Peppa Pig Goes On A Royal Train Ride | Kids TV And Stories

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long train journey pepper and her family are having breakfast oh what's the matter daddy pig I need to go on a long journey for work can we come too it's work Peppa and it's a long long way by train please can we go it won't be fun I'm testing concrete I need to know the relative density to Mass to calculate for voids in the aggregate I need to know that too uh what does Mummy Pig think I think it sounds lovely but it's hundreds of miles away in another country please Daddy Pig all right we can all go hooray this is the train station Miss Rabbit is the train drivers pepper it's a long journey so you'll just have to be patient why not sing a song to pass the time okay clickety clack clickety clacked the dreamers I've sung a song now are we nearly there oh oh there's still a long way to go Peppa we won't get there until tomorrow morning but what about bedtime where will we sleep right here this isn't a bedroom Daddy watch this here's where we brush our teeth a magic bathroom there's a little Basin with little Taps and that not all Magic Toilet I wonder what this button is for ah Daddy has found the magic shower hello passports please of course oh you are Mr Pig the Mr Pig you must be coming to test our concrete uh yes do you know me oh your work in concrete is famous in our country oh but I have to start you good now uh good night it is bedtime [Music] midnight Pepper and George night night my little piggies Pepper and George are tucked up in their little beds on the train please it is morning and time for breakfast on the train good morning Miss Rabbit aren't you meant to be driving the train it's fine the train runs on Rails it can't get lost would you like coffee or orange juice I'd like both please no coffee or orange juice you can't have bones I don't think we have to be so strict with the famous Mr Pig coffee and orange juice thank you excuse me I am King Alfonso could I have a coffee and orange juice too no that is impossible pepper and her family have arrived at the end of their long train journey we are honored to have your visit Mr Pig thank you here is the concrete for you to test daddy pig is an expert at concrete hmm very good I hope the trying Journey wasn't too long and tiring no oh it was lovely what do we do it now my job is done so we can take the train back home oh oh goody we get to sleep on the train again I love some long train Journeys everyone loves long train Journeys [Music] it is a lovely sunny day Peppa and her friends are visiting Granny and Grandpa Pig what that Grandpa Pig is putting up a big stripy tent in his garden [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we see the Circus Circus Peppa there's no circus here why have you have it's a big stripy tent then this is for granny pig's garden party oh what's a garden party it's where grown-ups stand around talking what a waste of a good tent a circus would be more exciting why don't you make your own circus yes we can call it pepper circus have you finished putting up the tent Grandpa the guests will be here soon granny we're doing the circus for your garden party what a splendid idea can we just stop of course I'll get the dressing up box we can be clear and strong and jugglers circus wow what did she do he sold tickets yeah you can all find something to wear in the dressing up box pepper has found a top hat Danny dog has found some spotty Trunks and a stick-on mustache Pedro has found a clown outfit who wants makeup me please does everyone want to be I want to be the clown but Peppa where is your clown costume okay you be the clown I want to be the strong man okay Danny you be the strong man I want to be the juggler but I bet I wanted to do that wow okay you be the juggler grandpa I don't have a job to do you can be the ring Master pepper you've got the hat for it what's a ring Master the ring Master is the boss be the ring master what do I do you say welcome to my suckers see the impossible the amazing the incredible Feats of Daring Doom uh welcome to my circus it's got amazing feet granny pig's garden party guests are here hello everyone you're in for a treat the circus has come to town ladies and gentlemen welcome to my circus now please be very scared of the amazing candy cat look at George Richard and Edmond on tricycle don't stop clapping it's the strong Danny dog I was a strong man once I used to lift tractors [Music] see Emily Elephant juggle potatoes oh now laugh a lot at Pedro pony he's a clown stop laughing I haven't done a funny yet that was a funny bit that's what I call funny thank you you that is the end of my amazingly impossible circus hey that is the best circus I have ever seen going boating pepper and her family have come to the lake to go boating get your boats here what sort of boats do you have Miss Rabbit I've got canoes let's have a canoe hmm you have to paddle a canoe that's hard work I've got sailing boats it's a bit tricky to sail a Sailing Boat and I've got pedalos they look nice and relaxing yes they've got a big Paddle Wheel to make them go let's have a picture when I ring this Bell time to bring the boat back enjoy your boat trip it's not moving no how do we start the engine you're the engine daddy pig you have to Pedal oh I see off we go then it's a bicycle on the water riding in a pedalo on a sunny Lake Daddy's the engine I hope he doesn't break [Music] hello Miss Rabbit we'd like a canoe please certainly the elephant family like canoeing paddles ready elephant then