Peppa Pig's Giant Sandcastle | Peppa Pig Official | Family Kids Cartoon

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[Music] let's make something in the middle like what how about the biggest sand castle in the world yes we need a heap of sand wendy pedro pepper and george are making a hill in the middle of the castle and on the very top it looks great yes really good now it needs the bubbly bits what a bubbly bits all castles have bubbly bits on top of the walls like this ah wendy wolf is using pebbles to make the castle's bubbly bits and it needs flags pepper and george are collecting little sticks and some seaweed to make flags it needs windows pedro is using shells to make windows there what a fantastic sand castle let's add a moat what's a moat you'll see we dig the moat all around outside the walls good idea everyone help dig okay and now we have to fill them out with water let's get water from the sea [Laughter] [Music] the moat is full of water the castle is finished hooray i wish it could be my home and i could live in it you're too big to live in a sand castle pepper here is mr crab he's come to take a look at the castle hello mr crab do you have a home to live in oh he looks sad i don't think mr crab has a home he can live in our castle yes in you go mr crab oh but how does he get across the moat he needs a bridge george has found a piece of driftwood george has made a bridge mr crab likes the bridge but he can't get inside the castle we just need to make a little door mr crab is the king of the castle [Music] yes daddy madame gizelle said i have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you while i uh do some work in another room [Applause] susie is practicing too yes that's it [Music] very good danny shall we call that a day no madame gazelle says i had to keep on trying until i get it right [Music] peppa and her friends have been practicing the recorders all week they are giving a concert for the parents welcome to our concert ready children [Music] bravo bravo [Music] yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert i want you to learn this tune go home and practice practice practice peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder [Music] it's well book day tomorrow and we have to dress up as someone from a book that sounds exciting who are you going to be peppa you've got lots of books to choose from yes i can go as a sleepy princess from this book yes i love reading you this story once upon a time they're living oh maybe i can go as the red monkey oh i love that book too hmm i can't decide all the books are good why not go as funny onion from the book that mummy pig wrote no daddy it has to be a real book not mummy's book thank you very much peppa once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion four seven six eight five nine three one two most of mummy pig's book is one big long number yes there were a few printing problems how about this book the tiny magic fairy yes i'm a tiny magic fairy and george what's your favorite book i'm sure [Music] of course your pop-up dinosaur book oh that's settled george will go to world book day as a dinosaur and peppa will go as a tiny fairy or maybe a duck quack it is nearly bedtime [Music] aha i'm the happy pirate from the pirate book pirates are my favorite because they are funny and they sing happy songs brush their teeth yes brush their teeth are we all ready for world book day tomorrow no my favorite book keeps changing don't worry peppa you can decide in the morning [Music] then i'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how tv is made oh in that case in hugo thank you wow hello there here is miss rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me [Laughter] potato hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he's big we're ready for you now super potato the show must go on this is where the magic happens it's not magic it's science you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes okay we're ready to go light camera and action fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five and cut that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits electromagnetic signals that go to a thingy on the roof television transmitter the thingy transmitter sends the magic bits across the sky to the tv aerial on your roof unless you have a cable or a dish and down into the tv susie sheep and her mummy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to reach your fiverr would any of you like to be on tv yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do i do just say something anything okay i'm peppa pig this is my little brother george wow pepper and georgia on tv this is mummy pig and this is daddy pig peppa it's for you peppa i can see you on tv am i tiny yes you are tiny this is fun can i be on tv again of course now we've recorded that you can be on tv every day hundreds and hundreds of times [Music] [Music] george careful or you might trip and fall ow my arm oh dear peppa has tripped and bumped her arm hmm i think we should call dr brown bear dr brown bear speaking a bumped arm you say and on christmas day i'll be right there [Music] so peppa bumped your arm have you