(Hearthstone) NEW PATCH! Rainbow Death Knight

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Paladin I will keep yeah I'll keep gold pen plague strike come be my pet yeah slend Wheels seems a little uh a red over sted let's say does not seem like it needs that fifth point of Health I agree okay I'm just going to clear all of this my boom double one too how you going to deal with this Sledge was a five yeah oh is this new boogie down Boom Boogie Boogie the light but we fight well double bump here and then kill the rest of this prop rotation draw our card hey look Corpse Bride consecration rude okay more spice over here well Corpse Bride Stitch giant go look at that no big deal just 2222 worth of stats in turn five hello hello Nerf Paladin are you there yeah this is this is truly good stats for the cost okay must move quickly they need to spend the first part of their turn just going [Music] what reporting for Duty well one more death can't hurt just 22 you and now if you have any sort of removal we draw cards unless it like you know have to clear this but I don't really see anything that they could have they've spent what nine mana on reporting for yeah so they can't gens Grace this and uh Play Keeper strength okay and we see look they get an extra guy but they already got other guys and this is what I was talking about earlier you know like the the second boogie down is so much worse because the first one gets the three guys like you're you're uh your first boogie down you know it's more powerful but not getting the taunts can matter and the second one is so much less likely to be full power so boom Nerf taking big effect I we'll keep this gold Panner at last time for our meeting it is my turn I smell gold in waters keep on panning I smell gold in them their Waters now did I O I like it how bold oh baby I'm being taunted well I'm going to go ahead and punch through this here so I get car this guy prop rotation is very good with this we also have the grime Walkers Grim Walker is going to be a absolute heavy hitter against big Taun minions that's for sure relax all right let's warm you up yeah I'm just going to go ahead and crop rotation that I could also just play I could just play the mining casualties hero power and save the crop rotation I feel like we want to protect both of these though we still have Grime Walker we do I we also just get more corpses which is relevant relevant to my interests so this is probably a uh Black Rock and Roll deck considering the steam Guardian they're probably just black rock and rolling this turn but again we have sickly Grim Walker which is a huge deal mhm [Music] okay Cinder GH in this what you cut um I mean the list on the screen is actually not quite accurate are they going to play the blow up blow up stuff guy Mega okay all right um I have seven cards in hand I have to trade some I have to lose one of these I must just lose both of them and play two of these I'm going to do this into into this B batt Unity rude um I don't want to I don't want to commit this cuz I feel like it's pretty important here they're just going to get go back to 30 from this anyway so like killing this isn't really that big a deal I guess we just do this draw me the card and do this this okay like we didn't we could have just traded these off instead of casting the plague strike uh-huh oh hello CN um so grime Walker infe do I hero power question whether we yeah we just do this cast this oh go this place is scary yeah but I mean the the sickly grick are clearly doing a ton of work here um are they are they just dead we only can get make one haste guy or one uh one dude here pings this this guy could just double this guy if I want I have like yeah they just die right like on board Xing insects yeah sing [Music] insects all right but yeah that that game gri Walker really coming up huge giant monster no problem and obviously like if they have multiple giant monsters Grim Walker plus corpse rotation is uh pretty nutty so get him holy all right faster um Warrior keep a tour guide Tor guide uh like this deck doesn't play body bagger and plays Tor guide because of just how powerful Tor guide is with acolyte of death uh and the uh Grime Walker in particular I really wish this deck would update but I haven't I haven't you know it doesn't know that I don't have the malan horror anymore which I cut from this deck I forget what I have that's not melant horror but oh yeah it's also the vazir I have two viziers right now I think but also this is another place where where that's really good is with the Ruan vazir how that work versus warlock uh warlock has been has been pretty tough because of sledge on Wheels uh in my experience so far cuz Sledge and wheels is so good against all your little dudes oh 99 88 unbelievable thank you well uh that worked out okay um there's no way to get this to die this turn so let's do this I'm like in the patch I mean I played two games so far whatever three [Music] games okay do I want to just I don't think it's