Perfectly Good Phanteks NV5/NV9 Video Trolled By Steve

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my coverage of computex 2023 is brought to you  by g-skill thermaltake Cooler Master and gigabyte   welcome back everyone I'm visiting fan Tex and  there's a lot going on in this room there's a   lot of people but we're going to give you a tour  of what they have to offer we've got some new aios   we have some upgraded fans that snap together  for ease of use and we have two awesome new   cases let's start over here with the D30 fans now  available in 140 millimeter size look at that we   have uh three one three 120s right there we've got  three 140s right there these fans were initially   shown off at CES if you guys remember I covered  them there and they are among let's say there's   be there's coming to be more and more of these  types of fans on the market which is fans that   allow you to snap themselves together so that  you have a single point of contact both for the   power for the fans as well as the RGB lighting a  very convenient way to go but all the different   companies have sort of Taken different paths  in the way they've implemented this technology   for fantex they've gone with these connectors  that snap together they snap onto the side of   the fan which performs two functions it gives  you the connection you can see right there but   it also gives you a clean sort of connector on  the outside so it looks like more of a single   unit with the fans connected as you can see they  have it set up here on their Glacier 1d30 radiator   this is actually a Big Boy Radio this is a 420  millimeter radiator I'm getting ahead of myself   though I'm talking about the aios let's finish  talking about the fans but it's fairly easy to   assemble these you just snap these onto the  side and then bonus you also get these little   pieces that snap onto the top might seem like a  small detail these little Edge pieces but what's   underneath here is often rubber stoppers and I  have had the experience with some of these rubber   stoppers where the screw screws into them and  then they start to sort of Peel up at the edges   fan text isn't going to have that problem because  the screws are not actually pushing on top of the   rubber stoppers but regardless you're going to  snap that cover on the top anyway and it's going   to give it that clean finished look these fans  also just have really nice Aesthetics and I'm not   sure how well it's coming through on the camera  for you guys but the ring lighting they have 30   LEDs going around the outside edge of each fan and  since they're using white fan blades the LEDs sort   of shine across and you can get just a really  nice smooth fluid movement it's a really cool   effect and it also has the same effect regardless  of which type of fan you choose because these   fans are available in two different varieties  basically you have a push version and you have   a pull version so that does mean that you need to  plan out your build ahead of time to figure out   which fans you need for intake and which fans you  need for exhaust but it's basically going to give   you a flipped version so the air is always going  to be pushing out this way but whether you need   a push or a pull you get that version of the fan  and that will allow you to hide those unsightly   brackets at the back of the fan housing and have  it again a nice clean look as you can see in some   of these builds that they've assembled here which  are super clean and super nice looking as you can   see with the 140 millimeter version we have four  different varieties black and white regular flow   and reverse flow so those are your options for the  new d3140 fans look for these to launch later this   year probably in the September or October time  frame and the pricing is going to be 30 bucks for   a single fan or 90 bucks for a three pack fantex  also has a new AIO that they've been working on   which does make use of those D30 fans the glacier  1d30 comes with the fans this is also going to   launch at about the same time frame we're looking  at October or September at that point you'll have   a 240 millimeter version a 360 millimeter version  available in black and white the pump block is not   an a stick when they're going with a new vendor  for that and I haven't discovered many details   about that at this point but they said it's a high  quality one that is just as good if not better as   the ace Tech options and they're maintaining  sort of a design aesthetic sort of a you can   see sort of the edges here they kind of match  up with the D30 fans to keep everything clean   and looking good in your build oh and we do have  prices for these it's going to be 150 bucks for   the 240 millimeter version 180 bucks for the 360  million millimeter version over here and they do   have a 420 millimeter size radiator version coming  out as well but we don't have a price or a launch   date on that one yet how about power supplies  check out the a Revolt Series fantex has a bit of   a collaboration going on here with C Sonic who is  the OEM for these power supplies see