🎄 Peppa Pig's Christmas Tree

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[Music] hello there we'd like to buy a tree please what sort are you looking for please don't say an apple tree or a cherry tree i don't have them we want a christmas tree phew i've got hundreds of them [Music] these are the littlest ones we were looking for something bigger this is our mid-range still not big enough are you sure daddy pig they look lovely to me and this is our biggest tree perfect jolly good i'll ask mr bull to carry it to your car mr ball hello everyone big tree this one got a big car uh yes so where's your car this is it oh our car is quite small isn't it daddy's just going to have to choose a smaller tree no need for that i'll carry it home it can't be that heavy see you later see you later bye bye daddy's been gone for ages i hope our tree is okay hmm what's that noise it's daddy where's our tree hooray daddy was the tree heavy it was a bit heavy yes i hope the tree fits in our house don't worry i'll make sure it fits it is a lovely tree thank you for carrying it all the way home daddy pig you're most welcome let's get it decorated peppa puts the glitter on the tree it's so glittery george hangs the baubles mummy pig fixes the fairy lights and daddy pig puts a star on the very top of the tree there oh little star on the christmas tree goes twinkle twinkle twinkle two what a charming song and all the little piggies on christmas eve lovely peppa now it's time to wait there's more sweet little star on the christmas tree maybe that's enough singing do you know what day tomorrow is christmas day here's a little snack for father christmas daddy why does father christmas come down the chimney why doesn't he just use the front door oh good question peppa if you see him you should ask but father christmas won't come unless you're asleep in bed up you go i hope mr zebra gave our letters to father christmas i'm sure he did danny wanted a spaceship susie a scooter pedro a guitar can you remember everything your friends asked for of course i can daddy it's very important good night my little piggies sleep well george let's stay up all night and see father christmas george is asleep well i'm going to stay wide awake all night oh peppa is asleep what was that flying past the window and what was that noise george there's a loud banging noise coming from the roof it is father christmas oh father christmas just had a few more presents to deliver pepper wants a yo-yo george wants a train [Music] why do they make these chimneys so small oh no father christmas has lost his list why are these chimneys always so ah i see someone's left me a mince pie and a drink george it's father christmas ah hello there and who might you be i'm peppa and who is this very smart young gentleman it's only george pleased to meet you george are those presents for george and me they might be can we open them now you have to wait till morning father christmas how do you know what presents to give everyone i have a list uh which i seem to have lost oh and i only had a few more to deliver to susie sheep danny dog petrov pony easy susie wants a scooter danny a spaceship pleasure a guitar emily a toy mouse zoe a baton ball candy is skipping rope and rebecca a trumpet thank you peppa you're most welcome right let's get these last presents delivered which means climbing back up this confounded chimney father christmas why don't you use the front door galloping goblins what a good idea bye bye pepper and george bye-bye happy christmas oh wake up pepper and george it's christmas day daddy mommy we saw father christmas and he left us these presents george has a toy train and peppa [Music] all of has friends are here happy christmas happy christmas everyone i got a scooter i got a spaceship a little guitar a toy mouse a bat and ball a skipping rope a trumpet everyone got what they wanted father christmas is very clever well actually it was me who told him what you all wanted don't be silly peppa it's true george and i saw father christmas here a granny and grandpa pig happy christmas everyone else i say look at those big boot prints [Music] and there's more of the same boot prints on our roof you see it's true i saw father christmas wow happy christmas peppa can't catch me [Music] god catch me this is the best christmas eve [Music] hello miss rabbit hello peppa welcome to the doll hospital where we turn dolls like this into dolls like this have you got a sick dolly yes what is it a mouse or a dog it's a bear well we have got our work cut out haven't we and a dinosaur are you booking them both in yes please okay so tell me little bear what have you been doing to get so poorly teddy has been rolling down hills jumping in muddy puddles and being sat on it's no wonder you're not looking your best there'll be no more rolling down hills jumping in muddy puddles or being sat on once i've finished with you but teddy likes doing those things you do seem a bit floppy nothing some extra stuffing won't fix what do you mean look this elephant is a bit sad but he just needs more stuffing [Music] teddy likes being floppy thank you miss rabbit would mr dinosaur like some extra stuff okay would teddy like a new outfit here we have a smart sailors uniform but teddy is a girl girls can be sailors too peppa yes but teddy doesn't want to be a sailor how about a pilot no bitsy diver no what about a princess i think teddy is happy not to have any clothes thank you miss rabbit what about mr dinosaur no fair enough would teddy like new eyes you know what they say the eyes are the windows to the soul what's the soul uh it's a bit complicated just look at these eyes we've got green eyes blue eyes or even these googly eyes the style thingy might look a bit wrong with those eyes on teddy's eyes don't need changing thank you miss rabbit what about mr dinosaur does he want some new art no fine what [Music] skis skis get your skis here hello miss rabbit skis for two grown-ups and two children please there you go madame gazelle is the ski teacher madame gazelle will we ski all the way down the mountain not today danny i think for now we will stick to the baby slope the children are learning to ski on a little slope to start push off slowly with your sticks to stop point your skis together skiing is fun let's go back up and do it again whoa walking up slopes on skis is not easy to go up the slope you have to walk sideways like a crab everyone is walking sideways like a crab madame gazelle can we see you ski now oh i don't know please very well [Music] that was amazing yes i was the world champion at skiing and won this cup [Music] now which mummy or daddy would like a go why not are you sure mummy pig you haven't skied for years it's just like riding a bike daddy pig you never forget here is the baby slope mummy pig i think i'm a bit grown up for the baby slope which way does this go ah all the way down the mountain my mummy is skiing down the mountain where are the brakes oh she can't stop we have to catch up with her stand back [Music] smoothies get your fruit smoothies here hello miss rabbit what's a fruit smoothie it's a drink made from fruit would you like one yes please can i have a smoothie with apples okay but smoothies can have lots of different fruit in them okay apples raspberries bananas and more apples an apple raspberry banana and more apples smoothies mmm delicious can i have a smoothie please me too and me and me of course what fruit would you like in your smoothies uh i don't know it can be anything pedro okay cheese please pedro cheese isn't a fruit it has to be fruit or vegetables okay raspberries and blueberries and blackberries and gooseberries that's more like it raspberry and blueberry and blackberry and gooseberry smoothies for everyone [Music] what do you want in your