Peppa Pig Official Channel | Baby Alexander Plays with Peppa!

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[Music] somebody looks like they had a good lunch yes you'll know what he wants what do you want to do now Alexander I think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet but he can go out in his buggy [Music] that's a clever little buggy yes five gears mudguards and abs is standard that's how daddies Alexander likes it when you talk pepper that's because I am very interesting is where rain comes and I say grandpa pig we've got a bit lost on the way to windy castle no he's daddy pig doing the map reading yes daddy pig is doing the map reading and he's a bit grumpy at the moment this is the best route keep on the main road until you see windy castle up ahead Thank You grandpa pig we follow the main road and look out for windy castle as I thought yes it's windy castle come on car pepper and her family have arrived at windy castle wow it's so tall let's go inside the view from the top is fantastic look at the view house yes it is it's so far away let's take a look through the telescope please yes but you must let George look next Wow the telescope makes everything look bigger George George is waving at granny and Grandpa silly George burning grandpa too far away to see you waving I know we can ring them grandpa pig we can see you from windy castle wave at us it's our bicycle I sit in the front and mummy pig sits at the back and we can put these two seats on the back for peppa and George George is a bit too little his legs will get very tired but I'm a big girl I won't get tired it will be a long cycle ride pepper are you sure yes I'm sure okay are we all ready let's go [Music] it's not a race pepper it's just a gentle bicycle ride we won the race no you didn't Daddy because I wasn't racing [Music] you cheeky little piggy I've forgotten how much I love cycling oh I'd forgotten how much I hate cycling uphill the ground is getting quite steep but look at the beautiful view [Music] gorgeous this is hard work mummy pig you're not fiddling sorry daddy pig I was just enjoying the view peppa and her family have reached the top of the hill this is the postbox here at Danny Susie pedram Rebecca and Emily elephant hello everyone hello Peppa did you get my letter about my party yes oh goody my goodness so many letters today it is very very important for me now it is for you Zoe but it must be delivered before you can open it that's how the post works and with so many letters to deliver today I'd better make a start in Georgian I come along to hop a ball Peppa George see you later peppa and George are helping mr. separate deliver the post this is Zoe zebras house this letter is addressed to miss Zoey zebra miss Zoey zebra Zoe zebra Zoey zebra Zoey zebra Oh Oh the post is for Zoey for me Oh mummy dear Zoe I would love to come to your party from Danny dog Suzy sheeps coming to your party too and Rebecca petrol Emily candy they're all coming to your party family are eating spaghetti delicious is there any more spaghetti daddy pig you've already had three helpings eating gives me energy and I need energy for my fun run you also need to practice running what if I practice eating today then practice running tomorrow no you need to practice running now this is easy it is easy to run downhill it is hard to run uphill I don't think I should have eaten so much spaghetti it is the day of the fun runs Madame gazelle has a chart to show how far daddy pig must run if daddy pig can run to hear the supermarket then to hear my granddad's come out and all the way to hear windy castle then we'll have enough money to fix the school oh I'll do it now Ready Steady Go I did it now we can have the picnic see that's just a drawer right yes now you must come to the real windy castle [Music] [Music] the school bus has faded too windy car now everyone can enjoy the picnic water whoa what a lovely hot day and such a relaxing way to raise money - this is our campsite breathing the wonderful fresh air children excellent breathing now let's put up our tents peppa and her friends are putting up their tents you must each find a partner to share your tent I said I'd share in hurry oh sorry Susie I said I'll share with Rebecca Rebecca you said you'd share with me oh yes Emily who are you going to share a tent with um sewing okay good now you can share with me okay no I need sticks to make a campfire we'll get sticks but me and Pedro want to get sticks ha ha you can all collect and her friends collect sticks for the campfire it is nighttime peppa and her friends are sitting around the campfire children let's all sing a song yes the Bing bong song please oh I'm not sure all right we're playing a tune and we're singing a song with [Music] hello mr. monkey would she like a cup of tea Oh monkey says yes what's the magic word mr. monkey that means please Jesus we could make a tea set out of play yes George can we use a play clay please Zuzu Zaza we need to make a tea set for our Tea Party no you can help us make it this teapot is too soft real tea sets aren't soft my mummy makes real pots she does pottery can you help us make a tea set please okay come with me this is where mrs. zebra makes her pottery let's make this tea set clay all pottery starts off like that we need it to be soft so we can shape it but later it won't be soft mummy zebra is making