Peppa Pig English Episodes | George Pig Uses Grandpa Pig’s Rare Stamp Collection

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[Music] pepper and George are at granny and Grandpa pig's house grandpa is showing pepper and George his stamp collection I've collected hundreds of stamps from all over the world I think you must have every stamp ever oh oh I suppose I do have quite a few so there's no need for you to buy any more stamps is there grandpa mmm the postman ah it's a postcard for my friend what does it say it says wish you were here I've never had a postcard that's easy to fix let's write one to you and George now then we can post it to you oh goody what shall we write on it very good let's post it's not yet pepper we need to write where you live do you know your address Peppa very good no can we post eight there's still something missing do you know what it is it needs a case that's lovely and we need a stamp too grandpa has stamps my stamps are not for licking and sticking on postcards Peppa they are for collecting and looking at Chabad pepper and George I think we'll find some normal stamps upstairs who can that be special delivery ah this could be yes it's the rare stamp I sent off for it's a big books for just a step did it cost a lot of money Shh granny pig doesn't need to know right you are miss drew no stamps granny we'll just have to carry on looking downstairs what a beautiful stamp and in perfect condition never been used what's going on here oh now I'll take it to the recycling cart ah good I knew we'd find a stop somewhere George would you like to lick it stick it on the postcard now it's time to post your postcard send it off George mr. zebra has come to collect the post did anyone see a stamp on the kitchen table yes my stamp stop stop come back oh my goodness that's that wasn't meant to be used why nots grandpa well it was a special stamp that I bought for my collection Oh so how much did it cost not much that's all right then anyway it's not lost the postcard is going to pepper in George's house oh yes I'll go straight there and wait for it to arrive Pig has arrived at Hepburn Georgia house Oh grandpa pig I haven't missed the post and I special delivery oh my lovely stamp actually this is for peppa and George has your lovely stamp on it would you like to keep it Oh Thank You Peppa this stamp was important before but it's even more precious now that it's been posted to pepper and George it is Wendy Wolf's birthday and she has invited all her friends to a party mr. wolf is blowing up balloons for the party I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow these balloons [Music] [Music] here is mrs. wolf can always make some more bubbles who wants to go are you ready yes you have to have ha and you have to puff [Music] that's the full moon ah and you know what you do when you see a full moon oh you how why do you tease huh that's what wolves do we howl at the moon Wendy can you teach us how to do that okay and then you how when we will has taught everyone how to howl like a wolf Wow who did that one it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't any of us it is granny wolf happy birthday Wendy you must all be Wendy's friends how do you do my what big ears you've got granny wolf with what big eyes you've got granny wolf over better to see you with and what big teeth you've got all the better to eat time to blow out the candles Wendy if blown the steak house down oh well done that's my girl to blow down I always forget oh sure house made of mr. pig it's made of bricks not straw bricks oh of course that was a great party Wendy yes that was my best party ever [Music] and her friends what a wonderful picture you have painted it is me I'm George and my mummy and daddy at our house but where are you all I can only see a house we are all inside the house of course it is a wonderful picture here is a pleco star Wow thank you Madame gazelle it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children I got a playgroup star that's fantastic pepper I remember Madame gazelle gave me a playgroup star when I was a little piggy a long time ago when mummy and daddy pig were little Madame gazelle was their teacher here play cook star I was so happy did you get lots of playgroup stars mummy oh yes daddy did you get lots of playgroup stars too ah it was such a long time ago I really can't remember no I'm pretty sure you didn't get one did you [Music] daddy no I never did get a playgroup star no anyway like daddy pig said it was a long time ago pepper and they're really not that important yes pepper are you sad that you never got to play group star daddy well I have done other things in my life to be proud of you now she will give you one now play group stars are for children pepper not for grown-ups yeah the roof is all fixed Thank You mr. ball that really is wonderful work have a play cook star oh thank you very much yeah daddy mr. Bulls got to star and he's a grown-up it is evening time pepper and George are going to bed because you never got to play group star daddy you know what pepper the more I think about it the more I think I should have got a playgroup star why because I love to make