yes can you wiggle your fingers that's very good but just to be safe we'll take a trip to the hospital this is the hospital miss rabbit is the nurse who's next that will be me wait we have a sick child oh a child a child yes that's more important than me miss rabbit will take you from here peppa yes just follow me please oh miss rabbit the hospital is all christmasy looks lovely doesn't it hello peppa oh hello pedro why are you here i bumped my arm i banged my leg and i got a sticker wow sit yourself down and tell me where it hurts here on my arm can you wiggle your fingers a little bit can you say banana banana that was a joke to make you feel relaxed do you feel relaxed yes good we just need to take a picture of your arm with the x-ray oh what's the x-ray it shows us the bones inside your body how does it work it uses a cathode and anode controlled beam of electromagnetic magic oh the x-ray shows your arm will be fine peppa and for being so brave you get a sticker thank you miss rabbit [Music] it is the day to give cards to the people we love my daddy didn't get one this morning what oh oh set i finished cleaning the windows madame gazelle thank you mr bull oh dear you look sad oh i just heard that teddy pig did not get a valentine card no valentine's card no goodbye mr bull goodbye children today we will all make valentine's cards for the people we love yay i'm going to make a valentine's card for my mommy and daddy i'm making a valentine's card for my mommy and daddy i'm making a valentine's card for super potato and one for my mommy and daddy mr bull has gone to the supermarket hello mr ball you look sad well i heard this morning that daddy pig didn't get a valentine's card no really did you hear that dr hamster daddy pig didn't get a valentine's card oh purple did you hear daddy pig did not get a valentine's cat oh dear what was that nobody's ever given daddy pig a valentine's card what wonderful cards children i am sure whoever gets them will be very happy it is home time [Music] we made valentine's cars for you and daddy oh lovely peppa and george have arrived home happy valentine's day daddy for me yes valley time fantastic did you get a card from mommy yet no not yet [Music] ah mr zebra busy day a very busy day indeed look at this sack full of valentine's cards have you got a card for me no i haven't got a card for you oh i've got a whole sack full there are hundreds of valentine's cards all for daddy pig daddy pig who sent you all these valentine's cards oh it wasn't you no i sent you this one with love from mummy pig who sent all the rest um everyone has sent daddy pig a valentine's card oh oh thank you [Music] oh it's juicy hello hello peppa where are you going we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom peppa has reached the top quick daddy i need to go down to find susie i'm coming to find you peppa i'm coming to find you susie ah you're going the wrong way peppa and george are back at the bottom but susie is at the top i think that's enough escalators for now but i need to see susie then we can use the lift i need to find peppa then let's take the lift it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but i need to find peppa peppa and susie are best friends peppa look what i've got little susie's in boxes how did you do that in the photo booth i'll show you this is the photo booth you sit in here put the money in there and then it flashes it's not flashing i think it's broken oh i missed it there's more smile when does it flash ah i missed it again funny face and the last one has it finished yet i think i might be in that one here are the pictures look at all of those funny faces again again i think it's time we pick up mummy pig mommy did you have a perfect day yes thank you i did pepper did you yes we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw susie and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home time [Music] daddy pig did you have a perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home daddy what's your perfect day oh come and see pig is jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone is jumping up and down in muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day [Music] susie yes are you awake yes i wish i was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching tv and eating pizza yes and babysitting i'm going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue i'll drive [Laughter] daddy dog will be a space man yes i'm off to space and george will be a dinosaur dinosaur [Music] and freddy fox will be a policeman what's all this here then this is our grown-up car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye what were your job be i will be a nurse but in my lunch break i will fly a plane good afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world [Laughter] what will your job be peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer we will live in a big house with fountains [Music] and i will marry pedro or danny and i'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children but who will look after all these children we will time everybody [Music] let's get building what are we going to build a present