Peppa Pig And Playgroup Visit The Science Museum | Kids TV And Stories

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foreign [Music] hello everyone has anyone ever been to a museum before yes good then you know that in a museum you can look but not touch because everything in a museum is very delicate oops yes these old things break easily but today we're going to visit the science museum here you can touch everything yay buttons to press pull on that rope and try to lift the weight it's too heavy heavy now try that rope with the pulleys on it whoa no no how does that work well it's uh the system increases the mechanical advantage proportionally to the number of pulleys yes that's what I was going to say my little brother Edmund is super clever [Music] [Music] oh where are you I am [Music] I can't see you let's find the end of the tube here I am hello Susie hair amazing or maybe in the future this could be used for talking to people a long way away you mean like a telephone oh yes telephones exist already don't they magic balloons get your magic balloons here are they really magic balloons uh no not really but they're still pretty amazing want to see yes please all we need to do is rub it like this and then the balloon is sticking to the wall magic no not magic but static how does it work no idea protons are said to have a charge of plus one electron unit well electrons have a charger it explains static what does that just that bang hello children here is grumpy rabbit now it's time for some dangerous science don't be alarmed there is a responsible adult in charge me [Music] to ride in this rocket [Applause] pepper kindly jumping um are you sure this is completely safe of course it's safe Now Peppa put your hands against mine on the count of three push one two three push oh man yes that's called propulsion but real rockets use Rocket Fuel to blast off who wants to fly in this rocket it has to be someone small there's not much room inside I'm perfect and you get Edmond and this is completely safe for children too yes the rocket just flies itself no I meant off you go oh my goodness look at the museum has a high ceiling and that is how rocket propulsion works [Applause] it was uh unbelievable loves the science museum every [Music] daddy gets fit Mummy Pig is watching a keep fit program on television come on now that's right bend it stretch it bend it stretch it I love watching telly what's this Mummy Pig it's a program about doing exercises to keep fit thank goodness I don't have to exercise I'm Naturally Fit you don't look very fit daddy your tummy is a bit big I'm very fit I'll show you what shall I do first touch your toes like this easy Daddy stop pretending that you can't touch your toes uh I'm not pretending Peppa daddy pig really cannot touch his toes oh dear daddy that's not very good maybe I should do a bit of exercise yes Daddy and I will start tomorrow daddy pig you have to start exercising now oh don't worry Daddy I will help you oh all right Peppa you're in charge of getting me fit what should I do first first you must do some press-ups easy one two the very good daddy now I want you to do 100 100 yes come on children help me make lunch I'll help as well no Daddy you've got 100 press-ups to do oh one two three Mummy Pig Peppa and George are in the kitchen making lunch daddy pig is still doing his press-ups daddy is doing very well ten yes I do hope he's not overdoing it I'll go and see 13. 14. 15. 16 17. you're cheating you should be doing press-ups oh uh there was something interesting on the TV naughty daddy Maybe daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike aha this looks like fun I'll be able to cycle and watch TV at the same time it's impossible this bike is too noisy I can't hear the TV you've got to get fit somehow I know you you use my use my icicle yes and then you'll get some fresh air as well daddy pig is going to ride on Peppa's little bicycle daddy these are the pedals these are the brakes and this is the Bell yes yes thank you Peppa I know bye bye okay this is bye getting fit is quite hard work now I can get fit without having to Pedal daddy ping is going very fast oh maybe I'd better slow down ah the brakes aren't strong enough [Music] thank you haha Daddy Pig has been gone for a long time Mommy where can daddy be don't worry Peppa enjoying himself to be away for so long [Music] daddy where have you been I whizzed all the way down the hill then I had to push the bike all the way back up again oh poor daddy pig well at least I've done my exercise yes for today what do you mean you'll have to do some more exercise tomorrow what Daddy to get fit you have to exercise every day oh no don't worry Daddy I'll make sure you do it yes I know you will [Music] bedtime it is almost bedtime Peppa and George are just finishing their supper daddy pig oh sorry I'm a bit tired it's been a long day George and I aren't sleepy at all can we play in the garden but it's almost your bedtime can we play outside for just a tiny bit please Mommy please Daddy all right but you must come in when we call you for your boss I don't know where they get their energy from Peppa and George are playing one last game outside before bedtime look George lots of muddy puddles Peppa and George are wearing their boots they are going to jump up and down in muddy puddles Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles George loves jumping up and down look the biggest puddle in the world what a huge big puddle Peppa George bath time we found the biggest muddy puddle in the world I can see that quick into the bath oh can't we just play outside a bit longer no it's bath time [Laughter] are you and George feeling sleepy no Daddy we are not even a tiny bit sleepy Pepper and George might not be sleepy but I am me too [Music] before bedtime