smoothie george strobwe george a smoothie must have lots of fruit in it how about strawberries and pineapple george no maybe george would like some dinosaur juice dinosaur juice oh yes all dinosaurs like dinosaur juice i saw let's see a bit of this one of those a few of these oh some of that one dinosaur juice just for dinosaurs and their little friends i saw can i have some dinosaur juice please miss rabbit me too and me and me hello can i help you a ball in a china shop hello miss rabbit i have broken my china teapot oh dear can you fix it let's have a look hmm that's very broken i smashed it to yes but i think i can fix it oh goody can we help of course peppa oh these two pieces fit together fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle well done peppa i'll glue those bits together george has also found two pieces that fit well done george nearly finished that's the lid there's just this funny shaped bit left where does that go that's the teapot's handle miss rabbit oh so it is i don't know much about china teapots it's as good as new be careful not to smash it again oh i am very good at smashing things [Music] well done peppa thank you for mending my teapot miss rabbit no trouble mr ball phew look puss a pothole there is a small hole in the road and it's right outside miss rabbit's shop what do you think lads can we have a hole outside miss rabbit shop no you fix my teapot i'll fix your road uh it's not my road mr bull how are you going to mend the hole we'll dig up the road mr bull is digging up the road mr bull likes digging up the road everybody likes digging up the road [Music] onions i remember now here they are well done one two three four onions very good that's nearly everything on our list there's one last thing on the list [Music] a plant is that on the list oh no george the last thing on the list is fruit oh never mind george you can choose the fruit where is the fruit over there there are apples and oranges and bananas and a very big melon what fruit shall we have george apples oranges bananas a melon [Laughter] [Music] this is the checkout where all the food is paid for tomatoes spaghetti onions melon chocolate cake chocolate cake chocolate cake is that on the list peppa did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley no mommy george did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley no well i didn't put it in then who did [Music] i thought it might be nice for pudding daddy pig naughty daddy sorry it just looked so delicious it does look rather yummy oh let's pretend it was on the list chocolate cake [Music] hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we would like to buy some new shoes for peppa please red shoes oh i'm sure we can find you some lovely new shoes peppa red ones please of course red ones wow [Music] no red cheese [Music] george and daddy pig are playing drafts oh well done george daddy daddy look at my new shoes they're red i say they are red oh mommy do you like mildly shoes yes peppa they make you look very smart george do you like my new shoes everyone likes peppa's new shoes i like my new shoes so much i don't want to ever take them off it is bath time peppa wants to keep her new shoes on even for her bath peppa is in her pajamas she still has her new shoes on peppa even wants to wear her new shoes in bed peppa are you sure you don't want to take your shoes off i don't want to ever take my blue shoes off bubbe very well good night pepper and george good night mummy good night daddy good night my little piggies it has been raining all night and now the garden is very wet mummy pig is wearing her boots daddy pig is wearing his boots george is wearing his boots peppa is still wearing her new red shoes george is going to play in the wet grass [Music] next please miss rabbit is the librarian hello mummy pig are you returning these books yes miss rabbit right you are why is the computer beeping it's checking to see that you haven't been naughty and borrowed the book for too long um i may have borrowed this book for a bit too long don't worry daddy pig it can't be that bad gosh daddy pig you've had this book out for 10 years naughty daddy sorry miss rabbit that's all right now you can borrow another book miss rabbit can george and i borrow a book please yes the children section is over here oh look fairies flowers pretty dresses hello peppa oh hello danny i'm boring a book about football hello peppa hello susie i've got a book about nurses george has chosen a book about dinosaurs diesel look what i found further adventures in the world of concrete here's a red monkey book not the red monkey book it's boring but this is a different story it might be more fun i bet it's not once upon a time there was a red monkey he had a bath cleaned his teeth and went to bed no he jumped in a space rocket and went to the moon [Music] he had a picnic with a dinosaur swam under the sea and climbed the highest mountain that was a busy day the end wow we did it again we can borrow it and read it at home peppa but i was going to choose this book or this one you can take three books home if you want peppa you pee but you must remember to bring them back on time yes [Music] roll up roll up hook a duck and win a giant teddy mommy can we have a go okay one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause then the giant teddy mummy i'll try peppa but i don't think it's that easy you're right you've got no chance what it's impossible waste of money if you ask me we'll see about that mummy pig has won hooray that's amazing here's your giant teddy wouldn't you like her little teddy instead peppa no way jose look mommy a giant teddy it's a bit big no it's not george and daddy pig are queuing for the helter skelter it's a bit high george are you sure you want to have a go one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause oh dear it is a bit too high for george don't worry george i'll come up with you that's one pound please oh [Music] george isn't afraid of heights anymore oh it is a bit high isn't it i'll just go down the stairs the stairs are full of children that's the way down daddy pig oh okay [Music] [Laughter] roll up roll up hit the target and win a giant teddy you can do that easy mummy we don't want to win another giant teddy pepper damn worry you won't win women are useless at this i'm sorry what did you say [Music] tickets please here they are any bags yes i'm afraid this one's a bit heavy don't worry just pop it on the scales anything valuable in it no any more yes you can take those little bags on the plane with you just join the queue over there this is the x-ray machine what's this daddy it's a machine that looks inside things put your bags on here please look it's my bag with teddy inside i saw that's magic this is the aeroplane that will take peppa and her family on holiday george loves aeroplanes welcome aboard we hope you enjoy your flight with us today can i sit next to the window of course peppa yes george you can sit next to a window too this is captain emergency speaking is everybody ready yes captain emergency then let's go [Music] look teddy we're flying what can you see out of the window peppa it's all cloudy and rainy oh now it's sunny that's because we're on top of the clouds the plane is flying higher and higher oh are we flying up to the sun no but we are going somewhere sunny [Music] my tummy it's all that funny food you've been eating i don't think so daddy rabbit the baby is coming right to the hospital quickly now don't panic bye bye good luck did you pack everything on the list i've got it all pillows scented candles yoga music and enough food for three days what panic don't panic anyone in we are having a rabbit hello sister what are you doing here i'm having a baby remember oh yes you better come inside then can i