Peppa Pig Official Channel | Super Potato Sings the Fruit Song Peppa Pig's Playgroup!

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[Music] today mr. potato has come to Emma's playgroup mr. potato is here to talk to you today about eating fruit and vegetables I'm going to show you a movie called super potato potato remember kids always eat your five a day that's your guest can you guess who it is it's not my daddy is it no it's not my daddy is it no it is nobody's daddy it's my mommy's and no it is no relation of anyone here the special guests coming to see you today is super potato is coming but before he does we must call him hmm super potato very good I'll just go and see if he is outside and keep shouting by the power of vegetables I am here wonderful now who has a question they would like to ask super potato ask me anything you like about fruit and vegetables anything what is the tallest building you've ever jumped what's that why do I like carrots so much I'll tell you why because they are so tasty can you run faster than the Train which vegetable makes you run fast that's a good question I would have to say a Brussels sprout fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to always remember to eat your bird let's all give super potato a nice big clap for coming to see us today thank you thank you and remember kids eat fruit and vegetables super potato has left the building oh dear did I miss him yes brilliant well it was lovely to see you all but I'd better be going too bye mr. potato goodbye oh dear mr. potato's car won't start not to get out mr. potato is stuck let me out what shall we do potatoes I think he might be too busy to have really I do not think that will work this time no Madame gazelle you just need to shout out with us okay hey boss there it didn't work now I think what's that in the sky [Music] super potato has come to the rescue using my super vegetable vision I can see that my friend here is in trouble I will use my fruity strength to lift this roof off mr. potato mummy pig is working on the computer not at the moment pepper I need to finish the important book I'm writing daddy pig is in the kitchen making lunch when mummy has finished writing her book oh that's it after lots and lots of hard work I finally finished writing my book well done mummy pig you did save your work didn't you know I didn't press save [Music] that's the highest school ever there it is quick save close send you is your work alright mummy yes Peppa I've just sent it off to be made into a real storybook Oh a story but not just one book lots and lots of books going to book shops everywhere yes I'm going to read it to you and your friends at playgroup tomorrow mummy pig has arrived at the playgroup with lots of copies of her new book thank you mummy pig for coming to read your new book to us today it's very exciting these books are so new I haven't even opened one yet children mommy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion hmm once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion four seven six eight five nine three oh the rest of the book is one big long number I don't understand this is not what I wrote what is four seven six eight five nine George's happy mrs. chicken high school Wow that is a high score but where's my funny onion story it's gone I'm sorry children but I can't read funny onion to you today can you remember the story I me Peter yes then just tell us the rest all right once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion he all he wanted was to make people laugh but he made people cry instead because he was an onion what a beautiful sad ending no wait Mademoiselle it's not finished oh I see carry on funny on and said I will search the world to learn how to be funny he met a tomato the tomato said wear a funny hat but people still cried he met a banana who said where's funny shoes but people still cried funny onion was ready to give up when a pineapple whispered in his ear what do you think the pineapples said where are funny red knives wear a purple wig very good but what the pineapple really said was do something funny funny onion did something funny the end marvelous I think it speaks to all of us the parents have come to collect the children I've just been to the bookshop mummy pig it's full of your books what do you mean by four five three nine six seven well actually it's probably post narrative very Morden well done mummy pig thank you the parents love mummy pig's book the children love mummy pig's book everyone loves mummy pig's book [Music] see you dread who can tell me what this is it's a console that's right Danny and for your school project I want you to go home and make a castle Wow you can make your castles from any old bits and bobs you find that home cardboard plastic bottles egg boxing honey Easter and please not too much glitter it gets everywhere can I make the castle big make it as big as you like it is breakfast time at Peppa's house very good news what's that pepper I am doing new school projects school project Oh what is it pepper I need to make a castle okay why don't you use this empty cereal box stick these yogurt pops on the sides and what have you got a box with pots on it no daddy it has to be good pepper what exactly did Madame gazelle tell you to do she told us to use our imagination and a fantastic castle is what I am imagining and my castle has to be big enough for me to living I see right it is breakfast at Susie sheeps house Madame gazelle told you to make a real fairy Palace yes the little fiddly bits hello sorry but