Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Pig 's Summer Fun!

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[Music] because it's so hot you need Sun cream all in me and yes yeah oh what a fuss about nothing yes we all need Sun cream today Oh oh come on George let's get some air into this paddling pool daddy pig is pumping up the paddling do is party [Music] Peppa holds the hose and mummy pig turns on the water [Music] [Music] ever George loved their paddling pool ice cream lady very hot days miss rabbit sells ice cream mommy daddy Kajal Jenai over those cookies oh well I suppose it is an especially hot day please can I have one as well everyone likes ice cream hello mummy pig peppa and George hello miss rabbit with ice creams would you like can I have a coke please miss rabbit of coffee may pepper thank you same for me and one for daddy pig please and what would you mr. George like angel a dinosaur Sin Eater he always says dinosaur for everything well it just so happens that I do have a dinosaur shaped ice lolly he's dying sure George would you like to play with your buckets and spades yes please mummy daddy daddy can we bury you in the sand Oh daddy oh right peppa and George are burying daddy pig in the sand steady on then now you can't escape oh my head is getting a bit hot can I have my straw hat well if you say please please can I have my straw hat yes you married daddy that's nice Oh baby I just have a little sleep George has make sand castles pepper in Georgia making sand castles firstly some sand in the bucket slightly we can purchase upside down and cap them lift the bucket up hey presto a sandcastle hey custard another sandcastle peddler George home time don't leave any stuff behind hey let's check that we haven't forgotten anything towels each bag sunshade and the spotty ball that's everything I'm sure we've forgotten something hmm of course we forgot the Hat daddy daddy oh we forgot daddy big what daddy we almost left you behind but Georgia languages haha well I'm glad George remembered me [Music] [Laughter] me [Music] you [Music] George you could wear my pirate hat today we are sailing to Pirate Island if we're lucky we might find buried treasure pirate island sounds like a great place land ahoy [Music] here we are pirate island what's that it's a metal detector it finds buried treasure grandpa pig is using the metal detector to find buried treasure ah the metal detector has found something look let's dig it up it's a little coin treasure hey let's find some more ah we found something else it sounds my goodness this piece of treasure is quite heavy oh dear that is not very treasure that is a rusty old shopping trolley oh maybe that's enough treasure hunting who wants to help build a big sandcastle Hey what a good idea granny pig now I'll just check on the boat granny pig is going to help the children build up big sandcastle and Grandpa pig is doing important float things ah this is nice Oh baby I'll just close my eyes a little bit granion of children and making a quick sand car they need lots and lots of sand they use buckets to make the castles turrets what a splendid castle daddy pig has found the lawnmower it's a bit old and rusty nonsense it will add the grass cut in no time it does seem a bit rusty maybe I should find grandpa pig and ask if we can borrow his lawnmower there's no need to phone grunts aah I just need to push a bit harder daddy pig Oh Noah is not very good I know let's phone grandpa hello grandpa pig speaking hello grandpa pig could you help us cut some very long grass ha ha certain day I'll be over right away bye I think this is a job for Betsey [Music] grandpa pig is driving his motor mower over to Peppa's house hello everyone I hear there's some grass that needs cutting and it's just a bit too long for my lawn mower should worry Betsy we'll have it done in no time [Music] he certainly is can we ride on Betsy of course you can hop aboard aye aye captain grandpa will have this grass cut in no time Oh tight here we go let's see is very good at cutting grass [Music] [Music] fine [Music] right green blue green [Music] [Music] yellow blue [Music] [Music] George and Daddy pig are queuing for the helter-skelter hmm it's a bit high George are you sure you want to have a go one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause yeah it'll bit too high for George don't worry George I'll come up with you that's one pound please oh you're in - fraid of height anymore oh it is a bit high isn't it I'll just go down the stairs the stairs are full of children what that's the way down daddy pig oh okay roll up roll up it's the doggies and we're not giant today you can do that Gary mummy we don't want to win another giant teddy pepper Sam worried you won't win women a useless at this I'm sorry what did you say it's a game of skill how much for one go one pound mummy pig has won unbelievable here's your giant teddy hey I want to tell you like that one mummy virtue bug no not daddy pig and George are riding on the days of wheel hey toy now oh that really is hi you I'm glad that so work fight on round for one town five it's round Oh [Music] and look granny rabbits boat is sinking might be near our situations and there's really no this is the worst stuck on a desert island with just a sea of the sky for company and we haven't got any food I've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear Grampy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing change we've only been here five minutes Grampy rabbit I'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time I think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea [Music] Oh what was that that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble can we will rescue them we can use granddad dogs boats wait a minute boy said I'd never get on a boat again