come too you'll have to park the car first don't worry having a baby always takes a long time [Music] out of the way everyone my sister's having a baby and plenty of towels this lot should last us a good few days whoa where should i put all this stuff back in the car we don't need it now what daddy you missed all the excitement have i is it a boy or a girl both we've got baby twins wow it is the next day and mummy rabbit is home from hospital hello can we see the twins please of course peppa pig are they boys or girls they're both a boy and a girl they're called rosie and robbie so you did use both names yes rosie rabbit and robbie rabbit they're the best names in the world and we thought of them [Music] time to go home back to the car thank you for visiting the mountain beauty spot see you again soon no george you can't play with the car keys you might lose them you're playing with the car keys daddy but i'm a grown-up i'm not going to lose them oh dear daddy pig has dropped the car keys down a drain oh right let's go home um that might be difficult why daddy dropped the car keys down the drain oh daddy pig don't worry i'll get the keys out of the drain with a stick hmm the drain must be deeper than i thought the stick is not long enough to reach the keys what we need is a fishing rod then we can catch the keys on a hook maybe miss rabbit sells fishing rods uh do you sell fishing rods we do actually i don't know why you don't get fish in the mountains we're not fishing for fish we're fishing for keys my daddy dropped the car keys down the drain oh you'll never get those back that drains really deep what it drains for a drain takes the rainwater away to the sea the fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys my goodness how deep is this drain we can see how deep it is by dropping a stone good idea miss rabbit we can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom one two three four five six that is deep told you what can we do now it is mr pool and his friends [Music] hello mummy pig mr rabbit is the parachute trainer this is a parachute it will help you float through the air after you jump should i practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained [Applause] all aboard i'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay mummy pig i'll come up in the plane with you good luck mommy don't worry mummy pig remember you've got a parachute yes daddy pig oh we are a long way from the ground oh dear daddy pig has fallen out of the plane there she goes no wait that's daddy pig wait for me daddy pig mommy pig has jumped she is going to rescue daddy pig oh she's got him my mummy to the rescue thank you for saving me mummy pig oh teddy pig you're starting to slip mr bull has just finished mending the school roof lovely job it'll last for years i can't hold on ah daddy is daddy pig all right oh oh i'm fine good because you need to do that parachute jump again what to raise the money to fix this new hole in the school roof oh all right [Music] hello everyone have you come to see the moon show yes miss rabbit five tickets please there you are enjoy your trip to the moon oh we really are going to the moon no peppa it's just pretend this way for our trip to the moon mr rabbit is the tour guide prepare for takeoff it's just pretend isn't it that's right peppa it's just pretend five four three two one blast off we live on a planet does anyone know what it is called the earth that's right i'm a bit of an expert at space things there are seven other planets that go around our sun does anyone know what they are called uh mercury oh well done edmund venus mars jupiter saturn neptune uranus edmund knows all about space i'm a clever clogs [Music] does anyone know what these planets are made of they're made of cardboard these models are made of cardboard but the real planets are made of rock and ice and gas but of course the moon is made of cheese no the moon is made of rock and this is a serious tour so no jokes and no giggling here we are on the moon it's a pretend moon really isn't it yes if this was the real moon you could jump over my head does anyone know why we can jump so high on the moon oh that's right edmund gravity is what keeps us on the ground it is weaker on the moon so you can jump higher [Music] this rabbit has painted peppa's friends as tigers there you are susie now you look like a tiger thank you miss rabbit wow i like your face susie are you a pussycat no i'm a tiger peppa would you like your face painted yes please can i be an elephant oh dear i don't know how to do elephants i can do tigers yes a tiger please there you are peppa now you're a tiger i'm a tiger george what would you like to be dinosaur girl a dinosaur uh how about a tiger instead i'm good at tigers i'm a tiger so am i meow tigers don't say woof woof how do you know because tigers are big cats meow and i'm a cat cat d please can you teach us how to be tigers okay tigers creep very very slowly and then they jump tigers like to lick themselves clean but best of all my times are happy they purr hello children my goodness you're all tigers and i'm teaching them to be proper tigers what do you little tigers want to do next dinosaur that's right we have to find george a dinosaur balloon let's get you all balloons hello madam gazelle we'd like some balloons please certainly i've got lots of different ones [Music] [Music] the train is going quickly downhill madame gazelle i feel a bit sick can i go to the front please okay pedro you can go to the front of the train hello pedro not feeling very well would you like to drive the train for a bit yes please [Music] a signal box that's on our list hooray the children tick the signal box on their activity sheets the signal has stopped the train so that someone important could [Music] and cross friends oh we still haven't seen a tunnel oh it's gotten dark we're in a tunnel the tunnel is the last thing on the activity sheet [Music] [Applause] last stop change everybody up now but madame gazelle how are we going to get home oh peppa we're back where we stopped it the train has gone in a big circle check it please um again um pedro can i have my hat back please that's where i put it [Music] big train is going very fast oh dear the big train has broken down what's happening we need to get to work hello miss rabbit having trouble with your train it's not funny grandpa pig all of my passengers need to get to work you need to get yourself a train that doesn't break down like gertrude that's a good idea oh you get what i'm borrowing your train all change but what am i going to do you can stay here and mend the big train right oh i do like mending things oh what fun riding a toy train gertrude is not a toy she is a miniature locomotive of course all aboard the toy train can't it go any faster no gertrude is a slow mrs cow is waiting for the train at the next station what's happened to the big train as it shrunk no this is a toy train bertrand is not a toy train she is a miniature locomotive off we go grandpa pig loves mending things so many interesting bits and bobs oh dear a traffic jam dirt treat can ride on the grass of course bye everyone miss rabbit is taking a shortcut past the duck fund up the hill and to the next station where's the big train the big train is broken we're riding grandpa pig's toy train today [Music] that's right how many times around the house was it mummy pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing baby alexander around the house 50 times good baby alexander is asleep can you let me back in i'll just switch the alarm off switch the alarm back on peppa what are you doing up i can't sleep daddy it's a noisy night okay peppa let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in stop daddy that's baby alexander's room ah the light has woken