I can't come in to work today it's a school project yes yes thanks but I should be able to manage this is what my castle looks like but much much bigger if it needs to be big we should use concrete no daddy pig we just need to find a big enough cardboard box have we got a big box ah no delivery for daddy pig I don't remember ordering anything this large uh it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall I take the box away for you oh yes thank you we need that box looks great that's your castle almost done it's not almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter litter hello hello can I speak to Papa please pepper its Suzy sheep hello Suzy how's your school project going I'm doing very well more pointy mommy and it needs to be taller how is your castle going it's quite hard work but my mummy and daddy helping a little tiny bit uh what do you think of this tower Peppa very good but it still looks a bit cardboard II hmm maybe I can paint it I need to get on with my work canal Suzy see you tomorrow bye bye Peppa what do you think we got there in the end hmm it just needs one more thing Oh glitter would stop the castle looking real and anyway we've completely run out of glitter pepper their friends have brought their castles back to playgroup wow that was the been a bit tricky for you to make Suzy no it was easy my castle is made out of a cardboard box it is a very fine castle thank you Madame gazelle Pedro did you not make a Carson I did but it's too big to bring into school we built it out of stone blocks isn't it wonderful what the children can make using just their imagination [Music] [Music] it is playtime at Peppa's playgroup it looks like mr. bull is doing all the work mr. bull just builds the playground I do the hard wit planning it all I've worked it all out with science that sounds very interesting daddy pig it is would you like to teach the children some simple science it would be my pleasure let's start by doing an experiment what is an experiment it's a way to find something out the we don't know like how many children does it take to lift madam gazelle just guessing what's the answer I don't know but we can use an experiment to find out who wants to try and live - madam gazelle Madame gazelle is too heavy for one child to lift let's try two children is too heavy for two children to live let's try three children it takes three children today Madame gazelle we just did some simple science let's do another experiment make a tower of blocks very good but the tower looks a bit wobbly how can we make the tower this wobbly fantastic Edmund elephant is a clever dogs can we do more experiments of course who can tell me their favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles and what do we need to make a muddy puddle dirt and water mix them together to make a muddy puddle pepper please test the puddle let's add some more water please jump again pepper and making muddy puddles is a bit like making concrete or concrete is what we're using to make your new playground it starts off wet and soft like mud then it sets and goes hard forever right now it is gloopy like custard let me show you you see it's very soft but who can tell me what's going to happen next exactly it will set as hard as rock daddy pig I think you should step out a forever probably with you in a moment mr. ball I'm just talking to the children yes but you see the concrete is soft still soft and now hard in thanks to a bit of simple science now mr. bull what was it you were saying I was trying to say you should get out before the concrete goes hard ah daddy pig is stuck don't worry daddy pig I'll have you out in a jiffy oh I'll dig up the playground daddy pig loves being dug out of concrete everyone loves being dug as concrete friends are effective today you will use your imaginations to move to music what does this music make you think of it makes me think of a piano okay it makes me sick music right use your imaginations what pictures did the music make you think of it makes me think of a cherry tree swaying in the wind on top of a beautiful mountain wonderful Rebecca so now I would like you all to imagine you are that tree rooted to the rocky mountain top bending in the wind you are a tree very good children I saw some lovely trees on mountaintops there now listen to this piece of music what that music make you think of remember to use your imaginations I know pedal is the answer a cherry tree swaying on the top of a beautiful mountain hmm but this music was quicker wasn't it a cherry tree swaying quickly Danny it reminded me of a marching band very good Danny these music has a very strong bit stepping in time everyone find something to bang from the music Tolly imagine you are in that pan after you beat in your pants marching children the next piece of music is a little bit different remember I want you to listen to it carefully and think about how it makes you feel tell me how does this make you feel it makes me feel bit bored it makes me feel tired no this is music it reminds me of a lovely garden on a hot summer day a young man he broke him Hobbs please can we have the spice music again that that was not music it was the Machine gone wrong do you not like this music no Madame gazelle can you make the Machine go again no oh I suppose we cannot all like the same things in life I like the space music and me okay okay what does this music make you think of I know I know this music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] [Music] everyone loves moving to music skew test it is a lovely sunny day pepper