let's go oh hi there Miss Rabbit it is Danny dog and his dad Captain Dog weed like a boat please certainly I have canoes sailing boats or pedalos I didn't sail the world and make my fortune to Splash around in a pedaloo we'll take the Sailing Boat do you know how to work it do I know how to work it I'm captain dog roof come on Danny All Aboard wholesale I like Captain dads hello we're sailing we're canoeing we're peddling look England we could go there for our picnic [Applause] the island is a bit small to have a picnic on we can have our picnic in the boots who'd like a sandwich me please here's some red Mrs duck Mrs duck loves picnics everyone loves picnics come in Birds one two and three your time is up one two and three that's us let's see who can get back first we'll have a race I'm not sure much faster Oh Daddy Pig I'll do the peddling this is quite hard work isn't it aha we'll be carried back by the wind Danny oh is it the wind has stopped without any wind the Sailing Boat cannot go we'll just have to wait for the wind to pick up again how long will that take I don't know it could be weeks can't we use the engine no you don't have engines on sailing boats Danny oh the Sailing Boat does have an engine [Music] Emily and her family are in the lead oh we're going to win the race here come Danny and Captain dog that was exhausting next time we'll take a Sailing Boat yes sailing boats have engines on them see you later Danny I've decided to sail around the world again but you said you were going to stay home oh yes I'm not a sailor anymore but I do love boating on the lake everyone loved [Music] love desert island Pepper and George are at Danny dogs house captain dog is telling stories of when he was a sailor I sailed all around the world and then I came home again but now I'm back for good I'll never get on a boat again Daddy do you miss the sea well sometimes it is Granddad dog Grandpa Pig and grumpy rabbit hello uh can Captain Dog come out to play what we are going on a fishing trip on a boat on the sea okay let's go I'm daddy you said you'd never get on a boat again oh yes so I did okay bye-bye bye well there they go off on a boat without me what are you going to do now daddy oh I don't know maybe I'll clean the Seaweed off the house you don't get seaweeds on houses no of course not we'll take my boat are you sure your boots safe grumpy rabbit of course it's safe I built it myself but we don't need that off we go I love going fishing me too and what do you need for a fishing trip fishing rods no the picnic basket [Music] it's very good of you to steer the boat Scrappy rabbits but I'm not steering the boat I thought somebody else was oh dear no one is steering the boat we're lost at sea and look grumpy rabbits boat is sinking Don't Panic I've been in worse situations than this really no this is the worst we're saved but we're stuck on a desert island we're just a sea of the sky for company and we haven't got any food I've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear grumpy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing cheese we've only been here five minutes grumpy rabbits I'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time I think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea grumpy rabbit is very good at shouting oh what was that that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble what can we'll rescue them we can use Granddad dog's boat wait a minute I said I'd never get on a boat again but Daddy they need rescuing you're right just this once I shall sail again life jackets on [Applause] all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat Ahoy there hurry we're saved Captain dog has rescued the granddads everyone off the boat farewell everybody see you in a few weeks daddy where are you going me I was just thinking of sailing around the world again but Daddy you're not a sailor anymore no of course not leave the sailing to us Captain Dog yes and when they get lost again you can rescue them George's new dinosaur George is playing with his favorite toy Mr Dinosaur George loves playing with Mr Dinosaur Mr Dinosaur is made of plastic it is almost impossible to break him I saw George loves playing with Mr Dinosaur in the bath at night time George always takes Mr Dinosaur to bed with him George Mr Dinosaur is Broken Oh Mr Dinosaur does not have a tail anymore poor George you have had Mr Dinosaur a long time I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did maybe it's about time you got a new dinosaur yes we could go to Mr Fox's shop tomorrow this is Mr Fox's shop Mr Fox's Shop sells ever everything I'm sure we'll find you a lovely new dinosaur here George I'm so George does not want a new dinosaur look George a big dinosaur I'm sure good morning can I help you we'd like the dinosaur in the window please certainly choice this is the dino Roar it Roars it walks and it sings a dinosaur song Dino Roar Dino Roar listen to the dino roar roar wow Dino War we'll take it Roar George is playing with Dino raw in the garden don't play too roughly with Dino raw George he has moving parts and might get broken George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden George wants to play with Dino raw in the bath George if you get Dino raw wet he'll stop working George cannot play with Dino raw in the bath it is night time George has taken Dino Roar to bed with him [Music] [Applause] somewhere else George cannot have Dino Roar in his bed at night it is morning why is George looking so sad George Hayward Dino Roar in the garden in the bath or