Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Goes to Paris on a Ferry but Mummy Pig Doesn't Feel Well

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[Music] pepper is going to the Paris is everyone ready [Music] Paris Paris is in France we go on a ferry to get there what is a ferry uh-huh you'll see this is the ferry mummy pig doesn't like it when the boat rocks about all this sea air is making me hungry who wants to eat thank you the waves are getting bigger here I brought you a fried egg sandwich has arrived they might try differently here Oh driving is driving mummy pig you see it's just like driving it home peppa and her family have arrived in Paris Delphine donkey and her family are here to meet them Bonjour means hello in French what would you like to see in Paris I want to see everything oh boy it is impossible to see everything in that case I would like to see the real hidden Paris the Paris that the tourists don't see ha mr. pig Demi which part of the oil hidden the palace would you like to see first the Eiffel Tower okay this is the Eiffel Tower wow this is busy imagine what the tallest places must be like come on it's miss rabbit I didn't know you had a job here miss rabbit excuse moi I am NOT this miss Cabot I am Mademoiselle ha oh I'm sorry souvenirs get your little apple tower they are the real Eiffel Tower is really big can we climb up capes um it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like Heights but do not worry mr. pig we take the elevator going up I'm glad that's over oh no that is just fill stage now we must climb this EPS if you feel dizzy daddy pig just close your eyes okay this is as high as we can go as visitors let's look at the view these steps are going on forever oh dear daddy pig is not looking where he is going he is climbing up and up and up what a wonderful view of Paris yes what do you think mr. pig I missed our PE where is everybody pig is at the very top of the Eiffel Tower daddy ah I must call for the rescue services [Music] [Music] [Music] what a wonderful picture you have painted it is me I'm George and my mummy and daddy at our house but where are you all I can only see a house we are all inside the house of course it is a wonderful picture here is a play goopster Wow thank you Madame gazelle it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children [Music] that's fantastic pepper I remember Madame gazelle gave me a playgroup star when I was a little piggy a long time ago when mummy and daddy pig were little Madame gazelle was their teacher Oh play cook star Hey I was so happy did you get lots of playgroup stars mummy oh yes daddy did you get lots of playgroup stars too ah it was such a long time ago I really can't remember no I'm pretty sure you didn't get one did you [Music] daddy no I never did get a playgroup star no anyway like daddy pig said it was a long time ago pepper and they're really not that important yes pepper are you sad that you never got to play group star daddy well I have done other things in my life to be proud of you now we'll give you one now play group stars are for children pepper not for grown-ups yeah the roof is all fixed Thank You mr. ball that really is wonderful work have a play cook star thank you very much yeah daddy mr. Bulls got 2 star and he's a grown-up it is evening time pepper and George are going to bed star daddy you know what pepper the more I think about it the more I think I should have got a playgroup star why because I love to make things and I was always drawing in class would you like to see it I think I've still got it somewhere I'm sure I put it in the loft here's my old school bag and here is my picture yes I was quite pleased with it but it didn't get a star no hmm that's sad it is the next day pepper and George are going to play it's not fair pepper you're too good at drawing it's not my drawing it's my daddy's oh not so good for grown up he'd reach long time ago when he was little ah pepper have you done another wonderful toying no Madame gazelle this is my daddy's drawing ah yes I remember your daddy did like to draw but you never gave him a playgroup star I must have given him one for this no you didn't daddy peek you deserve a playgroup star I've never been so proud daddy pig is a playgroup star it is a lovely sunny day peppering George are playing in the garden George loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles goodness what a muddy little piggie you'll need a bath and we'll need to wash your clothes George is worked in the bath George's clothes are washed in the washing machine we must have washed these clothes of thousand times when you wash clothes a thousand times they get holes in them I can George maybe it's time we got George some new clothes mummy pig is taking pepper and George to the clothes shop hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how can I help you we need some new clothes for George please well you're in luck this is a clothes shop first we need to measure you now hold your arms out George thinks you're going to