and George are playing on their scooters George is still learning how to scooter a bit worried [Music] [Music] [Music] that's enough scootering for now it's time to go to play scootering daddy good idea we could do with the exercise see you later mummy pig peppa and George are riding their scooters to play [Applause] George oh now I'm going to have to walk back home what I need are some wheels hang on I've got wheels scooting scooter yes scootering is such fun you should try it sometime scooters today very good peppa and George let's all paint pictures of how we came to school today very good I worked here so nice to get the fresh air in your lungs my granddad brought me in his truck very lovely it is time for mummy and daddy pig to pick up the children from playgroup have you got the car keys daddy pig I don't think we should take the car mummy pig but it's a long way to walk to playgroup we don't have to walk I made that mistake this morning we can scooter okay mummy and daddy pig us entering to playgroup they come ever and George that was great I told you we wouldn't have to walk yes that seems to leave us without scooters for the journey home daddy pig you said we wouldn't have to walk we won't have to walk but we will have to run George Knapp scootering everybody loves scootering ever and George are shopping with mommy pig shopping it's for grandpa pig my granny is going away on holiday oh that's amazing shopping it's everything on granny pigs list where's the car I didn't bring the car I didn't think you'd be buying so much oh I'll call for a taxi a taxi will be with you shortly sorry I'm just popping out back in the mode where are you going granny and Grandpa pig's house please right I see you've been shopping not so shopping about these days shopping for their shopping for that shopping shopping why are you talking so much it's what taxi drivers do pepper oh my Joe I'm in the car the other day pig is going away for a few days grandpa pig will be on his own this is a ton of food to get the food out you will need this it's a tin opener I know what it is granny pig if you want to boil an egg Philips pan full of water yes yes I know [Music] I know my little ones we've got the shopping but why you not at the airport granny oh yes I'd better call a taxi taxi service hello granny Pig I'd like to go to the airport please of course hop in Thank You granny good bye the airport okay yes and actually we're in a bit of a hurry hurry Ania Irene there why are people always in a hurry granny pig has a plane to catch she's going on holiday holiday oh I never I'm hard to go on holiday I'm too busy being in a hurry miss rabbit are you talking like a taxi driver again yes the taxi has arrived at the airport waving goodbye George waving goodbye in the taxi it's gone I'm actually very tired do you mind if we don't hello could you pick us up from the airport please yeah port righty I know I'm supposed to be mending the airport but my trucks broken down I'm going to the airport hop in have you got any luggage just returned miss rabbit's taxi is full of sand thank you Miss rabbit no problem take us home please miss rabbit right yard there you are my love taxi ride of the day now you can go home and have a rest huh I should be so lucky sorry to keep you waiting it's just another busy day for Miss rabbit [Music] it is raining and the schoolroom is leaking again yes mr. bull BOTS elite goes drippity drip flip is probably a broken roof tile no maybe these are the broken tiles this is a week oh you've got yeah he's gonna cost a lot of money to fix oh yeah well shall we get the money for men the school of this vibe my daddy needed a fashion chunk for charity he floated down and made lots of money good idea Penhall hands are poor things their mummy or daddy would like to do a parachute jump just one pepper and George have arrived back home [Music] school roof is leaking again is it darling yes madam d'azyr says it needs a lot of money to mend yes yes I'm sure it does she asked if somebody's mummy or daddy would jump out of an aeroplane oh I hope you didn't say daddy would do it pepper you know he doesn't like Heights but you don't mind Heights do you mummy I'm fine with Heights good oh thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump on an aeroplane what but I've never done it before you'll be fine remember it is but the children Oh in that case of course I'll do it it is the day of mummy pig's parachute jump I'm still not sure I really want to do this hey Saul in a good cause mummy pig but I don't know how to jump out of an aeroplane don't worry you'll get lots of training first hello mummy pig mr. rabbit is the parachute trainer this is a parachute it will help you float through the air after you jump should I practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained [Applause] I'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay buddy big I'll come up in the plane with you don't worry mommy big remember you could have parachute yes daddy pig Oh war away from the ground oh dear daddy pig is falling out of the plane she goes oh that's daddy wait for me daddy big Comi big hit jumps she is going to rescue daddy pig well she's got him thank you for saving me mummy pig Oh daddy pig you're starving to sleep mr. bull has just finished mending the school roof lovely job he'll last for years daddy is daddy pig all right oh I'm fine good because you'll need to do that parachute jump again what to raise the money to fix this new over the school roof peppa and her friends are at play today dr. brown bear is coming to