Peppa Pig's Family Hospital Building and Construction Set

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toys I'm gonna go with Matt Effie and sprinkles the bear oh no my tummy hurts so bad George where are you over here daddy pig hmm yeah my tummy still hurts oh you poor thing well I guess it's time to go to the hospital I heard there's a stomach virus going around okay I'm gonna call mummy pig that way she can send Peppa to take you to the hospital okay daddy Peppa Pig Hospital this is mummy pig can I help you oh hello there mummy pig uh this is me daddy pig I'm calling because George Pig needs to be taken to the hospital he's been having this tummy ache and uh it's not getting any better let's just say he's been pooping a lot Oh No okay okay daddy pig thanks for letting me know I will be sending Peppa Pig over here so we can take George fate here in the hospital mm-hmm all right then I'll wait for Peppa here hey everyone I see here four toes eliminate and today we are opening this Peppa Pig hospital construction playset it comes with 97 pieces that includes an ambulance and also peppa and mommy pig looks like a lot of fun let's go ahead and open this up that way we can take care of George pig well isn't that a lot okay let's go ahead and get started [Music] and the outside of the hospital is done we have windows we have doors and the inside though we still need a couple things to complete it on this corner of the first floor we have a blue bed a rail it ain't bad and on the other corner we have a table and also a chair first level is done on the second level we also need a drawer here blue bed and pink bag second floor is done now all the top I'm not exactly sure what this is but I'm thinking this is where we put the hospital logo safety first we also need some rails on there how about we put in stickers now so let's start with flipping this over here to tell everybody that this building is a hospital oh I forgot let's put a vase over here by the side table and some paintings on the wall mm-hmm all right and how about a cup of coffee by the table [Applause] whoa it's time to put together how have your lands and let's not forget a little Hospital sign on the front there awesome ambulances all ready to go wait we need a nurse and a doctor in the hospital the thing we have mommy pig and Peppa Pig here is Peppa and she is going to be our nurse let's put a little sticker over here and mommy pig is going to be our doctor and because she's a doctor she will need a status cup and also a little Hospital sign on the side there hello and today I'm a nurse and they notice how sick people get better that's right Peppa you are a nurse and we have our first patient for the day we did yes it's your brother George oh yeah your daddy said he is having some tummy pain oh must be that virus going around lately that's probably it so why don't you take the ambulance get George here so we can take care of him better no problem mummy pig okay here goes Peppa through the ambulance to get George pig here she comes [Music] well hello there pepper thank you for coming so fast no problem daddy pig sorry you're feeling bad George come on get in the ambulance so we can take it to the hospital all right George going into ambulance here we are welcome to the penneth big hospital hey George how are you feeling like tummy hurts oh I'm so sorry to hear it - okay Peppa why don't you take him to his bedroom that way he can get some rest okay come on George over here okay George here's your bed awesome George gets the blue bed and let's go ahead and lay him on there for him to get a lot of rest is the patient resting well yes mummy peg he is in bed okay once he wakes up make sure to give him this medication here and after two hours you have to give this medication here after he takes those medications George will be feeling better pretty soon hmm that was a good rest hey George I'm glad you're awake Thank You Peppa but my tummy hurts again oh I see don't worry George dr. Monty Pig said you should take this medication now that will help you with your tummy ache okay thank you [Music] whoa good morning George good morning dr. mommy pig hey George you look so much better today are you feeling good morning Peppa I'm feeling much much better you so much better peppa pig hospital is the best I'm Peppa you've been an amazing nurse to George because of that I have something for you Oh for me Essie can you show her what I got her sure mommy pig here it is Peppa a nurse Peppa Pig carry case whoa my very own carry case yes Peppa it sure is do you wanna see what's inside yes yes yes please all right then let's open it up and see Oh toy surprises Hey I love toy surprises me too all right let's open this up first one we thought is our princess Sofia the first blind bag here at the back we have all of the characters though we can collect we even have princess Elena here we have princess Sophia's mom this is Queen Miranda she is wearing her yellow ball gown and she even has her crown whoa she looks really pretty next up we have a shopkins blind backpacks back number one [Music] whoa looks like