PERFECT response to a Muslim questioning the nature of Christ - Nabeel Qureshi

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assalamualaikum waalaikumsalam so Mike so being a Muslim as you can already imagine my main problem is with the Christian doctrine of God heard of to use so there's a couple of questions are related first of all I find this concept logically fallacious like there are many aspects to its logical fallacy as in maybe one of them could be that how can God be finite and then infinite at the same time like this is like it's like saying that they could exist a square circle it's it's a logical fallacy so when we say that Jesus was God or son of God we are actually saying that God existed in finitude during the life of Jesus and he also is infinite at the same time this is logical fallacious now because you are you're coming from a historical you want me to respond to that or you it's a relief like the same question continuing so because you're coming at it from a historical standpoint another thing that adds like the historical evidence that adds like that supports this argument is that the concept of Trinity the word Trinity itself it doesn't appear as a theological term till near the end of the second century after Jesus so it was first used by as try ass by Theophilus the Bishop of Antioch in AD 180 so we can and like adding up to that when you refer to mark chapter 14 verse 62 which is what you say is the proof that Jesus claimed to be God are you really applying the same criteria of objectivity that you are applying previously to the Quran when interpreting this as meaning that Jesus is claiming himself to be God because if you like look at it completely objectively looking at the entire text like there is nothing in the entire text that's it that's saying that Jesus claimed to be God and in fact the verse that you yourself code is actually saying son of man so I mean don't go anywhere what's your name munzur ones away from I'm from Pakistan Pakistan both who she who absolutely I have the exact same questions when I was when I when I practiced Islam what I want to point out is that first and foremost what we have to see is what Jesus claimed for himself now the secondary of stuff that follows the theological unfolding or unpacking of what he said we can spend years and years debating what it means but what did he say about himself that's the first thing we want to look at so again that's a historical perspective theologians argue all day long back and forth back and forth you know if theologians argue all the time and I just sit back and watch and smile because you can't really prove it one way or another but when it comes to historical events we can show with relative degrees of certainty if the evidence is good if the records are good what the most likely conclusion is so first and let me give you an answer before if you feel like interjecting we can talk afterwards first I want to point out you are absolutely right the term Trinity is not used to the end of the second century what is the doctrine of God called in the Koran in Islam what is the doctrine of God called though he is that in the Koran I know the word Allah good so you understand the word thought he'd is not itself in the Quran in the same way the word Trinity is not itself in the Bible this doesn't pose a problem the Shahada is not found in the Quran you have the components of the Shahada in the Quran but you do not hold on you do not have la ilaha illaallah muhammaden-rasul allah in that way found in the quran the component : the components are found in the Quran with the Trinity the components are found in the Bible so the worth of does appear in the hadith oh that's great but it's not in the Quran and the in the hadith is much later so we're looking at the you asked for the Bible and we have within the early canonical tradition people calling a God a Trinity in the early canonical tradition in fact much closer to Jesus time then the hadith were to Muhammad's time so it whichever way you stack it when you're consistent you end up with a stronger case for the they for Jesus deity now I want to continue on to your next part of your question which is is Jesus finite or infinite the argument is that Jesus is you know I'm sure him to pose it in a slightly different way can Allah come on to this world if he wants can he be in this world if he wants you wouldn't think so so Allah is I'm nipa tense is limited he can't come on to this world it's it's like basically you a lotta luck I cannot do logically Felicia still a you cannot create a square circle right mm-hmm because that's that's something logically but how do we how do we know that's what this is because for example in surah al-imran when Allah is talking to Moses it says in surah al-imran I think it's would al Imran it might be sir 18 but double-check that Allah as he spoke to Moses Allah was in the bush Allah was in the bush so if you want to say that meant something else who you're gonna have to argue with the Quran on that one it seems to be pretty clear that Allah can emanate his voice from a physical place he can be in a physical place in a sense in the same way we don't believe I don't believe that God coming to this earth limits his omnipotence it's not a limitation of his omnipotence Jesus has taken on flesh God the Father is still everywhere God Jesus the son is here on this earth it's a limitation in that sense but it's not a limitation of his nature he is both a divine and human nature that's the argument now I want to talk about briefly and then we're gonna have to go to the next question but let's talk afterwards for sure you asked about the Son of Man you said he's not calling himself the son of God he's calling himself the son of man I'm emphasizing to you my friend when this hit me again while I was practicing Islam when this hit me it hit me like a bolt of lightning the claim son of God according to Jews at that time was not anything divine Adam was called the Son of God Solomon was called the son of God in the Psalms it says you are gods it's not a divine claim to call someone a son of God but when someone refers to that son of man coming on the clouds of heaven who's going to receive glory Authority and sovereign power in people of every nation and language are going to worship him with the worship due only to God that son of man is more than just a human he is divine he's gonna be worshipped by all people of all time so when Jesus calls himself the son of man he's not it's not the Son of God title and lots of Christians get this wrong so I'm not I'm not pointing the finger at you lots of Christians say O son of man means he's human and son of God means he's God no it's do a round into the Jewish context son of God was a normal human title son of man from Daniel 7 that was something divine go back and read Daniel chapter 7 see that this man is worshipped by all people from all eternity this man the one who looks like a human anyway is worshipped by all people alongside of God the Father that's the one Jesus is claiming to be definitely understand that point that I'm trying to make and so when you see that Jesus claim is found there in mark 1462 it's found in all the Gospels and every time Jesus uses the term son of man he's alluding to that you cannot extract that from the Gospels so please put mark 1462 next to daniel chapter 7 and see what Jesus is claiming for himself and we'll talk afterwards for the rest Lord bless you my friend we'll take one last question [Applause]
Channel: Apologetics - Jude 1:3
Views: 7,146,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nabeel Qureshi, response to a Muslim, muslim, nature of Christ, is Jesus God, islam, muslim vs christianity, islam vs christianity, how to prove that Jesus is God, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Jesus is God, Jesus is the Son of God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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