a little calf on the potter's wheel there one cup would you like to try yes [Music] what's a power cut a power cut is when there is no electricity electricity is what makes everything in our house work yes but in the meantime we need to find a torch I think there's a torch in the cellar okay I'll go and get it will you be okay daddy just remembered I think the torch is in the kitchen mummy pig has found the torch Peppa is making a funny face we'd better tell daddy we found the torch daddy you stood in the centre looking for the choice what a stroke of luck now we just have to wait until the electricity comes back exactly I would say exactly a long time oh but George and I want to do some dancing the TV needs electricity too does it yes [Music] the way to have arrived at granny and Grandpa pig's house oh dear I do hope grandpa and granny Pig haven't gone to bed what are you doing here at this hour peppa and George were hoping they could look through your telescope oh very well to the top of the house everyone grandpa please hoppy is looking at the Stars now who's for the first we sailors use it to find our way home sky yes this is a planet called Saturn what are those pretty rings they are made of rock and ice Saturn is very very cool look it's a shooting star you must make a wish I wish that when you were just old enough to have his own rockets he will take me into speck [Music] [Laughter] [Music] pepper George have you got your stuff ready oh yes I'm taking teddy dine-saw if you take your toys you must look after them yes mr. dinosaur behind Oh George you should take more care of mr. dinosaur absolutely sure we haven't forgotten anything where did you leave teddy I think on the kitchen table Peppa you really must take more care of teddy here we go again I love this picnic spot it's so quiet and peaceful it is so easy breath with her daddy mr. zebra the postman oh no deliveries today it's my day off I know why did we make one big picnic yes [Music] and Peppa's friends are here can we ride on the train I'm giving the children an educational bus tour our trains educational they certainly are uh hands up all those who want to rise on the train and hands up all those who want to stay on the bus okay you can all go on the train follow along behind what a lot of mud you don't want to get stuck maybe we should go a different way it's only a patch of mud hard [Music] or the bus is stuck in the mud Oh bother hello miss rabbit how are you today I'm a bit stuck can you rescue me certainly you're strong enough trust me [Music] did it work no we need a vehicle with more power can I help in any way it's nothing that I can't deal with thanks anyway no idea blump explained can tow me out of the mud good thinking miss rabbit grandpa's little train is going to pull the bus [Music] it's a toy train toy Trude isn't a toy is the very best train in the whole world I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over leave that to me are you sure daddy pig last time you got a bit grumpy when you drop the pancake on the floor I did not get grumpy oh there was a problem with the frying pan mummy don't we don't make the pancakes please yes you can help me make the batter first I put some flour in the bowl Oh now I add an egg now the milk and I give it all a stir mommy can i stir yes of course Peppa Peppa loves stirring what wants to stir as well okay that's enough stirring you to sit at the table while I cook the pancakes over you could flip it higher mummy pig you can show us how when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this first pancake is for George I me pig paws a little syrup on George's pancake delicious this pancake is for Peppa hmm you could flip it hi I'm mummy pig you will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake daddy pig this pancake is for mummy pig Freddy Fox has come to play hide and seek but I can't find anyone should I find them for you you can try but it's impossible [Music] Freddy Fox has found everyone good smelling smelling got to do with it I can find you by sniffing your smell I'm not smelly I had a bath last night I know you smell nice I could even find you with my eyes closed hi Susie Susie is looking for somewhere to hide Freddy is looking for Susie with his eyes closed he is sniffing where Susie sheep has walking round the tree behind the little bush and back up the hill thanks to my nose yes it is has everything got to smell oh yes everything has a different smell what do I smell of you smell of flowers I'm wellington boots [Music] yes if you want to daddy pig has some warm soapy water to wash the car daddy pig is washing roof mummy pig is washing the bonnet pepper is washing the doors George wants to wash the windows but he is too little poor George let me help you oh dear George has dropped his sponge in a muddy puddle I will wash the mud off Peppa don't use the muddy water oh dear Peppa has thrown the muddy water all over the car never mind we can use the garden hose to clean it off HEPA holds the hose and daddy pate turns on the water [Music] [Music] please turn off the water no need to panic oh dear everyone is wet at least the car has been washed we've all been washed this is the tent I had when I was a little boy how you gonna make that into a tent don't worry Peppa I'm an expert at camping mummy pig put the tent on the poles please that's it easy as pie who do these pegs