Peppa Pig Official Channel 🕷 Itsy Bitsy Spider

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[Music] daddy there's a spider in my bedroom oh don't worry peppa please dandy take it away no need to panic hello george have you seen the spider it's too scary take it away there's no need to be afraid peppa spiders are very very small and they can't hurt you but don't worry daddy will take it out of the bedroom whoa he's quite big isn't he um i'll just fetch mummy pig mummy pig hello mr skinny legs peppa feels a little bit braver he likes being in my doll's house hello children i hear you found a little spider i'll take him out of the bedroom so you two can play mommy his name is mr skinny legs mr skinny legs is big isn't he peppa and george like the spider night night george is putting the spider to bed no george he wants some tea he doesn't want to be in bed are you hungry mr skinny legs would you like some cake pepper isn't afraid of the spider anymore mummy daddy sit down we are all going to have tea with mr skinny legs who wants tea me please me please delicious peppa loves playing tea parties here's your tea mr skinny legs what's that you want to say hello to my daddy hello mr daddy pig hey that's all right peppa let mr skinny legs drink his tea you're not scared are you daddy oh no of course not well not so close it's coming from the tree it's tiddles the tortoise naughty tittles come down at once i can shake the tree to get tiddles down is that a good idea pedro don't worry i am super pedro oh dear what has happened turtles fell on pedro's nose my nose hurts poor pedro i will call for the doctor dr brown bear speaking a bumped nose you say i'll be right there [Music] hello where is the patient here my nose hurts i see say ah ah you need a plaster there that will make it better [Music] my glasses don't work pedro's glasses are all muddy oh dr brown bear can you fix pedro's glasses no i can't you'll need an optician for that an optician is a doctor who knows about glasses my daddy's an optician hello dr pony speaking a pair of glasses not working you say i'm on my way hello daddy hello son what seems to be the problem my glasses aren't working can you read this chart no my glasses aren't working why these glasses just need a good clean is that better yes thank you daddy dr pony has fixed pedro's glasses thank you doctors everything is back to normal [Music] we must have washed these clothes a thousand times georgie's clothes have got holes in them when you wash clothes a thousand times they get holes in them i can see your bottom george maybe it's time we got george some new clothes [Music] pig is taking peppa and george to the clothes shop hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how can i help you we need some new clothes for george please well you're in luck this is a clothes shop first we need to measure you now hold your arms out george thinks you're going to tickle him i promise i won't tickle you george very good what a big strong boy you are you see george miss rabbit didn't tickle you did she no but i will george loves being tickled right let's find george some new clothes how about this it will keep you very warm oh if george would kindly go into the changing booth please george is wearing a big thick woolly jumper you look cuddly george hmm i don't think white is the best color for puddle jumping hmm this isn't white it's every other color but white george you look like a clown no george does not want to look like a clown hmm too much color what about this then now you look like a penguin yes it's still not really george hmm what about this then basically it's what you had before oh yes george you look like you [Music] there is the place to borrow in italy people speak italian oh um we need a car non capisco let me handle this i'm an expert at talking we need a car not eggs a car um no not flowers no ah auto hey well done george this bag is heavy are you sure we need everything in here mummy pig yes it's all very important are we going to get lost like we always do no peppa the sat nav will tell us the way in italy the sat nav talks in italian maybe we don't need this sat nav uh let's go this way remember daddy pig this is another country they may drive differently here oh oh driving is driving mummy pig it can't be that different [Music] driving in italy is very different to driving at home hello yes we're on holiday daddy why are they beeping i expect they're saying hello can we say hello of course we can everyone is so friendly here [Music] peppa and her family are on their way to their holiday house ah we're almost there yes i can feel myself relaxing already teddy i love teddy on the airplane [Music] you have to be very very careful with china why because china can break very easily that's why i always oh dear mr bull has smashed the teapot to pieces oh no i put it down too hard i don't know my own strengths maybe we can fix it boss i've got cement i've got a rivet gun it's not gonna work lads i know miss rabbit has a china shop she could mend it good idea mummy pig we'll go right now can i come true [Music] mr bull is going to the china shop this is miss rabbit's china shop hello can i help you a ball in a china shop hello miss rabbit i have broken my china teapot oh dear can you fix it let's have a look hmm that's very broken i smashed it to yes but i think i can fix it oh goody can we help of course peppa oh these two pieces fit together fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle well done peppa i'll glue those bits together george has also found two pieces that fit well done george nearly finished that's the lid there's just this funny shaped bit left where does that go that's the teapot handle miss rabbit oh so it is i don't know much about china teapots it's as good as new pedro has found a clown outfit who wants makeup me please what does everyone want to be i want to be the clown but peppa where is your clown costume okay you be the clown i want to be the strong man okay danny you be the strong man i want to be the juggler but i wanted to do that wow okay you be the juggler grandpa i don't have a job to do you can be the ring master peppa you've got the hat for it what's a ring master the ring master is the boss yes i'll be the ring master what do i do you say welcome to my suckers see the impossible the amazing the incredible feats of daring do uh welcome to my circus it's got amazing feet granny pigs garden party guests are here hello everyone you're in for a treat the circus has come to town ladies and gentlemen welcome to my circus now please be very scared of the amazing candy cat look at george richard and edmund on tricycle [Music] don't stop clapping it's the strong danny dog i was a strong man once or used to lift tractors [Music] oh i wonder where mr skinny legs is it sounds like mummy has found him don't be scared mummy get rid of it okay we'll take mr skinny legs into the garden now mr skinny legs has got the whole garden to play bye bye mr skinny legs it is starting to rain mr skinny legs is running back to the house maybe he doesn't like the rain he's climbing up the water spout incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain [Music] i don't want mr skinny legs in the house daddy pig let's take mr skinny legs a bit further into the garden [Music] there we are a nice tree for you to live in [Music] what is he doing he's making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies oh he's very busy yes it's hard work that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again yes daddy bye bye mr skinny legs it is bedtime i liked watching mr skinny legs make his web today and tomorrow he'll make another web really yes mr skinny legs makes a new web every day where will the new web be daddy i