we have something yummy there it is we have Julie gem roll in yellow okay backpack number it's ooh hmm I got her the other day this is who are wishing well and her name is pity now we're down to our final surprise this is the Disney sub sub carrying with all these some some characters that we can collect I have gotten piglet and Mickey Donald stitch but I haven't gotten a or so I'm hoping to get him let's see is it going to be no ear today but we have the super cute Dale look at the red nose and of course it is a keyring so we can carry it with us wherever we go right there yep okay kids we're here yay good luck and have fun bye mommy bye daddy and hi there come on let's go to school but now let's know hey guys it's se for toys 11 ed and today we are opening this peppa and George school construction playset so looks like we are going to build a school plus it also comes with George and Peppa figures looks like on the side we have our assemble instructions okay let's get building there it is we have the main outline of our school now let's put some drawers nice one two three and four okay great now how about some desks and chairs chair one two three and four and also one desk for every chair hmm what else are we missing oh I know how about a teacher's desk there you go and of course our teacher also needs a chair to sit on perfect and here's the chalkboard hey how about that that looks cool almost done here is the fun part or at least my favorite part it is putting on our stickers here are some books on the shelves we also have some paintings like this flower here Oh George's dinosaur a plane up in the sky more dinosaurs and a giraffe here's a wall clock also the set also comes with lots of this orange blocks and we can use this to put our numbers as well as letter here's number one two three four five six seven eight and nine we also got zero oh how about a plus sign there's also a minus sign and the equal sign there is also a block where we can put our globe and one for George's dinosaur her here is a block for our book another one on the back and for colorful pencils as well as crayons ooh a choo-choo train oh and some painting supplies too this goes here this year this will go over here at George's table or desk and the globe goes over here at our teacher's desk there you go and let's not forget our bell okay looks like class is about to start so here are our students we have here George and he goes of a year at the back and here is Pippa gate Peppa hmm where do you want to sit oh I would like to sit here sure Peppa there you are I think we're missing more classmates I'm here oh great candy cat is here too she says right beside Peppa I think I bet it just in time you sure did Pedro pony you sit right beside George good morning kids good morning today we are going to add and subtract numbers so I will be asking you some questions and whoever get the answer right gets a toy surprise oh that's right okay let's begin shall we first problem 1 plus two equals me me me me okay George what is it the answer is three one plus two equals three whoa great job George and because of that here is your toy surprise awesome George you got a shopkins hmm Oh chef glut edition so we got our collector's guide over here and a recipe booklet to make apple pie Alice inside we have all of the recipes that we need to use to make our apple pie 5x1 where's it going to be whoa oh we have herb LT bag that is cool so I guess the stream there is the one that you use to kind of dip it into your cup wine thank you oh my goodness this is so cute and uh-oh somebody already took a bite can't resist the heaviness of these cookies can't blame them oh my goodness this is so cute mmm mmm be sure you owe me how about three plus one equals oh I know I know Madame gazelle I know so what's the answer candy cat the answer is four three plus one equals four quick job candy cat now let me go get your surprise here you go I think this is perfect for you oh I should think so yeah thanks Madame gazelle oh it is a kitty in my pocket blind carrier it comes with two kitties inside cute little carrier ha okay let's open this and we have our bag inside our bag here is our first kitty kitty cat with some green eyes and a purple little flower the name of this kitty cat is Leo hmm then maybe it is a boy the other one we got is oh look at this she has a pink nose with blue eyes and a green bandana on her neck her name is Sabrina hi Sabrina now let's subtract some numbers 4 minus 3 equals me and me me Madame gazelle I know the answer okay Pedro pony what is the answer the answer is 1 4 minus 3 is 1 you get it right petrol here is your surprise yay oh it is a Disney since I'm carrying here we got all all the keyrings that we can collect I would like to get whoo I would really love to get er is it Oh No here for us but we got don't know back his hat and his outfit matches and even have his red bow tie and it is a keyring so we can carry it with us wherever we go final question of the day 5 minus 3 equals me me me Madame gazelle ok Peppa what is the answer the answer is 2 5 minus 3 is 2 that is amazing awesome