baby alexander it's all right i've got the vacuum cleaner i've got the trumpet stop stop i remember another quiet way we used to get george to sleep oh yes we drove him around in the car i'll get the car started don't forget the alarm daddy pig has set off the noisy house alarm the noisy house has woken everyone up [Music] it's miss rabbit in her rescue helicopter yes thank you all right all that loud noise i sent baby alexander to sleep he's really fast asleep now oh thanks to my noisy daddy well done daddy pig we should have you to stay more often [Music] miss rabbit is giving us a lift okay daddy daddy we went up and down and round and round oh oh i'm really sad to have missed that see you back at home who put that pipe there i know i'll take a shortcut [Music] it's a bit money come on car daddy pig needs to get home daddy pig is stuck i'll ring the granddad dog's pickup truck hello breakdown recovery i'm stuck in the mud can you come and rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm moving a big metal pipe that some maniac is left in the road i'll pass you on to the next rescue service hello fire service i'm stuck in the mud can you rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm rescuing a tortoise that stuck up a tree come down tiddles i don't know why you like climbing trees you're a tortoise don't worry daddy pig i'll pass you on to the highest rescue service in the land what's that noise i'm flying miss rabbit's helicopter has rescued daddy pig lucky daddy gets a helicopter ride after all should we show him what my helicopter can do yes it can go straight up it [Music] in miss rabbit's helicopter [Music] no you stay here and get better but i've got so much work to do i'll do your work for you which job is first the supermarket okay rebecca look after your auntie yes mommy mummy rabbit has arrived at the supermarket thank goodness you're here miss rabbit miss rabbit is ill i'll be doing her job today are you not miss rabbit no i'm her sister mummy rabbit is this where i sit uh yes have you ever worked at checkout before no how much is this oh i don't know i've got a voucher do you take book tokens can i pay with a card um suzy sheep is dressed up in her nurse's costume don't worry i'm only a pretend nurse stick your tongue out and say ah ah rebecca rabbit's house who's speaking please it's mummy rabbit is everything okay yes good because this job is going to take me all day what about miss rabbit's other jobs we'll need more help [Music] uh miss rabbit's ice cream stall daddy why are you buying an ice cream oh peppa i was on the way to the gym when i thought an ice cream would be nice miss rabbit is ill you've got to sell the ice cream today oh oh i'm an expert at ice cream can i have a cherry ice cream uh strawberry vanilla chocolate banana with pistachio and strawberry place ah strawberry oh it's melted how about ice cream soup instead [Music] granddad dogs breakdown service this rabbit is ill can you drive a bus today of course [Music] taxi service hello granny pig i'd like to go to the airport please of course hop in thank you daddy can we wave granny goodbye at the airport okay [Music] bye bye going to the airport are you yes and actually we're in a bit of a hurry hurry in here are we in there why are people always in a hurry granny pig has a plane to catch she's going on holiday holiday i never have time to go on holiday i'm too busy being in a hurry miss rabbit are you talking like a taxi driver again yes the taxi has arrived at the airport goodbye my little ones bye bye granny bye bye pepper and george are waving granny pig goodbye here is mr wolf taxi hop in bye bye mr wolf pepper and george love waving goodbye daddy how are we getting home in the taxi oh it's gone been on holiday have you i'm actually very tired do you mind if we don't talk talk yes people talk too much these days don't they talk talk talk talk talk and they say some people can talk for hours without taking a break my sister can talk hello taxi service hello could you pick us up from the airport please the airport righty-ho [Music] stop hello mr bull are you mending the road no i'm supposed to be mending the airport but my truck's broken down i'm going to the airport hop in have you got any luggage just the sand miss rabbit's taxi is full of sand bye boss [Music] hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig i quite understand if you don't want to stay no i'll stay us grown-ups can have a nice quiet chat while the children play oh okay this is the soft play center where everything is soft so children can [Applause] this is great the children are having so much fun yes i just hope we can get them out at the end the little children have been playing all day home time children that was a lovely party wasn't it yes have you all had fun yes are you ready to go home now now oh my goodness we're never going to get them out there's only one thing for it i'll have to go in good luck [Music] ah i'm stuck oh don't worry i'm coming in i'm nearly there oh no i'm stuck too help hello mr elephant has come to collect eggman elephant mr elephant help we're stuck no problem ladies i'll get you out no don't you'll get stuck it's a trap [Music] i'm stuck daddy pig peppa and susie have come to collect george what good little children you are uh where are your parents oh wow we're stuck oh that usually happens to me that is going to happen to me isn't it i'm going to go in there and get stuck [Music] hello granddad dogs breakdown service hello tittles the tart ice is up a tree taught us up a tree again i'll be right there um how do you get tortoises out of trees chop the tree down yes let's chop the tree down no okay i'll climb up instead [Applause] [Music] oh i seem to be stuck dogs are not very good at climbing trees now can we chop the tree down no we'll have to call the highest rescue service in the land okay i'm on my way it is miss rabbit in her rescue helicopter hello everyone let's rescue this tortoise uh who's flying your helicopter oops silly me i'll just put the autopilot on autopilot on have a nice day autopilots fly helicopters on their own got you you little rascal miss rabbit has rescued tiddles thank you miss rabbit for saving my tittles no problem mom thank you for saving us too just doing my job goodbye er haven't you forgotten something what oh yes my helicopter goodbye everyone goodbye what a naughty tart ice you are oh good you're sleepy now back in your box sleep well tiddles tiddles has gone to sleep for the winter he will wake again in the springtime [Music] boats boats get your boats here what sort of boats do you have miss rabbit i've got canoes oh let's have a canoe hmm you have to paddle a canoe that's hard work i've got sailing boats it's a bit tricky to sail a sailing boat and i've got pedalos they look nice and relaxing yes they've got a big paddle wheel to make them go let's have a pedal when i ring this bell it's time to bring the boat back enjoy your road trip not moving no how do we start the engine you're the engine daddy pig you have to pedal oh i see off we go then it's a bicycle on the water riding in a pedal on a sunny lake daddy is the anchor and i hope he doesn't break here are emily elephant and her family hello miss rabbit we'd like a canoe please certainly the elephant family like canoeing paddles ready then let's go ahoy there miss rabbit it is danny dog and his dad captain dog weed like a boat please certainly i have canoes sailing boats or pedalos i didn't sail the world and make my fortune to splash around in a pedulu we'll take the sailing boat do you know how to work it do i know how to work it i'm captain dog ruff come on danny all aboard full sail aye aye captain dad [Music] hello we're sailing we're canoeing we're pedaling look an island [Music] they come whenever i