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[Music] welcome to session four of our propell series on personal leadership today we're talking about our thoughts about how our mindsets affect our personal leadership I think this is one of the most crucial aspects of effective leadership for me personally there's nothing I work harder on than strengthening my mind and ensuring that I'm thinking the right thoughts I've got a mind that can just spin out of control scripture tells us that as a man thinks it is heart so is he we become the net sum total of our thoughts and we go where our thoughts take us we all want to be women who think the right thoughts and there's no doubt that we have the capacity to allow all of our thoughts to spiral out of control if we do not arrest them and bring them into alignment with the truth of the word of God daily we are bombarded with so many conflicting thoughts and can end up confused as leaders who we are today is a result of the thoughts we've been thinking thus far to change our life or the way we lead we must change the way we think we often try to change our behavior but as a man thinks it is heart so is he it starts from the inside out a mind muscle makes our internal transformation and external reality ultimately true transformation starts right up here so it's very important not to tear ourselves down with our thoughts our thoughts are like a train they take us somewhere I remember I went to Sydney University when I was in Australia and I used to catch the train from Seven Hills Station through the Redfern station in one day I got on the wrong train I just didn't check the destination board a train pulled into platform 4 at 7:30 just like it had every day except this day the train was going in the opposite direction right through to the mountains I didn't know that I jumped on without checking the destination board got off an hour later in the mountains in the wrong place I said to the stationmaster when I got off the trainer said how did I get here he looked at me and he said well of you got on the wrong train didn't you and the truth is so many times we end up in the wrong destination and we think how did I get here well we got on the wrong train of thought and it took us to the wrong destination so today we are going to go through a whole journey of how you think the right thoughts that result then in the right decisions as a leader I don't know that there's anything more important why don't you come with me today I've got all of my friends again back joining me and girls I am so pumped and I know everybody on the other side of this screen I know you're busting to jump into this today because thoughts determine our destiny there's no doubt about that so praise the anchor I know that you know you've got a mind that can spiral out of control how do you think [Applause] I've heard it said that our mind affects our thoughts and our thoughts affects our actions and our actions affect our habits and our habits form a destiny and so it all begins in our mind proverbs says that what a man thinks in his heart so he will become so what is in our mind because it will manifest in our life sometimes it's so easy to get stuck whether it's pain or trauma or abuse we get stuck in me and lose focus on the things that are going around but very clearly scripture speaks about the power of God to break strongholds and sometimes those lies and our head are easier to hold on to then the truth because we believe that and so we can get stuck or we can put ourselves in the box but we can't stumble over things that are behind us God has given us a new life and so when we think about what Christ has called us to what he's given us what he's called us to become then that's what we begin to focus on our mind but I always like the question of how mercy can you give us some practical sits easy to be arise around this but I mean I love which is about stronghold though cuz first Corinthians 10 does say that I'm verse 3 and 4 those strongholds all it is that word stronghold means a person are locked by deception yeah it's a lies so when you start to examine the lies for example for me as a young girl night growing up in Nigeria I just thought because Nigerian citizens this woman are second-class citizens in Nigeria I really felt like I'm just a girl that's what I always thought I can't do what God's coming to get me just a girl it was a it was deception I was locked in this prison I really had to break that truthfully with the word of and say you know what yeah I might look like hot chocolate but here we go it's not an excuse so all of our thought lies you have to think of Mesa cultural thing no matter what race you are age you are culture there's certain prisons that we put our size it's deception and assault we have to get angry enough with enemy to say you know what I don't care I'm running after what God's called me to do no matter what I love what you say about deception because for me it's all about identifying the lies of the enemy when I'm struggling with fear when I'm struggling with anxiety I have to go what lies of the enemy am i believing because the enemy comes to just keep us off the right track move us off the mark whether it's a lie about who God is a lie about how he won't provide for us a lie about who we are in him once we identify that lie but the devil's trying to tell us then it loses him yeah all right yeah whoever in him is Sookie I'm an old mama of a new baby missing a little over a year ago and when when I first started the process you didn't speak any English her English just still we still do a lot of charades but she's been in the States for 14 months now when I first brought her home she would be her fear would really come out at night and so every single night I had this little ritual with her and I