show us an ambulance I like a momentous ambulances ambulance yes Thank You Freddy I'm sure it will here is dr. brown bear Oh children does anybody know what this is called an ambulance and who can tell me what it's for taking sick people to the hospital that's right can we hear sound please yes we normally use that only in a real emergency dr. Bombay can you show us what you would do in a real emergency yes I'll show you using this steady and this ball one day Teddy was playing football when whoopsie he tripped over the ball somebody calls for the ambulance Freddie would you mind making the ambulance noise please first thing I do is see if the person is awake are you awake yes doctor do you know your name my name is mr. Teddy can you tell me what happened mr. Teddy I tripped over a football that was a bit silly wasn't it let's put that football where no one else can trip over it now tell me mr. Teddy which bit hurts my arm hurts we just need to bandage that arm up and because you have been such a brave boy you get a sticker and that's how the ambulance works children say thank you to dr. brown bear you're very welcome and remember always look where you're going [Music] healy bus and apples fell on his head my goodness call an ambulance the ambulance is here oh yes everyone into the ambulance you're doii dr. barbell we are here to make you better thank you but I don't think I need your help I am the doctor remember yes but we must do all the checks I really don't think this is not another word children what do you do first she's away well done Peppa are you awake doctor yes good he is awake this is all very nice of you but I knows what to do next we asked him his name yes but in this case your name dr. brown bear now we are scheme what happened you saw what happened I tripped over that ball and fell down the hill that was a bit silly now wasn't it which bit is hurting every bit is hurting where is it hurting most in my arm and my leg and here because you have been such a play doctor you get a sticker say thank you to dr. brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works it was my pleasure dr. brown bear knows ambulances everybody loves ambulances [Music] today is captain dogs birthday thank you everyone that's a sad oh it's nothing son just seeing this year boat reminded me how much I miss the sea captain dog loves the sea why not open your birthday present it's a boat trip a boat trip that's just what I wanted let's go there's nothing better than sail in a boat you could go anywhere you weren't in a sailing boat we could head for the tropics or have an Arctic adventure we might even see a whale just a day trip dear this is the canal now where is the sailing boat we going on this canal boat I see we use the canal boat to get to the sailing boat no dear we are going on this boat for your birthday and we're sailing it down the canal Veronica now you can only go this way and that way it is about yes Danny you're right a boat on the water all aboard oh I wanted to say that oh I'm sorry oh [Music] where is the sail canal boats do not have sails you just push this button to make the boat go thank you libido faster than our folks want a race to hear mrs. duck full steam ahead can't this thing go any faster no this is the top speed Oh any way you want to slow down we're coming to a mountain we're gonna crash straight into it no we're going into the tunnel there is a tunnel through the mountain we sailed straight through the middle of a mountain ha ha this canal boat is actually quite fun and that means another tunnel not this time oh there's no trouble ding we're going uphill there's no way in the world a boat can go uphill there is and it's called a lock watch I'll show you I mean dark is opening the gates to the lock take a ring captain just wait there while I close these gates now I'm letting in the water from the top the rising water is lifting the canal boat now I open this gate we're saving over bridge yes this bridge means we can sail high above the valley below sailing across the sky what could be a better adventure sailing us this time today I should say so I've sailed through mountains over hills and across the sky this is my birthday captain's dog loves gonna loose everyone loves coats pepper in Georgia helping grandpa pig in his garden today we are making a pond we start by digging a big hole here is mr. Fox hello mr. Fox hello granny pig what could I sell you this morning I don't need anything thank you Oh where's grandpa pig does he want anything I'm afraid grandpa's busy digging a pond wouldn't you say why I've got just the thing it's a no fishing lovely antique one-of-a-kind I'll take it pepper Georgia grandpa pig hard at work digging pepper has found a little cup oh that looks like a very old teacup George has found an enormous bone it might very well be a dinosaur bone George ha what's this grandpa pig has found a gold coin how is the pond coming along very well we've dug up a cup a dinosaur bone and a coin how exciting I have a little treasure - that is not treasure that is a noon grandpa pig does not like gnomes mr. Fox says it's an antique very rare one-of-a-kind of course he did grandpa do you think we really have found buried treasure I'm not sure but the museum would know this is the museum hello can I help you hello mr. rabbit we've dug up some treasure let take a look at what you've got hmm fine china cup interesting what else have you brought to show me a coin made of gold is it real plastic gold oh it's metal gold Oh anything else oh my goodness this bone is the best of a lot