Peppa Pig Travels Back In Time To The Stone Age | Kids TV And Stories

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foreign [Music] Pepper and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig where's granny Pig here I am granny pig is wearing a pretend beard today I am a caveman granny and her friends are pretending to be in the Stone Age what's the Stone Age well it was a long long time ago when people lived in caves eight berries and Chase big hairy elephants called mammoths Stone Age Two of course you can I've made you both costumes George you're in the Stone Age come and see what we're doing in the garden here up granny wolf granny dog and Madame Gazelle look everyone here is Stone Age Pepper and George hello we are digging a cave with our stone tools bye why don't you have buckets of space Stone Age people didn't have buckets and Spades you see today we are living exactly as people did in the Stone Age tea time for thirsty Stone Age people oh lovely make people drink tea ah I'm sure if they could have had tea they would have had tea yes yes yes all this digging has made me rather hungry two let's gather berries yes berries strawberries ah you're eating all my precious strawberries but that's what stone age people did well can't you do some other Stone agey thing instead I suppose we could Chase woolly mammoths good idea but there aren't any woolly mammoths now grandpa pig can be a woolly mammoth yes who all right if it keeps you away from my strawberries thank you Grandpa Pig you run and we will chase you okay ho ho I'm a woolly mammoth we're coming to get you ah you'll never get me yes we will we got you well done Pepper and George now we carry the mammoths back to our cave yes gift oh the mammoth is a bit too heavy to carry actually Grandpa Pig would you mind walking oh very well Stone Age people have arrived back at their cave hmm it's going to take ages to dig a cave with little bits of stone I have an idea where's my telephone phones uh no but if they could have had telephones they would have had telephones yes yes yes yes yes hello vegetables speaking hello Mr Bull could you come and dig a big cave for us please I'll be right there marvelous thank you everybody Mr Bull has arrived with his digger 's no but I'm sure if they could have had diggers there you are now we can decorate our cave with paintings just like like Stone Age people did I'm painting us chasing a woolly mammoth I'm painting granny with a cup of tea on the telephone and Mr Bull with a digger oh exactly how it was in the Stone Age pepper and her friends have come to Rebecca Rabbit's house for an Easter egg hunt Rebecca hello everyone are you looking forward to the egg hunts yes Ready Steady go wait stop stop what you start the Easter Bunny hasn't been to hide the eights yet oh when is the Easter Bunny getting here very soon good we'll wait but the Easter Bunny is very shy and won't come if you're looking okay we'll close our eyes no peeking I can hear something it's the Easter Bunny no it's not it's just my daddy here is Mr rabbit hello everyone what are you all doing here we've come for the Easter egg hunt oh I hope the Easter Bunny will come soon Mr rabbit oh yes me too I uh let's just go and check my carrot batch this is Mr rabbit's carrot patch remember children the Easter Bunny is very shy and won't come if we're looking let's wait indoors foreign no but the Easter bunny is a rabbit yes and you are a rabbit yes what does it look like I think it looks like me but a bit bigger I think the Easter Bunny has a rocket pack yes it's a super bunny I think the Easter Bunny has a magic fairy wand I think the Easter Bunny must be very big to carry all those eggs everywhere [Music] [Laughter] no the Easter Bunny is invisible what invisible means you can't see it that's silly [Music] oh somebody's hiding an egg must be the Easter Bunny I wish we could see the real Easter Bunny maybe we can see it you're in the window yes oh I can't see anything we're never going to see the Easter Bunny um remember no peeking sorry Mommy hello everyone oh hello Mr rabbit how are your carrots what carrots the carrots you went out to check oh they're fine daddy did you see the Easter Bunny ignore but I'm sure the Easter Bunny will have been by now do you think the children can start looking for the eggs yet oh yes I would say so right are you ready to find the eggs the Easter Bunny is hidden yes ready when you find all the eggs we share them out equally daddy there should be one egg for every child don't worry if takes you a long time to find them Danny dog has found an egg Sushi sheep has found within a bush pepper has found an egg in a tree George has found one wow that was quick and with one egg each great over there [Music] yes now we'll see what the Easter Bunny looks like that is not the Easter Bunny that is Rebecca Rabbit oh we thought you were the Easter Bunny no I'm me and I found an egg we've all we've all found eggs I'm a little bunny and I like to play I hope Skip and jump and I play whole day I'm a fluffy tail and bouncy legs I like eating carrots and chocolate eggs [Music] it is a lovely sunny day pepper and her friends are visiting Granny and Grandpa Pig what that Grandpa Pig is putting up a big stripy tent in his garden [Music] [Applause] [Music] circus Peppa there's no circus here why why not a big stripy tent then this is for granny pig's garden party oh what's a garden party it's where grown-ups stand around talking what a waste of a