would hold her face and I would say miss ooh ooh tre rough you're very brave boo tre Bell you're very beautiful boo tre intelligent you're very smart and I love you mama REM man ooh very very very much and it took about a month but I will never forget after about a month of doing this every single night she rolled over called her little feet up my stomach stuck them in when I call the valley of mercy I grew [Applause] right there in this crease and she said mama love Missy until then it had been a question I'm not in love I miss it and it became a declaration but it's because her mind had shifted and now she expects me I'll say baby ooh and she got a blob I tried that but it was it was that practical it was a daily daily talking and I think we forget how important it is what we put in our minds any ourselves yeah yeah I wake up and the first thing I have is worship music on through my house first thing I see in my shower is a laminated prayer the first thing you'd think this girl is so she's got like iconic stuff all over her house to wander lord I feel that I've got to constantly take the socks in my alright or they do go crazy yeah got to learn a new day I think if we trust her a new way to be it's not always about that's good Marie I'm thinking about even my little girls because I struggle I figure out of everything this would be the thing I struggle with the most people wouldn't think that knowing me but you know when you've been rejected at Birth and abandoned and abused and you believe so many lies and I grew up with such a sense of shame so even with everything that we do globally if I'm not careful I'm only ever one thought away from going back to be how I think so that's right I have to replace my thoughts with God's thoughts the issue is most of us spend maybe more time watching television or reading magazines or talking to our girlfriends and so we don't even know what God's got to say about us but we know what everybody else is saying about us I remember Catherine at school when she went because she's grown up in our environment of course some women's conferences and everyone's telling us she's awesome and great and her daddy always since she was born has said to her you're daddy's princess you're beautiful you're gorgeous you're intelligent well she went to school and you know in kindergarten the kids don't say that to one another generally speaking it's not really what they say well I went to school one day and her teacher told me this she said Christine she had a little altercation with a little boy and he grabbed the teddy bear out of her hands and said to her Catherine Bobby you are dumb and ugly now my kid I don't think I've ever even heard those words yeah and the teacher said to me Christine you should have seen her she put her shoulders back an officer is gonna tell me she King hit her house but she said she just put her shoulders back she I bought this little dude and said to him no I'm not my daddy says that's why I'm intelligent and beautiful and I thought she knows what her daddy says how many of us just don't know what our daddy says and so you know we don't come through with it so I think it's it's very much you have got it I think when the word says that you have got to chase it down almost like like a police sirens when you've got a wrong train of thought if you're gonna bring it in to capture that image in the scripture is like like a policeman going a hold over pull over go straight to jail do not pass go do not collect $200 stop believing the lie that's right I think is a big there's an aggressive moment I love these things that verse if take captive everyone had an old boss I was right out of college and he said Lisa talk to real southern he said you've got to take those bad thoughts and you throw them against the cop car and you frisk them sounded almost like yes true there is an aggressiveness when you recognize Allah you're ugly you're dumb you because you have abuse in your past that will recur you grab that thought and go my Jesus wouldn't say that to me so I think it's the onus is on us to really take them captive instead of to listen to that song again you know I think this is so stimulating and I know wherever you are in your propel chapter right now and whether you're a corporate CEO a stay-at-home mom and entrepreneur all of us need to learn to bring our thoughts captive and bring them into alignment with the truth of the word of God we've all believed a lie somewhere along the line and we are bombarded with media images that lie to us every single day about what success is about what leadership is about what victory is about what our body image is so I hope you have some fantastic conversation over loads of coffee and enjoy that and I hope you really really get some great breakthroughs today thanks for joining us [Music] nothing I like talking about more than how to control our thoughts any questions from the ladies yes hi I'm Raquel I'm 25 years old and I know that women struggle with how long we integra gait thoughts sometimes we think about it too much and sometimes we don't think about it enough what is that thin line and what does that balance between our interrogation process I love that question I really do because I struggle with my thoughts quite often and I know I wear fuchsia in tons of makeup but what I will say is I love MMA I absolutely love love MMA come on and didn't know everything right I know so when Lisa talks about capturing our thoughts I think another good analogy is there is a headlock in MMA where you put your arm around somebody's head it sounds violent but hold on just bear with me for a second you literally I'm gonna I'm gonna demonstrate with my friend Ali because I love you so much if Ali is a lie I'm gonna hold on to Ali like this this is the lie you can I'm gonna choke her out