Persona 5 Randomizer Chaos (AKA Joker Dies a Lot) | Tech Rules Stream Highlights

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huh damn it this is never gonna end what what i just pressed i pressed the button for the mod menu what on the 15th of this month i decided to stream a randomizer run of the original persona 5 just to see if my viewers would be interested in watching tech rural streams the rules were simple make as much progress as possible while cheating as little as possible ideally only to get around soft locks and unwinnable situations the stream itself unfortunately had a lot of issues even ignoring the crashing namely i had to reset my mic profile to default settings and that made the audio sound really bad even with those issues though some people liked it enough to ask for a highlight reel so here you go i guess hopefully you can tolerate the audio it does get a little easier to listen to after a bit hope you [Music] enjoy okay hey everyone welcome to the stream there's a lot of people here welcome to the very first tech rule stream [Music] very exciting for me and also very stressful everything is trying to break it once the moment i hit the start streaming button did i change anything else about the game yes yes i did if you look in the description you can actually find a list of mods i'm using the big ones are i'm using the mod menu to give me a little boost and i'm also using some 4k upscaling because this game's natively 720p on the ps3 and i'm sure you guys don't want to see that and i definitely don't either this game looks too nice to play in 720p outs to my stream watchers in 720p i'll stream for probably like a few hours i don't have an exact number it's going to depend on how this goes this could go great and it'll be really funny it'll be a blast and you guys will all laugh and i'll be like ah i did a good job or it could crash 14 times in a row which is not something that's uncommon with persona 5 mods and then we'll probably stop after like 30 minutes to an hour or so but hopefully that's like worst case scenario we won't we won't do that don't watch my stream in 144p please i forbid it i'm seeing like four people being like i'm gonna put it the lowest possible resolution don't do that to yourself i don't even care about me just don't do that to yourself okay first thing we're going to do when we get in here [Music] we're actually going to open up the mod menu and we're going to give us a backup persona because there's a really fun thing that this randomizer does where it doesn't uh fix the levels or anything like that so we can get soft block very easily so we're gonna put in a backup person we're not gonna use it we're not gonna use that unless we absolutely have to i'll discuss that with you guys but we're just gonna add that denial and not use it unless we need to is that cool with everyone all right what do we got oh yeah no i did see this one because i tested it to make sure it wasn't gonna crash immediately [Music] we do a lot of damage okay how did you get xbox controller a lot of people are confused about the xbox i'm really glad okay so yeah i'm using a mod that changes the xbox one i did that for two reasons one that's just what i use when i play this personally and two i wanted to confuse and upset everyone because one it looks really weird if you've played this game for a really long time to have xbox prompts and two i just like the chaos i don't know i wanted to confuse people stop watching in 144p why are you guys still watching in 144b stop watching in 144p you can't be enjoying this this way this game is really pretty when it's not 4 pixels no but you're not allowed dumbo no don't don't don't make the 144p gang super chat we're trying to suppress them we don't want their voice to be heard you know what gang i'm endorsing right now you guys know what gang i'm endorsing i'm endorsing the 480p gang that seems like a good middle ground doesn't it like it's not three pixels but it's also not three million now if you're doing something higher than 480 that's great that's awesome good for you but uh you know let's let's represent our our slow internet guys i don't know if that's a good sign because it feels like my stream is genuinely so boring that people are spiritually representing quality settings we really need to get into this game soon you guys are watching the stream for the wrong reason if you want to look at pixels just like pull up a picture of uh i don't know the tech rules profile picture and just boom in a lot i really need to figure out that low latency i'm a very talkative person i like talking to people and i feel like i'm cut off when i can't talk to people in a reasonable time frame feel like i'm sending a letter i feel like i'm i'm writing a letter to you guys that's like how's my mic audio is it good and i like send it to the postal service and i wait a few days and then i see that my mailbox flag is up i'm like oh boy i got some mail and then i check my mail and i got a letter from chat and i'm like oh boy what's this and i open it and it just says 144p game [Music] can you increase the text size i can't read it on 144p oh that that chat that [ __ ] message got me actually we're going to switch more gun out uh i just want to go through the tutorials first it means they're holding nothing back and are serious to kill us yeah that's that's one way to put it i'll back you up so fight like your life depends on it let's go okay i don't think we can do any damage nope no we sure can't well we might be i knew you were an amateur he's level a thousand something this is how you fight yeah show me oh me morgana please oh look at that you did one damage more than i did and now you're dead amateur [Music] and now i'm dead okay so we're bringing outside and i'll early they've taken up interest oh yeah yeah they're taking up intercept positions that's great persona i've taken up uh-oh oh no oh no oh no oh no i'm pressing the button it's not doing anything it's a force encounter that doesn't let you change the persona uh that might be bad ah i knew you're an amateur go ahead and die oh you hit someone