job Peppa Oh Anna here's your surprise whoa no moms that is right we have our tonneau moves wine container this is part of series 2 already we have our flyer our collectors died and woo our blind bag Oh check this help you guys I think we got a sushi mmm smells so good let's check it out oh we sure did it's Inari and if we open it up whoa I think we have a motorised Nam I actually haven't gotten one before oh you guys this is so cute alright let's try it out you press this button maybe oh wow oh look at it go Thanks so cool you'll get it that bad you'll get it [Music] oh it is holding up okay looks like it's time to take a break see you in a bit yay break time for break time the playset also comes live our very own theater totter so all we have to do is put this sit together okay okay Teeter clutter is ready for some playtime here comes George and Peppa on the other side here we go whoo faster oh sorry Peppa maybe that was too fast here you go that's better hey George hey wanna play toy hunting with me hello Peppa sure but we're over here at my new Peppa home and garden playset oh sweet sure let's go Hey yay hi everyone it's sd4 toys in limited and today we are opening this brand-new by bus home in garden playset it comes with Peppa Pig and it can also transform as a carry case and here it is outside of the box so on the front we have the Peppa Pig logo in four windows one two three four there's a window on the side as well and a dwarf and on the back we have more with those let's unlock it and open it up lots and lots first things first we have our handle it goes right over here there you go all the very top of the house is our attic and as you can see there's a whole bunch of random stuff in there we have some suitcases there's a lab a glove who is eating in the Attic because there's some bananas and oranges in there and also we have some spiderwebs now let's go ahead and add this one to make the other floors of the house right below the Attic we have the pest room and her bathroom so let's divide it using this little wall divider here the side is her bedroom we have her window with a Sun brightly shining outside there's some drawings on the wall and her toys look they're steady and we even have our dinosaur for George since this is a bedroom we are going to need her bed on the other side we have her bathroom there's even a bathroom closet and a fishy on the wall on the first floor we have a living area and the kitchen the kitchen already has a stove top and the oven there is already a bowl of fruits in there but it's missing a refrigerator so let's go and put this one on the side over here we have our living room there's a big floor lamp and some pictures hanging out on the wall but for our living room to be complete we get a habbit TV there you go right outside of the house we have our muddy puddles in the garden but garden can use a tree and check this out we have a seesaw one for Jorge and one for Peppa this girl's right in the middle the set also came with a Peppa Pig figure with her little tail of the back and the cool thing about this figure is that we can actually move her arms so I can go front and it can go back just like that hi I'm Peppa Pig George when I come say hi to everybody that's right that's right the set also came with a George pig figure he's wearing his blue outfit and his arms can also move back and move forward okay Peppa I'm ready to go toy hunting hey I guess I go first look what I found here in the Attic awesome job Peppa here we have a Disney Princess chocolate egg surprise let's open this up we have our yummy yummy chocolate here's the capsule here we go we have our flyer with all that this is the precise that we can collect and we got look here it Snow White there you go she's wearing her signature ball gown with a little Palace background there is the castle and our princess goes right in the middle just like that well I found something here in the bathroom hey great job also George now let's check this out it is a secret life of pets blind bag inside we have our flyer that tells us all of the pets that we can collect and who did we get we have Buddy and Buddy has this elongated body yes that's me ooh there's also a surprise on top of my bed that sure is right pepper here we have a mole bunny squishy pop envy God it's Apple Bloom she looks really cute doesn't she okay let's make her pop here we go oh there's a big surprise at the kitchen you're right George there sure is it is a lion guard blind bag here in the back we have all of the characters that we can collect and it's Pumbaa this is awesome Pumbaa is one of my favorite favorite characters from the show a key well thank you dear khuda Matata hey thanks a surprise here in the living room - I see that pepper let's get it it is a mom Oh funny blind bag boom here's our collector card that's all the ponies and we got Applejack she is friendly and sweet that is so true here is who and this one as a glitter strand on her hair well howdy Applejack how're you doing knowing Jess all right y'all well that treasure hunting was fun wasn't it George it sure was peppa and