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Gotta be honest, when I saw 15 min, I was skeptical, but this is a seriously great video and is really informative. I skipped ahead at a few points (for example, when you were chopping stuff) - one thing you could do is have some of the voice over during the chopping to make the video a bit shorter. Other than that, great job.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/crabapplesteam 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Didn't even click the link and I knew what channel that was! That guy has the best cooking videos I have ever seen! Thanks to him the quality of my carbonara and weight have skyrocketed!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/drimago 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Awww... i love Cusato. He's great.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Laherschlag 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Woah, no need to yell. It’s just pasta.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sterkenwald 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

If you ask my dad (born in Sicily) he'd ask where the peas are.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Stimmolation 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Must have ran out plates.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Owl55 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so in the last few weeks a lot of our friends over in Italy have joined the community here and I want to welcome you all and thank you for so many kind words a few weren't so kind but a it's to be expected and because of all these new Italian friends I thought it was perfectly suitable to follow up with the cacio Pepe and all the pasta videos that you guys have been enjoying with carbonara I know my Italian friends appreciate when something is done right so I spent time getting my information from the Italians studied this method from this guy in Italy his name is Luciano mano Sileo and he's dubbed the king of carbonara and he's kind of invented this technique very interesting to me it's very foolproof it's a way of actually like cooking the eggs to a point the method sort of consists of taking your pasta cooking it in the pasta water getting your egg cheese and pepper mixture and cooking it over the pasta water like a bain-marie so you're actually getting heat on the eggs that's gentle enough that it won't scramble them you can pasteurize them to a point at like 160 degrees Fahrenheit and to me it just seems like a very interesting and user-friendly way to make this at home given that you can boil some pasta in a pot and you have a big enough bowl to sort of fit on it so that the pasta can boil underneath it and you can whip the egg mixture and cook it gently over the steam an important factor is not cooking the pasta at a boil which you actually don't need to sort of only need to cook it at 90 degrees Celsius or about 195 degrees Fahrenheit that's enough to cook pasta and to rehydrate it and that's gonna be gentle enough to cook the eggs in so you can get some good heat on there make yourself feel safe and make sure you get a good carbon are at it so I'm paying homage to Luciano I think he perfected this as much as one could so we're gonna give that a shot so the fundamental ingredients are very simple as usual and it's a building block of cacio e pepe ketchup Pepe was Parmesan cheese and pepper oh I'm sorry pecorino cheese this is a curry no cheese Parmesan cheese as well guanciale or pancetta even though Quan Chalet is the traditional meat used for this black pepper and then we're gonna make an egg sauce with it so a carbonara is basically an egg sauce with guanciale and it's made in the style of cacio e pepe in a way they're all kind of based off the same thing I believe because tomatoes hadn't been introduced to the region yet which is why all of these pastas are like oil based or cheese based the fat from the guanciale or the pancetta is an important factor in this gonna cook these down render them out cool down the fat to room temperature and then use that to help thicken the sauce the problem is there's a lot of salty elements here the meats are very salty the guanciale the pancetta pecorino is very salty just to clarify pecorino is a sheep's milk cheese and no I don't think a sheep's milk cheese is a cow's milk cheese for those who ask and it's very salty whereas Parmesan is a cow's milk cheese and it's nuttier a little bit less salty so I'm gonna sort of use a two-to-one ratio of parmesan to the more saltier pecorino to balance out that salt a little bit and then we have black pepper carbonara basically means in the manner of a coal miner and I'm pretty sure that just relates to the flecks of black pepper that are browned on top and into the pasta I personally don't prefer guanciale in this dish to be honest I prefer a pancetta like this that I can kind of cut up and control the dice of although guanciale is traditionally used today I'm going to use pancetta to the dismay of all of my Italian friends I'm sure but there's a reason why and it's because for you it may be more accessible in Italy but in America it's can be found for sure but it is just not as accessible sort of meat to look for it whereas pancetta is normally found in every supermarket so in the true style of an Italian which is cooking locally and using what's available to you and cooking simply with all these techniques that we know we're going to use what's available to us in America and make this with pancetta but if you do seek one chale feel free to do it basically what you would do is just cut out all this outer layer which is sort of just dried out a little bit and then you would just cube it into dices but we're gonna do that same thing with the pancetta and just make this dish that way so the first thing I want to do is cut this up because I want to get this rendered out and cooked and get that fat sort of cooled down to room temperature and then I'm going to start to make the rest of the dish so it has this little exterior I want to cut that off I want tiny cubes of pancetta but I don't want them too small because there's a lot of fat and it's going to shrink and I don't want them too big because the pieces are then gonna be sort of difficult to eat so this