for dr hamster to help her get fit we'll need these and this i'm not forgetting this and a little bit from this washing machine how can you make a present from this pile of rubbish it's not rubbish mommy pig this is an excellent ladder and so is this one are you making a roundabout no are you making a paddling pool no [Music] what do you think it's going to be george dinosaur no i just need to wrap it up grumpy rabbit is wrapping the present finished it's the biggest present ever yes it's too big to fit in the car that's all right we can roll it grumpy rabbit has rolled the present all the way to dr hamster's we've surgery a present for you dr hamster oh thank you hey i wonder what it is why don't you open it and find out all right [Music] that's lovely er what is it exactly i just need to fix it in place get in and jog all right this is amazing [Music] it's a hamster wheel yes every hamster should have one dr hamster loves hamster wheels every hamster loves hamster wheel [Music] party hats please party it's yes because it is my grandpa's birthday a grandpa pig's birthday i'll see what i can do peppa they don't have party hats in posh restaurants like this [Laughter] thank you are you ready to order food yes please on the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrots and a mussel kiff or cream of sweet in a vegetable sugar um i think i might try the uh strained carrot on a mussel cough uh cream of swede for me please perhaps the dried fish uh same again please and for the children spaghetti please piggety pepper and george love spaghetti spaghetti is nut on the menu but i will ask the chef pepper you can't ask for things that aren't on the menu strained carrot cream of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti [Applause] [Music] actually it's my birthday could i have the spaghetti too please and me and me and me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti cheese please balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake [Music] birthday party music please this is such fun happy birthday grandpa [Music] wash your hands wash them nice and clean verbally scrubbily scrabbly bubbly wash them nice and clean what kind of animals have you got here mrs badger we've got chickens here are the chickens it's time for the chicken's lunch would you like to feed them yes please okay have a bag of birdseed each here make some seeds what lucky chickens yes they certainly are well-fed no who wants to hold a baby chick me me lily me they're so little they're so fluffy they're so sweet it's true baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet mrs badger what other animals have you got we've got guinea pigs can we see the guinea pigs of course but before you see them you need to wash our hands that's right wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly strawberry bubbly wash them nice and clean here are the guinea pigs look at their cute little faces and their fluffy little bodies you can pick them up and stroke them if you like oh you are lovely adorable aren't they that's not quite the word i would use and they make excellent pets can we have a guinea pig daddy please we haven't really got the space to keep a guinea pig you don't need much space uh and they probably need lots of looking after oh guinea pigs are very easy to look after and i would do all the work but peppa um you might not want to do that forever and then you could always look after it for her uh look at the time i think we have to be getting home oh yes look rebecca there's your mummy she's come to meet you here is mummy rabbit with the baby twins rosie and robbie hello rebecca hello mommy oh look cute little baby rabbits [Music] pineapples george likes pineapple on his pizza ugh pineapple on pizza no that's just not right in fact i think pineapple on pizza is against the law silly daddy it is actually not against the law to put pineapple on pizza um daddy can we make funny faces on top of the pizzas of course we can but before we start cooking we have to wash our [Music] let's wipe the table clean and put our aprons on right let's make pizza pizza pizza peppa george could you please mix this flower and water together with your fingers it's all sticky and stretchy perfect i'm just going to knead it we sprinkle a little flour on the table so the dough doesn't stick you need to be big and strong to need dough i am big and strong and george is big and strong too that's enough kneading let's make the dough into four balls one two three four and we roll them flat with a rolling pin ah it looks like a pizza now but an expert pizza maker doesn't need a rolling pin watch this [Music] daddy has a pizza on his head this one can be mine peppa george please smooth the tomato over the pizzas i like making pizza [Music] let's do lots of sounds and surprise daddy what a good idea come on george peppa and george are recording lots of different sounds in the kitchen in the bedroom in the living room in the hallway even in the garden peppa george daddy will be home soon have you finished recording your sounds no mommy there's just one more come on george follow me what sound can it be it's a very important sound peppa is going into