I'm not gonna hear her until she until she cannot talk anymore I'm not gonna kill her because lies will resurrect themselves sometimes yeah but I'm gonna hold this lie until I cannot hear it anymore now sometimes it's sometimes when we say it is a lie this is a lot it we'd go about our business we kind of numb and anesthetize at the fact that no it does hurt me it was being that let's hold that until we strike here anymore that's right that's good that's a good you feel girl Rita Mae another question yet I have a question oh yeah I my name is Madeline I'm 20 I'm in college and while I'm still kind of in a phase where they think for me at school I can identify with the challenges and I'm just wondering what are some of the practical routines or scriptures that you rely on to combat these negative thoughts that's great gosh I never bring in collagen I have the situation where I got dumped in high school you don't know how that goes back in that day you can like tweet each other or like text it was like face to face was ugly um so my freshman year I decided to give that year to the Lord so I would basically write down these scriptures I had to make them plain and right in front of me so on my mirror I'd have posted notes it was really that technologically amassed and I'm not fancy don't don't overthink it truthfully find out what in the word jumps out to you make its read somewhere you can see it frequently obviously it's right there for you and I would just say those scriptures to myself really literally every day god I am formed by you you do have a plan for my life I am worthy of love all of those things that I needed to know those college years by a rough girl the struggle is real yes let me add into just listening to great music throughout the day worship music sometimes I don't even realize that my thoughts are where they are and then I'll hear a song and it will wreck me and I'll realize I haven't been I haven't been on point with my thoughts I've been believing things that Iran it just takes a certain worship song to bring it out of me and completely brings me back to where I need to be mm-hmm fantastic I love all of this anyone else yeah hi yeah I'm Nancy and I'm married and I'm raising two highschool high schoolers so so what I'm wondering is how do you identify or recognize the lies that you're believing in your life yeah no I'm just thinking that's that's the nature of a live or the nature of deception is you don't know you're deceived so that that's exactly right and that is why it is I am a local church girl to the court it is imperative that you're sitting under the word every week that you are in the word because often our light is own allies exposed when the light of the truth is placed upon it so if you are in an environment where you're getting truth and I know lots of girls that are listening to this right now in chapters are in the work force every day they don't have they can't just turn on worship music or they just can't talk to their friend because their friend could be have a totally different faith or tradition sitting in the cubicle next to them so you have to find and there are great ways nowadays between podcasts and the Bible on your phone and I mean you know sometimes I don't I remember when I was working and spending many times even with a 21 if I'm in certain high-level meetings and everyone around me is no one is a Christ follower and I just think this doesn't sound right and I don't even know I have been known to lock myself in a toilet cubicle I put the toilet seat down and and and scroll through god bless Bible Gateway YouVersion Bible Eagle and Google is my best friend and and so the fact is that you have got to have good friends around you that will tell you it's a lie or sit under the truth of the word where the light of the word will expose the lie and a lot of us I mean if you just walk with those in darkness you're gonna stay in darkness forever well I know you go well just I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed so I have to have simplistic practical things for me the older I've gotten I've had to learn the difference between condemnation and conviction a Holy Spirit brings conviction conviction makes me think more of God it does not make me think less of myself condemnation makes you feel less of yourself you feel bad about yourself lies almost always at least with women involves shame so if you start having the thoughts of I'm not enough either I'm too fat I'm not smart enough I'm not pretty I'm never be able to raise these kids and have them rise up and call me a blessed I you start thinking those thoughts and you feel bad about yourself that's condemnation the root of that has always ly conviction Lord I just was tempted to cuss it Missy on the way to church that's the Lord going at least so take that I thought cafetorium and then I think you're such a good guy thank you for even having the grace to take my tongue today so huge difference I would say to learn alive got to learn the difference between condemnation makes you feel bad conviction makes you recognize how great God is in spite of the fact that we're still sinners so I think the moral of that whole lesson was don't cuss at your child on the way to school at least the helper does so it's our hope after this conversation and the conversation you're about to have with the women in the chapter around you that you understand more about having a healthy mindset as a leader as we've discovered this is not optional but crucial if you're going to maximize your leadership potential we can't wait to join you again next week [Music] you
Channel: Kate Baldwin
Views: 1,098
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tuYoUi1nofI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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