don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night night i could tell a story make it scary it was a wet and windy nights in the wild west and wild animals were out looking for food looking for food at night some animals eat at night susie wild animals and the brave cowboy pedro was alone in his tent but he couldn't sleep because something was outside the tent was it a wild animal what's that it's a wild animal oh it is a tiny little bird come to look at pedro's tent i think it was an eagle eagles live in the wild west is everybody all right yes mommy it's nearly home time but we haven't done the pretend sleeping yet everybody back in the tent good night partners good night i'm glad there aren't any wild animals out there [Music] it's a wolf yes it's my daddy mr wolfe has come to take wendy wolfe home all the parents are here to pick up the children bye bye everyone are you coming in pedro i want to pretend sleeping a bit more okay [Music] mummy can i come in now yes my brave little cowboy can we find a little place for this uh no what is it granny it's a plastic gnome peppa and he's going to live in our garden no no he isn't there's no room there's plenty of room what about here i can't have that ugly thing looking at me all day peppa george do you think my gnome looks ugly no granny i think he looked cute there grandpa you're outnumbered the gnome stays ah and here come the rest of them what mr bull is bringing mr gnome a truckload of new friends but gardens are for plants not plastic oh where do you want the nose we don't want gnomes thank you oh goodbye naughty grandpa pig those are granny pig's nose oh it appears we do want gnomes okey-dokey they're lovely there's this as well cheerio thank you mr ball goodbye bye bye what's this a giant gnome no grandpa it's a well what is a well a well pepper is a very deep hole with water in it oh and as it happens i do need water for my garden so a well will be useful but that is not a well it's made of plastic and there's no hole it's beautiful what's the point of a well without water it's a wishing well you throw a coin into it and make a wish can i make wish granny of course peppa here's a little coin i wish i wish i wish [Music] your turn to surf guys thank you but i'm quite happy to watch why don't you ever go mr pig why not it does look fun oh the waves have gone too bad mr pig looks like you've missed your chance to surf today oh that's a shame but it's just right for little george to go paddling in i'll come with you no surfing george but you can sit on me instead george likes sitting on top of daddy pig look at that wave coming crikey it's a big one daddy there's a big wave coming [Applause] what's that [Music] george is using daddy pig as a surfboard wow george has got great balance you're a natural surfer george maybe you can teach me a few tricks george is the best [Music] i loved surfing mummy yes what a fantastic holiday we're having so what's planned for tomorrow are you uh staying another day i could stay here forever well i do have to go to work tomorrow they can come along too okay well i suppose that might be great peppa is having a lovely long holiday with kylie kangaroo [Music] [Music] george loves cheese i've got a very smelly cheese here maybe daddy pig should give it a sniff the smell of the cheese has knocked daddy pig off his feet wow that's what i call a strong cheese good isn't it george likes smelly cheese may we buy that one please of course thank you fish nice fresh fish can we buy some fish please okay i've got trap addict mackerel or squid what would you like they all look good alphabet i'll give you some of each then you can make a lovely fish pie fish pie there you go thank you very much fish apples cheese here is mr fox's store bananas power tools handbags i'm selling anything really what do you want nothing thank you we've bought everything we need apples cheese and fish ow why didn't you come to me first i've got all of that do you sell apples you've never seen apples like these they're made of wood wooden apples brilliant aren't they they'll last forever what else did you buy cheese cheese i've got all kinds of cheese here they don't smell of much it's because they are plastic made of plastic yes guaranteed to last you a lifetime buy one get four free no thank you mr fox you bought a fish too didn't you i could have sold you a better fish no plastic fish thank you this isn't plastic well actually it is but this is an amazing toy fish look it sings [Music] mine would look better with some glitter on it please can we have some glitter madame gazelle glitter glitter glitter there are lots of other shiny things you can use not as good as glitter glitter glitter glitter no glitter gets everywhere there is no getting rid of it once it comes out it is a menace but it's so special and magic please can we have some glitter please right but only if you all promise to be very very careful with it we promise okay i will unlock the glitter cabinet madame gazelle keeps the glitter safely locked away now children you did promise to use this glitter very carefully it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children glitter don't panic please remain calm there was a glitter leak but we have it under control now today the children have been making masks i'm here to pick up pepper and george but i can't see them anywhere excuse me mrs butterfly i'm looking for two little piggies do you know where i can find them daddy i tricked you it's me peppa what a surprise but where is george george it's you i thought you were a dinosaur i can't find rebecca and richard would you mind if i took these two carrots home instead silly mummy it's us [Music] allow me to show you mr pig are you ready one two three throw [Music] so when does it come back ah keep a good lookout kids that boomerang could be anywhere i think we might have found it hello this is mr wallaby he is the next door neighbor uh hi mr wallaby i was uh just teaching these kids how to throw a boomerang sorry about your window well there's no worries there mate what's a broken window between friends mr wallaby is a very nice neighbor don't let it happen again though thanks like i was saying to throw a boomerang you need to throw it hard what like this that's it daddy it's coming back here she comes here she comes catch it mr pig missed it oh no the boomerang has broken another window well i think we should be going well you've still got some windows left hey no you can't leave until i've had a go let me show you mates how a boomerang should be thrown thanks mr wallaby ah don't mention it that's what neighbors are for now the trick is you need to throw the boomerang more upright like this it's good it's good it's a good throw here it comes it's good it's looking oh no someone catch it oh dear the boomerang has broken another window so um we absolutely must be going now do you want any help mending your windows ah no worries mate that time it was my fault mr wallaby really is a very nice neighbor see you later bye-bye see you later [Music] actually we're in a bit of a hurry hurry in here are we in there why are people always in a hurry granny pig has a plane to catch she's going on holiday holiday i never have time to go on holiday i'm too busy being in a hurry miss rabbit are you talking like a taxi driver again yes the taxi has arrived at the airport goodbye my little ones bye bye granny bye bye pepper and george are waving granny pig goodbye here is mr wolf taxi hop in bye bye mr wolf pepper and george love waving goodbye bye-bye daddy how are we getting home in the taxi oh it's gone been on holiday have you i'm actually very tired do you mind if we don't talk talk yes people talk too much these days don't they talk talk talk talk talk talk and