tickle him I promise I won't tickle you George very good what a big strong boy you are George miss rabbit didn't tickle you did she no but I will George loves being tickled right let's find George some new clothes how about this it will keep you very warm if George would kindly go into the changing booth please George is wearing a big thick woolly jumper you look cuddly George hmm I don't think white is the best color for puddle jumping hmm this isn't white it's every other color but wise George does not want to look like a clown hmm too much colour what about this then yes it's still not really George hmm what about this then basically it's what you had before oh yes what do you think George George likes it new clothes Oh sir George didn't get any new clothes em these are his new clothes daddy pig the same as before but no holes oh I see yes let's all play in the garden you'll want to look at your clothes and you seem to be a little muddy too daddy pig and you mummy pig oh well it's only mud it'll come off in the wash if we're going to get washed anyway let's get even more muddy love getting muddy everyone loves getting muddy Suzy sheep has come to play at Peppa's house what is it it's a photograph do you think it is ha it's a baby sheep it's me you're not a baby it's an old photo when I was a baby don't be silly Suzy in the olden days you were a baby - Peppa no I wasn't yes you were Oh mummy mummy pig is working on the computer no I'm not I was a baby well you were pepper look here are some photos on the computer who do you think that is it's baby Alexander baby Alexander is Peppa's cousin no that's you as a baby pepper baby pepper somebody sounds like they're having fun I remember it well it was taken on our first day in this house what do you mean when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our car mummy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf and grandpa pig made us a lovely flower garden daddy pig looked after it we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers Oh anyway you needed somewhere to play you and Suzy loved to play in the garden my friend in the olden days yes you and Suzy have always been best friends [Music] jump up and down in muddy puddles no pepper you were babies you couldn't even walk did we do soon after that you were toddlers he was a baby in my tummy yes you were in my tummy George no pepper this tummy is pure muscle and so George was born and granny and Grandpa gave George a very special present can you guess what it was that's right and you and Suzy were running and jumping around then one day you saw something amazing pepper if you jump in muddy puddles you must wear your boots you loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles I still let's take a photo now jumping up and down in muddy puddles has always loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] potato City pepper and her family are going to potato City potato City mommy it's a theme park pepper where the magic of vegetables never ends it sounds a bit boring it will be fun potato City here we come here we are the family have arrived at a field of potatoes is this potato City it must be and it looks like we picked the right day to visit there are no crowds are you sure this is the right place daddy pig it just looks like a farmer's field to me excuse me is this potato City now that's potato City it isn't quite what I was expecting how many tickets two adults and two children please miss rabbits busy isn't it no this is quiet for potato City have a lovely day Peppa's friends have come to potato City too and this is mr. potato himself welcome to potato City where are the magical vegetables never ends see how vegetables grow learn how they keep us fit and healthy and get shot into space by the potato rocket pepper and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket George wants to ride on the potato rocket - are you sure George it looks a bit high daddy pig doesn't like Heights no I'm not getting on George is too small to go on this out oh okay make it quick oh it's very quick George has changed his mind oh dear George come to mommy maybe I'll just get off too [Music] yes lots of fun go round and put your head through that hole welcome to the dinosaur guard say hello to my dinosaur friends don't be frightened they are not real but this is exactly how they would have looked walking the earth together no it's not what Triceratops lived in the Cretaceous period Stegosaurus was Jurassic they would not have walked together how do you know that I'm a clever clogs anyway who wants to ride one potato city because dinosaurs ate potatoes nah anyway children like dinosaurs roller roller pour the vegetable roundabout swing [Music] [Music] Saito's city where the magic of vegetables never ends daddy pig is hard at work in the study daddy pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider hello mr. Scooby likes where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for mr. skinnylegs mr. skinnylegs is not in the filing cabinet mr. skinnylegs is not