Sonic makes   really high quality power supplies and they've  made a special edition the Revolt series for fan   techs available in three capacities or wattages  one thousand Watts 1200 watts and 1600 Watts   the unique thing about these apart from the fact  that it's going to be some of the first available   versions of this platform from csonic that are  up to 80 plus titanium rating like the 1600 watt   version down here but these power supplies are  not going to ship with cables installed in fact   you will get your cables from cable mod cable mod  already has a wide variety of cables and a bunch   of different finishes colors and everything and  they are already perfectly suited to work with   seasonic power supply so you're going to have  a wide range of options there the power supply   will come with the AC power cable you will also  purchase the cables separately so that will be an   added cost but because of that the cost of the  power supplies themselves are going to be less   like for example the 1600 watt version is 400  versus the seasonic 600 and 1600 watt version   of that same power supply which is a around 470  or 480 dollars fantex will also tie in with the   cable mod website so depending on what case you  have you can put that in and then cable mod will   provide you the cables for the power supply custom  length for your case you can also buy a cable mod   set that's maybe more basic if you know you're not  going to use all the cables that you might have in   there so it's a good way to provide consumers  with a little bit more options in terms of the   custom sleeve cable kit they're going to get  it means you're not going to get a set of black   flat cables or something that you're just going to  ditch and not use so it cuts down a little bit of   waste and of course being tied in with the cable  mod ecosystem means you just have lots of variety   and color choices I got to go to the crowded  spot over here it's busy let me get some footage   over here with this guy with a big bushy made of  hairs in my way I don't know what to do about that   ways I recognize that hair okay back at CES we saw  the phanteks nv7 which actually launched a couple   months ago very received but the fan Tex takes  fan feedback into consideration and there were   some people that said hey the mv7 is too small  and there are seven people that said hey the mv7   is too big so now we have an nv5 and an nv9 we're  looking at the nv9 right now this is going to be   a 300 MSRP case it's not going to ship with any  fans but it is wider and it does accommodate a lot   more Hardware than the previous nv7 version  did specifically there were a lot of people   was thought that the 120 millimeter fans that fit  in the nv7 could be a little bit bigger right 140   millimeter fans are all the rage going up to  all the 420 millimeter aios they're being more   common on the market also just more expansive  custom water cooling setups like you can see   right here bantex always sets up just like  the cleanest builds in their cases uh credit   to them I mean obviously they're trying to sell  the cases and show how nice they can look but   just I just I just appreciate the bends that  they've got going on here with this custom I   believe it's a maybe acrylic or pet tubing I'm  not sure which they're using so you're going to   have a lot of the same features of the mv7 such  as the cable routing pathway that they have down   at the back to feed all your cables out the back  side of the case so even the rear of the case is   going to have clean Cable Management they have  added an optional GPU brackets a perpendicular   GPU bracket that can mount right there it's being  shown off in the Black version of the case that is   an add-on just so you guys know and it is 100 so  it is a little bit pricey but it does come with   that long lengthy PCR agent for Riser cable so  you can hook up you know anything up to an RTX   4090 and get full speed here's the Black version  of the nv9 with just a sort of a dummy motherboard   installed so you can get a better idea of the  layout without the full build is bigger better here we have he doesn't even have a new camera  I'm just kidding a quick correction actually this   Riser bracket right here which is an angled Riser  bracket for a GPU which can angle it one way or   the other this one is ready and this one will be  a 99 upgrade for this case the uh horizontal or   perpendicular or the one that's going to be that  way that they're showing up in the black case that   one is still a prototype still in development so  uh there's still a TBD on price and launch date   for that one is this how you do videos Paul yes  yes Steve I know how do you know where the lens is   Steve I know you're still new to this whole like  making videos on YouTube things look it's like   silhouette it's hard to see the product in front  of me when your hand is in the way I didn't know   oh sorry I didn't know that's what you're saying  don't worry it's your first time here at computex   I'm sure you get the hang of things soon I'll  eventually figure it out get a room wait I