Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Pig's Biggest Marble Run Challenge at Home

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I thought I heard your marble run pepper can I join him yes Daddy oh goody let's make it bigger Oh daddy pig loves building the marvel run oh there are no more bits of marble run left in the box oh never mind we can use other things like this jigsaw and this dolls house I'll go and see if there's anything in the office we could use very good and I found these tubes to make a tunnel did I go first okay daddy you have to put Ready Steady Go the marble is going all around the room going now the marble has rolled after the bedroom down the stairs through the hallway and into the front room Oh go-biz assist got you what was all that noise it was the noise of the biggest made the toy basket into a volcano which it is using toy trees to make a jungle George has used the building blocks to make a river the good thing about rainy days is we get to what's important TV program George and Richard have made the bedroom and to Dinosaur Land and Dinosaur Land is very noisy George has his best friend here but I've got no one to play with you could ask Suzy sheep to come over Suzy sheep is Peppa's best friend let's ring her large Suzy sheep speaking Suzy it's me can you come to my house now yes Peppa can I wear my Massa's costume yes but come quickly [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I mean Pig is going to make a paper airplane fold the paper down the middle now fold the corners in at one end fold those corners in again to make a point then fold the sides back like this let's see if they can fly Ready Steady Go money fix aeroplane has flown into a tree Peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flowerpot George's aeroplane is doing a loop-the-loop and has landed in the duck pond we'll need a really big piece of paper [Music] [Applause] [Music] Peppa George have made a big blue aeroplane hello everyone shouldn't you be at work yes but I've forgotten some important papers Wow fantastic you need someone big and strong to throw it ready steady the big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye airplane now I need to find my important work papers has anyone seen any pieces of paper maybe you should follow me is this one of your important papers yes you can have my newspaper when I finished reading it can I have a potato mummy pig they aren't cooked yet daddy pig are you hungry daddy I'm not going to eat it watch this what is daddy pig doing now who can tell me what this is I loved painting when I was a young biggy now where are my old painting this is my bear eh it puts me in the mood for painting pictures now what should I paint well chosen jewel I'll paint the old cherry tree it's an easel pepper it holds my canvas it's a bit like paper for very social paintings no pepper these are special paints for grownup artists there what color shall we begin with red pepper how does it work you hold it in front of things and they look bigger the magnifying glass makes the little fish look big the magnifying glass makes George's eyes look very big now what you detectives need is a mystery to solve a story a mystery is something detectives are good at sorting out oh like finding things that are lost I know we can find George's toy dinosaur that's always getting lost dinosaur - mr. dinosaur is not lost not today I'm wearing my glasses it's not there aren't any miss stories would you like me to make you a mystery daddy pig is going to make a mystery now what's on the table the little fish Teddy a jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur that's right now look very hard and try to remember them all the little fish teddy a jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur have you remembered them [Music] okay you just have to go outside for a moment call you when I'm ready all right you can come back inside No one thing is missing from the table do you know what mr. dinosaur is man little fish jack-in-a-box so who's missing that's right Teddy's gone well done pepper and George pepper is making a tea party for the doll family here George I'm the mummy and daddy you can be the children children it's military time so you must wash your hands George is putting the dolls to bed night-night George why are you putting the children to bed they're having a tea party King George likes putting the dolls to bed soldier come downstairs right now or you won't get any cake George isn't listening he's too busy putting the dolls to bed George if you want to blow in my doll's house you have to help with the Tea Party here George you can fill the teapot with water children come downstairs right now George is going to fill the teapot with water George has found a spider in the sink George wants the spider to be his friend [Music] George likes the spider the spider likes George Peppa loves playing tea parties world biscuit study we are ducks yesterday oh I'm sorry mummy I must've eaten them all Oh naughty daddy George is putting the spider to bed night-night George what are you doing you have to help me with the Tea Party our pottery starts off like that we need it to be soft so we can shape it but later it won't be soft mummy zebra is making a little tuft on the potter's wheel there one cup would you like to try yes [Music] making a cup on a potter's wheel is not easy there is an easier way to make a cop first we roll the clay into a long worm like this we wrap it round and round like this no I smooth it out with my hands and I add ER but a tea set needs more than two cups Jorge has made a dinosaur George always makes dinosaurs what a scary dinosaur now we need to bake the tea set in a king a kiln is an oven cooks the clay and makes it hard the tea set should be ready now we paint them the children are painting the tea