[Performance MV] 소유 X 아이즈원 - ZERO:ATTITUDE (Feat.pH-1)
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Channel: starshipTV
Views: 1,498,053
Rating: 4.9685512 out of 5
Keywords: Kpop, girl group, 1theK, Starshiptv, starship, loen, 로엔, 뮤비, 티져, MV, Teaser, 신곡, new, song, 한류, idol, hallyu, ロエン, ミュージック, ミュージックビデオ, アイドル, 韓流, 韓国, 아이돌, 2019, FORTHELOVEOFIT, FORTHELOVEOFIT_AUTUMN, STARSHIP, PEPSI X STARSHIP, TEASER, MUSIC VIDEO, 펩시, 스타쉽, 티저, 뮤직비디오, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, PEPSI, COMING SOON, 커밍순, 라인업, LINE UP, 아이즈원, IZ*ONE, 2021, ZERO SUGAR, 제로슈거, 제로슈가, 사쿠라, 민주, 은비, 유리, 원영, SAKURA, EUNBI, MINJU, YURI, WONYOUNG, SOYOU, pH-1, 소유, 피에이치원, ATTITUDE, ZERO, 제로, 애티튜드, 제로애티튜드, performance
Id: 3wyyuZfLhLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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izone crumbs :((
Wait wasn't Soyou also a trainer on the girls' P48 season? How the circle closes.
sooo they just spell A-T-T-I-T-U-D and call it a day. queens
I kinda feel like this song is too good to just be used for a commercial lol
Good to see the greatest song in the history of the universe get more appreciation
Here's the vLive (for Soyouniques, WIZ*ONE & whomever that cannot access the YouTube video).
Why is every comment 'twerking' or 'permanent'? Am I missing something?