gotta   point the camera at you I don't know Steve from  Gamers Nexus ladies and gentlemen the man himself   okay A little bit of detail work here on the i  o as well for the nv9 uh they have added a reset   button I like having a reset button but it's kind  of a pain in the butt to accidentally push it so   they've made it recessed both on this one and the  nv5 also they have a two channel RGB controller   built into the case which is very convenient but  they got some feedback that said you know it's   kind of difficult to switch back and forth between  those so they are revamping this one for the final   version when this launches so it's going to be  able to sort of sync up both channels at the same   time and then over here we have the nv5 because  like I said people some people said the mv7 was   too small some people said it was too big people  who said it was too big now have possibly an nb5   to choose from over here you can see a build list  version of this chassis so you can get a bit of a   better idea of the inside you can see they've got  a built-in GPU support bracket there which is nice   they did need to move the power supply down to the  bottom on this one in order to maintain the layout   and also to maintain the the reasonable price this  one is going to be 130 dollars and it's launching   in August yeah 130 bucks US Dollars that's uh  that's a pretty good price for a case of this   quality and caliber I like some of the details  in here like the 90 degree angled pass-through   grommets also the beautiful paint job fantax  always has a really nice paint job on their   cases some little details like the power supply  shroud down at the bottom you can actually remove   this panel with the thumb screw which means if  you have a power supply installed and like it's   modular and you need to plug a plug into like over  on this side and you're reaching in from that side   you don't have to like completely disassemble  your build in order to do that I thought that   was a really nice detail as mentioned the i o up  here on top includes a type c which is really nice   especially in a case that's a little bit more  towards the affordable side of things and then   again here you can see that recessed reset button  so you don't accidentally push that while you're   trying to hit power once again some super nice  builds that they have set up in this case to show   just the kind of Premium look you can get if you  drop in some high-end Hardware if you're dropping   some D30 fans once again the nv5 and MV 9 just  like the mv7 aren't going to ship with fans so   that allows you to choose your own fans it does  add a little bit to the cost of the case but just   so you guys know if you're considering a purchase  a late addition to the set of Hardware that we're   looking at today is this LCD screen it's a five  inch LCD it's actually 1440p resolution you can   see they have one installed in the nv5 down here  this would of course easily slot in with an nv5   or an nv7 or an nv9 but it is uh Universal because  they're going to have a white version with a white   housing like this one they'll also have it in  Black it's got some brackets at the back that   you can remove so you can mount it in a variety  of different ways whether you want to use the   magnets if you want to mount it to 120 millimeter  fan bracket you can do that too you can pop those   off and you can see there's the connection down  there at the bottom it's just going to use an   HDMI as well as a micro USB for power they're  also planning to launch this around the October   September time frame when a lot of the other  products I've been talking about today are going   to launch no word on price yet though since it's  still in development and there is a quick look   at it in action there is another upgrade possibly  for the nv5 you might be interested in as we take   a look at yet another gorgeous build over here  with the cold blue and white aesthetic uh there's   extra LEDs on this you of course have the accents  LED that goes along the edge of the power supply   that's part of the case but this one has another  one that's running along the side here back to   the back up the side across the front and across  the front again I suppose that's an add-on LED kit   specifically made for the Envy 5 and that is going  to be 70 bucks but guys that's all the time I have   for here at the fantex Suites from computex 2023  I'd like to say a big thank you to my sponsors   for this event thermaltake g-skill gigabyte and  Cooler Master I have lots more videos coming at   you real soon check out the place playlist if  you haven't check out my store subscribe to my   channel hit the Thumbs Up Button if you enjoyed  this video we'll see you guys in the next one uh
Channel: Paul's Hardware
Views: 89,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, PC, PC gaming, personal computer, computer hardware, paulshardware, phanteks, phanteks computex 2023, phanteks NV5, phanteks NV9, steve, gamersnexus
Id: Pmb3X4Qxwpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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