do anything of course I forgot about the pegs the pegs hold the tent up it was big enough for me when I was a boy well it does look a bit small now that's because you've grown a bit since you were a boy daddy pig and your tummy is growing the most of all talking of tummies we should cook supper first we have to collect sticks to make a fire we're in Georgia helping daddy pig collect sticks for the campfire sticks that's a splendid campfire now I'll light it here are the matches oh we don't need matches how can you light it without matches I'm going to make fire the old way by simply rubbing these two sticks together daddy pig is rubbing the two sticks together to light the campfire where's the fire daddy nearly there easy as pie now we can heat up the tomato soup listen to the sounds of nature that is the sound of crickets chirping mummy she bit here to take Suzy home pepper say bye-bye to Suzy I am NOT talking to her and I'm not talking to her oh I'm sure they'll make it up they are best friends really it is not funny we are not best friends anymore daddy pig is making supper Peppa George suppertime it's spaghetti [Music] what's the matter Peppa peppa and Suzy have had a little quarrel but I do miss Suzy a bit hmm let's give Suzy a cool man hello mrs. Pig may Peppa talk with Suzy please hello Suzy hello Peppa we can be friends again if you say sorry I'm sorry I said you cheated even though you did cheat well I'm sorry you were ever my best friend it doesn't matter I can easily find a new best friend it is a lovely sunny day all the children are at the playground Danny dog is on the round with his best friend Pedro pony George is on the seesaw with his best friend Richard rabbit Suzy sheep is on the swings on her own Peppa is playing mini golf on her own here is Emily elephant Suzy she is not my best friend anymore so you can be my best friend but my best friend is candy cat you have to imagine it the trees the rain the fast playing river at your feet your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river that's easy ah but it's night time and it's windy what that's how it was for me it was a dark and stormy night I was on an adventure ready it's not windy all night time you have to pretend everyone crosses the pretend river safely well done my little explorers your next adventure is to swing across the swamp full of crocodiles I can't see any crocodiles you've got to pretend that those crocodiles know who's boss go away you know take all the dials that's the spirit in Cuba this finger causes caca del swamp of course I did Scott not just catch a stay world of me [Music] ready don't forget to do the call everyone has crossed the pretend crocodile swamp safely this is a vault big athletes jump over it but you can pretend it's a dinosaur and crawl through its legs let's take it to my shed this is grandpa pig shed where Grandpa mends things I'll take a look inside I wonder if I've got a book on clocks here we are how clocks work [Music] grandpa pig has amended the cuckoo clock mummy pig has come to pick up evarin George that's nice what's that it's my old computer I can't mend that it's not broken I've got a new computer I thought you might like my old one I'm not sure I really need one Oh computer what does it do you can do letters with it and I'm afraid we might break it by pressing the wrong button don't worry you can't break it just don't feed it milk old biscuits the best thing is happy mrs. chicken when you press this button she lays an egg perhaps we should keep the computer granny pig daddy pay me peppa and George are decorating the city granny Pig and Grandpa pig have arrived for mummy pig's birthday happy birthday mummy pig aren't you coming inside oh I can't come in yet daddy pig peppa and George are doing secret things for my birthday how lovely see you later bye mummy would you like to come inside now I'd love to close your eyes keep your eyes please mummy 1 2 3 open your eyes [Music] what a lovely surprise blow the candles out and make a wish can you guess what it is oh I've no idea oh but I didn't see it's a beautiful dress now you just need somewhere nice to wear it what's this two tickets to the theater tonight thank you mummy pig loves going to the theatre and granny pig and I are going to babysit the little ones what a super birthday I'm the luckiest mummy in the whole world [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'll go first that was quite loud now it is Zoey zebras turn now Suzy sheep now Danny dog that was very loud Peppa is the loudest [Music] not too sure okay my goodness that was loud Emily is shy Emily would you like to play my favorite game what is your favorite game jumping in muddy puddle that's my favorite game to jumping up and down in muddy puddles Emily loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles this looks like fun Madame gazelle loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles have you enjoyed your first day at our playgroup yes Madame gazelle and I see you've made lots of new friends yes Emily elephant is my friend man Emily's my friend and more and mine are in mine Emily who do you like best um I like Suzy and Danny and Zoey and Rebecca and Pedro and pepper [Music] children today we have a new pupil Peppa Pig now Peppa run and join your friends we begin with Demi plie Demi plie now a little jump petition a with grace and beauty petition a