TWICE Plays Who's Who
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Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 560,882
Rating: 4.9841504 out of 5
Keywords: #BuzzFeed, #BuzzFeedCeleb, #KPOP, #KPopIdol, #Korea, #Korean, #MINA, #MOMO, #NAYEON, #SANA, #TWICE, #TZUYU, #TasteofLove, #WhosWho, #girlgroup
Id: t7ivmZK5zg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
So many highlights lmao
Jeongyeon being adorably salty Chaeyoung didn't call her back
Tzuyu being smitten by the heart shape of her puppy's poop and posting it in the group chat
Nayeon and Tzuyu finding each other hilarious just by looking at each other
Tzuyu proving that beauty sleep is a myth apparently
Extrovert Sana always being available and texting back faster than The Flash
Dahyun losing it when she was called a TikTok legend
Momo "having nothing better to do [than cooking] because she has no friends"
Jeongyeon writing the next smash hit for sad dancing hours
Mina still getting the most attention in the comments even though she barely even did anything, the power of this penguin
I can't with this group lol so good. I can't even keep up with their content this time around and it's not like they're ever slacking.
Jeongyeon writing a new song 👀
This was quite fun to watch.
I like how they're pointing in the Alcohol-Free style.
So, Jeongyeon is writing a new song and she says it's quite sad. I'm really curious.
Jihyo calling Nayeon ‘unnie’ will never fail to shock me
Jeongyeon looks so happy here and is way more involved, i love it. But Mina still didn't really say anything.
Jeongyeon's really chatty in this one. That's nice to see.
It was fun, I feel like they are opening more, they're definitly more confortable when they can answer in korean.
But do they still live in a dorm together, I thought they did when I watched the secret santa vlog but with their answer I'm not sure. Like the "I'll come over" or Sana texting them asking if any of them are asleep ?
Transcript of Mina's contributions in all these interviews: ._.
This is a great interview. For once it actually covers new information about them as preformers instead of spitting out the same old pre planned description of their albums.