christ on this or make you salivate straight away that's beautiful beautiful scissoring away beautiful crust Bon Appetit [Music] you can see the crust nice open so it's not heavy when you got a good oven with bottom hates really give you a lot of hits look at this texture inside so when you chew on this one but of Christ but of chewiness perfect the proof is in the pudding let's try oh my [Music] perfect love this so good nice and light cheese from insurer nutmeg coming true stunning [Music]
Channel: Gozney
Views: 71,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gozney, oven, black, edition, neapolitan, french, bread, recipe, how, to, leek, onion, howto, tasty, delicious, stone, floor, traditional, bake, chef
Id: x4AlJXOwfPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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