else's time you did three more damage i'm dodging like a probe [Music] for those of you telling me to put my mic in 144p the p stands for pixels i'm not my voice isn't pixels i can't do this for you p stands for progressive not pixels you're right you're right i'm a fraud oh i have to change my channel name now that's it's not pixel it's not pixel i'm an idiot oh i stopped playing the game that shocked me so much oh no i can't beat tech roles anymore tech fools no i'm not don't call me tech fools we have to take the tech part out because i'm not i'm not certified to use the name tech anymore you can't name it tech fools you got a name of something else you gotta change the tech part you gonna turn around show me your true form then we'll switch them out [Music] it's a very dramatic fight okay so this one's level 24. that one's a boss that one's like a mini [Music] boss are we about to die again unless one of these two yeah our week's occurs i didn't use curse that i used bright blades [Music] don't kill me you killed me you have to hang on okay okay yeah we should use said an aisle until we get to a higher level because doing all this on level two or three or whatever is not gonna work out [Music] that's interesting yeah i got you reckless [Music] where are you hiding morgana i guess you can't hide in this area ah that's right i don't have enough maybe this will kill there if not we're going to have to get uh saturn isle an even stronger moon uh oh summon oh good persona oh this is not good calm down i you calm down bud we're in a specific situation here okay uh we're gonna give him an even stronger right when you die to this thing it's an interesting stream so far you have to hang on okay morgana calling me an amateur right before we get beat up by robots can't believe i can't believe he told me to calm down literally that was his last words we can put that on his tombstone here lies kira calm down i i saw a lot of people uh while we were setting up the stream be like no it has to be uh vanilla persona 5 because persona 5 royal is not ok let's go and actually it is in fact the english version i'll repeal it so i could do that it's just it would be really really inconvenient because i'd have to do it on a ps4 persona and then i'd have to like when something goes wrong and have to bring it all to my pc and then work on it there and then all that this way i can just like oh okay i can do this oh wait no that didn't kill either we're gonna go kill oh dear because he's resistant to physical let's go all right let's try it again it missed and that one resisted business we're harmed era yes heal me so i can use more of them i need to use as many as i possibly can we might still actually win this it's possible never mind he's full health we can still do it maybe as long as morgana keeps healing me and the little robots don't kill us you're mine but the moment i think now the moment that morgana uses uh garu which is what he's using now i think we're done [Music] stop it stop it this is what happened last time [Music] okay yeah let's just okay house of toby's not gonna work out and focus on support you back out and focus on support someone needs to uh twins down attack is that a move is that a move that we can uh we can do went down attack is an insta kill but shouldn't it just knock them all down or is it just like a specialized thing we'll try twins down attack real quick and we'll also grab raise of control because that sounds like something that would work let's go i'm going to trust you guys you all seem to know what you're talking about we'll do twins down and if you crash my game i will never take a suggestion from you ever again [Music] i did it i did it uh did it kill them are they dead can't i can't tell her they did it didn't crash so it's fine but we'll do raise of control now whoa that doesn't look correct that works yeah that did max damage actually we got a trophy for it okay rays of control works now we know i see a lot of people saying self-destruct now let's talk for a second chat let's talk for a second about the name self-destruct because i think i'm being japed here the first part of self-destruct is self meaning it's gonna happen to me the second part is destruct [Music] and i think that means i'm gonna explode i'm not gonna try self-destruct [Music] give morgana self-destruct that's a great idea that's a great idea amateur bomb akira let's do let's do something a little malicious actually so that we we either please both parties or we make both parties upset don't listen to them it'll kill all party members no matter who you put it i knew it i knew you guys were trying to blow me up that would have been karma too i would have put a bomb on the cat as a joke and i would have blown up because i'm next to the cat and i would have deserved it we're going with akira mamia it's either gonna make everyone happy or upset either everyone's on equal ground i'm seeing a lot of people complaining i think i think it just made everyone upset i'll why do we get so many bosses immediately okay this one's level three i can beat this one rabbit snap use curse on the flower okay we're making progress oh you're alive you survived that you're not gonna survive this one i'm not gonna survive this one because i'm weak to ice that didn't take long at all okay we still have to use saturn aisle for a little bit it turns out go to add skill manual type in 603 to get debug says 990 okay okay but for now uh we'll do that if rays of control stops working for us because this looks really funny like it's fine it does damage it kills i don't think anything's going to survive that i i'm seeing so many people despite the fact that i just found out it'll kill me they still want me to put self-destruct on morgana because they know it'll kill me but it'll also kill the cat and apparently people really don't like the cat [Music] i was thinking about doing it i was thinking about doing it just now put put self-destruct on morgana but i'm afraid i'm afraid that he's going to use it i'm afraid that his ai will decide this looks like a good time for self-destruct you know what let's