there's only one thing left to do what is it time to play in the seesaw oh of course let's go that bug goes on this side George goes on the other side we whoo okay everyone that's the end of our video I hope you enjoyed it this is SC for toys little Emma said goodbye hi I'm Peppa Pig and welcome to my pirate ship ahoy pirates this is a sea for toys and limited and today we are going to build peppa and George pig's pirate ship the ship also comes with George Peppa a treasure chest and check this out it even has a working cannon Wow let's pour everything else so we have our pieces our instruction booklet and the most fun part stickers whoo-hoo all right let's get building now that the ship is assembled it's time to put on our stickers here's our flag here is a big picture of George on the very front of the ship we have a picture of a lighthouse a map to find the treasure some life rings windows [Music] some kilo shells some cute colorful little flags on our stairs let's add a barrel here we couldn't decide our cannon and of course we need a steering wheel and we also have our treasure chests and this goes inside our ship and now the ship is complete awesome the wait a minute we need our pirates here is our first pirate it is George here is his pirate sticker to make it official oh hey George can go on top of the ship to see and tell us where we're heading and our other pirate is Pippa with her pirate sticker he hi I'm Peppa Pig and today we are going to set sail to find some treasures there let's go George are we heading the right way for the treasure oh yes we are papa I can already see the Treasure Island from here awesome straight ahead look guys we made it to Treasure Island we sure did and looks like the treasure I'll add is full of toy surprises what's wrong George I see another pirate ship come in huh haha not too fast that pie those treasures are mine now oh no it's Captain Hook that's right it's me and I'm here to get all those treasures no way Captain Hook these treasures are ours you can stop me from getting all of them ha ha ha oh yes I can George repair the cannon captain oh I'm in trouble looks like we are going to lunch the cannon here we go ouch ok I'm not here great job George thank you oh now let's go check out all the treasures that we got ok let's start up with our treasure number 1 which is 8 Susie's blind box here's one big one and see you let's start after the smaller one and this is going to be our Souza's pit it is oh-ho-ho we have horse snake in yellow ooh that's a little scary isn't it now how about our bigger blind bag which is our - this baby which baby did we get Oh a can't baby as always oh look his tongue sticking out look and look at the cute little I know hat that he is wearing treasure number two we have our shopkins blind backpack [Music] backpack number one he is ooh we have our cute little picture frame backpack - [Music] whoo we have woody in green and he is a garden chair another one we got is our doc McStuffins toy hospital collectible minifigure we have so many doc McStuffins character that we can get including a rare glow-in-the-dark professor hootsburgh we have our dinosaur this is bronty bronty is mainly blue in color with like a little purple details of the bag and he looks really friendly and here is our final treasure we have our Sofia the first collectible minifigure is it that we go ooh she is one of my favorite favorite characters from the show and she is going to be our question of the day in the comment section let me know the name of this little princess it awesome surprises right George that's right Peppa now let's get everybody on board in the ship okay here goes our cheese's baby our chair and our picture frame we also have our dinosaur and of course our princess Sofia character all aboard ready set sail goodbye pirates Oh okay guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it this is se for toys and limit and see you next time bye hey George hey wanna play toy hunting with me hello Peppa sure but we're over here at my new Peppa home-and-garden playset oh sweet sure let's go okay yay hi everyone it's SC for toys and luma dad and today we are opening this brand new Bevis Home & Garden playset it comes with Peppa Pig and it can also transform as a carry case and here it is outside of the box so on the front we have the Peppa Pig logo and for windows one two three four there's a window on the side as well and at war and on the back we have more with those let's unlock it and open it up [Music] first things first we have our handle it goes right over here there you go all the very top of the house is our attic and as you can see there's a whole bunch of random stuff in there we have some suitcases there's a lab a glove who is eating in the Attic coz there's some bananas and oranges in there and also we have some spider webs now let's go ahead and add this one to make the other floors of the house [Music] right below the etic we have the piss room and her bathroom so let's divide it using this little wall divider here the site is her bedroom we have her window with a Sun brightly shining outside