Perfect Paint WRONG Parts! Toyota Sienna 3.5

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let's drill into a Toyota hopping Z fuel tank lid we can see these things are they're riveted on and they must be drilled off in order to remove the uh fuel tank door begin drilling now drill came do I need a bigger bit what no this is fine got it um openings he hoods gravity [Music] hello everybody good day to you welcome back I just got this fuel tank door back from paint it was black in color and now it is silver in color it is designed and meant to replace this fuel tank door that has broken off hinges see that hinge is broken right there what was happening is the hinge was broke and when the door was closed it wasn't latching on the button properly and that told the BCM in the vehicle that the door was open and because the door was supposed to or was open the sliding door would not open so we had to uh undrill or drill out the rivets on the old door and uh get the new one painted and now I'm going to either rivet or bolt on this replacement fuel tank door so uh let us uh let's head out the parking lot and fetch our vehicle oh I also think I have the the broken mirror here for that as well anyway we're gonna go ahead and fetch the truck no I'm not as forklift in the way yeah yeah they're gonna move they're moving now that they're moved I can move yay so we're back in our 2015 Toyota Sienna 3.5 liter V6 win come on screen what it was just there hang on oh I don't know how to work this car I just saw it with 105 336 miles on the odometer all right that took way too long so anyway the plan we're gonna go swing this Toyota into the shop this is actually the second video on this particular Yoda uh the first one I diagged it we chopped the mirror off the side of it or the uh the gas tank torque words um I was thinking about the mirror words Association uh it's got a cracked and discolored and broken mirror glass on the passenger side I have replacement glass in a box in the shop so we're gonna button up these two remaining items and then get this particular vehicle back to its owner so we're doing the mirror and we're gonna do uh that fuel tank door and try to get that thing installed riveted or bolted on however however it seems to go the easiest so stay tuned because this is going to be a very good video actually that all over there looks like a good video too sketchy everything's sketchy even driving through this parking not sketchy I got an El Camino over here and a tow truck over there and a Tow Motor over there and I just want to go inside and put on a mirror get me out of here maximum sketch-o-matic the Nissan is still there waiting for a valve body component let's see yeah we can just park this thing right here parking's the auto windows down powering down let's start with our mirror first let me bust this thing out I think that's it fragile glass super sharp knife [Music] there let's see that one that one's already cut come on mirror ooh shiny I can see you oh that's not right a little sideways you see this right here is why I don't like to use the head camera because I had that entire like two scenes on super high speed lightning fast motion and I did not intend to and it happened with an accidental screen swipe of the camera so that's the reason I don't use the head cams you guys everybody's going raw you need to put the head cam on so you can have both hands well when I do that it ruins my footage so I prefer not to so anyway I need to uh pull this little indicator device thing out of here because it needs to be transferred to the other mirror let's pop that thing out bring the wires out with it or maybe I can't transfer this perhaps it does not uh accommodate this indicator that's odd I don't think it accommodates the indicator guys I believe this mirror is uh [Music] not gonna work [Music] let's see yeah it's that's not gonna work for us it doesn't even have the little clamp thing that holds on to it so we're losing a feature and that feature is a little lane departure departure warning indicator so that thing's not uh that's not going to be there anymore that sucks well what I can do I'm gonna put this mirror on anyway we're probably gonna have to order another one but for the time being I'm just gonna pop this mirror in I didn't expect that this was supposed to be a direct replacement and it had included all the features that they said the car had but as we can see um our non-oem reproduced unit has fallen short well car parts modern car parts why why well anyway I've got the uh the space for the heaters so I can plug in the heater circuits yay so what we're gonna do tuck that harness back in and we'll get this thing plugged in and reconnected and then snapped into place that's that's a disappointment I did not expect that to occur why let's plug that guy in there we go we'll stick that connector just down inside that little void and then we can rock this unit in and it snaps is it gonna snap or what I guess there will be no audible snap oh wait wait doing this all wrong terrible this thing going to click in or what I'm scared to break it because oh because it's a mirror begin kicking I remember it was a bear to come out you did not want to click yeah see we've got the little tabs right there and they've got to fit into that little slot there and then they both snap in I can easily do it I just can't get pressure behind it in order to make the snap uh actually occur maybe I need two hands try with two hands begin snapping please no it's not gonna do the click okay escalation yeah here's what I'll do I'll reach behind here with uh this little trim tool and maybe I can hold base so I can put some pressure on the mirror to snap it in I'll try that this thing it better line up and fit or I'm gonna have a fit that's how that's going to work you're either gonna work or I'm gonna have a hissy fit break something get in there come on please maybe if I maybe if I threaten it with like death if you don't go in I'm going to break you yeah perhaps threats I can use threats oh there was a snap did I get it all did I get both sides snapped in in the survey says yep ER okay both sides are snapped in this is good let's get this little