they say some people can talk her eyes without taking a break my sister can talk hello taxi service hello could you pick us up from the airport please the airport righty-ho [Music] stop hello mr bull are you mending the road no i'm supposed to be mending the airport but my truck's broken down i'm going to the airport hop in have you got any luggage just the sand this rabbit's taxi is full of sand bye boss thank you miss rabbit no problem take us home please miss rabbit righty-ho there you are my last taxi ride of the day now you can go home and have a rest ha i should be so lucky sorry she'll catch you waiting it's just another busy day for miss rabbit [Music] have we got a big box uh no delivery for daddy pig i don't remember ordering anything this large ah it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall i take the box away for you oh yes thank you no daddy we need that box look what i've got great that's your castle almost done it's not almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter glitter hello hello can i speak to peppa please peppa it's susie sheep hello susie how's your school project going i'm doing very well more pointy mummy and it needs to be taller how is your castle going it's quite hard work but my mummy and daddy are helping a little tiny bit uh what do you think of this tower peppa very good but it still looks a bit cardboardy hmm maybe i can paint it i need to get on with my work now suzy see you tomorrow bye bye peppa what do you think peppa wow that looks just like a castle oh we got there in the end hmm it just needs one more thing glitter oh um glitter would stop the castle looking real and anyway we've um completely run out of glitter pepper and her friends have brought their castles back to play group wow a fairy palace that must have been a bit tricky for you to make susie no it was easy my castle is made out of a cardboard box it is a very fine castle thank you madame gazelle pedro did you not make a castle i did but it's too big to bring into school ah we built it out of stone blocks [Music] wow it's hot have you got any water two right we all need water water is a precious thing in the outback so don't ah nice and cool waste it daddy you have to drink it not splash it around ah no worries let's cook up a good old-fashioned australian picnic oh sounds lovely should we collect wood for the campfire you don't need wood when you've got gas mr kangaroo has a gas barbecue when we have a picnic mrs duck always shows up ah there's no chance of mrs duck showing up in the middle of a desert it is a duck-billed platypus mrs duckfield platypus always shows up when we have picnics food's ready corn on the cob for everyone peppa likes corn on the cob everyone likes corn on the cob i think it's time for a game sure thing i've brought a cricket bat oh do you play cricket in australia do we play cricket we're born playing cricket how do you play it you hit the ball with the bat ah if we catch it you're out ready dad you're out dad you'll go peppa good shot peppa oh dear the ball has landed in the tree oh it's the only tree for miles and our ball gets stuck in it if i lift you up peppa can you see the ball uh a teddy bear is holding on to it that's not a teddy bear peppa that's a koala thanks mate that is the sweetest animal i've ever seen but you were sweet too mrs duckbill platypus [Music] my secret mission is to get biscuits watch this susie sheep is trying not to be seen [Music] mummy can i have some biscuits for my friends please of course here you are thank you mummy susie sheep has returned with the biscuits [Applause] [Music] did anyone see you no well only a grown-up look would you like some juice to go with your biscuits what biscuits the biscuits i just gave you for your friends oh susie what's the matter we're in a secret club doing secret things and susie's told everyone oh can i be in your secret club please please i've always wanted to be in a secret club it's very hard to get into you must say the secrets word which is pick a needle noodle pick a needle noodle that's it you're in what happens now look out it's daddy pig you talk to my daddy but don't say anything about our secret club hello ah there you are mummy sheep what's new uh um uh a secret club oh no oh i always wanted to be in a secret club can i join please you can't join daddy because you are grown up uh my mommy is grown up well you have to know the magic word which is done papa doodle doodle dumb you're in what do i do now look out it's mummy pig follow mummy in secrets daddy pig ah hello mummy pig what are you doing in that bush um ah secret club [Music] captain peppa is a bit bossy perhaps i should be the captain again we don't want to crash into anything steering the boats can be tricky luckily i'm good at steering oh dear grandpa pig's boat has crashed into a little island grandpa we're stuck i'll ring granny pig she can get help oh grandpa pig has dropped his phone in the water [Music] granny pig speaking hello hello hello somehow we need to get a message to granny ah message to granny polly can fly to granny good idea peppa and i can teach polly what to say grandpa pig says grandpa pig says help help help help there you see easy peasy grandpa pig says easy peasy you silly old bird you silly old bert [Music] hello polly what are you doing here uh grandpa pig says what does grandpa pig say usually old bert oh help help goodness me grandpa must need help granddad dog hello granny pig grandpa pig needs help please could you rescue him madame i would be delighted hooray oh hi there do you need rescuing captain um maybe would you like my rusty old boat to rescue you yes please grandad [Music] dog very good but try not to splash big children don't splash we're very good at swimming when george and richard are older they'll be [Laughter] oh dear richard has dropped his watering can into the pool [Music] sorry richard i can't reach it's too far down mommy i can't swim underwater even i can't swim underwater hmm please hold my glasses mommy pig [Music] hooray there you go well done daddy pig i am rather good at swimming underwater the watering can is for babies can we jump off the diving boards now sorry peppa diving boards are only for grown-ups oh cheer up you two you can watch me die silly daddy your tummy is too big nonsense i won trophies for my diving when i was younger that was quite a long time ago daddy pig it's lucky i've kept myself so fit and strong please hold my glasses mummy pig you'll get a better view if you watch me from the side please don't splash us with water daddy of course i won't splash you peppa i think i need a higher board please be careful daddy pig yes don't splash us daddy don't worry peppa [Music] don't splash us with water daddy i told you i wouldn't splash daddy well done daddy pig no need for my towel i've got a special way of drying myself [Music] there is something yes it's a crab ah the crab is pinching grandpa pig's finger oh [Music] look george mr crabb is walking sideways george is pretending to be a crab pepper wants to be a crap too we're naughty crabs pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pink help there are two naughty crabs trying to pinch me pinch pinch pinch we're naughty crabs pinch pinch pinch you naughty crabs go back to your little rock pools yes let's look at more rock pools what can you see a sea shell can you hear the sea in it what do you mean if you put a shell to your ear you can hear the sea [Music] wow i can hear the sea i loved my seashell george can you find a seashell too that's not a shell oh right that's not a shell george has found a fossil what's a fossil a fossil is the remains of an animal that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs dinosaur [Music] rock pools are such fun