set lovely bright colors [Music] yes oh we haven't heard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and George bunny pig can't find anyone [Music] granny and Grandpa played it all the time oh and here's the record I used to play when I was a little piggy what is it it's called birdie birdie woof-woof not birdie birdie woof-woof you were always playing that I thought we'd go that was fun but we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out pepper what should we throw out and what should we keep hmm I think you should keep everything [Music] the TV needs electricity - yes in the olden days when there was no television children would have to make up their own games has made her own television very good the electricity is back okay pepper the queen has just found some cricketer [Music] very good pepper [Music] I'd enjoyed the power cut but she's christy is back again you know daddy pig must leave the room and we'll make a movie to show him daddy pig has to wait in the kitchen while mummy pig peppa and George make a secret movie no peeking daddy pig we all have to do something Oh George do you want to go first [Laughter] finished you can come in now George has made a movie and so has pepper let's see George's movie first George is pretending to be a dinosaur that's a very scary dinosaur a real dinosaur on TV it's your dinosaur now let's see Peppa's movie who is that meant to be oh I see is very big because I eat a lot of cookies my tummy is not big but it is true that I like cookies and the more you eat the bigger your tummy gets okay what's next this is my brother George this is the real daddy pig daddy pig has mended the computer yes I am a bit of an expert at these things computer game happy mrs. chicken maybe you should ask mummy pig mommy said that we can play in nature well that's okay then oh but I don't know where the disk is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's my turn [Music] well I see the computer is working again [Laughter] [Music] old clothes daddy pig where are your shoes I need some shoes now I need to look beautiful just like me Peppa has found mummys makeup box uh-huh daddy pig it's time to go to work mummy pig is working on her computer Peppa hello George I beg your pardon pepper I was just saying hello I'm not pepper pig I'm not be pink oh yes of course hello mummy pig hello and this is daddy pig George ah and hello to you too daddy pig [Laughter] yes to list that No thank you goodbye [Music] Susie love playing doctors and nurses so does George pepper listens to George's chest lights please Susie takes George's temperature oh dear you're very very hot I think you have to stay in bed for three years daddy pig has come to find George Oh No what's wrong with George don't worry daddy is only a game George is our patient oh I see can the patient have a visitor just for a little while he might get tired cookies yes they're for George they're his medicine to make him feel better [Music] excuse me doctor can you help me I have a sore tummy then I think I need lots of cookies to make me better [Music] [Laughter] [Music] shall we show George how we paint pictures George is not very good at painting well maybe you could help him yes I'm very good I will show him how to paint a flower George today I'm going to teach you how to paint a flower fuzzy too big no George that's the color [Music] that's a shame you've done it all wrong now what do we have here that's very good peppa and George has painted a dinosaur girl dine-saw brilliant I think George and Peppa's pictures should go on the wall [Laughter] you must be very proud of your little brother yes yeah it is home time and the children's parents are here to pick them up George come next time yes and he can paint us another lovely picture and what will you paint next time george hareesh or Oh another dinosaur picture wait maybe you can show us all how to paint the dinosaur this is my new puppet theater my daddy made it for me I've made two puppets already this one is called flowy hello I am Chloe peach and this one is my daddy uncle pig hello Peppa I am uncle Pooh hello come in George make puppets - yes Chloe paints the puppets eyes what puppet would you like to make dinosaur a dinosaur George always says dinosaur for everything okay a scary dinosaur puppet Khloe's making George a dinosaur puppet it needs pointy teeth dinosaurs coming after lunch we'll do a puppet show auntie pig has made spaghetti for lunch this is delicious best spaghetti ever you can tell you two a brothers alike in every way what do you mean we are completely different Peppa George and I are going to do a puppet show fantastic Papa chew that sounds fun have I got time for some more spaghetti could I have some more too puppet show is about to begin today is a day for pancakes pancakes delicious everyone loves pancakes I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over leave that to me are you sure Daddy pig last time you got a bit grumpy when you drop the pancake on the floor I did not get grumpy oh there was a problem with the frying pan mommy don't we help make the pancakes please yes you can help me make the batter first I put some flour in the bowl oh now I add an egg [Music] now the milk and I give it all a stir mommy can i stir yes of course Peppa Peppa loves stirring George wants to stir as well okay that's enough stirring you to sit at the table while I cook the pancakes mummys going to flip the pancake over you could flip it higher mummy pig you can show us how when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this first pancake is for George Emmy pig cause a little syrup on George's pancake delicious this pancake is for Peppa [Music] hmm you could flip it hiya mummy pig you will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake daddy pig we begin with demi-plie demi-plie now a little