press this button who's that i wonder could it be pedro what do you want pedro we are very busy i've got a bit of an itch even if your leg is itching we can't take the cast off until your leg is better it's not my leg that's itching it's my ear is that better yes thank you lunchtime what would you like to eat today pedro can i have spaghetti and sponge pudding please you get your dinner in bed yes that looks tasty dr brown bear has come to see how pedro is doing how are we today pedro my ear is a bit itchy just here hmm i'd say you're almost better visiting time is over bye pedro bye everyone get well soon petrol yes madame gazelle [Music] it is another school day peppa and her friends are playing in the playground madame gazelle my plaster has fallen off can i have another one you don't need a plaster pepper your knee is better oh yes hello everyone pedro pony is back oh hello pedro where's your plaster cast they took it off because my leg is better is your leg strong now it's stronger than it was before it's a super leg can you run on it watch this pedro likes running around having fun everybody likes running around having fun [Music] they come whenever i press this button who's that i wonder could it be pedro what do you want pedro we are very busy i've got a bit of an itch even if your leg is itching we can't take the cast off until your leg is better it's not my leg that's itching it's my ear is that better yes thank you time what would you like to eat today pedro can i have spaghetti and sponge pudding please you get your dinner in bed yes that looks tasty dr brown bear has come to see how pedro is doing how are we today pedro my ear is a bit itchy just here hmm i'd say you're almost better visiting time is over bye pedro bye everyone get well soon petrol yes madame gazelle [Music] it is another school day pepper and her friends are playing in the playground madame gazelle my plaster has fallen off can i have another one you don't need a plaster pepper your knee is better oh yes hello everyone pedro pony is back oh hello pedro where's your plaster cast they took it off because my leg is better is your leg strong now it's stronger than it was before it's a super leg can you run on it watch this pedro likes running around having fun everybody likes running around having fun [Music] fire station where's the fire where's the fire can i speak to mummy pig please oh it's daddy pig daddy pig you're not supposed to ring on this phone it's only for emergencies this is an emergency i can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere daddy pig shall i light the barbecue now yes please mr rabbit do be careful with the barbecue daddy pig trust me mummy pig we daddies know all about barbecues bye maybe it needs more charcoal give it a bit of a blow put a few more fire lighters on now we just have to wait for a fire how long do we have to wait oh it could be a long time i've been waiting ages how many fires have you actually put out miss rabbit uh none not one fire but you've got to be ready it's the fire phone oh can you answer it peppa it'll probably be your daddy again okay hello fire station hello peppa oh daddy it is you you're very naughty this phone is for fires only can you put miss rabbit on please there's a good girl catty wants to speak to you hello daddy pig this phone is only to be used when there's a ah oh dear daddy pig's barbecue he's on fire mommy to the rescue [Music] hold tight [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's miss rabbit's fire engine stand back daddies [Music] um i'm giving the children an educational bus tour are trains educational they certainly are uh hands up all those who want to ride on the train and hands up all those who want to stay on the bus okay you can all go on the train and i'll follow along [Music] what a lot of mud we don't want to get stuck maybe we should go a different way it's only a patch of mud come on come on you can make it the bus is stuck in the mud oh bother hello miss rabbit how are you today i'm a bit stuck can you rescue me certainly is your truck strong enough trust me [Music] did it work uh no we need a vehicle with more power can i help in any way it's nothing that i can't deal with thanks anyway i've got an idea grandpa pig's train can tow me out of the mud uh good thinking miss rabbit grandpa's little train is going to pull the bus out of the mud [Music] well done it's amazing what can be done by a toy train joy gertrude isn't a toy gertrude is the very best train in the whole world [Music] come on you'll see what can george's birthday treat be george what do you like best in the whole world dinosaur dinosaur george's birthday treat is a visit to the museum dinosaur room huh silly old dinosaurs again [Laughter] i saw don't be frightened george it's not a real dinosaur it's just a robot look i stand on this spot and [Laughter] and now there's another surprise mummy rabbit has made a birthday cake for george can anyone guess what sort of cake it is a dinosaur cake it is what an amazing guest pepper happy birthday there's one last surprise follow me what is the last surprise what do you think it is peppa it's probably something to do with dinosaurs oh what's that it just needs to be filled with air i know i know it's a bouncy castle peppa loves bouncy castles but if it's for george why isn't it something to do with dinosaurs it is a dinosaur a [Music] daddy you're not very good at running i was very good when i was a little piggy but now you have a big tummy but i can still touch my toes nearly all right daddy but you must run very fast the mummies and daddies will run the first part of the race and then hand the batons to the children mummies and daddies ready ready [Music] you did very well now it's my turn and the winner is emily elephant [Applause] oh daddy i haven't won a prize yet don't worry peppa there's still one more event and now for the last event of the day the tug of war boys against girls when i say go you must pull the rope with all your strength the girls will win no they won't the boys will win rubber steady come on boys come on come on [Music] [Music] and the result is a draw so both teams win i love the school sports day especially when i win prizes [Music] and all the parents have arrived mommy daddy we've made a time capsule ah daddy pig you're just in time to help us dig a hole yes of course daddy pig is digging a hole in the school garden for the time capsule [Music] there can we dig it up now oh it will remain in the ground for many years oh but i can't wait that long peppa you are just like your daddy when he was little am i yes i remember and i was his teacher did you teach my daddy yes i taught all of your mommies and daddies didn't i yes when your mommies and daddies were little they made a time capsule too yes we did we buried it next to a little tree let me take it off yes i think we buried it over here oh i thought it was a much smaller tree oh it was a long time ago the tree has grown a bit since then i found something it's our old time capsule hey i can't wait to open it stand back children yes ma'am what do we have here oh an old comic that was my favorite comic a tin toy my favorite toy music my favorite record and a very old carrot that's mine what a good choice mummy oh in the videotape of your mommies and daddies they were little oh who's the little piggy in the glasses [Music] everybody ready then let's go [Music] recycle recycle we're going to recycle tin cans newspapers [Laughter] this is miss rabbit's recycle center we're here hi hello there hello miss rabbit have you come to do some recycling yes we have jolly good carry on what's miss rabbit doing she's recycling all the rusty old cars wow who can tell me which bin the bottles go in the green one that's right and the cans go in the blue