yes they're fun for us but not for this little a fish where oh poor little fish she's trapped [Music] you're a granny pig and grandpa pig in their hello everyone hello grandpa pig would you like some petrol oh yeah no thanks i want to try out your new car wash certainly it's run by a computer [Music] first soapy water then a rinse and finally a polish wow sorry i have malfunctioned oh dear the computer has broken and grandpa pig's car is stuck ah do something granddad dog oh i don't know how to mend computers my daddy mended our computer at home uh well i didn't really lend the computer i just could then this is a job for daddy pig hmm maybe if i just switch it off and then switch it on again daddy pig has mended the car wash granddad dog is the best at mending cars but my daddy mended the car wash [Music] oh we haven't heard it for years [Applause] oh this takes me back [Music] mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and george hello where are you mummy pig can't find anyone what's that noise hello we've been dancing to granny and grandpa's favorite record yes granny and grandpa played it all the time oh and here's the record i used to play when i was a little piggy what is it it's called birdie birdie woof woof not birdie birdie woof woof you were always playing that i thought we'd thrown that out ages ago [Applause] the bird scale woof and the dog scout treat tweet woof treat woof woof woof and the cows go back [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ah [Laughter] that was fun but we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out peppa what should we throw out and what should we keep hmm i think you should keep everything [Music] hooray you still aren't flipping them high enough mummy pig the next pancake is yours daddy pig so now you can show us how it should be done delicious hmm is everyone watching the secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air a one two three [Music] silly daddy oh maybe that was just a bit too high oh what a shame that was the last pancake it should be a simple matter to get it down [Music] oh dear daddy pig cannot reach his pancake don't worry daddy pig i think i know a way to get it down let's go upstairs children this way what is mummy pig planning to do on the count of three we all have to start jumping up and down one two three jump what are they doing it worked now daddy pig has his pancake daddy has a pancake on his head syrup on your pancake daddy pig yes please [Music] delicious [Music] you have to say the secret words then you can come into our house i see and what are the secret words i have to whisper to you the secret words are daddy's big tummy i see say the secret words daddy's big tummy that's right daddy's big tubby i think those are silly secret words before you come in our house you must take off your boots of course [Music] [Laughter] there's room for daddy too say the secret word study can i have different secret words please no no all right daddy's big tummy that's right you can come in now daddy take your boots off [Music] i don't think i can fit through the door that's because your tummy is stupid i know daddy pig can climb in through the top [Music] peppa george mummy pig and daddy pig are all in the tree house granny i love our treehouse i don't want to ever come out that's nice peppa but are you sure you don't want to visit me in my house no thank you granny in that case grandpa pig and i will just have to eat my homemade cookies all by ourselves cookies [Music] granny pig here are my homemade cookies but if you want to come in you have to say the secret words that's easy daddy's big tummy that's [Music] it's right this bike is too noisy i can't hear the tv you've got to get fit somehow i know you can use my bicycle yes and then you'll get some fresh air as well daddy pig is going to ride on peppa's little bicycle daddy these are the pedals these are the brakes and this is the belt yes yes thank you peppa i know bye-bye this is pie getting fit is quite hard work now i can get fit without having to pedal daddy pig is going very fast oh maybe i'd better slow down ah the brakes aren't strong enough daddy pig has been gone for a long time mommy where can daddy be don't worry peppa daddy must be really enjoying himself to be away for so long [Music] where have you been i whizzed all the way down the hill then i had to push the bike all the way back up again oh poor daddy pig well at least i've done my exercise yes for today what do you mean you'll have to do some more exercise tomorrow what daddy to get fit you have to exercise every day oh no but don't worry daddy i'll make sure you do it yes i know you will [Music] she moves her head like this and she flaps her wings like this and she says cookie you are um look it's going to do something wow silly george you missed the cuckoo the cuckoo was really really brilliant she went cuckoo and you missed it mind george you can see cuckoo next time but you'll have to wait cuckoo only comes out once an hour waiting is boring come on george let's play outside george does not want to play outside he is waiting to see cuckoo [Music] it is nearly 10 o'clock george has been waiting for cuckoo for almost an hour george come and play mr dinosaur wants you to play too [Music] dinosaur george has missed cuckoo again never mind george why don't you play in the garden i'll call you when it's time to see cuckoo george it is nearly 11 o'clock peppa george time to see cuckoo quick george you can't miss cuckoo again george is running faster than he has ever run before oh where is my phone i must have put it down somewhere have you lost your phone madame gazelle yes i had it just now where can it be where did you last see it if i knew that susie i wouldn't be looking for it would i why don't you always put things in the same place madame gazelle then you will know where they are and that is very good advice susie but it is not always possible to put something down in the same place every time we can help you find it no i think it is lost oh what a mystery our daddy always says keep your ears and eyes open yes well if we keep our ears open and somebody calls your phone then we will hear it ringing and find my phone good idea peggy and pandora are very good at solving mysteries so who here has a phone uh madame gazelle we are little children little children do not have mobile phones oh yes of course hello the parents have arrived to pick up the children good afternoon mommies and daddies could i ask one of you to call my phone please i can ring you madame gazelle but is it not easier to talk to you i have lost my phone if you call it we will hear it ringing and then you will find your phone i understand brilliant it's in my handbag it was in your handbag all the time yes sorry about that everyone what a clever idea to call your phone to find it that was peggy and pandora's idea what you solved the case of the missing phone yes that's my girls peggy and pandora panda love solving mysteries [Music] don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain i'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that daisy stem and thread another daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a hole in the stem threaded daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy queen peppa yes i am the daisy queen look at me look at me hello george i am the daisy queen you need to be something else oh george you can be a lion and these dandelions can be your mane george is a dandelion george likes being a lion children come and get your food look everyone i am the daisy queen and this is george the lion and i know a trick to see if you like butter daddy really yes you do like butter oh i do that's very clever pepper can i try hmm yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that mummy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front oh oh daddy pig loves picnics everybody loves picnics [Music] george cannot throw the ball past mummy pig come on george give the ball to me [Laughter] silly george i can do that too [Laughter] [Laughter] i've got the ball peppa now it's your turn to be piggy george catch [Music] it george you're the piggy [Music] george catch [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here's the ball george sorry george what's all the noise daddy george is too little to play piggy in the middle oh i'm sure he's big enough no he is a daddy what catch it george [Music] that's not fair yes it is i just gave george a helping hand mommy can i have a helping hand of course you can pepper to me george catch george peppa loves catching the ball george loves catching the ball everyone [Music] daddy i'm queen peppa you must bow when you speak to me oh i'm most terribly sorry your royal highness and what do you do i'm your daddy hmm that must be very interesting yes it's very interesting and what room is this this is the dinosaur room the dinosaur room george this is the dinosaur room dinosaur is the dinosaur he's somewhere in the room i can't see him he must be very small actually peppa he's very big wow these are the bones of a real dinosaur dinosaur george imagines being a big dinosaur [Music] the dinosaur room is george's favorite room my favorite room is the king and queen's room and it looks as if daddy pig is already in his favorite room which room is that mummy the room with the cakes in daddy pig's favorite room is the museum cafe come on tuck in oh yes this is a very nice room oh dear mommy we splashed daddy's football shirt with mud oh don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy mummy pig and george have found more things to wash very good george we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on the washing machine is filling up with hot soapy water splash splash the washing machine is making the whole room shape oh peppa where's your dress i'm washing it what oh no [Music] look mummy my red dress is all nice and clean yes peppa but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppa's red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello daddy uh daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and um tell me later mummy pig i've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt here don't be silly peppa that's one of mommy's dresses it's pink no daddy it's your football shirt it got a bit muddy so we washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry daddy but i can't wear a pink football shirt why not daddy pink it's a lovely color shall i show you how to skate no thank you susie i'm sure i can already do it okay come on this is impossible i don't want to do ice skating anymore don't worry peppa everyone falls over when they ice skate even i fall over watch this oops daisy silly daddy george would you like to skate no george has never ice skated before and he is a bit worried i'll look after george while you teach peppa how to skate skating is easy peppa just push with your feet and glide push push glide see push push slide push push slide this is easy i can do it on my own now mommy push push [Music] well done pepper look at me i'm skating peppa is doing really well yes i'm a very good teacher slow down peppa you'll bump into someone don't worry mommy i'm very good at skating oh where are the brakes oh dear i forgot to teach peppa how to stop oh ah i can't stop look out mummy pig taught you how to skate but i taught you how to fall over yes i'm very good at falling over george do you want to skate too no [Music] don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain i'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that daisy stem and thread another daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a hole in the stem threaded daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy queen peppa yes i am the daisy queen look at me look at me hello george i am the daisy queen you need to be something else oh george you can be a lion and these dandelions can be your george is a dandelion george likes being a lion children come and get your food look everyone i am the daisy queen and this is george the lion and i know a trick to see if you like butter daddy really yes you do like butter oh i do that's very clever pepper can i try hmm yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that mummy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front oh oh daddy pig loves picnics everybody loves picnics [Music] it's well book day tomorrow and we have to dress up as someone from a book that sounds exciting who are you going to be peppa you've got lots of books to choose from yes i can go as a sleepy princess from this book yes i love reading you this story once upon a time they're living or maybe i can go as the red monkey oh i love that book too hmm i can't decide all the books are good why not go as funny onion from the book that mummy pig wrote no daddy it has to be a real book not mummy's book thank you very much peppa once upon a time there was an onion called funny ambien four seven six eight five nine three one two most of mummy pig's book is one big long number yes there were a few printing problems how about this book the tiny magic fairy yes i'm a tiny magic fairy and george what's your favorite book i'm sure of course your pop-up dinosaur book oh that's settled george will go to world book day as a dinosaur and peppa will go as a tiny fairy or maybe a duck quack quack it is nearly bedtime [Music] aha i'm the happy pirate from the pirate book pirates are my favorite because they are funny and they sing happy songs brush their teeth yes brush their teeth are we all ready for world book day tomorrow no my favorite book keeps changing oh don't worry peppa you can decide in the morning [Music] yes daddy madame gizelle said i have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you while i uh do some work in another room susie is practicing too yes that's it [Music] very good danny shall we call that a day no madame gazelle says i had to keep on trying until i get it right [Music] peppa and her friends have been practicing their recorders all week they are giving a concert for the parents welcome to our concert ready children bravo bravo it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert i want you to learn this tune go home and practice practice practice peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder [Music] what's hysterical redemption it's when you dress up like it's the olden days and sit around drinking tea we do more than just drink tea today we were being romans what's romans romans were people who lived a very long time ago and i am the emperor the emperor was the boss of all the romans goodbye see you next week granny pig bye granny can we be romans too yes peppa here are some helmets now what do we do we march around saying benny [Applause] what does that mean granny it probably means anyone for another cup of tea no it means i came i saw i conquered vani reedy [Applause] pepper and george love being romans too pepper and george have been doing some lovely pictures this morning my goodness they're very good they look just like polly polly the romans like making pictures too you know did they yes they used colored pieces to make pictures known as mosaics here's one i made this morning oh can we make a mosaic what a good idea you'll need some colored pebbles follow me i've got a whole bag of pebbles in my shed this is grandpa pig's shed here we are lots of colored pebbles george what shall we make a picture of dinosaur good idea george you find the green pebbles for the dinosaur [Music] we love fireworks hello madame gazelle where do you want these fireworks put them on the next hill please mr bull okey-dokey children before we celebrate chinese new year we must sweep up why we must sweep out the old year before we welcome in the new year lovely now we must be careful not to sweep anymore so please hide all the brushes all the children are hiding their brushes madame gazelle why do we hide the brushes so we don't sweep away the good luck that the new year brings pedro okay then you have good luck nice things happen can i have some good luck please they say if you wear something red it will bring you good luck peppa and her friends pick something red to wear i'm wearing lucky red shoes i'm wearing a red hat i'm wearing the red scarf and my red dress oh a red scarf and a red dress that will make you extra lucky peppa that's not fair i want to be extra lucky too if i am extra lucky i will share it with you susie thank you peppa pepper and susie are best friends now to celebrate the new year we will have a dragon dance with a big dragon like this oh is it a scary dragon no danny it is a super friendly dragon where is it we are going to make it what's that it looks like a sausage it might look like a sausage now but soon it will be a magnificent dragon how do we make the sausage look like a dragon with cardboard and paints ribbons and your imagination pepper and her friends are making a dragon [Music] george i'm learning to whistle you make an o shape with your mouth and blow don't worry george it's almost impossible like wiggling your ears can wiggle his ears whistling is harder george can whistle i'll what's wrong peppa i can't whistle but everybody else can never mind i'm making cookies would you like to lick the spoon no thank you mummy can i ring susie sheep instead okay peppa hello mrs pig hello mrs sheep can peppa talk to susie please hello susie hello peppa what are you doing i'm learning to whistle but i can't do it yet hmm that sounds hard it's impossible uh can you whistle susie no oh good i mean that's sad if you can't whistle but good because i can't whistle what's whistling anyway you put your lips together and blow like this hello peppa the cookies are ready oh goody cookies they'll be hot you should blow on them first do you not want a cookie pepper no thank you mummy i think i might go outside and be on my own for a little bit can you whistle yet it's no use daddy i'm never going to whistle ever have oh george where's your hat george has caught a cold oh poor little george you don't sound well don't worry i'll ring dr brown bear dr brown bear speaking i see put george to bed and i'll be straight round thank you dr brown bear goodbye will george be taken to hospital and give him medicine no george just has to go to bed oh so george is not really properly ill that's disgusting poor george let's get you straight to [Music] bed you have to stay in bed for a bit no george does not want to stay in bed george you have to stay in bed until you are better why because you have to keep warm why uh because dr brown bear says so hello where's my patient open wide and say ah george is a little bit worried hmm peppa you're big and brave can you show george how to say ah of course hmm george has caught a cold does george need medicine no but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep thank you dr brown bear you're welcome goodbye [Music] george has been in bed all day now it is peppa's bedtime george are you better george is not better [Music] it's very exciting these books are so new i haven't even opened one yet children mummy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion four seven six eight five nine three oh the rest of the book is one big long number i don't understand this is not what i wrote what is 476 859 george's happy mrs chicken high school wow that is a high score but where's my funny onion story it's gone i'm sorry children but i can't read funny onion to you today oh can you remember the story mummy pig yes then just tell us the rest all right once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion all he wanted was to make people laugh but he made people cry instead because he was an onion what a beautiful sad ending no wait madam gazelle it's not finished oh i see carry on funny onion said i will search the world to learn how to be funny he met a tomato the tomato said wear a funny hat but people still cried he met a banana who said wear some funny shoes but people still cried funny onion was ready to give up when a pineapple whispered in his ear what do you think the pineapples said wear a funny red nose wear a purple wig very good but what the pineapple really said was do something funny funny onion did something funny and everyone laughed they laughed and laughed and laughed the end marvelous i think it speaks to all of us [Music] hello we're just going out for a sale ruff it's a bit early for sailing yes you can't go sailing now thank you for your advice see you later grandpa your friend said that we can't go sailing yet they don't know what they're talking about oh bother grandpa's boat is stuck in the mud there's no water grandpa uh yes the tide seems to be out so we can't go sailing don't worry the water will come back again soon and the boat will rise up the water is coming back it certainly is the water is lifting grandpa's boat out of the mud up and down let's go sailing captain grandpa off we go i love sailing [Music] why are you there grandpa pig are you okay though do you need any help or advice earl chap we're doing just fine thank you bye grandpa they're going quicker than us there's no need to hurry when you're sailing up and down ahoy there grandpa pig time to head back if you don't want to miss the tide if you leave it too late you'll get stuck in the mud right you are goodbye i don't listen to them i know more about the ties than they ever will [Music] ah the tide seems to have gone out and you know what you do when you see a full moon um you howl why do you do that that's what wolves do we howl at the moon wendy can you teach us how to do that okay first you have to look up at the moon and then you how wendy wolfe has taught everyone how to howl like a wolf [Applause] wow who did that one it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't any of us it's a wild animal [Music] it is granny wolf happy birthday wendy hello granny you must all be wendy's friends how do you do hello my what big ears you've got granny wolf what big eyes you've got granny wolf all the better to see you with and what big teeth you've got all the better to eat birthday cake [Applause] wendy what's that in the middle of your cake it is a little house made of sticks ah time to blow out the candles wendy i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow the candles out you've blown the stick house down oh well done that's my goal it was quite easy houses made of sticks are easy to blow down i always forget what's your house made of mr pig it's made of bricks not straw bricks oh of course [Music] i didn't know you had a job here miss rabbit excuse me i am not this miss rabbit i am madame moiselle oh i'm sorry souvenirs get your little eiffel towers here the real eiffel tower is really big can we climb up hips um it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like heights do not worry mr pig we take the elevator going up [Music] i'm glad that's over or no that is just the first stage now we must climb the steps [Music] if you feel dizzy daddy pig just close your eyes okay this is as high as we can go as visitors let's look at the view these steps are going on forever oh dear daddy pig is not looking where he is going he is climbing up and up and up what a wonderful view of paris it's lovely yes what do