is your time to sort of think about how big a cuts you want I'm thinking about I don't know what that is about a fingernail thick [Music] so now I just have my pancetta cubed up in a cold pan I'm gonna slowly render this out until it releases all of its fat just want to crispy on the outside nice and soft in the middle and all that fat nicely rendered out one important thing when you're doing this method and you're filling up your water just make sure that your boiling water isn't filled up too high I'm gonna put enough in so that when you use that as a bowl it's not gonna overflow that should be perfect also get your water up to temperature remember it's about a little under 200 degrees you don't need to get it super boiling and for this you don't want to or else it might screw up the eggs so keep it right below the boil [Music] [Applause] so our pancetta is cooked the fat is draining letting that cool down to room temperature so it's just not burning hot it's gonna help thicken that sauce at the end we got our water it's about 200 degrees it's not boiling so that's gonna be good for us I want to talk about pasta for one minute I put a little bit less water than I normally do I'm gonna put a little bit less salt in the water that I normally do because of how salty the other elements are and I want less water so that I have more starch that concentrates in the water and some tips from some of my friends in Italy was to think about the pasta a little bit more and I was using some real store-bought stuff but now I'm looking at pastas differently but I'm making these type of pastas that rely on the starch I'm looking for these pastas that have a little bit more texture to them if you could see that they're rough and you can almost see the starch on them and you can feel them if you just run your finger across it this pasta is going to be perfect for me this is from roost Iike a boots rusty Kevlar Dan booth so pasta company it's a product of Italy this is 500 grams of pasta so they can little bit over a pound or around a pound carbonara is such a rich pasta I can't eat the same amount as I could just a regular tomato based pasta so today seeing as though I don't have a family to feed I'm going to make this recipe with half a pound of spaghetti this recipe will satisfy probably two or three people if you want to feed more than just double up the recipe so we've got our pasta now let's grate our cheese's like I said I want a little bit less pecorino this one a little less of this then I do the parmesan so let's say about 1/4 cup pecorino and then a half cup of parmesan about a half cup and probably a little less than that amount in pecorino so now how much ease I'm gonna get the bowl I'm gonna make my pasta in this big bowl and I'm gonna crack four egg yolks into it separating the whites from the yolks the whites are gonna go in here the egg yolks are going in here [Music] I'll make some egg whites with this in the morning for breakfast easy so that I'm gonna go in with my cheese and then black pepper then whisk it together now what we're gonna do is bring this over to the heat we're going to set this over the pasta water and it's just below boiling point we're gonna whisk this over the heat and we're just gonna wait till this to sort of come up and thicken into a little bit of a sauce if you want to use a thermometer you can you can just kind of get it to around 160 degrees then I'm going to take it off cook my pasta when the pasta is cooked to the package instructions so whatever al dente is on the package you take it out you throw it directly on into this bowl and you're gonna put this back over the pasta water you're gonna mix that all together let it thicken up and once it starts to get creamy and thick we're gonna start to add a little pasta water we're gonna start to add a little bit of the pancetta fat to help emulsify and thicken the sauce and then we're gonna start to add the pancetta to it and then that's carbonara it's that easy this guy made a great technique I'm super excited to share with you so let's just get into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's a beautiful thing it's perfectly al dente it's not overly salty that method of cooking it in a bain-marie I'm obsessed with it feels Archie beable for anybody no matter how worried you are about making this dish it's a creamy pasta we've got a nice crisp pancetta or you have guanciale for my friends in Italy the black peppers are aromatic it's just very delicious it's not too rich even though we used egg yolks it's nice and creamy and beautiful I mean come on look at that does Italy approve so now you know how to make good proper carbonara no cream no butter no nothing this is the real way I just can't stop eating it go to the store get the ingredients make this now just in case you guys wondering why I put things on a cutting board is not to be cool there's a very practical reason for doing it you don't really have to come at me hard about the cutting board thing it's a it's a shell and it's a thing in the show that's done for a reason that's more or less for behind the scenes reasons not for you guys to worry about and it's a style that's come come to develop so you know take it for what it is if you think I'm weird you think I'm weird I mean it's called not another cooking show for a reason so thanks to all my patrons scrolling up on the page right now if you want to become a producer of the show and help contribute to the cause I'll leave a link on the screen and down below on how you can become a patron as well thanks for watching that's all I have today I'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed yourself
Views: 1,364,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make AUTHENTIC CARBONARA sauce, how to make spaghetti carbonara easy, luciano monosilio carbonara, perfect pasta luciano monosilio, carbonara di luciano monosilio, chef luciano monosilio, luciano monosilio ricetta carbonara, spaghetti carbonara, pasta carbonara, how to make carbonara, easy carbonara pasta, pasta carbonara original, pasta carbonara food wishes, how to make carbonara pasta, how to make carbonara sauce, easy carbonara recipe, Carbonara | Basics with Babish
Id: 90LalTBSIhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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