the bathroom flush the toilet george daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello daddy i've been looking forward to playing my new synthesizer all day [Music] hmm lovely music it's even more lovely with the buttons daddy play it again all right [Music] whoa what's that that's me we've made lots of silly sounds play it again it's funny music daddy oh oh it certainly is daddy pig loves funny music everyone loves funny music [Music] don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain i'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that daisy stem and thread another daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a hole in the stem threaded daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy queen peppa yes i am the daisy queen look at me look at me hello george i am the daisy queen you need to be something else oh george you can be a lion and these dandelions can be your mane george is a dandelion george likes being a lion children come and get your food [Music] look everyone i am the daisy queen and this is george the lion oh and i know a trick to see if you like butter daddy really yes you do like butter oh i do that's very clever pepper can i try hmm yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that mummy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front oh oh daddy pig loves picnics everybody loves picnics [Music] you pick a marble and you put it in here and it goes gimbal tumble all the way down to the bottom i'll show you ready steady go again again bye bye mummy you can go and do your work now oh thank you peppa have fun can i have a go yes rebecca you take this marble and you ready go that was fun and then you can add some more bits to the marble run let's make it the biggest marble run ever yay let's add this wiggly bit and a windmill bit the marble will make it go round and round do you want to have a go george ready steady let's add more bits yes let's make the biggest marble run ever wow that looks good rebecca now it's richard's turn richard has lots of marbles ready steady look at all the marbles going everywhere i thought i heard your marble run pepper can i join in yes daddy oh goody let's make it bigger daddy pig loves building the marble run ah there are no more bits of marble run left in the box oh never mind we can use other things [Music] wow you both look the same that's because we're identical twins identical twins look like each other do people get you mixed up sometimes but it's okay we're used to it peggy pandora as it is your first time at playgroup you may both choose what we do today hmm we like solving mysteries and we like doing puzzles mysteries and puzzles let me see yes we have a jigsaw puzzle hey we love jigsaws this looks like a cloud and here is the sun maybe they fit together no they don't fit try turning that piece around now they fit where does this piece go hmm try putting the blue sky with the blue sky it fits and the green grass with the green grass the jigsaw is finished it's a picture of a house on a sunny day well done children that was great teamwork are you enjoying your day pandora peggy yes thank you we love doing puzzles and solving mysteries our daddy is a policeman i want to be a policeman when i grow up the police drive cars with flashing lights and they go [Music] perhaps now is a good time to phone your daddy and let him know how we're getting on oh where is my phone i must have put it down somewhere have you lost your phone madame gazelle yes i had it just now where can it be where did you last see it if i knew that susie i wouldn't be looking for it would i why don't you always put things in the same place madame gazelle then you will know where they are and that is very good advice susie but it is not always possible to put something down in the same place every time [Music] i love muddy puddles splishy splashy puddles i love muddy puddles peppa and her family have arrived at the woods ah i adore woodland walks the birds singing the dappled sunlight where are the puddles there's one hooray muddy puddles oh this puddle is not very muddy that's because it's got leaves and twigs in it not all puddles are muddy pepper hmm this puddle is twiggy and it's crackly so what would you call it a twiggy crackly puddle hmm i would have to agree woodland puddles are twiggy and [Music] we find a crackery that's a bit more sploshy okay but we'll need to go somewhere else why don't we go to the beach yes the beach [Music] this is the beach oh this puddle isn't muddy that's because it's made of sand and water so what shall we call it it's not twiggy crackly it is a scrunchy crunchy puddle it certainly is peach puddles are scrunchy crunchy can we find more sorts of puddles let's try the playground yes the playgrounds [Music] today we have a visitor mandy mouse hello everyone squeak hello mandy mouse uses a wheelchair to get around mandy is spending the day at our playgroup if she likes it she will come every day see you later mandy have fun bye mommy hello mandy i'm peppa pig hello peppa hello i'm danny dog and i'm susie sheep we're drawing pictures i drew the sun oh i drew a cloud oh i drew the sky that's nice i like drawing