you think mr pig mr pig where is everybody daddy pig is at the very top of the eiffel tower hang on daddy pig ah i must call for the rescue services thank goodness you're here miss rabbit i am not this miss rabbit i am madam don't worry daddy pig i am going to get you down ah i'm going even higher what can you see daddy i can see everything my daddy came to paris and he saw everything [Music] up down up down all together now mr potato is coming to town oh no the string has come loose it's okay i've caught it [Applause] i'm flying away hey we have to call the rescue service hello miss rabbit's rescue service mr potatoes hanging from a balloon i'll be right back wait a minute i can't go and rescue with all this on who wants to be carnival queen while i do some rescuing me me me there you go i think i should be the queen because i am very good at being bossy i can be bossy too i should be the queen because i am the best at waving why don't you all take it in turns to be queen okay i'll wear the crown i'll sit on the throne and i'll wear the cloak miss rabbit is going to rescue mr potato i'll just fly out from under me oh sorry mr potato hang on i'll go above miss rabbit what is your plan i never have a plan i just make it up as i go along autopilot on have a nice day autopilot fly helicopters on their own bye goodbye now how can we get this balloon down shall i pulp it no don't pop the balloon oh okay i'll untie the knot miss rabbit is going to let the air out of the balloon miss rabbit has rescued mr potato thank you [Applause] [Music] a magic bathroom there's a little basin with little taps and that's not all a magic toilet i wonder what this button is for daddy has found the magic shower hello passports please of course ah you are mr peak mr pig you must be coming to test our concrete uh yes do you know me oh your work in concrete is famous in our country but i have disturbed you good night uh good night it is bedtime [Music] night night pepper and george night night my little piggies night nights pepper and george are tucked up in their little beds on the train click to see clark clickety clock the train runs on the track have fun pop it is morning and time for breakfast on the train good morning miss rabbit aren't you meant to be driving the train it's fine the train runs on rails it can't get lost would you like coffee or orange juice i'd like both please no coffee or orange juice you can't have both i don't think we have to be so strict with the famous mr pig coffee and orange juice thank you excuse me i am king alfonso could i have a coffee and orange juice too no that is impossible pepper and her family have arrived at the end of their long train journey we are honored to have your visit mr pig thank you here is the concrete for you to test daddy pig is an expert at concrete hmm very good [Music] hello susie i'm a bit sad me too are you still coming to play tomorrow yes please okay see you tomorrow [Music] it is morning and susie sheep has come to play with peppa race you to the next hill i will really miss you susie and i'll miss you peppa i will even miss you bossing me about what do you mean you are the bossy one no i am not yes you are we are both a bit bossy i'm so happy about this new job in a new country i thought i'd be stuck here forever so you said are you ready to go susie no wait i made you a going away card thank you peppa and you can have this it's my most favorite plastic crown because you are so special and so you don't forget me and you must keep it forever i will never forget you peppa don't go susie hello oh i see right they said i didn't get the new job so you're not moving away no are we staying here forever yes hurray i'm glad you're staying susie me too now you can give me my crown back but you said i could keep the crown forever i know but you're not going away now oh you can wear it when you come round what about the card you can keep the card thank you peppa pepper and susie are the best of friends [Music] it's very good of you to steer the boats grabby rabbits but i'm not steering the boat i thought somebody else was oh dear no one is steering the boat we're lost at sea and look grumpy rabbit's boat is sinking don't panic might be worse situations in this really no this is the worst but we're stuck on a desert island we're just the sea and the sky for company and we haven't got any food oh i've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear grumpy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing cheese we've only been here five minutes scrampy rabbits i'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time i think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea grumpy rabbit is very good at shouting what was that that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble what can we do we'll rescue them we can use granddad dog's boat wait a minute i said i'd never get on a boat again but daddy they need rescuing you're right just this once i shall sail again life jackets on captain [Applause] all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat ahoy there hurry we're saved [Music] i can't see anything oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank dinosaur george thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes i like fish can the seahorse be goldie's friend uh no it's too dinosaury one more room to go oh what's in this tank nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fish in here whoa there's a fish with big long ears it's a rabbit fish it is miss rabbit wearing a diving costume she is cleaning the fish tank miss rabbit is saying hello it is difficult to talk underwater hello miss rabbit that was the last fish tank oh we haven't found a friend for goldie what's in the next room [Music] this is the aquarium cafe oh goody my favorite room hello peppa did you find a friend for goldie no oh who's that that's just ginger my pet goldfish he loves the aquarium it looks like goalies found a friend after all goldie isn't lonely anymore i know where there are some big funny mirrors really wobbly mirrors in a tent where are these wobbly mirrors at the fair the parents have brought the children to the fair roll up roll up see my amazing wobbly mirrors the tent is full of big wobbly mirrors oh what happened to my body you're a wobbly jelly wobble wobble wobble how does it do that daddy it's very simple illusions of optical differentials by convex and concave surfaces generate patterns oh it's magic uh yes it's magic look at me i've got no squishy [Music] i've got a long neck like a giraffe this mirror looks normal to me daddy where's your big tummy gone what tummy it is mummy rabbit with her baby twins rosie and robbie hello sister how are you today very good sister mustn't chat for long though i've got customers inside the tent oh the mirror's amazing daddy pig wow i can see two of you what do you mean i can see you in the mirror but there's no mirror is it magic silly daddy it's miss rabbit and mummy rabbit oh i suppose we do look a bit the same wow we are sisters [Music] you just need a bit more practice george watch me wow oops i'll just get the ball back hello mummy pig uh can we have our ball back please yes but please play more carefully in future yes mummy pig sorry mummy pig here is danny dog what are you doing we're playing baton ball my daddy is very good at it he batted the ball all the way into the house wow can i play baton ball too uh maybe it's time for a different garden game like what limbo what's limbo when it's at home i'll show you i know you jump over it it's much too hard to jump over oh we go under the limbo pole and we need music to do it [Music] daddy pig is very good at limbo wow ah but now we'll put the pole a bit lower okay oh daddy your tummy is too big to go under