jump petition a with grace and beauty petition a place and beauty raise your arms imagine that you are beautiful swans [Music] [Applause] [Music] and what noise do you think this one might make very well I have to dance beautifully and gracefully that's lovely - oh you know I get it let's get home first then you can show daddy pig and George and me mummy pig is it difficult it was easy for baby for bedtime peppa and George have their bath like splashing bath time is over now it's time to clean your teeth before going to bed peppa and George's brush their teeth okay that's enough brushing into your beds oh I think our teeth need a bit painting when you is that daddy pig will read you a story peppa and George like stories when pepper goes to bed she always has her teddy tucked up with her when George goes to bed he always has mr. dinosaur tucked up with him oh are you free being sleepy now no daddy we need lots and lots of stories daddy pig will read you one story now which book do you want the red monkey book okay I'll read you the red monkey book Heather and George liked the red monkey book Once Upon a Time sorry daddy pig once upon a time there was a red monkey and this red monkey had a bath and cleaned his teeth he got into his bed and soon he fell fast asleep good night red monkey peppa and George are asleep good night peppa and George sleep well [Music] now peppa and George are asleep mummy pig daddy pig are going to watch some television now it's time for the amazing mr. potato I've been looking forward to watching this programme George has caught a cold oh poor little George you don't sound well okay don't worry I ring dr. brown bear dr. brown bear speaking I see put George to bed and I'll be straight round thank you dr. brown bear goodbye Oh George be taken to hospital and give the medicine no George just has to go to bed poor George let's get you straight to bed George you have to stay in bed for a bit George does not want to stay in bed George you have to stay in bed until you are better why because you have to keep warm because dr. brown bear says so hello where's my patient open wide and say ah George is a little bit worried hmm pepper you're big and brave can you show George how to save ah hmm George has caught a cold does George knee medicine no but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep thank you dr. brown bear you're welcome goodbye George has been in bed all day now it is Peppa's bedtime George you better watch it George is not better [Music] while daddy pig is at work we didn't get all his birthday surprises ready first we'll make daddy's birthday cake we start with butter and sugar and flour then we add an egg and most important of all the chocolate pits mummy pig is making a chocolate cake daddy pig loves chocolate cake I give it a stir mummy nicer yes Peppa I love stirring George once again okay George that's enough stirring there daddy pig's chocolate cake [Music] now we just have to bake it in the oven yes you can lick the spoon and George can lick the bowl peppa and George no chocolate cake mix daddy pig he's missing all the phone nully my ring daddy what is a happy birthday that's a nice idea this is the office where daddy pig words hello mr. rabbit speaking may I speak to Daddy pig please someone for you daddy pig it sounds important hello daddy pig speaking thank you there's just one more thing to do before daddy gets home yes daddy's birthday surprise George remember is a secret what seems to be the problem I've got a pulse hmm I see is it a tickly cough or chesty cough I don't know but it goes like this hmm and when did you get this cough well Madame gazelle started singing it's nothing serious but Pedro's cough may be catching what do you mean catching when one person has a cough sometimes other people get that cough - just a little spoonful I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice it's a cycle out shoe full of charm thank you dr. brown bear goodbye as I thought Pedro's cough is catching Danny dog and Suzy sheep of Court Pedro's cough open wide taste some flavored flowers well done for taking your medicine so well no pepper I never eat an apple a day [Music] it is horrible medicine mummy pig is in the kitchen making cookies what are you doing pepper I'm learning to whistle oh I see mummy can you whistle I don't know I've never tried it takes a lot of practice oh yes mummy pig can whistle you can whistle because you are old mummy Thank You Peppa George is in the bedroom playing with his toy rocket you make an own shape with your mouth and hey George it's almost impossible like is harder George can whistle whoo what's wrong pepper I can't whistle but everybody else can never mind I'm making cookies would you like to lick the spoon No thank you mommy can I ring Susie sheep instead okay pepper hello mrs. pick hello mrs. sheep can pepper talk to Susie please what are you doing I'm learning to whistle but I can't do it yet no oh good I mean that's sad if you can't whistle but good because I can't whistle shall we do some work on the computer the granny pig yes let's do some numbers and letters peppa and her family are having lunch I've given my old computer to granny and Grandpa that's nice I wonder how they're getting on with it hello Peppa Pig speaking ah Peppa I need to ask a question about the computer it's grandpa he's broken the computer what's the problem with the computer grandpa pigs happy mrs. chicken won't let any more eggs turn the computer off now turn it back on again that doesn't sound good maybe it can't be mended we'll come round and pick it up Oh grandpa pig has taken it to his shed [Music] yeah that's your do it my grandpa is the best at mending things was it very hard to mend not at all I found I had this book how computers work so you don't want us to take the computer away now no I need it for