under the chair mr. skinnylegs is not on the table I wonder where mr. sounds like okay we'll take mr. skinnylegs into the garden now mr. skinnylegs garden it is starting to rain mr. skinnylegs is running back to the house I don't want mr. skinnylegs in the house daddy pig let's take mr. skinnylegs a bit further into the garden a nice tree for you to live in he's making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies yes that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again bye bye mr. skinnylegs it is bedtime I liked watching mr. skinnylegs make his web today and tomorrow you'll make another web really yes mr. skinnylegs makes a new web every day I don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night-night it is morning daddy pig is getting ready to go to work I don't want to be late I have an important meeting of the office yes I do but not as hard as mr. skinnylegs mr. skinnylegs has built a web to the house [Music] [Music] Thank You Peppa daddy pig is riding peppers little bicycle I will pepper daddy pig works very hard but mr. skinnylegs works even harder [Music] grandpa pig is showing pepper and George around his garden here are my cabbages broccoli and sprouts potatoes carrots and beet roots live here and over there is the fruit grandpa that pepper is a weed a weed is a cheeky plant growing in the wrong spot pull it out and throw it in this bucket there's no room for weeds in my tidy garden grandpa pig is very proud of his garden in the middle of my carrots no pepper strawberry x'b along with a fruit everything has its place isn't that right granny pig yes grandpa can we find a little place for this no [Music] it's a plastic no pepper and he's going to live in our God oh no he isn't there's no room this plenty of room what about here I can't have that ugly thing looking at me all day Peppa George do you think my gnome looks ugly no granny I think it's cute there grandpa you're outnumbered the no stays and here come the rest of them what mr. bull is bringing mr. no we don't want gnomes thank you Oh goodbye [Music] there was a granny pig oh it appears we do want gnomes okey-dokey yes missus well cheerio thank you mr. Poole goodbye bye what's this a giant gnome no grandpa it's a well what is a well a well Peppa is a very deep hole with water in it oh and as it happens I do need water for my garden so a will will be useful but that is not a well it's made of plastic and there's no hole what's the point of a well without water it's a wishing well you throw a coin into it and make a wish can I make a wish cranny of course Peppa here's a little coin I wish I wish I wish don't tell us what you're wishing for okay finished very good Ronnie doodle she's always come true yes oh goody but now it's time for grandpa to take your home goodbye my little ones do you think so what did you wish for pepper I wish that I could have a wishing well and names in my garden oh well I think we can do that pepper and George have arrived really what did you wish for pepper oh grandpa pig I don't think we have enough room nonsense you've got plenty of room yes I suppose so heparin George love gnomes and dishing girls everybody loves nerves and wishing wells it is home time at peppers flaming children next week there won't be any playgroup I am going away goodbye George there is no more playgroup Madame gazelle is going away I suppose she has been teaching a long time Madame gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children Madame gazelle taught me everything I know who can count to three one two three thinking about it Madame gazelle must be very old which is probably why she's decided to stop teaching I know we should give Madame gazelle a leaving party fun it is the date of Madame gazelles leaving party everyone has come to help and tell us if Madame gazelles coming along why we don't want Madame gazelle catching us getting her party ready I hope we've invited everyone what about Madame gazelles old friends wasn't she wants in a pop group that's right she played guitar with the gazelles hello Madame gazelle is leaving the playgroup what fun we'd be there good everyone's coming now let's make the party food this is the playgroup kitchen everyone is helping with the party food Emily elephant and Wendy wolf are decorating cupcakes pepper and George are making jelly Pedro pony is outside keeping guard here comes Madame gazelle we're not ready stop her Pedro okay hello Pedro you're early for playgroup yes don't go inside why not it's a nice day out here isn't it yes pedal can I go inside now ah no it's against the law what are you talking about Pedro we're ready you can go in now [Music] he is a present for you and I take pluck it's made of solid plastic thank you but why is there a party for me everyone wanted to thank you but being the best teacher in the world so we've made you a leaving party because you're going away forever I'm not going away forever there was no Oh pepper all I said was no play cup next week I'm going on holiday I will be preaching for many years to come