one well done peppa [Music] george wants to recycle the newspapers okay george you can do the newspapers [Laughter] that's enough recycling for one day yes let's go home oh where's our car peppa's car has disappeared stand back miss rabbit is recycling peppa's car stop that's our car what is it really yes our car isn't old and rusty silly me i just love recycling yes so do we but we also love our little car yes and our little car loves us too don't you [Music] at the ice rink everyone wears skates hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we'd like to hire some skates please there you go thank you happy skating here are susie sheep rebecca rabbit danny dog zoe zebra candy cat emily elephant and pedro pony peppa's friends can ice skate very well peppa wants to ice skate too hello everyone hello peppa is this your first time skating yes shall i show you how to skate no thank you susie i'm sure i can already do it okay come on man [Music] this is impossible i don't want to do ice skating anymore don't worry peppa everyone falls over when they ice skate even i fall over watch this oopsie daisy silly daddy george would you like to skate no george has never ice skated before and he is a bit worried i'll look after george while you teach peppa how to skate skating is easy peppa just push with your feet and glide push push glide see push push slide push push slide this is easy i can do it on my own now mommy [Music] push push glide push push glide well done peppa look at me i'm skating peppa is doing really well yes i'm a very good teacher [Music] the bus has arrived at the foot of the mountains the mountain road is very steep come on buff you can make it peppa and her friends are at the top of the mountain look at the view wow wow wow wow who said that it's your echo what's my echo an echo is the sound you hear when you speak loudly in the mountains like this you're lazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone loves where are the ducks they always turn up when we have picnics silly peppa ducks don't live on top of mountains oh hello mrs duck would you like some bread the ducks are very lucky today there is lots of bread the ducks are eating too quickly goodness me home time all aboard it's time to go home everybody has had a great time all sing a song can we have the bing bong song please oh oh please all right [Music] i like your house i wish i was a rabbit i know shall i teach you both how to be rabbit yes please first you have to twitch your nose and squeak like this very good peppa rabbit and george rabbit peppa likes being a rabbit george likes being a rabbit rabbits like carrots delicious delicious yuck george does not like carrots he won't even try them oh well more for us then rebecca what else do rabbits like rabbits like hopping come outside i'll show you [Music] [Music] lunchtime children mummy and daddy rabbit have prepared lunch rebecca has taught us how to be rabbits oh you'll enjoy lunch then it's our favorite carrots delicious delicious yuck george will not eat carrots oh dear george i thought you were a rabbit rabbits love carrots wow george is eating a carrot and this is our favorite cake carrot cake carrot cake george is a proper rabbit now [Music] maybe you can hold mr dinosaur while the dentist looks at your teeth dinosaur very pleased to meet you mr dinosaur it's not a real dinosaur it's made of plastic hold tight you're doing very well george now can you show me your teeth george does not want to show the dentist his teeth george open wide like this [Music] there they are all done you have very strong clean teeth george are they as lovely as mine dr elephant ah yes george is very proud to have clean teeth george don't forget the pink drink oh but wait what's this what's wrong dr elephant george has clean teeth but this young dinosaur's teeth are very dirty oh no dr elephant is very cross with mr dinosaur not at all peppa it's my job to make teeth clean the water jet please miss rabbit the dentist uses water to clean mr dinosaur's teeth the polisher please miss rabbit this will be a bit noisy dr elephant polishes mr dinosaur's teeth pink pink that's right george mr dinosaur needs some special pink drink gosh what shiny teeth you have mr dinosaur dinosaur too scary [Music] hello mummy pig pepper and george hello miss rabbit what ice creams would you like can i have a coat please miss rabbit of course he may pepper thank you the same for me and one for daddy pig please and what would young mr george like dinosaur a dinosaur silly church he always says dinosaur for everything well it just so happens that i do have a dinosaur-shaped ice lolly dinosaur george you should eat your ice lolly before it melts pine soul george loves his dinosaur ice lolly so much he doesn't want to eat it thank you miss rabbit enjoy the weather george i really think you should eat your ice lolly before it melts and falls on the ground oh dear george's dinosaur ice lolly has melted and fallen on the ground never mind george you can share daddy's ice cream i'm sure he won't mind [Music] it is so warm daddy pig has fallen asleep daddy pig does look hot let's put water on daddy to call him down good idea peppa [Music] what happened you were all red and hot daddy pig so we take water on you oh i see thank you peppa are wearing their boots peppa and jordan love the hot day but most of all they love jumping up and down in puddles [Music] hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how many tickets please two adults and two children dinosaur and a dinosaur peppa wants to see the room full of things that belong to kings and queens from long ago wow dinosaur but george wants to see the real dinosaur don't worry george we will see the dinosaur next peppa these are all the things that the queen had a long time ago this is the queen's special chair it's called a throne it's beautiful this is the queen's dress it's so pretty look peppa this is the queen's golden crown wow what lovely things mummy where is the queen's television they didn't have television then huh no television but they did have computers no they didn't have computers either what did they do all day mommy if i was the queen i would eat as much cake as i wanted peppa imagines being a queen [Music] delicious is there anything else you would care for queen pepper yes more cake please of course come on everyone coming daddy daddy oh creed peppa you must bow when you speak to me oh i'm most terribly sorry your royal highness and what do you do i'm your daddy [Music] all aboard for the bloom ride how many passengers please four please and teddy dinosaur oh and a teddy and a dinosaur that makes six all aboard hurry up daddy pig quick daddy slice the main brace chucks away full steam ahead very impressive miss rabbit you must be an expert pilot not really this is the first time i've ever flown a balloon oh hold tight miss rabbit heats up the air in the balloon to make it rise into the sky would anyone like to do the map reading i will are you sure daddy pig i'm very good at map reading oh this map is a bit difficult should we go higher yes please higher higher the balloon is rising high into the sky oh where did the sky go don't worry peppa we're just flying through a cloud oh wow the sky is back again [Music] big [Music] look teddy we're flying really high peppa be careful you don't drop teddy i've dropped teddy don't worry peppa we'll rescue teddy hold tight everybody we're going down miss rabbit is making the balloon go down so that teddy can be rescued i can't see teddy anywhere there he is teddy's caught in a tree [Music] [Music] [Music] my goodness is that huge case for delphine yes delphin has brought a few little things for her visit things you do not have over here cheese bread tomatoes water overall they're finn i will be back to