there's some drawings on the wall and her toys look versa teddy and we even have our dinosaur for George since this is a bedroom we are going to need her bed on the other side we have her bathroom there's even a bathroom closet and a fishy on the wall on the first floor we have a living area and the kitchen but pitch head already has a stove top and the oven there is already a bowl of fruits in there but it's missing a refrigerator so let's go and put this one on the side over here we have our living room there's a big floor lamp and some pictures hanging out on the wall but for our living room to be complete we gotta have a TV there you go right outside of the house we have our muddy puddles in the garden the garden can use a tree and check this out we have a seesaw one for George and one for papaya this goes right in the middle the set also came with a Peppa Pig figure with her little tail at the back and the cool thing about this figure is that we can actually move her arms so I can go front and it can go back just like that Hey hi I'm Peppa Pig George wanna come say hi to everybody that's right that's right the set also came with a George pig figure he's wearing his blue outfit and his arms can also move back and move forward hey okay Peppa I'm ready to go toy hunting oh I guess I go first look what I found here in the Attic awesome job Peppa here we have a Disney princess chocolate egg surprise let's open this up we have our yummy yummy chocolate here's the capsule here we go we have our flyer with all that the Saprissa size that we can collect and we got lookie here it Snow White there you go she's wearing her signature ball mound with a little palace background there is the castle and our princess goes right in the middle just like that well I found something here in the bathroom great job also George now let's check this out it is a secret life of pets blind bag inside we have our flyer that tells us all of the pets that we can collect we have bunny and bunny has this elongated body yep that's me oh there's also a surprise on top of my bed that sure is right Peppa here we have a mole Pony squishy pop in wheat god it's Apple Bloom she looks really cute doesn't she okay let's make her pop here we go [Music] oh there's a big surprise at the kitchen you're right George there sure is it is a lion guard blind bag here in the back we have all of the characters that we can collect and it's Pumbaa this is awesome Pumbaa is one of my favorite favorite characters from the show oh well thank you dear khuda Matata hey thanks a surprise here in the living room - I see that pepper let's get it it is a mom Oh funny blind bag boom there's our collector card with all the ponies and we got Applejack she is friendly and sweet that is so true here is who and this one has a glitter strand on her hair well howdy Applejack how are you doing knowing Jess alright well that treasure hunting was fun wasn't it George it sure was Peppa and there's only one thing left to do what is it time to play in the seesaw oh of course hey let's go that bug goes on this side George goes on the other side whee whoo-hoo okay everyone that's the end of our video I hope you enjoyed it this is se for toes when lemon said goodbye George where are you hmm where did that boy go huh Mimi's in the kitchen George oh he's not here either whew money puddles Oh George I know you're having fun over there but you have to go clean up so we can meet daddy pig and Peppa fake to go camping okay mommy I'm gonna go clean up now here I am money okay let's go to the camper van here we are yay camping hi everyone its se for toys and limited and today we are opening this Peppa pig's camper van playset here are all what's in our playset it comes with Peppa Pig if she is dressed in blue dress with some white flowers hi I'm Peppa Pig and I love camping we also have Danny pig he is wearing a red dress with some white flowers also and he also has his camera and here is our kipper van it is yellow and we can see through the inside one special feature of this vent is it actually has a workable owning so all you have to do is flip this open and all we have to do is move this dinner backwards there you go isn't that cool and if we want it back out all you have to do is push this forward tada hey sorry we're a little late daddy pig that's okay that's okay so who's ready to go camping me me me I've been ready Hey well chat upon in the van and let's hit the road so let's open up our van George big goes over here at the back Peppa Pig goes right beside him mommy pig over here and looks like daddy pig is driving let's not forget they also came with a barbecue grill let's go ahead and put that over here at the back and also a table whether utensils that we can disconnect and put also at the deck let's put the cover back on and off they go oh look mummy pig I see Ben and Holly in the playground can I go say hi okay Peppa Pig hi Holly hi Ben oh hi there Peppa I see you guys are in a van are you guys going camping oh yes yes we're going camping oh that sounds super super exciting I just wanted to come by and say hi whoa whoa