worth doing this I think we do trade these in yeah to battle you attack here you attack here you play viir Str out the better yeah I think we do just trade this guy in uh for those who are curious of my thoughts on the Nerfs uh I I actually started the stream with uh a brief discussion of them uh if you're on YouTube you can just scrub back and see it okay smell gold in their Waters they at 22 they could brawl me next turn I think we just hit them for 11 play the mining casualties the the the turn to dirty rat putting my 88 into play is uh putting that an awkward spot to say the least so even if they do brawl which is really like their only saving grace [Music] uh-huh I'm rooting for uh okay [Applause] so I could play arms dealer anti-magic shell um arms dealer would give me this give me 1 two three four five uh we have nine which is not really what we're looking for so I'm going to Corpse Bride death do us part yeah we're going to do this battle go none of these are targetable they've already brawled they can't play the brawler yet okay yeah that rat uh seriously betrayed them but hey we'll take it all right so warlock as previously mentioned uh sludge on Wheels is a problem for us cuz we have so many small things I grant you permission to sweep the deck tracker is slightly wrong we're not playing migan horn and we're playing a second vazir I believe is the only difference you here for the [Music] tour a coin FL one those solves any problem well I am just going to do this thing it's completely safe just don't spill [Music] it um that's actually an interesting question do I want a viir or ACA here theer is probably a little bit better here for the tempo the more you whatever spell we can get dark transformation is interesting army of the Dead we have like both corpse spres I think dark transformation is probably our best bet here like Fistful of corpses is medium given the number I have right now Army of the Dead we have too much pressure on these I think we just take this for free I don't think we use it now we can like use it with like a ghoul like next turn could be gold spanner or gold Panner hero power dark transformation kill a thing the problem with this though there is the problem with this and them having potentially just like trolley problem uhhuh yeah which ACC death would not die to tr problem so that's like an argument to potentially it that [Music] way do I just do this think I do awkwardly Destiny calls to you keep on panning that is the reason to to play acol Death versus the vazer ne last turn which is that their guys die attacking into ACO death whereas they don't attack into the viir okay one those serves any problem okay one more death hurt so they could obviously play something that gets the sledges off the bottom to kill this or just another try problem okay in this at least these both die right right on kind of an awkward spot I think my I think I'm just playing plague strike and corpse farm for six I think Corpse Bride not letting me kill that thing is a little bit awkward yep so that kills this and we take four oh the Divine shield on that's actually a huge deal cuz I can't just G Walker it um huh that's obnoxious okay till death do us part worse crucially so far in this game they haven't had Sledge and wheels and we're getting to the stage where like our dudes aren't that small so Sledge and wheels is much worse against us see still not bad but obviously dramatically less powerful than when we have just a bunch of one one power guys early stag of the [Music] game yeah eat this oh Rems of Life their pop guard got got got earlier by the uh by the destroy stuff I think I just take just take another mpaw it's either that or no muncher I don't think I want to blate e it's got to be no muncher okay they're just going to concede going to say like we're way ahead at this point all right let's go all right um I will keep mining casualties and plague strike here maybe I keep corpse Farm too with the m actually I keep corpse on cuz I have the mining casualties mining casualties is like hugely valuable to what this deck wants to do oh hello greetings need me to lighten your [Music] pockets let's go that was priceless muzzle their magic I think I'm just doing this because I want to be able to play eh no it's probably still worth this [Music] yeah like I just say I could like hold off and then be able to accolate of death and get multiple cards there but I think it's actually probably better to just remove their damage rude we're just going to go ahead and plague strike this guy sure you yep I don't really see much value in killing that guy monsters beneath you oh boy eights are so much better then although if I play corpse Farm I can play corpse farm and Stitch giant this turn if I go for a seven I'm going to do that cool just still get to do this even though it didn't die right away I do I do like the fact that these you know yep sure of course they Canary me and now they can just play uh-huh cool sure I'm glad that double Scourge Illusionist