pick you up tomorrow night where shall i put delphine's luggage in my room at the very top of the house oh and this luggage is for one night stay oh yes that is why i only pack a little bag now delphine is here to practice talking english so we must all help her yes mommy first i must say sorry i do not speak english very well you don't speak too badly you are very kind mr pig but may i ask you a question about talking english of course i'm an expert at talking ask away are english split infinitives a form of irregular verb or past pronoun oh actually it's quite late shall we set up delphine's bed mummy mummy can delphian sleep in my bed with a pillow at each end good idea peppa pepper and delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed now children try to go to sleep you've got a busy day tomorrow delphine is visiting your play group wow is french for sleep well [Music] it's my big snowplow snowplows push the snow out of the way hello everyone hello peppa all of peppa's friends are going to the seaside too next stop the seaside mr bull and his friends are gritting the road the grit melts the snow hello mr ball oh hello miss rabbit it's taken us all night but the road is clear all the way to the seaside that's good we're going to the seaside would you like to come along no thanks miss rabbit we've got more roads to grit goodbye hi have a lovely day at the beach [Music] here we are the seaside the beach is covered in snow oh that sea looks cold i was looking forward to having a swim you still can the sea's not frozen over come along girls what are you waiting for um i can't swim because i've sprained my ankle and i think i might have a cough come on in mummy pig it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today okay then mummy pig is going for a swim is it cold mummy it's a little bit cold it always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving you'll warm up okay i'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dry peppa george and daddy pig are warming mummy pig up [Music] it isn't quite what i was expecting it's fantastic how many tickets two adults and two children please miss rabbit busy isn't it busy no this is quiet for potato city have a lovely day peppa's friends have come to potato city too hello everyone and this is mr potato himself welcome to potato city where the magic of vegetables never ends see how vegetables grow learn how they keep us fit and healthy and get shot into space by the potato rocket pepper and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket george wants to ride on the potato rocket too are you sure george it looks a bit high daddy pig doesn't like heights oh hurry up teddy pig oh i'm not getting on george is too small to go on his own oh okay make it quick oh it's very quick george has changed his mind oh dear george come to mummy maybe i'll just get off too shocked have fun away pig oh it stopped well i'm glad that's all over [Applause] [Music] that was fun wasn't it daddy yes lots of fun mummy what's that go round and put your head through that hole now what happens [Music] it is miss rabbit's ice cream store hello miss rabbit hello daddy pig four ice creams please what flavors would you like mint orange strawberry and blueberry please okay look what i've got ice cream oh they're our favorite colors that's right green for me orange for me strawberry red for me and george's is [Music] look the sun has come out and look what else has come out peppa and george love rainbows a rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time it's got all our favorite colors in it yes red and orange and green and blue and do you know what you find at the end of a rainbow no you find treasure oh can we go find the treasure now okay the end of the rainbow looks like it's just on the next hill let's go [Music] it's a rainy sunny day the rainbow's here to play rainbow rainbow red and orange and yellow and green and purple [Music] oh where's our rainbow gone it's moved to the next hill you tiki rainbow quick let's catch it rainbow rainbow it's a rainy sunny day [Music] mrs duck says thank you you're most welcome mrs duck [Laughter] now let's find our house i'm sure it's this way hello did you hear something yes i thought i heard someone say hello it's mummy rabbit with rebecca and richard hello peppa we're lost hello rebecca we're lost too we wanted to go to the playground so did we but it's too foggy to get there come on everyone back to our house until the fog clears daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course i do this way yes daddy pig [Music] i found our little hill we'll soon be home our house should be just about here oh daddy pig has found a ladder that's strange we don't have a ladder in our garden goodness me can you see where we are daddy pig yes i can daddy where are we why don't you have a look okay wow wow i can see everything again the fog is going away we're at the playground hooray we [Music] well that's lucky but i thought we were trying to get home so did i maybe we did get a bit lost after [Music] all here is rebecca rabbit with her little brother richard hello everyone [Music] can i come on the roundabout too hop on rebecca let's go really really fast richard rabbit wants to go on the roundabout too oh if richard gets on it means we can't go fast richard can play the george richard would you like to play with george no george has a dinosaur just like yours let's go and see richard rabbit is the same age as george richard wanted to see george's dinosaur dinosaur george can richard play with your dinosaur no richard can george play with your dinosaur no george and richard do not want to share their dinosaurs george it will be much more fun if you share that was really nice of george [Music] let george hold the dinosaurs now richard does not like sharing either what's all this crying about george and richard always cry when they play together they're just too little to play properly can you two big girls teach them to play together of course we can help them make sans castles good idea let's go to the sandpit [Music] george george richard today we are going to make sandcastles first we fill the buckets with sand [Music] this is the queen's palace hello is anybody there look at all that fancy stuff don't touch anything oops what a big house lots of room for a queen to kick a ball about where is the queen queen queen where are you hello have you seen the queen today she's an old lady with a crown on her head i am the queen miss rabbit has fainted again hello mrs queen meh why aren't you wearing a crown i don't wear it much because it's very heavy are you the boss of all the world not quite do you tell people what to do sometimes can you make teachers disappear oh so many questions the children are very excited to meet you your majesty i'm excited to meet all of you and now for miss rabbit's medal this is the queen's award for industry thank you keep up the good work three chairs for miss rabbit hip hip hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now for the party to the garden you've got a lovely big garden your majesty are you playing it all the time i don't have much time for playing no that's sad oh dear a muddy puddle never mind we can walk around it you can't walk around a muddy puddle no no you have to jump in it [Music] is miss rabbit's ice cream stall let's stop for ice cream why not i think we deserve it hello there hello miss rabbit four ice creams please coming right up what flavors would you like strawberry for me please chocolate for me please banana for me please dinosaur oh i don't think they have dinosaur ice cream i think george wants a dinosaur balloon do you not want an ice cream george no i saw oh how much is the little balloon 10 pounds 10 pounds it's all for a good cause there you go