Peppa and George have their bath Peppa like splashing George likes splashing Peppa and George both like splashing that's enough Splash let's get you drying into your pajamas oh can't we just stay in the bar for a little bit longer bath time is over now it's time to clean your teeth before going to bed Pepper and George brush their teeth okay that's enough brushing into your beds oh I think our teeth need a bit more cleaning when you're in bed daddy pig will read you a story Peppa and George like stories when Peppa goes to bed she always has her Teddy tucked up with her when George goes to bed he always has missed a dinosaur tucked up with him are you feeling sleepy now no Daddy we need lots and lots of stories daddy pig will read you one story now which book do you want um the red monkey book okay I'll read you the red monkey book Peppa and George like the red monkey book once upon a time oh sorry Daddy Pig once upon a time there was a red monkey and this red monkey had a bath and cleaned his teeth he got into his bed and soon he fell fast asleep good night red monkey Pepper and George are wrestling good night Papa and George sleep well [Music] Now Peppa and George are asleep Mummy pig and daddy pig are going to watch some television and now it's time for the amazing Mr Potato I've been looking forward to watching this program The Amazing Mr Potato is always ready for action he runs fast he jumps high he never sleeps [Music] time for Pepper and George and time for mummy and daddy [Music] today pepper and her family have come to the fun fair I love the fun fair slidey sliding George wants to go on the Helter Skelter okay see you later see you later roll up roll up hook a duck and win a giant teddy mummy can we have a go okay one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause mummy I'll try Peppa but I don't think it's that easy you're right you've got no chance what it's impossible waste of money if you ask me we'll see about that Mummy Pig has one hooray it's amazing here's your giant teddy wouldn't you like her little Teddy instead pepper no way Jose look Mommy a giant teddy it's a bit big no it's not George and daddy pig are queuing for the Helter Skelter it's a bit High George are you sure you want to have a go one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause oh dear it is a bit too high for George don't worry George I'll come up with you that's one pound please oh [Music] George isn't afraid of heights anymore oh it is a bit High isn't it I'll just go down the stairs the stairs are full of children that's the way down daddy pig oh okay whoa [Music] roll up roll up Hit the Target and win a Giants today you can do that easy mummy we don't want to win another giant teddy pepper Sam worry you won't win women are useless at this I'm sorry what did you say it's a game of skill how much for one go one pound Mummy Pig has won unbelievable he is your giant teddy hooray I want a Teddy like that one mummy they're too big no they're not Daddy Pig and George are riding on the big wheel hold tight now oh that really is high phew I'm glad that's over five times round for one pound five times round oh no roll up roll up test your strength on the old Amber and Bell what do we have to do you hit this button with this Hammer if the Bell Rings you win a prize no skill involved but you need to be strong I'll have a goal one pound bad luck hope oh I'm strong I'll have a go stand back everyone do be careful daddy pig you're not that fit oh yes daddy pig is looking a bit tubby what I'm just saying Daddy Pig is a bit round in the tummy give me that hammer [Music] foreign [Applause] I've never seen anything like it that wins all the giant teddies we have hooray hooray mummy can we give these teddies to my friends what a good idea thank you Peppa most kind thank you very much [Music] the blackberry bush pepper and her family are at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house today I'm going to make apple and blackberry crumble I need you Brave explorers to go and get the fruit we've got baskets for the apples and buckets for the blackberries first the easy bit picking apples on the count of three shake the tree one two three [Music] now for the blackberries why don't we just have apple crumble because blackberries are tasty too grandpa okay now the hard bit now that's what I call a blackberry bush this bush has been here since I was a little piggy it's an overgrown weed I should have cut it down years ago Grandpa why don't you like it I don't like the way it looks at me silly Grandpa it's just a harmless Bush and it's covered in lovely blackberries George has seen some really big juicy blackberries careful George or you might get tangled I have a stick for picking hard to reach blackberries but the best blackberries are right at the very top that's why I brought the ladder um don't lean too far over Mummy Pig don't worry I've been climbing this blackberry bush since I was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now I know what I'm doing oh dear Mummy Pig has fallen into the blackberry bush Y what once upon a time there was a princess called Sleeping Beauty one day she fell asleep in a funny Bush and she stayed there for a hundred years yes that's a nice story Peppa it is Susie Sheep hello Peppa hello Susie my mummy is in a blackberry bush and she'll be there for a hundred years like Sleeping Beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss my mummy is having an adventure I wish my mummy would have Adventures like that um Can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in 100 years a handsome prince will rescue you I'll be that handsome prince Grandpa Pig may I borrow your pruning shares please of course you may Braves a Daddy Pig Stand Back everyone take that you phony push you oh my prince my princess [Music] you just stay in there for a hundred years that was quite long enough thank you mommy is a blackberry bush I thought this sort of thing only happened to me stand still while we pick you let's take all this fruit back to Granny Pig she looked quite silly and she was going hey help me and then daddy came and rescued her the end thank you Peppa I think we've all heard that story enough times now but it's I never want to see another Blackberry in my life so you don't want any apple and blackberry crumble then well Mmm delicious Mummy Pig loves apple and blackberry crumble everyone loves apple and blackberry crumble foreign [Music] who can tell me what this is It's a castle that's right Danny and for your school project I want you to go home and make a castle wow you can make your castles from any old bits and Bobs you find at home cardboard plastic bottles egg boxes can we use glitter please not too much glitter it gets everywhere can I make the car so big make it as big as you like the only limit is your imagination it is breakfast time at Peppa's house mommy daddy I've got some very good news what's that Peppa I am doing a new school project school project oh what is it Peppa I need to make a castle okay why don't you use this empty cereal box stick these yogurt pots on the sides and what have you got a box with pots on it no Daddy it has to be good Peppa what exactly did Madame Gazelle tell you to do she told us to use our imagination and a fantastic castle is what I am imagining and my castle has to be big enough for me to live in I see right it is breakfast at Susie sheep's house Madame Gazelle told you to make a real fairy Palace yes with all the little fiddly bits hello sorry but I can't come into work today it's a school project yes yes thanks but I should be able to manage [Music] this is what my castle looks like but much much bigger if it needs to be big we should use concrete no Daddy Pig we just need to find a big enough cardboard box have we got a big box uh no delivery for Daddy Pig I don't remember ordering anything this hudge ah it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall I take the box away for you oh yes thank you no Daddy we need that box what I got Castle almost done hooray it's not it's almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter glitter hello hello can I speak to Papa please Peppa it's Susie Sheep hello Susie how's project going I'm doing very well more pointy mummy and it needs to be taller how is your Castle going it's quite hard work but my mummy and daddy are helping a little tiny bit uh what do you think of this Tower Peppa very good but it still looks a bit a bit hardboardy hmm maybe I can paint it I need to get on with my work now Susie see you tomorrow bye bye Peppa what do you think Peppa wow that looks just like a castle oh we got there in the end hmm it just needs one more thing oh um glitter would stop the castle looking real and anyway we've um completely run out of glitter pepper and her friends have brought their castles back to play group wow wow very Palace that must have been a bit tricky for you to make Susie no it was easy my castle is made out of a cardboard box it is a very fine Castle thank you Madame Gazelle Pedro did you not make a castle I did but it's too big to bring into school we built it out of stone blocks isn't it wonderful what the children can make using just their imaginations and my castle really is big enough for me to live in I love school projects everyone loves school projects foreign [Music] Pedro pony is dressed as a cowboy hi there me hearties it is Granddad dog dressed as a pirate hello Grandad dog call me dog beard which of these scurvy Pirates crave a ration of swashbuckling or the brainy Seas why is it too funny that's Pirates talk if you want to play my Pirate game say oh is this a dangerous game no Pedro Grandad dog has promised me it will be a very safe game but it will be exciting so who wants to play here be the plan time was I had a heap of gold that was mined by right but I was horned swallowed by one cotton hog What pirate talk is a bit difficult to understand Captain Hogg took my treasure no you the captain hog is a fearsome pirate some of you may already know him as Grandpa Pig the game is to go to Captain Hog's Hideout and get back my treasure without being caught everyone is excited to be playing the Pirate game hello grandpa pig we're on our way jolly good Grandpa Pig and Polly Parrot are guarding the pirate treasure be the black carrion fast and the wind at our backs will away what does that mean run to the boat oh there put your life jackets off on Grandad dog's boat all the children must wear life jackets that scurvy dog bit should be here by now here's a nice cup of tea Grandpa Pig oh thank you Granny Pig at last are we all ready now Mr dog bed I need to go to the toilet and me and me and me and me and me what can be keeping them hello Grandad dog I thought you said you were on your way yes yes we're almost there it's taken a while to get my crew together Anchors Away full sales [Music] [Applause] the children have arrived at Grandpa Pig's Orchard the game is to get that treasure without being caught Mommy I hope that a new Pirates around here trying to take my lovely treasure Peppa and her friends have got the coins without being caught it's chocolate coins everybody loves chocolate coins ah got you Grandad dog has been caught try and take my treasure would you press mine I want it fair and square oh no you didn't oh yes I did thank you Captain Hogg and dogbeard for the lovely Pirate game oh you're very welcome uh oh yes it's been lots of fun this be the best pirate party ever [Music]
Channel: Playtime With Peppa
Views: 5,687,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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