but sadly they need rescuing you're right just this once I shall sail again nice jacket on [Applause] all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat hi captain dog has rescued the granddad and boy everyone off the box farewell everybody see you in a few weeks hey where are you going me I was just thinking of sailing around the world again but Jackie you know for sailor anymore no of course not leave the sailing mm dog yeah oh when I got lost again you can rescue them Pippo and his friends are on an egg hunt it looks very stark inside that cave I'm going to see if there are any eggs inside be careful Emily it looks very scary man it's not too bad come on everyone oh I hope they find lots of egg I can't see any in here maybe we should look somewhere else how about we split up yeah let's all split up and meet back later at the park peppa and George have gone to try and find eggs in their house mummy pig Bonnie Pete we're on an egg hunts very good you two why don't you try and look upstairs okay mummy pig wish us luck Wow look George a giant egg boy kid I wonder what's inside what a lovely surprise it's a birthday cake I wonder if Emily and Suzy have found any Emily elephants and Suzy sheep are going to find eggs in the castle come on Suzy there are lots and lots of rooms to check oh look a ghost egg let's follow it where do you think it's going it went into this room whoa look at the size of it I wonder what's inside and a watering can and it's even got a pretty flower on the side of it [Music] meanwhile candy cat is hunting pegs in the park what's that over there hiding behind the tree house ah it's an egg uh-oh it looks like physic is hiding hurry candy cat it's getting away let's see what's inside Wow it's George big suitcase weird mr. dinosaur on the front good job candy cat Danny dog is just arriving at the train station I wonder if any trains will be dropping off some eggs for him to find oh look it's grandpa pig on his train oh and he has a giant egg for Danny dog hello Danny dog on an egg hunts I see yeah okay I hope there's something exciting in there for you oh how exciting my surprise egg had a present inside wait till I tell the others [Music] Peppa Pig has had an idea a one final place to look for a surprise egg [Music] yay another giant egg I hope it's a good surprise inside it's a toy panda bear yay I don't like to show all my friends well done Peppa why don't you go and meet the others in the park back at the park peppa and her friends enjoy some chocolate eggs what a great way to end our egg hunt well done everyone it was so kind of daddy Doug to give us those chocolate eggs can we eat them now mmm mmm mmm mmm I hope you will enjoy your chocolate egg yummy a bit so delicious [Music] students everyone do well yeah better has lots of flower seeds George only has one flower seed but it is quite a big seed could you fetch us some water daddy pig hmm okay seeds need water to grow they get very thirsty some little birds have come to watch don't let the birds eat the seeds pepper shoot fly away birdie here's the water daddy scares the birds away Oh daddy pig looks like a scarecrow Peppa George fast time hi don't look at the birdies come back don't worry Peppa I'll make sure the birds don't eat the seeds thank you daddy good luck daddy pig see you tomorrow bye [Music] this is nice daddy you have to be the scarecrow what Oh shoo shoo naughty birds now stay that until the birdies go to bed oh ok Peppa all the birdies have gone to bed daddy pig can go inside now it is morning Oh God look after our garden Oh morning ah your plants have started to grow soon they'll have flowers on them a little snail has come to take a look oh dear snails like eating plants grandpa pig can you chase Barbara to your garden and okay I'll take care of Barbara there are lots of fun places we can visit there's three world what Trey well tree world is a big forest full of trees it sounds a bit boring or this potato City what potato city there's a tour of the potato fields ending with a potato tasting sounds interesting oh there's Buckland what chuckling it's a wide river full of stock just lag that's what I did not climb George full of ducks how do we get to that plan the campervan can guide us hello where are we going today that sound please follow the road ahead in a straight line [Music] welcome to Docklands how many tickets please two adults and two children enjoy the dark where are they maybe they're on holiday let's have our picnic lunch the Ducks always turn up where we are I'm George love stop packing we need bread for the Ducks all right come more ducks oh and Here Come more ducks it's a granny and Grandpa and here are all the aunties and uncles oh that's the last of our picnic gone you can't pack everything so we need to take all our toys daddy oh just take the important ones okay I'll take Peggy and George can take I sure mummy pig is packing a big bag for the holiday wow that's a lot of stuff mummy pig are you sure we need it all yes it's all very important okay it is Suzy sheep hello Peppa do you play I can't believe today Cece I'm going on holiday oh where are you going I don't know somewhere where there's holidays no that sounds nice ah grunting grandpa why are you here we're here for Goldy the fish we're looking after her while you're on holiday here's Goldy don't feed her too much granny okay pepper it is mr. bull in his taxi he is taking Heather and her family to the airport Oh daddy pig let me take that back for you whoa splash heavy are you sure you need everything in here yes it's all very important [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 33,212,470
Rating: 3.5058849 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: o7Y74Dv9G7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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