do it hello you have the gun with you right i have a gun but i don't think it's going to do much right now pointed out a shadow on fire okay yes sir well this won't work at least okay how about that surprise no that's about how i thought it was gonna go oh yeah and this is the ammunition mod that i don't think works all right i'll show you my weapon too yeah yeah go ahead shoot it very fast but i didn't do anything okay i'm fine i'm alive uh i won't be after this one i'm alive oh this looks like a job for rays of control we survived that we're alive that's incredible [Music] hey you have to hang on okay but i died anyway because rays of control does not work like that okay let's see what this does that did so much damage that my game skipped a frame it didn't know how to handle it that's the pixie making okay thank you you know what if we're having to nuke through the tutorials anyway we actually don't have to do this i have a save file that starts on the uh the first infiltration day [Music] i think it's uh this one we'll start here i should huh damn it this is never gonna end what what i just pressed i pressed the button for the mod menu what it seems hopeless if there are this many inmates supporting why did this happen why did this happen why am i here damn that thing let's i have our send i have a weak set an aisle is that enough i don't know what i did to make this happen let's go why is fox here yeah prepare yourself it's not your fault it's not your fault thoughts i don't know what's happening here are you okay okay i don't know why that happened i just press square i just press square restart from palace entrance yes please do that okay we're not gonna open up the mod menu out here because apparently that's the time to use it i don't know why that happened okay i see every time okay every time i open up the the name screen everyone immediately starts yelling to name him akira144p i don't even think you can put numbers in there right you can't put numbers in there right oh no you can't now that i pointed it out i have to do it don't i there you go you did this you made me do this akira 144p that is my name what's funny is the 144p gang can't read it you know you have a point you have a good point all right here we go remember how i taught you hold-ups and all-out attacks i'll teach you their practical use now i i don't i don't think you're going to i don't think you can knock these people down i'm concerned that because i know in the tutorial itself knock all the enemies down and do a hold up yep it's going to make me use my gun are you weak to gun oh that was a crit cool joker oh looking cool it lets me crit for this part wait which one am i talking to they're all kind of grouped up like they're about to pose for a for a rap album i don't know which one i'm talking to now which one are we going to get what the what's going on okay you your real name is not pixie i don't remember no you're not pixie you're not pixie yes you are what do i know what do i know what do i know call yourself whatever you want we're still fighting why are we still fighting i can't do anything to these guys that was a very impressive okay i thought he was going to use self-destruct here are we dead [Music] i've never seen the fight continue after getting a persona this is very strange this is a very foreign concept don't buff yourself i still can only use gun it only wants me to use guns come on [Music] i i don't have any more bullets i can't use gun anymore looks like hitting its weak point isn't an option i also can't we self-locked i think who's next there's no way that i can i if i'm not allowed to use any other calm down don't tell me to calm down man i can't do anything we have to we have to reset the game the game just has to be reset you know what you know what let us roll to see what our party member is going to be now because after that encounter we can pick a new party member i'm what i'm going to do is i'm going to roll dice i have a die on my desk i'm going to roll it and the number that it lands on is going to determine what party member we're going to use three two one go it was seven it was seven we're bringing catchy in we're bringing you catchy in i'll catch you as our second party member this is great because he can actually do damage when we can no i'm not gonna put self-destruct on a catchy i oh oh i hang on i misspelled no we're gonna go with it i i [Music] true there we go that's our name ikra crew as my name i cannot say that that is very difficult there are like like dozens of messages in my chat that just say a catchy go boom no why did i press it out here i forgot hang on i forgot i was going to give it to him you guys had talked to you too i was going to give him the self-destruct there you go funny pancake mango boom and i'll even adjust his ai to act freely so if he decides that this is how we go out then this is how we go out let's move at skill 144 okay for the past 10 minutes i've seen people say add 144 is skill 144 actually a thing i leveled up or are you just saying it uh because of the whole 144p thing wow skull learn lunge all right i'll learn lunch how'd you learn line you're not on the party okay after this i'm going to stop something else i'm going to stop adding skills we'll add skill 1 to 44 just to see what it is let's move still one four four low forget this is the skill that we wanted low forget now we won't be as forgetful i'm glad i'm glad that we have that now i have expected it to be self-destruct i thought that you guys went and looked up the skill number for self-destruct so that i would put it on saturn aisle [Music] but now now he has low forgets i'll reveal your true form cheeto calm down joker i am within my it is within reason to be freaking out right now you just pulled the mask off that shadow and they turn into a giant shirtless politician okay and then a level 14 slime how nice all right let's hope this kills him because if not you're mine we're in trouble he's dead okay he's just flinched he's just like oh and now he's going to be gone for a little bit we'll find him later 95 xp it's a step full not 95 95 xp for