in bed never mind George Dyna raw can still Roar hmm [Music] oh I think the batteries must have run out daddy pig already how many batteries are in here hundreds and thousands Dino Roar needs lots of batteries to make him Raw a trumpet doesn't work dinosaur that's not a trumpet pepper you found Mr dinosaur's tail oh now daddy pig can mend him I'll try hmm I think it might be quite difficult to mend Oh Daddy Pig has mended Mr Dinosaur oh I am a bit of an expert at mending things George loves Mr Dinosaur dinosaur [Music] s Mr Dinosaur is George's favorite toy in the whole world [Music] it is a lovely sunny day Peppa George and Rebecca Rabbit are playing Piggy in the middle George is the piggy in the middle oh George is trying to catch the Bull's Shadow silly George that's not the ball that's just it's shadow look when the ball moves its shadow moves as well you've got a shadow too George is trying to walk away from his shadow he can't walk away from your Shadow you need to run away from it and pepper is trying to run away from her Shadow oh still there hello everyone hello Susie we're trying to run away from our shadows no one can run away from their Shadow oh you need to use a scooter we e Susie is trying to ride away from her shadow see but your Shadow is still there oh hello everyone here is Mr elephant with Emily and Edmund hello we're trying to run away from our shadows you can never run away from your Shadow I know oh we can't go fast enough no Susie it's nothing to do with how fast you run you see my shadow is still underneath me if I run faster my shadow keeps up with me Daddy Your Shadow is too big it's slowing you down it's not that Emily your Shadow always stays with you why when something gets in the way of the sun it makes a shadow like this oh I have the biggest Shadow because I'm the biggest and George and I have the smallest Shadows because we are the smallest very clever Edmund I'm a clever clogs [Music] whose Shadow is that that's the biggest Shadow ever it must be a giant it's not a giant the shadow is being made by a cloud wow thought of cloud is Cloud it's called a stratocumulus yes Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs look our shadows are getting longer oh that's because the sun is getting lower in the sky it's nearly night time my shadow has gone yes Emily when the sun sets the Shadows go away Peppa George bedtime okay daddy bye bye Emma bye bye [Music] it is bedtime I'm a bit sad that my Shadow's gone away don't be sad Peppa the electric light can make shadows and we can make shadow puppets Mummy Pig is using her hands to make a shadow puppet it's a birdie listen to it sing tweet tweet I'm a little birdie yeah my turn Peppers made a spider my name is Mr Skinny Legs oh scary oh George is making a shadow puppet that George dinosaur George has made a dinosaur that's really scary very good George time to switch the lights out good night Peppa good night George good night Shadows good night Shadows the new house Daddy Pig is working hard in his work room doing Daddy I'm building a new house you have some fairies no this is a model the real house will be much bigger ah and this is a drawing of what needs to be built I think something is missing Daddy there Peppa has drawn a swing to go outside the house perfect would you like to visit the new house yes please daddy pig is taking Pepper and George to see the house he is building but Daddy there's nothing here that's because the building work hasn't started yet [Music] here are Mr Bull and his friends Mr Bull has come to build the new house on building it Daddy I've done the hard bit Mr Paul just has to follow my instructions hello Mr Pig what's it to me car park swimming pool Rocket Station a house can you build it exactly like this please Mr Pig wants a house is it going to be built of straw or steaks or bricks Mr Pig bricks please good choice don't worry Peppa we won't foreign [Music] George wants to help too okay George could you put a blob of mortar here it looks like squelchy mods mortar is a very special card of mud that sticks bricks together Peppa would you like to lay the first brick yeah well done I'll do the rest bricks must be laid straight and level see line after line that will take ages yes will you finish it today oh no you can't build a house in a day it'll be finished tomorrow good see you tomorrow Mr Bull bye guys put the sticky mud down and I put the brick on top that all sounds very exciting now close your eyes and go to sleep his morning Pepper and George cannot wait to see the new house [Music] it's finished almost finished it just needs to be inspected Mr rabbit is the building inspector hmm very good but wait it's not finished what you forgot the swing no oh no we didn't [Music] thank you Mr Bull now it's all ready for our new neighbors to move in neighbors yes Peppa we've got new neighbors Mr Wolf and his family are moving into their new home oh look little piggies hello I'm Wendy Wolf I'm Peppa Pig thank you for building our house Mr Pig what's it made of straw sticks it's made of bricks let's see how strong it is I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll hmm that is strong what's your own house made of Mr Pig bricks so don't even think about it I swing swing that was that was my idea it's very good you have a go can you push me no a huff and puffy instead [Music]
Channel: Playtime With Peppa
Views: 3,833,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: jITq4t5w7og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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