things and I was always drawing in class daddy would you write to see it I think I've still got it somewhere I'm sure I put it in the loft here's my old school bag and here is my picture yes I was quite pleased with it but it didn't get a star no hmm that's sad it is the next day pepper and George are going to play it's not fair pepper you're too good at drawing it's not my drawing it's my daddy's oh not so good for grown up he drew it a long time ago when he was little ah pepper have you done another wonderful drawing no Madame gazelle this is my daddy's drawing ah yes I remember your daddy did like to draw but you never gave him a playgroup star I must have given him one for this no you didn't daddy P you deserve a playgroup star I've never been so proud daddy pig is a playgroup star it is a lovely sunny day peppa and George are playing in the garden George loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] goodness what a muddy little piggie you'll need a bath and we'll need to wash your clothes George is worked in the bath George's clothes are washed in the washing machine we must have washed these clothes of thousand times when you wash clothes a thousand times they get holes in them maybe it's time we got George some new clothes mummy pig is taking pepper and George to the clothes shop hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how can I help you we need some new clothes for George please well you're in luck this is a clothes shop first we need to measure you now hold your arms out George thinks you're going to tickle him I promise I won't tickle you George very good what a big strong boy you are George miss rabbit different tickle you did she no but I will George loves being tickled right let's find George some new clothes how about this it will keep you very warm if George would kindly go into the changing booth please George is wearing a big thick woolly jumper you look cuddly George hmm I don't think white is the best color for puddle jumping hmm this isn't white it's every other color but wise George does not want to look like a clown mmm too much color what about this then yes it's still not really George hmm what about this then basically it's what you had before oh yes what do you think George George likes a new clothes Oh sir George didn't get any new clothes em these are his new clothes daddy pig the same as before but no holes oh I see yes let's all play in the garden look at your clothes and you seem to be a little muddy too daddy pig and you mummy pig oh well it's only mud it'll come off in the wash if we're going to get washed anyway let's get even more muddy peppering George by helping grandpa pig in his garden today we are making a pond we start by digging a big hole here is mr. Fox hello mr. Fox hello granny pig what can I sell you this morning I don't need anything thank you Oh where's grandpa pig does he want anything I'm afraid grandpa's busy digging a pond wouldn't you say why I've got just the thing it's a no fishing lovely antique one-of-a-kind I'll take it pepper Georgia grandpa pig hardest work digging pepper has found a little cup oh that looks like a very old teacup George has found an enormous bone it might very well be a dinosaur bone George huh what's this grandpa pig has found a gold coin how is the pot coming along very well we've dug up a cup a dinosaur bone and a coin it's very exciting I have a little treasure - that is not treasure that is a gnome grandpa pig does not like gnomes mr. fox says it's an antique very rare one-of-a-kind of course he did found buried treasure I'm not sure but the museum would know this is the museum ha can I help you hello mr. rabbit we've dug up some treasure let's take a look at what you've got mmm fine china cup interesting what else have you brought to show me a coin made of gold plastic girls whoa it's metal gold Oh anything else my goodness this bone is the best of a lot look it fixed my dinosaur perfectly thank you so much for bringing these valuable objects in valuable say they are worth something oh yes they are worth lots of money and you can visit the museum any time you like to see them a children are free and you sir get in half price because you are old can I just ask where you dug up such treasures or digging must stop until an expert has been to investigate why there may be other rare objects buried in the ground to stay in the museum and we can't dig here any more until the expert digger comes mr. rabbit thank you for all your hard work anyway no problem I'm sorry we didn't find anything else not to worry the good thing is you finished digging our pond for us a lovely natural pond and to finish it off a gnome do you like it mr. rabbit I never thought I would see one in my lifetime oh they're everywhere this is an antique one of a kind I'm very valuable then it belongs in the museum so it does don't worry you can see it at the Museum any time you want and you can get in half price granny because you are old [Music] when I grew up pepper and her friends are at failure season today we are going to talk about what you would like to be when you grow up you can use the dressing up box to help you decide I don't know what