whoa not too fast I think I have something for you that you might like let me go get it here you go ooh we have a surprise from Ben for Peppa Pig and this one is our shopkins happy places blind box let's open it up and see okay first we have our blue tile and our blind bag blind bag now is this a toilet paper roll it's number 252 and yes it is it is a toilet paper perfect we can use this in camping for sure so in blind bag I think we have a toilet plunger it's super funny and cute and light bag three here you go says we already have toilet products we also have a toilet brush and a container to go with it just like that well thank you for the gifts Ben and Holly I'll see you again next time have fun camping let's go ahead and put our shopkins over here at the back and back on the road Oh daddy pig were you spinning hey no not at all hmmm so why are there police officers Hey well that's a good question oh boy oh boy oh boy how are you daddy pig hello officer Mickey Mouse hello officer Pluto I'm doing good was i driving beyond the speed limit not at all I just stopped you to give you something give me something yeah I heard you guys are going on a camping trip so I figure I could give you a little surprise thank you we have here our troll surprise canister with all these key chains that we can collect here we go Wow we have the very glittery purple troll with white long hair isn't this so magical I love all the litter oh look at his butt and he's green little nose let's put it at the back of the caravan also have a safe trip bye goodbye daddy pig is this campground already no Peppa this is just a France treehouse a treehouse come on guys let's go down and say hi oh the pig fan was here sky they're here coming down right hey everyone before you guys head up to caffeine let me give you my gifts hold on here it is I have a gift too here's mine we have here two surprises here's the first one we have this neat Junior lion guard blind bag here are all the characters that we can collect in this series and we got awesome we have Kiara she is absolutely beautiful that is super super cool we also got Skye's gift which is this LITTLEST PET SHOP blind bag here is our flyer with all the cute little pets that we can collect my favorite one is the one here inside a taco shell I think that's funny this time around what did we get ooh look at this cute little thing it has its tongue sticking out and we also have an accessory here and we have a little box for her to go in super super cute baby well thank you so much for having us and thank you for all the surprises we're gonna go ahead and hit the road so we can go to the campground soon no problem glad you guys liked it ruff ruff have fun camping let's put Kiara and our pet onto our van also and back to the road we go okay kids I think this is a great spot for camping so I guess we're here let's go ahead and take off our top here hey now that everybody's here it's time to get grilling so here we have our grill inside looks like we have some fish corn and eggs okay this is almost ready now some chairs and tables here is our table that already has our utensils in there and looks like some salt and pepper too all we have to do is connect this suit together there you go and for the chairs we can actually just get the chairs inside our bin here's for georgian fat but here's for mummy pig and Daddy pig let's put the top on our van let's lift up the lid and extend our awning there you go let's also get chairs and tables for the rest of our friends hmmm that barbecue is great daddy pig yep I agree although I think I could use some dessert well don't worry kids I got you covered awesome mummy pig brought us the shopkins food fair edition here and this one is filled with some yummy yummy desserts here we go here are our two blind bags first one we got Oh yum yum yum yum we have lots of jelly beans oh my goodness this shopkins looks SuperDuper adorable next deliciousness here it is here it is we have the equally yummy and equally cute me KEK so one dessert on this table and another one on the other table hmm life is good all right guys that's the end of our video I hope you enjoyed it if you did click the thumbs up subscribe to our Channel and I'll see you on our next episode my name is se Fritos and limited see you next time goodbye everyone thank you for watching if you want to see more videos from us just click one of the boxes on the screen right now don't forget to subscribe to our channel by clicking sprinkles the bear also let's continue to find all over the Internet follow us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter bye besties
Channel: Nat and Essie
Views: 7,210,134
Rating: 3.8033202 out of 5
Keywords: hospital, peppa, peppa pig, pig, construction, constructing, set, george, nurse, pretend, play, stomach, ache, toysunlimited, playing, build, building, family, full, complete, fun, funny, house, kid, kids, friendly, mud, muddy, puddle, nat, essie, nat and essie, building a house, construct
Id: S4tIZJBs_dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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