look it fits my dinosaur perfectly thank you so much for bringing these valuable objects in valuable say they are worth something oh yes they are worth lots of money and you can visit the museum anytime you like to see them a children are free and you sir get in half price because you are old can I just ask where you dug up such treasures or digging must stop until an expert has been to investigate why there may be other rare objects buried in the ground have to stay in the museum and we can't dig here any more until the expert digger comes where do you want me to dig mr. rabbit just about mr. Bhalla usual broken pottery oh thank you for all your hard work anyway no problem I'm sorry we didn't find anything else not to worry the good thing is you finished digging our pond for us a lovely natural pond and to finish it off a gnome do you like it mr. rabbit I never thought I would see one in my lifetime oh they're everywhere this is an antique one of a kind I'm very valuable then it belongs in the museum so it does oh don't worry you can see it at the Museum any time you want [Music] it is play time for pepper and her friends it's tittles the tortoise naughty tittles come down at once I couldn't shake the tree forget tittles down don't worry I am super Pedras oh dear what has happened tittles fell on Pedro's nose my nose hurts poor pedal I will call for the doctor dr. brown bear speaking a bunt knows you say I'll be right there [Music] hello where is the patient my nose hurts I see say ah ah you need a plaster there that will make it better my glasses don't work Petrov's glasses are all muddy Oh dr. brown bear can you fix peddlers glasses no I can't you'll need an optician for that an optician is a doctor who knows about glasses my daddy is an optician Oh dr. Forni speaking a pair of glasses not what can you say I'm on my way [Music] Oh Oh son what seems to be the problem my glasses aren't working can you read this chart no my classes aren't working why these glasses just need a good clean thank you daddy doctor Pony has fixed Pedro's glasses Thank You doctors everything is back to normal hmm its legs are wiggling in the air it seems to be upside down can you doctors help a tortoise in trouble no I'm afraid we can't streets animals oh you need our vet a vet is a doctor for animals hello dr. Hamza's baking upside-down tarts eyes you say happy right there [Music] hello dr. Ella doctor hello Doctor hello Doctor now where's the patient here he fell out of the tree hey dolls ya little pickle what have I said about climbing trees will he be okay yes let's just flip you over dad what is no that was an interesting technique you use their standard procedure la it is dr. elephant the dentist hello everyone I heard there was an emergency or everyone's teeth okay yes a dentist is a doctor who looks after teeth I'll be on my way then oh dear dr. elephant's car won't start do any of you doctors know how to fix a car and I know who to call hello granddad dogs breakdown service trouble with a car I'll be right there [Music] try the engine hmm again everything even it is the end of peppers holiday with Kylie kangaroo I thought you children go and play in the garden while we pack I wish we didn't have to go back home don't be sad I've got you a goodbye present yes it's not just any old thing it's a boomerang a boomerang boomerangs are very special to us we've used them since olden times Wow Thank You Kylie ah what do you do with it you play catch with it like a ball sort of but when you throw a boomerang it comes back to you that's impossible I told you it was impossible you need to throw it harder George you have a car oh it doesn't work you're just not throwing it right you need to throw a heart what like this watch out the boomerang has flown all the way back to pepper what is that yes you have to throw it hard and then it comes back allow me to show you mr. pig are you ready 1 2 3 throw so when does it come back ah keep a good lookout kids that boomerang could be anywhere I think we might have found it hello this is mr. wallaby he is the next-door neighbor uh hi mr. wallaby I was just teaching these kids how to throw a boomerang sorry about your window well there's no worries there mate what's a broken window between friends mr. wallaby is a very nice neighbor don't let it happen again though thanks like I was saying to throw a boomerang you need to throw it hard what like this here she comes here she comes ah no the boomerang has broken another window well I think we should be going well you've still got some windows left Hey oh you can't leave until I've had a go let me show you mates how a boomerang should be thrown thanks mr. wallaby ah don't mention it that's what neighbors are for now the trick is you need to throw the boomerang more upright like this it's good it's good it's a good throw here it comes god it's looking oh no oh dear the boomerang has broken another window so um we absolutely must be going now do you want any help mending your windows ah no worries make that time it was my fault mr. wallaby really is a very nice neighbor see you later see you later well here have you all been ah just throwing boomerangs you know had a great time didn't we kids yeah I've loved having you stay Peppa we've loved it too haven't we George best holiday ever with Kylie kangaroo [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 2,636,708
Rating: 3.6342759 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: ZyouOnts1uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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