I want to be when I grow up don't worry pepper you have plenty of time to think about it okay when I grow up I want to be the queen so I can tell people what to do I see I think I might like to be a teacher what is it about being a teacher that you like the most Emily telling people what to do okay I want to be a policeman when I grow up the police drive cars with flashing lights [Music] what is do you like about being a policeman they tell people what to do right I would like to be a doctor or a nurse why do you think you would like that job Susie because they help sick people get better wonderful and they tell people what to do yes not all jobs are about telling people what to do there are lots of other important jobs like being a builder or a poet when I grow up I will be a pirate Oh pirates sing happy songs and they go yo ho ho yes I'm not sure that being a pirate is a job as such either a pirate Oh a farmer oh yes being a farmer is much better you would close things and make food for us all to eat and I'll tell all the animals what to do right I will be a superhero being a superhero is a very important job you have to run faster than a train jumped or buildings and don't want to do all of those superhero things but I do want to tell people what to do yes of course the parents have come to collect the children little piggies so tell me what did you learn at playgroup today Madame gazelle asked us what we want to be when we grow up that sounds nice not really mummy everybody knows what they want to be but I don't do you know what you want to be when you grow up George so George wants to be a dinosaur when he grows up don't worry Peppa you have plenty of time to decide what you want to be dear mommy I work on my computer do you get to tell people what to do no well that's no good then it is bedtime for peppa and George I could tell you pepper but I think you'd find it a bit boring okay my job is to design and facilitate strategies of function by material means in concrete do you like your job daddy I'd like it but not everyone would everyone is different pepper think of something you like doing I like jumping up and down in muddy puddles uh there aren't that many job I want to be famous for jumping in muddy puddles haha I want to be famous for having a big tummy pepper but that's never going to happen but I'm very good at puddle jumping yes I suppose you are when I grow up I will show everyone in the world how to jump in muddy puddles that sounds like a very good idea 99 pepper dye night George nice pepper and George are falling asleep to dream about dinosaurs and cuddle jumping it is playtime for pepper and her friends what's that noise coming from its tittles the tortoise naughty tittles cut it down at once I couldn't shake the trees to get tittles down don't worry I am super pedras oh dear what has happened tittles fell on Pedro's nose my nose hurts poor pedal I will call for the doctor dr. brown bear speaking about nose you say I'll be right there where is the patient I see say ah ah you need a plaster there that will make it better my glasses don't work Pedro's glasses are all muddy Oh dr. brown bear can you fix Petros glasses no I can't you'll need an optician for that an optician is a doctor who knows about glasses my daddy is an optician Oh dr. Forni speaking a penile class is not what can you say I'm on my way [Music] hello son what seems to be the problem my glasses aren't working can you read this chart no my glasses aren't working why these glasses just need a good clean thank you daddy doctor Pony has fixed Pedro's glasses Thank You doctors everything is back to normal hmm its legs are wiggling in there seems to be upside down can you doctors help a tortoise in trouble no I'm afraid we can't streets animals oh you need our vet a vet is a doctor for animals hello dr. Hamza's baking upside-down tarts eyes you say happy right there [Music] hello doctor hello doctor hello doctor hello doctor now where's the patient here he fell out of the tree tittles ya little pickle what have I said about climbing trees will he be okay yes let's just flip you over dad what is no that was an interesting technique you use their standard procedure la it is dr. elephant the dentist hello everyone I heard there was an emergency or everyone's teeth okay a dentist is a doctor who looks after teeth I'll be on my way then oh dear dr. elephant's car won't start do any of you doctors know how to fix a car no I know who to call hello granddad dogs breakdown service trouble with a car I'll be right there [Music] try the engine hmm again everything grandpa pig is taking pepper and George out for the day on his sailing boat yes Peppa it's another way of saying old friend are they your friends grandpa oh not really we're just members of the same sailing club now where did I leave my boat what does your boat look like grandpa it has a little red flag on top of the mast little ah yes oh dear grandpa pig sailing boat has sunk I'm afraid we can't go sailing today children here is Grampy rabbit on his hovercraft that month for sailing pepper you look sad what's the matter we can't because some routier why don't you hop onto my hovercraft I