airplanes that's a really good drawing thank you it is playtime [Applause] that was fun wow you're fast all thanks to my wheelchair why do you have a wheelchair mandy because my legs don't work like yours can you walk on your legs no i have my wheels i get around fine i can do everything squeak let's play ball yes please okay mandy you're on my team susie you're on my team gerald pedro molly and emily [Music] the children are in two teams how do you play this game the captain takes the ball and throws it over there no i know the rules and you know what i've already done you do it this one is the rules because i said so what about the team who gets the ball through the hoop wins [Music] no is this the relaxation class yes we're all here to find inner happiness and calm hello welcome to the relaxation class it's all about leaving stress behind so please turn off your phones relax your bodies empty your minds hello sportscenter okay i'll be right there back in a mo just keep relaxing while i'm gone hello children hello miss rabbit we've come for our gym lesson yes the children are very excited fantastic i'll just set up the gym for you mind me just keep relaxing relax hello mommy what are you doing here oh hello peppa i've come to do a class me too see you later now where were we uh we were just starting to relax oh yes think of a beautiful woodland glade stillness silence children are you ready for your gym class yes madame gazelle what's that i can't hear you surely you can shout louder than that good i want to see lots of jumping and climbing and running ready steady go slow down hello mummy pig what are you doing here i'm doing a relaxation class well i hope this children's party doesn't disturb you [Music] hello daddy hello peppa stop relaxing now relaxation class is over how did you find it mummy pig very very stressful funny that's what everybody says why don't you have a go on the bouncy castle yes i think i will this is wonderful i feel lovely and relaxed mummy pig loves bouncy castles everybody loves clumsy castles [Music] oh yes maybe it was meant for someone else delivery for daddy pig thank you mr zebra look it's a picture of me george and daddy in our car yes next to a no parking sign it says i have to have a lesson to learn how to park daddy has to go to school it is police officer panda and police officer squirrel hello hello hello mr pig uh can i help you yes it's about the parking ticket it's just routine nothing to worry about you're not planning on leaving the country are you no are you ready for your parking lesson yes marvellous follow me [Music] this is a no parking sign it is important to look out for signs on the public highway that's right police officer panda will now show you how to park here is somewhere you can park there is no sign here here is somewhere you should not park there is a no parking sign and that is the end of the parking lesson that's all very clear thank you police officer panda and police officer squirrel just doing our job hello police officer panda oh hello miss rabbit say cheese what a parking ticket but that's outrageous i was only parked for a moment this sign was clearly visible and you were parked in front of it ho ho you're right it just goes to show that nobody is above the law and even grown-ups get told off [Music] i sell you this morning either solar powered torch a wooden frying pan an electric gnome nothing for us today thank you mr fox unless you've got a metal detector metal detector well why didn't you say so i've got a metal detector right here fantastic it's just like my old one it's got three settings finding things good at finding things and really good at finding things excellent we'll take it now we can find george's lost key hooray [Applause] how does the metal detector work grandpa i'll show you imagine i have lost this coin i turn on the metal detector and swing it gently from side to side i'm looking for it here i'm looking for it there but grandpa you put the coin here i know peppa i'm just pretending to look for it why don't you pretend to look for it here here you say aha i found something it's a coin yes grandpa it's the one you just put there yes peppa and that's how you find things with a metal detector can we have a go of course let's find that lost key here here we found something no it's a nail oh keep looking here there's something else a spoon what's that doing here this is fun george wants to find the key oh what is it grandpa it's the key hooray now we can wind up mr robot no george never wants to lose the key again don't worry george if the key falls out again we can find it with my new metal detector [Music] what's it like out there daddy pig is there any mud um a little bit of mud yes oh my goodness wow so much mud yes but it does say it can get a tiny bit muddy here sometimes a tiny bit muddy i've never seen so much mud in all my life it's brilliant yes and we've got a whole day at the festival ahead of us at the children's festival there are so many fun things to see and do let's start with making sand castles this is the sand castle area who likes making sand castles now you might have noticed it's been raining so instead of sand