george hold it tight don't let go george has let go of the balloon ah maybe i'll hold this very valuable balloon for the journey home [Music] george loves his dinosaur balloon pepper and george have arrived back at granny and grandpa pig's house hold it tight this time george don't let go why oh george in the world there are two sorts of balloons the up balloon and the damn balloon that is an up balloon if you let it go it will go up and up and up all the way to the moon moon perhaps we should go indoors before we lose your balloon george your balloon will be safe in here [Music] where's the cafe is it behind that rotten pile of wood i think that rotten pile of wood is the cafe there's not going to be any ice creams coming out of that today hello what can i get you oh a cup of coffee and three ice creams please of course thank you hmm delicious next stop the fish pond this way oh you don't want to go that way that goes straight into a blackberry bush aha it's the shortcut it's the way i went when i was a boy no if you want to go to the fish pond you need to go up that path well i'm taking the shortcut all right who wants to go through a blackberry bush me and who wants to go on the path me race you daddy i'll get there first bye i hope the fish pond is still here yes everything seems a bit different to what daddy remembers what's that it's the fish pond george let's see the little fish oh daddy said that the fish were tiny but they're ginormous it's been a long time since daddy was here the fish have got a lot bigger like daddy's tummy oh where is daddy oh he might be lost i better ring him there's a phone ringing in that bush hello mr pig speaking it's daddy oh hello i'm stuck hello daddy hang on we'll pull you out one two three daddy is a blackberry bush [Music] hello please can i speak to the queen i am the queen who are you it's miss rabbit you said if i was ever in london i should drop in to see you oh miss rabbit come in come in [Applause] hello everyone halloween we're visiting london for the day we were hoping you could tell us the best places to see i can do better than that after all london is my city i'll give you a guided tour myself the best way to see london is on a double-decker bus mr driver please may we borrow your bus borrow my bus you must be joking no i am your queen in that case your majesty take it if the queen asks you to do something you must do it everyone up to the top deck the bus has stairs in it the double decker bus has seats at the top i am the queen and i will be your tour guide today faster big ben this two o'clock tar is called ben actually big ben is the bell not the tower you know a lot for a little elephant i'm a clever clogs ow that was loud that is the sound of big ben telling us the time it rang three times so it is three o'clock if it rang six times would that make it six o'clock yes it would and if it rang a hundred times then it would be broken on with the tour next stop tower bridge [Music] we need to cross the bridge [Music] to the museum nothing can stop us now uh madame gazelle i need the toilet and me me too this is granddad dog's garage what will it be petrol or diesel toilet please are you sure you wouldn't like any petrol no we haven't gone anywhere yet right next stop the museum um where is pedro petrol pumps interesting oh come along pedro bye i hope we get to the museum before it closes here is the museum mr rabbit is locking up for the day hello mr rabbit we would like to see the museum please hmm we were just closing but i can give you a quick tour this is the k-gun queen's room full of old stuff [Music] interesting here are the giant dinosaurs all very nice amazing space rockets and all that wow and through this door is the most amazing place of all it's the fantastic world you live in oh thank you mr rabbit my pleasure goodbye right time to go children where is pedro oh pedro a mollusk very interesting come on pedro you'll miss the bus where is everybody the bus has gone uh don't worry miss rabbit will realize she's left us [Music] behind here is rebecca rabbit with her little brother richard rabbit hello rebecca hello everyone richard hold on to this float and you can practice kicking your legs george would you like to try kicking your legs very good but try not to splash children don't splash we're very good at swimming when george and richard are older they'll be able to swim like us won't they rebecca yes oh richard has a toy watering can stop it richard oh dear richard has dropped his watering can into the pool [Music] sorry richard i can't reach it's too far down mommy i can't swim underwater even i can't swim underwater hmm please hold my glasses mummy pig [Music] hooray there you go well done daddy pig i am rather good at swimming underwater the watering can is for babies can we jump off the diving boards now sorry peppa diving boards are only for grown-ups oh cheer up you two you can watch me die silly daddy your tummy is too big nonsense [Music] hello miss rabbit hello how many tickets please two grown-ups and two children and one of fish please the fish goes free does the aquarium have every type of fish oh yes probably good we're looking for a friend for goldie well i hope you find one enjoy the aquarium thank you the first room has a tank full of little fish fishy wow there are millions of teeny fish fishy fishy fish fish swimming in the sea who will be a fishy friend for my fish goldie could any of these be goldie's friend hmm no they are too small let's see what fish are in the next room okay here is candy cat and her family hello candy hello peppa you know what are you doing here we come here all the time it's better than watching tv we like fish we've come to find a friend for goldie the fish oh what's in this tank i can't see anything oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you where [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank dinosaur george thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes i like fish [Music] hmm these secret passages usually have some sort of top secret button to open them i don't think it's that big red button george that would be too obvious oh yes we try to keep it simple this is fun this passage has led us to the dining hall wow this must be the medieval banquet yes it looks really tasty it's all made of plastic yes it's to show what a real banquet would have looked like oh but of course as part of the tour you get to have your very own real medieval banquet fantastic here it is your banquet in a box the oldie cheese sandwich jester's pickle and a king's jelly it's a little picnic in a box yes it's not quite the medieval banquet i was expecting and now it's time to meet that dragon george it won't be a real dragon dragons are just pretend yes don't be sad if it's just miss rabbit holding a little glove puppet oh wow miss rabbit is driving a huge robot dragon do you want to see it breathe fire yes please [Music] another reason we say cars are parked at honors risk [Music] and that's the end of the tour hope you had a lovely time i think that was george's best day out ever george loves castles everyone loves castles [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 9,806,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, pepa pig, peppa pig song, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, cartoon, for kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, toddler, wolfoo cartoon, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, kids cartoon, 2d cartoon, kids stories, kids stories about baby, wolf, woolf, wulf, pop it, safe cartoons for kids, Made for Kids, Pre-school
Id: wx0VGTG8WEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 47sec (7247 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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