who else could be the teacher yes and I can't think of a better reason for a party rocking gazelles hello Gigi have you still got your guitar oh let's uh hookity-hook [Music] daddy pig is working hard in his workroom what are you doing daddy I'm building a new house no this is a model the real house will be much bigger ah and this is a drawing of what needs to be built Peppa has drawn a swing to go outside the house perfect would you like to visit the new house yes daddy pig is taking beverage George to see the house he is building that's because the building work hasn't started yet [Music] here are mr. bull and his friends mr. bull has come to build the new house I've done the hard bit mr. bull just has to follow my instructions mr. pig push it to me car bark swimming pool rocky station a house can you build it exactly like this please but bigger mr. pig what's a house is it going to be built of straw or stakes or bricks mr. pig bricks please good choice don't worry Peppa we won't [Music] George wants to help - okay George could you put a blob of mortar here water is a very special kind of mud that sticks bricks together Peppa would you like to lay the first brick please well done I'll do the rest bricks must be laid straight and level no you can't build a house in a day it'll be finished tomorrow good see you tomorrow mr. Pooh [Music] and I put the brake on top that all sounds very exciting now close your eyes and go to sleep it is morning George cannot wait to see the new house almost finished it just needs to be inspected mr. rabbit is the building inspector hmm very good but wait it's not finished what you forgot the swing now it's all ready for our new neighbors to move in neighbors yes pepper we've got new neighbors mr. wolf and his family are moving into their new home little piggies I'm Peppa Pig thank you for building our house mr. pig what's it made of straw sticks it's made of bricks let's see how strong it is I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll hmm that is strong what's your own house made of mr. pig bricks so don't even think about it can you push me no uh-huh and puffy instead [Music] peppa and George are playing with Suzy sheep and Pedro pony here are Rebecca and Richard rabbit I've got a secret what is it my mummy is got a bump in her tummy she too much no there's a baby rabbit inside mummy it's really a baby rub it in your tummy yes would you like to listen to it yes please can you hear a little heartbeat yes I can it's going yes sometimes babies give a little kick nay will you call it I don't know what you children like to think of a name yes please hello mummy rabbit would you like a cup of coffee I can't have coffee but I am quite hungry would you like a carrot I'm a bit off carrots have you got any potatoes yes we do maybe a potato with jelly and cheese and strawberry jam please a potato with jelly cheese and strawberry jam what a funny mixture of food we need to think of a name for the baby yes if the baby is a girl she'll be called Rachel rabbit or how about Ruth rabbit fruit son rubbish Alan rabbits I don't think so petrol Sharon rabbit sounds wrong I like Rosie Rosie rabbits it's perfect but what if the baby is a boy oh how about loosest rabbits raymond rabbits michael rabbits michael rabbit no Robbie rabbit yes Ruby rapping thank you for the potatoes with jelly cheese and strawberry jam mummy pig my pleasure we thought of a name for the baby Rosie if it's a girl and Robbie if it's a boy they're lovely names it's sad the baby can't have both names oh my tummy it's all that funny food you been eating I don't think so daddy rabbit the baby is coming right what a hospital quickly no panic I've got it all pillows scented candles yoga music and enough food for three days what panic don't panic anyone in this hello sister what are you doing here I'm having a baby remember oh yes you better come inside then can I come too oh you'll have to park the car first don't worry having a baby always takes a long time out of the way everyone my sisters having a baby of towers this lot would last us a good few days where shall we put all this stuff back in the car we don't need it now what is it a boy or a girl oh we've got baby twin Wow it is the next day and mummy rabbit is home from hospital calls papa [Music] boys or girls they're both a boy and a girl back home Rosie and Robbie so you did you space planes yes Rosie rabbit and Robbie rabbit the best names in the world and [Music] it is playtime for pepper and her friends it's tittles the tortoise naughty tittles come down at once I couldn't shake the trees to get tittles down don't worry I am super Pedro's oh dear what has happened tittles fell on Pedro's nose my nose hurts poor pedal I will call for the doctor doctor brown bear speaking about nose you say I'll be right there [Music] hello where is the patient I see say ah ah you need a plaster there that will make it better my glasses don't work Petrov's glasses are all muddy Oh dr. brown bear can you fix Petros glasses no I can't you'll need an optician