castles we're making mud castles first fill your buckets with mud turn your buckets over give them a tap lift your buckets mud castles i like mud castles mud castles are the best well done miss rabbit how did you ever come up with the idea for mud castles simple it rains every year so we always make muds castles ah so what do we want to do next how about painting pictures yay this is the painting tent today we're going to paint pictures and instead of paint we're using mud oh we've got lots of brown mud and greenish mud i even found some blue mud this morning hmm what's best to paint with mud i know a muddy puddle [Music] they're so nice to eat scrumptious but remember everyone we're here to collect strawberries to take home and make jams put them in your baskets and try not to eat too many yes granny pig i'll just have one last one i suppose one more won't hurt naughty granny naughty grandpa right you are peppa this really is the very last one i can't stop eating them hello birdies have you come to eat the strawberries the little birds do not want to eat the strawberries perhaps they have just eaten too many pepper yes i think i've eaten too many oh peppa's basket is full george's basket is full granny and grandpa's baskets are empty granny grandpa where are your strawberries oh in our tummies maybe it's time to go home here is danny dog with his mummy and daddy they have just arrived at the strawberry farm hello peppa hello danny look at all these strawberries oh don't say that word what strawberries how strange i suppose some people just don't like strawberries i see you've picked a lot of strawberries where's the way out the way out is just through the gift shop what do you sell in your shop miss rabbit strawberry cakes strawberry cookies strawberry cheese strawberry juice strawberry sweets strawberry anything without strawberries uh no i think we've had our fill of strawberries thank you funny no one ever buys anything from this shop [Music] what a lovely card open it nah glitter yes we used all the glitter how wonderful daddy loves glitter everyone loves glitter now let's make a father's day cake what can we put in the cake yes george daddy does like cereal and tomato ketchup i'm not sure daddy pig likes ketchup in cake daddy does like ketchup everyone likes tomato ketchup cheese yes george daddy loves cheese oh oh what's going on here daddy don't look it's a surprise you were supposed to be watching racing cars on tv i thought i would get up and do something you could always cut the grass daddy can't work on daddy's day mummy thank you peppa you can give me and george piggy back rides it's hard work not working now it's time for your tea party this way daddy would you like some tea thank you peppa and is there any cake oh yes the cake mommy please bring the cake here it is peppa but i'm not sure it's the sort of cake that can actually be eaten yes it is it is the best cake ever george and me made it all ourselves fantastic i can't wait to try it what's in it all your favorite things hmm tasty did you have a nice day daddy yes pepper and george it was super daddy pig loves father's day everybody loves father's day [Music] we love fireworks hello madame gazelle where do you want these fireworks put them on the next hill please mr bull okey-dokey children before we celebrate chinese new year we must sweep up why we must sweep out the old year before we welcome in the new year lovely now we must be careful not to sweep anymore so please hide all the brushes all the children are hiding their brushes madame gazelle why do we hide the brushes so we don't sweep away the good luck that the new year brings pedro okay then you have good luck nice things happen can i have some good luck please they say if you wear something red it will bring you good luck peppa and her friends pick something red to wear i'm wearing lucky red shoes i'm wearing a red hat i'm wearing the red scarf and my red dress oh a red scarf and a red dress that will make you extra lucky peppa that's not fair i want to be extra lucky too if i am extra lucky i will share it with you susie thank you peppa pepper and susie are best friends now to celebrate the new year we will have a dragon dance with a big dragon like this oh is it a scary dragon no danny it is a super friendly dragon where is it we are going to make it what's that it looks like a sausage it might look like a sausage now but soon it will be a magnificent dragon how do we make the sausage look like a dragon with cardboard and paints ribbons and your imagination peppa and her friends are making a dragon [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 9,497,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, pepa pig, peppa pig song, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, cartoon, for kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, toddler, wolfoo cartoon, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, kids cartoon, 2d cartoon, kids stories, kids stories about baby, wolf, woolf, wulf, pop it, safe cartoons for kids, Made for Kids, Pre-school
Id: 1KWmuykMFLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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