place and beauty raise your arms imagine that you a beautiful swans and what noise do you think a swan might make dance to smooth that did very well I have to dance beautifully and gracefully that's lovely what does the blue button do I don't know let's see I love this new car can we keep it no we can't keep it pepper we've only borrowed it for today no I think it's going to rain yes I'll just put the roof up now which is the button to close the roof silly me haha this must be the button a new car has squirted daddy with water but now it stopped raining can we open the roof again oh yes which button was it the red one grandad dog has fixed the car your car is fixed Thank You granddad dog and keep the change thank you daddy pig goodbye it's good to get our own car back again but I like our old carpet and I think our old car you don't look very well don't worry I ring dr. brown bear dr. brown bear speaking Peppa is not very well her face is covered in red spots hmm put pepper to bed and I'll come straight round dr. brown bear has come to make pepper better hello Peppa how are you today not very well stick your tongue out please hmm it's not anything serious Peppa has just got a rash the rash will clear up quickly but if you like I can give you just a little medicine I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice open wide please stick you are a brave little one for taking it so well Peppa must stay in bed I'll call back later to check that she's better oh can pepper have visitors oh yes you can have visitors the rash isn't catching dr. brown bear says that you must stay in bed for a little bit pepper oh but it's so boring dr. Brown bed did say you could have visitors visit me Suzy sheep is Peppa's best friend I'll ring Suzy sheeps mummy man hello mrs. Pig Oh May pepper talked with Suzy please hello hello Peppa I'm not very well I have red spots on my face that's a dr. bean yes dr. brown bear was here he said I wasn't very well and I was very brave so are you really yes yes I have two really horrible with Matt oh don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy Amy Pig and George have found more things to wash very good George we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on the washing machine is filling up with hot soapy water [Music] the washing machine is making the whole room shape where's your dress what oh [Music] nice and clean yes pepper but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppers red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt a lot of snow has fallen in the night well let's see how much snow there is daddy poor daddy let's warm you up a bit mummy pig peppa and George are warming daddy pig up by rubbing him with towels but what about the snow I don't think the coach will be running today miss rabbits coach has arrived at Peppa's house oh goodness me did you get snow with my big snow plow snow plows push the snow out of the way all of Peppa's friends are going to the seaside to mr. bull and his friends are gritting the road the grit melts the snow miss rabbit it's taking us all night but the road is clear all the way to the seaside that's good we're going to the seaside would you like to come along no thanks miss rabbits we've got more roads to grit beach [Music] what a beautiful butterfly grandpa why do butterflies like flowers they get their food from flowers wow they have very long tongues oh yes the butterfly's tongue is even longer than yours she uses it to drink from the flower pepper the butterfly Sakura flower is playing at being a butterfly George wants to play too George Barna butterflies you have to be something else George does not want to be a win he wants to be a butterfly George when I was a little piggy I used to like playing at being a worm it's very easy to be a worm I'll show you how first you have to lie down on the ground then you wriggle around I rigged li worm Georgian grandpa pig are having such fun being wriggly worms [Music] it is bath time Peppa wants to keep her new shoes on even for her bath fairies in her pajamas she still has her new shoes on [Music] Peppa even wants to wear her new shoes in bed Peppa are you sure you don't want to take your shoes off I don't want to shoes very well good night pepper and George good night good night my little piggies it has been raining all night and now the garden is very wet mummy pig is wearing her boots daddy pig is wearing his boots George is wearing his boots Peppa is still wearing her new red shoes George is going to play in the wet grass oh [Laughter] dear Peppa loves playing in the wet grass but she doesn't want to get her new shoes wet George loves jumping in muddy puddles Peppa loves jumping in puddles but she doesn't want to get her new shoes muddy mummy and daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone likes jumping in muddy puddles where is Peppa going pepper is putting on her boots [Music] [Laughter] [Music] whoa grandpa pig has dropped his phone in the water granny pig speaking hello somehow we need to get a message to granny good idea peppa and I can teach Poli what to say grandpa pig says help help there you see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 48,450,932
Rating: 3.6634161 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 54sec (3474 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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