uh red thing out of here what is this glass protector do I need to take the glass back off too take this red thing out um why come here red thing this is boring see man oh I'm way overthinking this so this little red thing is between the glass and the frame and there's nothing I can do about that so I'm not gonna do anything about that but what I can do is wipe off all my fingerprints on this glass yeah make it nice and shiny we like shiny no fingerprints there we go perfect okay let's go get to our main event which is that fuel tank door I'm not screwing around okay so first things first is I need to kind of flatten out this area right here where the rivets came through because it sort of popped the metal out some and it's Bowing in a in a convex manner so I just need to go in there uh with like a punch or a chisel and just flatten that out with a hammer and make it flush and then I can get the uh the new door riveted tooth body here's what we'll do put a chisel on there or a punch give it some tap or tap action hitting customers cars with chisels and hammers like Play-Doh but when it comes to soft materials like wood I'm inept it's kind of stuff's easy to me bid there we go do a kind of a test fit here it all lines up this is good okay let's bust out the rivet gun get this thing reinstalled actually I'm really glad I get to use my rivet gun I bought it like eight months ago so I could do a window regulator and a BMW and I have not had much opportunity to utilize the tool it's a massive rivet gun it's for very large body rivets see what I've got here in the way of hardware that's too small where's my big ones I need the biggest ones that I can get uh I don't know if those are going to be big enough hmm anything in here no no no small rivets nope I thought I had some bigger rivets these are the biggest ones I have 3 16. I think those might be large enough I think let's try one out we can do a test rivet see see what it does [Music] what I'll do is I'll rivet this rivet and then we'll take it over to the body and see if the diameter is going to be appropriate okay it popped if it's not I need to get bigger rivets let's go see if this can work I may actually need to put that in that's close um I don't know I've got to have some bigger ones somewhere I know I do because the whole on the last rivets that I used were larger than these ones so I've got to have another larger set somewhere hang on let me let me get organized here figure out what I'm doing okay it's been a few minutes and I had to go and borrow permanently borrow some bigger rivets I found some quarter inch ones that the guys next door had some I cannot find my quarter inch ones and I even sent Lauren to the parts store to go get some and they said they had some but then when she got there they did not have some so I had to borrow some anyway uh minor inconvenience game on moving on continuing on let's get these uh rivets in place and one of them there's our rivet number two right there and now I gotta go in with the big boy rivet gun and get these things uh installed a little nervous here I don't want to mess this up or break the paint which I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be all right first squeeze big rivet guns are good oh don't fall out get back in there no no no no no we're not doing this again I don't want to scratch my paint I'm scared there's compression number two a second pull and that one pop we're good [Music] that's the spent casing [Music] get number two in how's the alignment on this is that is that gonna work I think it's uh I think that's all right first pull wow all right [Music] is it gonna work [Music] okay doors closed it's kind of working pop the uh the lid and see if it pops open [Music] see this is why I don't like do Bodywork because this is just way outside of my wheelhouse because if I mess up like that wrath like that last rivet for example uh that kind of got away from me I could have very easily couched the side of the paint here which is not good either way that's a success it's functioning as designed let's go ahead and check the side door operation because that was the issue let's see opening side door I guess I'll use the remote what was happening is it wasn't tripping the switch inside and because of that the side door was not being allowed to open but now began closing there we go but now we're good to go that thing closes BCM knows that it's closed this thing opens and closes successful repair all right and now I know I need to order a big box of the quarter inch rivets because I cannot find mine or I never had any or last time I needed them the other shop had them and I did not take them because they weren't mine that that also could have been an option back there you go prepare successful [Music] we've got the door on oh I need to make the door shiny back to my towels and my spray leave no fingerprints it's kind of my ammo spray that down there we go give it a good wipe goodbye fingerprints paint matching on that's fantastic too I can't even tell can you guys tell I think it looks good wonderful paint matching [Music] okay so I need to figure out what it is I'm gonna do about that lane departure indicator that's on the mirror and uh that's probably about gonna cut it for this particular vehicle oh I left the thing outside hang on I'm I'm losing my mind today what is wrong with me give me that I can't start the car without the fob anyway guys starting Z engine I'm gonna go ahead and close this video out no it's a little short a little bit sweet is what it was body repairs and red and whatnots and this and that but we got through it that was the list of repairs that they wanted so that being said as always like thank you guys for watching this video hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please feel free to let me know about that in the comment section down below tap that like button while you're down there and most importantly do not forget to have yourselves a great day see you guys later end of Sienna in a transmission in the video
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 158,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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