for that an optician is a doctor who knows about glasses my daddy is an optician Oh dr. Pony speaking a penile class is not what can you say I'm on my way [Music] Oh son what seems to be the problem my glasses aren't working can you read this chart no my glasses aren't working why these glasses just need a good clean thank you daddy doctor Pony has fixed bedros glasses Thank You doctors everything is back to normal hmm its legs are wiggling in there seems to be upside down can you doctors help a tortoise in trouble no I'm afraid we can't treats animals oh you need our vet a vet is a doctor for animals hello dr. Hamza's baking upside-down tarts eyes you say I'll be right there [Music] hello dr. islur doctor hello Doctor hello Doctor now where's the patient here he fell out of the tree tittles your little pickle what have I said about climbing trees will he be okay yes let's just flip you over yeah what is no that was an interesting technique you use their standard procedure la it is dr. elephant the dentist hello everyone I heard there was an emergency or everyone's teeth okay yes a dentist is a doctor who looks after teeth I'll be on my way then oh dear dr. elephant's car won't start do any of you doctors know how to fix a car I know who to call hello granddad dogs breakdown service trouble with a car I'll be right there [Music] try the engine hmm try again doctors everything even cars pepper and her friends foreign language children today we are doing nursery rhymes whoo who has a favorite nursery rhyme my favorite is mary had a little lamb oh yes mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb mary has a total of its piece was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went Mary went that one it had a sheep in it that was lovely pepper thank you who else has a favorite Nursery Rhyme I like little bo-peep and can you sing Little Bo Peep yes and it goes like this [Music] and I don't like that one it's about sheep getting lost it's too sad yes does anyone know in nursery rhyme that isn't about sheep me me yes Pedro baa baa black sheep oh sorry I know one of us a cat Oh splendid candy can you share it with us hey dee doo dee doo the cat and the fiddle a cow man [Music] away with this anyway the spoons and cows jumping over moons crazy stuff was next I know a rhyme about a mouse very good Freddie hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck one the mouse ran down hickory dickory dock that one makes a lot more sense mice do like to run around madam gazelle I know a rhyme that has numbers in it excellent Wendy please share it with the class the quality fish was frightened it was kind to throw it back Madame gazelle yes people I like Robin Hood okay and does Robin Hood have a rhyme yes Robin Hood lived in a wood he was very good at jumping in mud very good Pedro I made it up myself I never whine about marching we have to go outside Oh [Music] [Music] that was good exercise Madame gazelle do you have a favorite Nursery Rhyme but of course Pedro would you all like to sing it with me yes please everybody hold hands everybody loves Nursery Rhymes it is the start of another day morning children where is Madame gazelle I was wearing a mask you were in disguise yes and today you will all be making masks we have cardboard coloured paper crayons pits cleaners tell me is greater no glitter please Madame gazelle I have only just managed to clean up from the last glitter event now begin you masks children pepper is using a colored tissue paper Danny dog is using buttons and drinking straws Suzy sheep is using feathers I'm making a magic owl mask my little brother Richard is a baby carrot we like carrots George has made a dinosaur mask is yours Edmund planetoid very good Edmund elephant is a clever clogs so are we all finished my man look better with some glitter gets everywhere there is no getting rid of it once it comes out it is a menace but it's special and magic oh alright but only if you all promise to be very very careful with it okay I will unlock the glitter cabinet Mademoiselle keeps the glitter safely locked away now children you did promise to use this glitter very carefully it is whole time and the parents have come to collect the children glitter don't panic please remain calm there was a glitter leak but we have it under control now evarin George but I can't see them anywhere excuse me mrs. butterfly I'm looking for two little piggies do you know where I can find them pepper what a surprise but where is George George it's you I thought you were a dinosaur these two carrots home instead come on Petro time to go home I am super pony oh does super pony want to come home or does super pony want to stay here for the night come home with you please mommy heaven defeat all had fun making wonderful masks everybody loves masks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 20,390,683
Rating: 3.8323491 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: xIP2bj4PP_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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