important work for letter and number work no to beat granny pigs happy mrs. chicken score I laid 4020 eggs so I've got some work to do catching up it is lunchtime for baby Alexander cousin Peppa is going to feed you today Alexander baby he keeps turning his head feeding baby Alexander is quite hard watch this Alexander likes it if you pretend the spoon is an airplane you have a go pepper can you say aeroplane I told you he can't talk he hasn't even said his first words yet pepper do you remember what your first word was no it was mummy I thought peppers first word was daddy no mummy what was George's first word I thought George his first dynasty somebody looks like they had a good lunch yes then you'll know what you want what do you want to do now Alexander I think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet but he can go out in his buggy that's a clever little buggy yes five gears mudguards and abs as standard eight children we are going to learn about instruments that you shake rattle and bang first choose an instrument each from the music home drums they are called bongo drums Danny you bend them with your hands like this I've got a flat bongo drum that is a bogan it is Irish you beat it with a little stick like this I've got to Samba range you can also shake it like this I've got a big drum ah the best hum I don't know what this is called but it's scraping that candy is called a key role and it comes all the way from South America how did it get here I brought it back from my holiday sorry they are maracas I brought them back for my holiday in Spain this is a triangle my dad sells these in boxes of 10 Thank You Freddy I will remember that you don't need to go on holiday to get them beg you what are these these are castanets my dad sells them in boxes of five Thank You Freddy only that is how you play the castanets here you are Emily oh no just make the clickety-clack noise ah I see if a Becca has cymbals yeah now you know what your instruments sound like we can play them together [Music] lovely fresh tomatoes lettuce and cucumber granny pig has made the tomatoes lettuce and cucumber into a salad grandpa pig can you call everyone to lunch lunch [Music] pizza for lunch and here's some salad made with grandpa's tomatoes lettuce and cucumber jerky in everyone George has eaten his pizza but George does not like the tomatoes for the lettuce all the cucumber oh dear George don't you like the salad no George just try a little bit of this lovely tomato yeah George this is cucumber grandpa pig grew it in his garden try a piece of lettuce George it's yummy look what I'm doing now it's a dinosaur joobs dinosaurs George is eating the tomatoes lettuce and cucumber well done George would you like some more George Oh George are you too full to eat any more tomatoes lettuce or cucumber George is too full to eat any more [Music] it's much too early don't you know what time it is pepper no doesn't work oh dear let's see if we can mend it ah the old there's a little wooden bird inside called a cuckoo I've never seen the cuckoo that's because we stopped winding it a long time ago the cuckoo got a bit annoying right daddy pig is winding up the cuckoo clock yeah daddy pig sets the clock to the right time it is nearly nine o clock you'll see that cuckoo soon daddy now let me think she moves her head like this and she flaps her wings like this and she says you missed the cuckoo the cuckoo is really really brilliant she went cuckoo and you missed never mind George you can see kuku next time but you'll have to wait kuku only comes out once an hour waiting is boring come on George let's play outside George does not want to play outside he is waiting to see kuku it is nearly 10 o clock George has been waiting for kuku for almost an hour [Music] George has missed kuku again now we build your toy cupboard [Music] that's strange there aren't any instructions maybe it's so easy to build it doesn't need instructions yes first I need a shelf Thank You Peppa now I need four legs [Music] lovely we'll have this done in no time here's a red door mummy pig thank you daddy pig finished well done mummy pig inside it is a little small Oh George just found another batch oh maybe that's a spare shelf and there's all these bits too oh dear the cover is tiny because mummy pig has not used all the pieces we'll just have to take it apart and start again Oh if only we had the instructions who can that be hello I just found this in my van it's the missing instructions that will make things a lot easier the instructions look very complicated it's no good it's nonsense leave it to me daddy pig I quite enjoy putting these things together really can we help in any way you can put the kettle on I'll have a nice cup of tea with six sugars please everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for mr. zebra [Music] mr. zebra has built this going on what a lot of noise and look at all this mess on the floor someone could trip over and hurt themselves someone did chip over and hurt themselves oh dear poor daddy pig oh come on children let's do a bit of tidying up you can play again when you've tidied up then it's all George's mess is it really so this must be one of George's lovely dresses right I'll help George tidy and mummy big can help Peppa Oh boys good idea let's see who can tidy up first Ready Steady Go we're winning I've been looking for you quick pepper put Teddy in your toy basket that's right it's a dinosaur book it's George's pop-up dinosaur book this is a Tyrannosaurus Rex that's right this is a brontosaurus yes and this is a triceratops Triceratops [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 51,455,712
Rating: 3.6616104 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: w_B04GAk0ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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