we're killing cheeto [Music] hell yeah a new move for yuji i appreciate your enthusiasm but this is unacceptable all right that enemy was really weak i disagree i disagree morgana that was the opposite of weak i can check i guess i shouldn't just say that uh would it be i guess it would have to be under player that's it yosuke i'll look at that later there are still people all right spamming weed okay keep it up it's still going on [Music] well uh we could not see its true form you will have to reboot the game [Music] hang on one second attach item model enter an item's model id and attach it to the protagonist's right hand that's interesting why is that a auto 144 right hand you guys just want the game to crash you realize right you realize that if the game crashes i had to sit here and talk to you for i don't know how long until the game boots back up it it takes a little while how dare you deny king kombucha uh pay for this insolence with your life that dirt bag just sees women as sexual outlets is is that even over there with that love [ __ ] you like actually here let's give them hell that's a catchy give on persona back please that's not yours okay no she's here she's just in the wrong slot she's supposed to be over there but she she couldn't be for whatever reason yeah auggie there you go it blocks wow this is your awakening fight i hope you're i hope you're proud all right what do you have megaton raid okay that could help oh [Music] i didn't know this is the worst randomizer stream ever this is unacceptable for every opportunity i've had to die i've used can i get to kill you that would be great don't reflect it please you're weak to it just think perfect who could stand up all right [Music] will this be a video uh no no it won't unless i'd be able to need to like make a highlights thing out of it i don't know if anyone wants to see that whole reason that we're using saturn isle in the first place is because there are some situations that we just can't get out of uh with our current persona lineup so it's just to give us a little like boost a little head start so to speak did the game just [Music] why why did the game crash here you can press alt f4 to open the debug menu oh okay oh no what happened seriously seriously guys what if it worked what if you had fooled me with that me like going over here having like like the audacity of having the name tech rules and then falling for the alt-forward trick all right actually i don't want to do this yet i want to say first no what's up no no what's up no what's up no what's up okay we're gonna no it's just me it's just me we can just what an angle what a dramatic angle look at the chair look at the chair it's it's haunted it's haunted by the ghost of ryuji oh no band tech rules for liking mccutto look at it look at you look at what your malice has turned you into i didn't even say that i liked makoto you i just don't hate her because she doesn't have a forehead [Music] game crashed i feel like i feel like this is deserved my controller's vibrating can you hear it no you can't but i'll just if i put it if i put it on the microwave or the microwave the microphone you can hear it [Music] that sounded very interesting all right we gotta we've been playing for three hours oh good heavens let's get back to exploring you shouldn't be here get out of the table okay we're gonna run past him we're gonna use our master of stealth abilities i don't know how okay we're gonna poke him on the side and we're gonna run the other way wait hang on hang on the game lagged i wasn't ready wait there's shadows here uh okay we're gonna poke him on the side oh it's over here bud go look over there master of stealth master of stealth i did it i'll repeal i did not think that would work no hey chat i i don't think we're going to be able to progress until i figure out which uh encounter is crashing the game i think this is where we're going to call it i think we'll save the rest for another stream model 144 in the right hand you're right i'll do it i'll boot the game back up i'll boot the game back up and we'll do that and that's how we'll end the stream okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna go to player attach item model we're going to go by the id into the first half of the mod i'm not using any of this we're going to type in oh it's four digits okay so zero one four four enter the uh wait i did that wrong okay i i realized we're gonna have to hang on we're gonna have to restart it okay on 144 let's see what happens i'm gonna go ahead and let you know it's probably gonna crash but let's see what happens you know the first half of the model's id okay so we're just gonna put in zero zero zero zero and then the last half one or four chat chat you're you're not gonna believe what happened you're not gonna believe what happened game crashed do one forty four zero zero that will also probably not work we're gonna do it and whatever happens happens zero one four four zero zero zero it worked you have to be joking you have to be kidding i don't believe it i don't i don't why does it go so smoothly in his hand why does the animation have to end at his hand i don't think there's any better way to end the stream i don't think there's any better way to end the stream you did it you broke me chat you brought [Music] did you hear joker he had something i accidentally when i slapped my leg i accidentally hit the bumper to do the the thief sense thing and joker joker realized he has something oh congratulations chet in our first tech world stream you have completely broken me yes i am glad i did it now i'm glad that you guys convinced me to keep trying uh i hope you guys enjoyed this stream i certainly enjoyed it it was the probably the worst stream i've ever done and also one of the most fun streams i've ever done so i thank you for that
Channel: Tech Rules
Views: 235,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Persona 5, Randomizer, RNG, Mod, Challenge Run, Death Reel, VOD, Impossible, Corrupted
Id: 4llJik5wRKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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