really don't think this is Grampy rabbits hovercraft can go on land and water I built it myself you'd never guess would you we don't be damn it you can't drive this thing around here you're not a member of the sailing club but for the member aren't you yes but on it's all right sir nothing like a peaceful gaze is anybody else thirsty I saw no shed back there selling juice that's not a no that's the sealing crap pate it's for members only let's go and get some juice for beakers of juice please I'm afraid you cannot be served here sir unless you're a club member I'm not but years hello four juices please oh yes sir this is the life eh the sea and the sky of the boat sailing by sailing by Grampy rabbit there's no wind without wind sailing boats sail good idea pepper Oh kiss off toss me a line and I'll tow you back nd rabbits other graph is telling sailing boats back to shore where train the booster sold the boat everyone back to the carpark that way they don't have so far to walk to their cars but sailing boats don't go on land like hovercrafts oh yes grandpa pig who is this friend of yours so sorry about that sorry we want to thank him for rescuing us oh I see he's called Grampy rabbit welcome Paris is in France we go on a ferry to get there what is a ferry uh-huh you'll see this is the ferry mummy pig doesn't like it when the boat rocks about all this sea air is making me hungry who wants to eat thank you the waves are getting bigger here I brought you a fried egg sandwich the ferry has arrived in France they might try differently here Oh driving is driving mummy pig you see it's just like driving it home peppa and her family have arrived in Paris Delphine donkey and her family are here to meet them Oh Bonjour means hello in French what would you like to see in Paris I want to see everything oh boy it is impossible to see everything in that case I would like to see the real hidden Paris the Paris that the tourists don't see ha ha mr. pig Demi which part of the real hidden the police would you like to see first be Eiffel Tower ah ok this is the Eiffel Tower wow this is busy imagine what the tallest places must be like come on it's miss rabbit I didn't know you had a job here miss rabbit excuse my I am NOT this miss Cabot I am Mademoiselle Nepal oh I'm sorry souvenirs get your little apple tower they are the real Eiffel Tower is really big can we climb up capes um it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like Heights do not worry mr. pig we take the elevator going I'm glad that's over oh no that is just fill stage now we must climb the steps if you feel dizzy daddy pig just close your eyes okay this is as high as we can go as visitors let's look at the view these steps are going on forever oh dear daddy pig is not looking where he is going he is climbing up and up and up what a wonderful view of Paris yes what do you think mr. pig i'ma stop to eat where is everybody [Music] pig is at the very top of the Eiffel Tower hang on daddy ah I must call for csq services [Music] [Music] pepper and George Bert granny and Grandpa pig's house something to show you both this is the dolly I had when I was little she looks very pretty can I hold her yes but remember dolly is very old and delicate so do be gentle with her well granny anyway enough of that how would you both like to see something good yes please we need to go to my shed grandpa is always making little things in his shed I suppose it keeps him happy look at this I call it mark one it's my first homemade toy aeroplane loves airplanes my grandpa of course watch this landing is the tricky bit it is the base little plane ever grandpa but it could be better if it were bigger so I made this one mark two [Applause] then plea does it yes like I said landing is the tricky bit lovely grandpa it's good to get these things out of your system and now that you've made a big toy plane there's no need to make another is there no brandy Pig you know what I fancy a glass of orange juice good idea grandpa pig is anyone else thirsty yes please then I'll go to the house and get some juice for all of us see you later pepper remember to take care of Donny I will granny bye granny right now I can show you what I've been working on this is Mark yes it's bigger and better it even has a place for a pilot to sit we can put no I think that might be a bit dangerous oh maybe dolly would like to be the pilot but granny said I should look after dolly dolly will be fine okay let's see what it can do no need to panic let's try something even more exciting where is that you see I know what I'm doing now I just need to land it gently does it Oh juice for everyone ah granny pig perfect timing what is that it's a toy aeroplane a big toy aeroplane yes I can see that grandpa did some fancy flying and dotty did you enjoy your playtime with pepper and George grandpa padule-- Jesus we've all had a lovely time yes grandpa George loved to airplanes everybody loves toy airplanes [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 3,290,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Id: Rzoz0SZWwA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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