getting double drill for free on this turn didn't change this patch uh-huh well I'm doomed I guess we're just doing this I mean we still have this if we find propop rotation cool mhm didn't anything die the more you struggle the better okay I die blst yep mean turns out SC the drill still bust did but yeah that's I mean that game I like was very much exactly what I talked about when I I did the you know Brief Review of I you know yes shatter shambler is something that like you know accelerated the pace of things but the real problem I think is you know being able to tutor and cost ruce your best card and I would vastly prefer that they uh hit Scourge uist rather than the shadow shambler as that game evidences yeah we keep PL strike Panner you will not stop me now I need to find my uh my thing of hair ties cuz this this hair tie has it's seen some it's a little uh a little overworked a red sun rising should play this gold Panter we can obviously bump it but we get a card and a corpse speaking [Music] of orist [Music] forist me down with Nerf need a bit more spice over here we [Music] fight watch your fan for over a decade nice to catch you live well welcome yeah we uh we started doing the uh the Youtube streaming as well when they made it you know possible to do simultaneous YouTube Twitch [Music] streaming okay am I getting lasered cuz that would be bad oh boy yeah oh boy yeah Showdown Prismatic beam is kind of gross there weird why would you do it that way ah perfect nice timing I need a card from this so we're just going to do this it also is like you know something that survives these corpse Farm okay oh boy I am feeling pretty doomed reporting for Dy so we need to hit like oh just kidding that was probably my best draw oh oh yeah let's gooo we needed that one we needed that bad yep rep for Duty uh okay nice we got a taunt [Music] all right double 88 including its taunt you have another keeper strength do you have Garden Grace I can also just have shroom scate here and kill me right cuz they go to 1113 okay I'm not dead that is a delicious Delicious body for Primus at beast on though okay the RS decide your M delicious Gardens Grace they gave me all kinds of greens and everything remnants of life um sure oh yeah okay rude I do have this which freezes their weapon though which is actually super sick need a bit more spice over here all right freeze your weapon play this gigantic monsters that will kill you the worse I've consider just playing this in this deck by the way this card is like just very powerful and in a heal BBF deck I don't even know what you're saying heal [Music] BBF funny thing is Garden's Grace is slightly too small now oh blood blood Frost I was like huh I don't see what you would play with that okay sure I must move okay reporting for D I think I just a good you Ain never is my go we didn't really like need rusa there but it put us in a position where like they basically have to have second keeper strength or they die both the rights are [Music] gone sure that is not keeper strength they could heal themselves okay they still die right cuz this was this kills them reporting for Duty okay the victory is yours all right well boom got there that was looking like a disaster and then Grim Walker crop rotation saved us so hard praise be I will keep Demon Hunter merula miracula is good in the opener cuz you have so things that generate dudes thank you very much for the prime sub much much appreciated um we'll just play the tour guide here like we could play arm dealer but like arm stealer is not really doing anything immediately and giving them the opportunity to kill it um prior to us getting any kind of value out of it I think is not where would be we'd rather have this alongside say a mining casualties turn or uh a crop rotation turn to clear stuff oh boy I mean maybe I'm playing it now because our hand yeah there okay and close enough we're also just to beat these we have this anyway I mean this this sort of thing is actually good against them having um Sharpshooter because those have so many you know Targets on the board want he my playlist mhm I do [Music] [Music] sure need two more for this I also kind of just want to you know make a giant Corpse Bride but I don't really have I'm not really in a position where that is curious reasonable okay let's do this like this be Swift yeah we going death do us it's only a five five but like we need to just pressure them here and it is get you know it does get bonuses from this my blood boils for war [Music] is this really better than nothing all [Music] right Big Stretch for little dogs huh any problem [Music] so hit you you'll hit you your ends here you you you yeah you B okay I don't think that they can pull this off from [Music] here they will never catch me all right boom got [Music] him
Channel: Brian Kibler
Views: 38,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xGpU9MaNc5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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