Perfect Miner Design With Blueprints In Satisfactory

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hello guys and welcome back to another satisfactory guide and today we're going to be talking about Miners and how we can house these and it occurred to me that we could build a blueprint that we can just place down once we have the the right grid position and all we'll need to do is connect the miner to that and then the minor to the power and from there we'll have a system ready to run take for example this one so we go we've got it on the blueprint and we're going to snap that there and then all we need to do is grab our Miner and then we can we can connect the power to wherever we want and you'll also notice that this is centrally outputted so really cool system that we're going to be playing around with today I will mention all these builds that you see are going to be available as blueprints as a bonus on our patreon however I am going to talk you through how to build these as well so do not worry I am going to be doing this in creative mode just to make it easier on me but the first thing that you're going to want to do once you place down your blueprint designer is to grab the foundations now we're going to be using three foundations for this one we're going to make it nice and easy three by two and from here we're going to grab some walls we're just going to build around it for now what we want is the miner to be aligned with this so we're going to have the miner in this section and I think we'll keep it simple just for an example here we're going to grab a window because that looks pretty cool and we will also add maybe a doorway that's yeah let's do that so from here we're going to check that this aligns right so we're just going to save this as minor test at this point we've placed Down The Miner and found the central alignment to this Foundation as you can see if we grab this it is aligned now from here we're going to grab another foundation and place it just here and then on this Edge we're going to grab a blueprint the reason why we haven't done the blueprint here is that sometimes it's it can be difficult to get the right snapping so we are going to place this in default mode along one of the edges unfortunately we can place it there but we can here and then from here we're going to delete these we're going to grab our blueprint again and we're going to using the blueprint mode place this one across and then from here we're going to be able to grab our minor blueprint and with it in Blueprint mode we're going to be able to twist it and we'll rotate it into the position that we want like so from here we've now placed it we can place down the miner and check that it's all lined which it is and from here we have the basic Foundation setup for our housing so we're going to head back to the blueprint designer now and we're going to build this up and then I'm going to show you what I've done with the other miners when it comes to housing factories I quite like to have one corner that is All Glass we're also going to at this point build up these all the way around and then from here we're going to place another kind of wall this could be anything you want we're just going to go with a basic concrete wall and you can be as creative as you want really you want to try and make these um fit in with the build that you've already got going within your world and then from here we do need to go slightly higher so I think we'll probably go with another line just around the side and maybe we will run that there and at this point we can play around with the color maybe if we're doing an iron build we might want to use a red color around the base just to give us an idea that this is this is iron and once we're happy with it we can save it and from there we're going to grab it and place it down in Blueprint we can add our Miner connect it up and there you are you have a miner that's been housed and is perfectly aligned within its own grid ready to go on to the main grid wherever your bus is going to be taking the resources but we should probably cover all the rest of the builds that I've done to give you an idea as to how creative you can get with it first one that I built was probably the simplest one you've already seen what we've done with the previous one it's very similar but you can see this is pretty simple and one which allows you to build inside it something that I would like to show off if you're interested in seeing a factory that's got a minor within it and it's a single blueprint that produces various items do let me know we'll do some really compact build designs within blueprints which might be quite cool the second one that we have designed is another three by two keeping it very simple here this one has the glass around two sides and we also play with the different use of glass as well very simple easy to build um as you can see we've just got concrete with a few layers of normal walls and then the metal metallic wall followed by some different Roofing and using the ramped walls to create an angular structure now I wanted to play around a little bit with clipping so we've got this section here it's much smaller it is a two by one and you have to make sure that the window side is against the uh the foundation you can see the basic box that we've placed we're going to run in or fly in and add our minor what I like about this is the fact that we have an access point to get to the top but also that I keep the side open so that you can actually go in and upgrade it if you want or overclock it the next build we played around with clipping even more I actually really like this build and it's meant to be placed this way around however because of the walkway that we have there you'll notice that it's misaligned by a a single um walkway so for this we're actually going to have to place another Foundation here then grab our blueprint foundation and place that on the edge so is here and then we can delete this place it down in Blueprint mode and then from here we should be able to place this one and as you can see we have played around a little bit more with the the build itself and I like how it snaps and we we clipped through it all this is of course perfectly aligned and then we have access to the miner through the top section here I am really happy with this build but we did have to get a little bit sneaky with placement so that we could get this to align with the foundation because we're using a whole foundation and a half Foundation as the footprint for this which means that we have an extra space here of half a foundation that we need to fill out which I can show you how we did that over at the blueprint designer and here we are you can see what we've done to make up for the half Foundation just next to it is we've added four beams just across the front and doing that has meant that this is now aligned with a single Foundation when replacing it we're going to place our next one this is my favorite book The probably the simplest as well it doesn't really matter the placement here and you can see we've just placed it directly against here even if it's not aligned we're going to grab our Miner and you can see here that using the beams we've made it look a lot more industrial and we're also able to walk on top of this should we wish again the outputs are aligned in order to build this we've used the beams for the supports then the connectors as the black box as you can see on each of the the edges and then we have the beam supports actually holding up the walkways and you can walk up there and check out the whole system as you wish same very simple but I love the way it looks but we are going to leave it there I hope this has filled you with some ideas as to what you can run in your factories as little minor blueprints I hope you found this video helpful if you have please do hit the thumbs up and obviously if you want to see more and haven't already do make sure to subscribe and let me know if you would like to see us doing some compact builds based on the blueprints in the comments below so you'll see that in the coming weeks but guys until next time thank you so much for watching and thank you so much to all of our amazing supporters most notably our solo Eclipse patrons James Owen firefles treble and Beowulf as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star Shoku the amen wolf and that dude aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is the Salton husky until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 108,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Perfect Miner Design With Blueprints In Satisfactory, Satisfactory Totalxclipse, Totalxclipse Satisfactory, Satisfactory miner mk1 placement, Satisfactory Miner design, Satisfactory miner on foundation, Aligning Satisfactory Miner, Satisfactory Gameplay, Satisfactory Update 6, Satisfactory Update 7, Satisfactory Miner blueprint, Satisfactory Update 7 Blueprints, Satisfactory Update 7 Blueprints download, Satisfactory Game, Satisfactory Update 8, Totalxclipse, Satisfactory
Id: 7uujkMoC0Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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