good tent a because we'd be more exciting why don't you make your own circus yeah we can call it circus have you finished putting up the tent Grandpa the guests will be here soon granny we're doing the circus for your garden party what a splendid idea can we just drop of course I'll get the dressing up box we can be clowns and strong men and jugglers my daddy was in the circus wow what did she do he sold tickets yeah you can all find something to wear in the dressing up box pepper has found a top hat Danny dog has found some spotty Trunks and a stick on mustache Pedro has found a clown outfit me please what does everyone want to be I want to be the clown but Peppa where is your clown costume okay you be the clown I want to be the strong man okay Danny you be the strong man I want to be the juggler I wanted to do that wow okay you be the juggler grandpa I don't have a job to do you can be the ring Master pepper you've got the hat for it what's a ring Master the ring Master is the boss say welcome to my suckers see the impossible the amazing the incredible beats of Daring dude [Music] welcome to my circus it's got amazing feet granny pigs garden party guests are here hello everyone you're in for a treat the circus has come to town ladies and gentlemen welcome to my circus now please be very scared of the amazing candy cat uh look at George Richard and Edmond on tricycle don't stop clapping it's the strong Danny dog I was a strong man once I used to lift tractors [Music] see Emily Elephant juggle potatoes and an egg [Music] Pedro pony he's a clown stop laughing I haven't done a funny yet that was the funny bit [Laughter] that's what I call funny thank you that is the end of my amazingly impossible circus hey that is the best circus I have ever seen scooters it is a lovely sunny day Peppa and George are playing on their scooters George is still learning how to scooter he is a bit worried you how to scooter okay you hold on to the handlebars like this with both hands now stand on the scooter oh No George stand on the scooter with one foot good now push off with the other feet like this George you're doing it [Music] pepper George that's enough scootering for now it's time to go to playroom oh we've only just started scootering and we ride our scooters to play group Daddy good idea we could do with the exercise Ready Steady go go wait for me see you later Mummy Pig see you later Pepper and George are riding their scooters to playgroup [Applause] not so fast daddy can't keep up wait for me ever George have arrived at playground bye bye daddy bye bye bye oh now I'm going to have to walk back home look what I need are some Wheels hang on I've got wheels [Music] this is fun Daddy Big Mike scootering [Music] daddy pig you're riding Peppa's scooter yes scootering is such fun you should try it sometime [Music] ever and George are painting pictures at playgroup we came to school in our scooters today very good Peppa and George let's all paint pictures of how we came to school today my bicycle bicycle very good I I would hear so nice to get the fresh air in your lungs my granddad brought me in his truck lovely it is time for mummy and daddy pig to pick up the children from playgroup daddy pig I don't think we should take the car Mummy Pig but if a long way to walk to play group we don't have to walk I made that mistake this morning we can scooter raise you are you sure okay daddy pig are scootering to play group to pick up ever and George [Music] that was great I told you we wouldn't have to walk Mommy daddy you brought our scooters hey yes that seems to leave us without scooters for the journey home Daddy Pig you said we wouldn't have to walk we won't have to walk but we will have to run race you hey wait for me this is fun Peppa George oh wait for mommy and daddy Pepper and George love scootering everybody loves scootering desert island Pepper and George are at Danny dogs house captain dog is telling stories of when he was a sailor I sailed all around the world and then I came home again but now I'm back for good I'll never get on a boat again Daddy do you miss you miss the sea well sometimes it is Granddad dog Grandpa Pig and grumpy rabbit hello a can Captain Dog come out to play what we are going on a fishing trip on a boot on the sea okay let's go I'm daddy you said you'd never get on a boat again oh yes so I did okay bye-bye bye well there they go off on a boat without me what are you going to do now daddy oh I don't know maybe I'll clean the Seaweed off the house you don't get seaweeds on houses no of course not we'll take my boat are you sure your boots safe grumpy rabbit of course it's safe I built it myself but we don't need that off we go I love going fishing me too and what do you need for a fishing trip fishing rods no the picnic basket [Music] it's very good of you to steer the boat Scrappy rabbits but I'm not steering the boat I thought somebody else was oh dear no one is steering the boat we're lost at sea and look grumpy rabbits boat is sinking Don't Panic I've been in worse situations than this really no this is the worst but we're stuck on a desert island we're just a sea of the sky for company and we haven't got any food I've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear grumpy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing cheese we've only been here five minutes grumpy rabbits I'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time I think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea grumpy rabbit is very good at shouting help what was that that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble what can we'll rescue them we can use Granddad dog's boat wait a minute I said I'd never get on a boat again but Daddy they need rescuing you're right just this once I shall sail again [Music] [Applause] all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat Ahoy there hurry we're saved Captain dog has rescued the granddads everyone off the boat farewell everybody see you in a few weeks daddy where are you going me I was just thinking of sailing around the world again but Daddy you're not a sailor anymore no of course not leave the sailing to us Captain Dog yes and when they get lost again you can rescue them spider web daddy pig is hard at work in the study Pig this study is a company not that bad there are lots of cobwebs I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider yeah that's a spider hello Mr Skinny Legs oh where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for Mr Skinny Legs Mr Skinny Legs is not in the filing cabinet Mr Skinny Legs is not under the chair oh Mr Skinny Legs is not on the table oh I wonder where Mr Skinny Legs is oh it sounds like mummy has found him be scared mommy get it okay we'll take Mr Skinny Legs into the garden now Mr Skinny Legs has got the whole garden to play in bye bye Mr Skinny Legs it is starting to rain Mr Skinny Legs is running back to the house maybe he does the rain he's climbing up the water spout incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain and washed for NC out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again I don't want Mr Skinny Legs in the house daddy pig let's take Mr Skinny Legs a bit further into the garden [Music] there we are a nice tree for you to live in [Music] what is he doing making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies oh he's very busy yes it's hard work my little web that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again yes daddy bye bye Mr Skinny Legs foreign [Music] I liked watching Mr Skinny Legs make his web today and tomorrow he'll make another web really yes Mr Skinny Legs makes a new web every day I don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night it is morning daddy pig is getting ready to go to work I don't want to be late I have an important meeting at the office daddy you work very hard yes I do but not as hard as Mr Skinny Legs bye bye everyone see you tonight stop Daddy what is it you cannot drive the car today why not look Mr Skinny Legs has built a web joining the car to the house daddy you said you must never ever break a web did I yes daddy pig if you move the car you will break the web but how am I going to get to work don't worry Daddy you can borrow my little bicycle [Music] here you are thank you Peppa daddy pig is riding Peppa's little bicycle have a nice ride to work I will Peppa bye bye daddy pig works very hard but Mr Skinny Legs works even harder horsey Twinkle Toes Peppa and George are playing in their bedroom George stay on your side of the bedroom that's your side and this is my side do not cross the invisible line boost hello Mr zebra hello Daddy Pig I've got some letters for you is there any think for me and George hmm I'm afraid not they're all for mummy and me oh there's a parcel as well probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered look at all the stamps on it that's because it's from a long way away bye now oh the label says it is for Pepper and George look at mummy a parcel for George and me oh there's a letter too dear Pepper and George here is a present for you to share love from your auntie Dottie Auntie Dottie lives far away in another country oh what is the present it's got wheels it's not a car George it's got legs it's a table it's got a tail oh tables don't have tails there's a handle as well what can it be there's something else in the Box it's a toy horse I shall call it Twinkle Toes I'll see Twinkle Toes or see Twinkle Toes remember children Aunt Dottie sent the present for both of you you'll have to share sharing can be fun can I play with David first let George have the first turn he's the youngest George likes playing with horsey George it is called Twinkle Toes not horsey now it's Peppa's turn [Music] Peppa with my magic horse Twinkle Toes Peppa likes playing with Twinkle Toes whoops perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside yes mummy it's a bit steep here maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down are you sure are you sure daddy don't crush like you always do oh oh I know what I'm doing Peppa I'm a grown-up [Music] how are you going to stop daddy uh I don't know where are the brakes clever daddy you use the duck pun to stop what was that big splash what Big Splash daddy pig did you know you've got a duck on your head oh uh yes well I did fall in the pond George wants to ride on the toy horse [Music] George cannot make the horse go if only there was someone big and strong to push George along I'm big and strong I can push George what a good idea Peppa George Twinkle Toes horsey Twinkle Toes horsey I know because the present is for both of us we'll call her horsey twinkle toes and George love playing together with Aussie Twinkle Toes
Channel: Playtime With Peppa
Views: 4,418,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: dN-Ogi3gZSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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