the pole my tummy is not too big i just can't bend like i used to [Music] well done everyone now we'll put the pole even [Music] it's impossible nobody can go under that george is the best at limbo dancing because he is little i was a little bit lonely up there with just the moon and the stars and the most exciting bit was what's the most exciting bit grumpy rabbit i can't hear you why has he stopped talking oh dear grumpy rabbit has lost his voice i had better ring dr brown bear [Music] dr brown bear speaking hello dr brown bear grumpy rabbit has lost his voice is that such a bad thing yes he's giving an important talk about space rockets to the children oh in that case i'll be straight there [Music] [Applause] hello crampy rabbit i hear you've lost your voice say ah please i see yes a very serious case of losing a voice too much shouting i imagine let's see if a little bit of medicine helps open wide try saying ah now [Applause] no where was i you were just about to tell us the most exciting bit oh yes the most exciting bit was i wrote a song would you like to hear it no thank you yes please i got up this morning and all i could see was the moon and the stars the moon the stars the moon the stars the moon the stars the moon the stars i'll just have a little sleep pedro always takes his glasses off before he sleeps let's creep up on pedro yes danny pepper susie and freddie are creeping up on pedro you were asleep uh yes sorry you're lucky we're friendly pirates we've got treasure that's nice let's put it in the treasure chest [Music] now we can bury it yes and i'll stay here and guard the pirate ship okay pirate pedro but don't fall asleep this time i won't the pirates are off to bury the treasure chest over a hill round the little bush let's bury it here how will we know where we've buried it let's make a treasure map over the hill round the little bush and x marks the spot x marks the spots pedro has fallen asleep again i'm awake i'm awake pedro don't you wear glasses uh [Music] hello mummy pony has come to collect pedro who goes there i'm your mummy pedro pedro cannot see very well without his glasses where are your glasses um i don't know mommy when did you last have them when we put the treasure into the treasure chest what treasure chest the one we buried in the garden pedro's glasses are buried in the garden oh dear how are we going to find them now we've got a treasure map mummy pony is using peppa's map to find the buried treasure over the hill round the little bush and x marks the spot they have found the treasure my glasses [Music] it's been a long time since daddy was here the fish have got a lot bigger like daddy's tummy oh where is daddy oh he might be lost i better ring him there's a phone ringing in that bush hello mr pig speaking it's daddy oh hello i'm stuck hello daddy hang on we'll pull you out one two three daddy is a blackberry bush ah the fish pond let's see the little fish [Music] whoa that's a big fish oh look there's something glittering they're coins when i was little we used to throw a coin in the pond and make a wish can we throw coins in of course i wish the fish pond stays here forever oh oh that's what i wished for when i was a little piggy and your wish came true daddy [Music] peppa likes playing with twinkle toes perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside yes mummy hmm it's a bit steep here maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down are you sure daddy don't crush like you always do oh oh i know what i'm doing peppa i'm a grown-up [Music] how are you going to stop daddy uh i don't know clever daddy you use the duck pun to stop what was that big splash what big splash daddy pig did you know you've got a duck on your head oh uh yes well i did fall in the pond horsey george wants to ride on the toy horse go go oh george cannot make the horse go if only there was someone big and strong to push george along i'm big and strong i can push george what a good idea peppa george she's called twinkle toes oh see twinkle toes horsey i know because the present is for both of us we'll call her horsey twinkle toes peppa and george love playing together with horsey twinkle toes [Music] to get alexander to sleep the more noise the better is there another way that doesn't use noise we do find noise is the best way when george was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times round the house was it mummy pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing baby alexander around the house 50 times good baby alexander is asleep can you let me back in i'll just switch the alarm off switch the alarm back on peppa what are you doing up i can't sleep daddy it's a noisy night okay peppa let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in stop daddy that's baby alexander's room oh the light has woken baby alexander it's all right i've got the vacuum cleaner i've got the trumpet stop stop i remember another quiet way we used to get george to sleep oh yes we drove him around in the car i'll get the car started don't forget the alarm [Music] daddy pig has set off the noisy house alarm gazelle is coming we're not ready stop her pedro okay hello pedro you're early for play group yes don't go inside why not it's a nice day out here isn't it uh yes pedro can i go inside now uh no it's against the law what are you talking about pedo we're ready you could go in now here is a present for you an antique clock it's made of solid plastic thank you but why is there a party for me everyone wanted to thank you for being the best teacher in the world so we've made you a leaving party because you're going away forever i'm not going away forever but you said there was no more playground oh peppa all i said was no play group next week i'm going on holiday i will be teaching for many years to come who else could be the teacher [Music] i'm very happy madame gazelle is not leaving yes and i can't think of a better reason for a party and every party needs music the rocking gazelles hello gigi have you still got your guitar of course let's a rockety hawk best blackberries are right at the very top that's why i've brought the ladder um don't lean too far over mummy pig don't worry i've been climbing this blackberry bush since i was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now i know what i'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush mummy can you get out uh no i'm stuck you're stuck in a bony bush like sleeping beauty what once upon a time there was a princess called sleeping beauty one day she fell asleep in a thorny bush and she stayed there for a hundred years yes that's a nice story pepper it is susie sheep hello peppa hello susie my mummy is in a blackberry bush and she'll be there for a hundred years like sleeping beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss my mummy is having an adventure i wish my mummy would have adventures like that um can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in 100 years a handsome prince will rescue you i'll be that handsome prince grandpa pig may i borrow your pruning shears please of course you may brave sir daddy pig stand back everyone take that you connie bush you [Music] oh my prince my [Music] were meant to princess in there for a hundred years that was quite long enough thank you mommy is a blackberry bush i thought this sort of thing only happened to me stand still while we pick you
Channel: Peppa and Friends
Views: 5,151,822
Rating: 3.4486442 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, Itsy Bitsy Spider, peppa pig itsy bitsy spider, peppa pig spider, spider
Id: LhBf_4YP4Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 33sec (7413 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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