Peppa Pig English Episodes | Washing

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[Music] oh dear mommy we splashed daddy's football shirt with mud oh don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy mummy pig and george have found more things to wash very good george we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on the washing machine is filling up with hot soapy water splash splash splash the washing machine is making the whole room shape oh peppa where's your dress i'm washing it what oh no [Music] look mummy my red dress is all nice and clean yes peppa but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppa's red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello daddy uh daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and um tell me later mummy pig i've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt here don't be silly peppa that's one of mommy's dresses it's pink no daddy it's your football shirt it got a bit muddy so we washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry daddy but i can't wear a pink football shirt why not daddy pink it's a lovely color you're doing it all wrong this is the proper way to swing across stand back ready steady go at me i'm flying like a bird [Music] oh i can't get out pepper is stuck in the tire it's not funny well it does look a bit funny we'll have to pull you out george do you want to play on the climbing frame the climbing frame is quite high george does not like being up high sorry george oh let's play on the slide yes slide [Music] go [Music] george wants to play on the slide are you sure george it is a bit high all right i'll help you up the steps oh dear it is a bit too high for george i'll slide down with you daddy not too big to go down the slide don't be silly peppa i'm not too big stand back ready steady go daddy pig is stuck [Music] it's not funny it looks very funny daddy i suppose it is a bit funny we'll have to push you down [Music] but look george the trees haven't got leaves in the wintertime the trees lose their leaves pepper and george have found a muddy puddle pepper and george loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles me first it is so cold the puddle has turned to ice it is very slippery it's not funny here a mummy pig and daddy pig oh good a muddy puddle daddy pig loves jumping in muddy puddles stop daddy that was close lucky i've got such a good sense of balance daddy the puddles are icy today we can't jump in them never mind let's feed some bread to the ducks hello ducks we've got some bread for you the ducks like bread it is so cold the pond has frozen to ice [Music] the ice is very slippery sorry for laughing mrs duck but it did look quite funny [Music] it is starting to snow snow pepper and george george has caught a snowflake peppa has caught a snowflake [Music] what's that it's a tooth where did that come from oh peppa maybe you should look in the mirror oh [Laughter] it's my tooth it's falling out don't worry peppa it's just a milk tooth they're meant to fall out will i grab you want mommy yes you will peppa it also means the tooth fairy will be paying you a visit tooth fairy yes the tooth fairy if you put the tooth under your pillow tonight the tooth fairy will come the tooth fairy will take the tooth and in its place she will leave a shiny coin when i grow up i want to be a tooth fairy oh and what would you like to be when you grow up george i'm sure a dinosaur quick george it's bedtime we don't want to miss the tooth fairy before going to bed peppa and george brush their teeth pepper what are you doing i'm brushing my tooth so it's nice and clean for the tooth fairy pepper is putting her tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy good night pepper and george good night mummy good night daddy good night my little piggies george i'm not going to sleep let's both stay awake all night and see the tooth fairy this tooth fairy is very late the tooth fairy is taking a long time to arrive where is that tooth fairy [Music] oh george where's your hat george has caught a cold oh poor little george you don't sound well don't worry i'll ring dr brown bear dr brown bear speaking i see put george to bed and i'll be straight round thank you dr brown bear goodbye will george be taken to hospital and give him medicine no george just has to go to bed oh so george is not really properly ill ah that's disgusting poor george let's get you straight to bed [Music] george you have to stay in bed for a bit no george does not want to stay in bed george you have to stay in bed until you are better why because you have to keep warm why uh because dr brown bear says so hello where's my patient open wide and say ah george is a little bit worried hmm peppa you're big and brave can you show george how to say ah of course hmm george has caught a cold does george need medicine no but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep thank you dr brown bear you're welcome goodbye george has been in bed all day now it is peppa's bedtime george are you better george is not better [Music] could you give your horn a tiny little toot so that we can all yes that should be sufficient to alert the public of your approach now for the last bit of the lesson where is he going police officer panda is driving to the bottom of the hill [Music] calling police officer squirrel over can you read me over read you loud and clear over the police have special phones to talk to each other i'm in position over now when i blow my whistle i want you all to cycle down the hill and use your brakes to not bump into police officer panda okay they're on their way over i see them coming over [Music] very good breaking everyone are you ready for madame gazelle over send her down over uh i don't think i need to do this i am the teacher and i wasn't supposed to talk ears and eyes open well done and that's how to ride your bicycles safely children thank the police for taking time off from their important work to talk to us today thank you you're very welcome when i grow up i want to be a policeman and what is it about being a policeman that you like i like blowing whistles very good but of course there's more to being a police officer than blowing whistles oh yes we're always very busy we do lots of very important things like uh the police solve mysteries and drive cars with flashing lights right we really must be on our way and remember always keep your ears and eyes open who put that tree there yes it's not a safe place to put a tree i'll make a note dangerous tree on public highway [Music] pedro has found a clown outfit who wants makeup me please what does everyone want to be i want to be the clown but peppa where is your clown costume okay you be the clown i want to be the strong man okay danny you be the strong man i want to be the juggler but i wanted to do that wow okay you be the juggler grandpa i don't have a job to do you can be the ring master peppa you've got the hat for it what's a ring master the ring master is the boss yes i'll be the ring master what do i do you say welcome to my circus see the impossible the amazing the incredible feats of daring do [Music] uh welcome to my circus it's got amazing feet granny pigs garden party guests are here hello everyone you're in for a treat the circus has come to town ladies and gentlemen welcome to my circus now please be very scared of the amazing candy cat look at george richard and edmund on tricycle [Music] don't stop clapping it's the strong danny dog i was a strong man once i used to lift tractors [Music] up down up down all together now mr potato is coming to town oh no the string has come loose my balloon it's okay i've caught it [Applause] i'm flying away hey we have to call the rescue service hello miss rabbit's rescue service mr potatoes hanging from a balloon i'll be right back wait a minute i can't go and rescue with all this on who wants to be carnival queen while i do some rescuing me me me there you go i think i should be the queen because i am very good at being bossy i can be bossy too i should be the queen because i am the best at waving why don't you all take it in turns to be queen okay i'll wear the crown i'll sit on the throne and i'll wear the cloak miss rabbit is going to rescue mr potato i'll just fly out from underneath oh sorry mr potato hang on i'll go above miss rabbit what is your plan i never have a plan i just make it up as i go along autopilot fly helicopters on their own bye goodbye now how can we get this balloon down shall i pulp it no don't pop the balloon oh okay i'll untie the knot miss rabbit is going to let the air out of the balloon miss rabbit has rescued mr potato thank you [Applause] [Music] hello we're just going out for a sale ruff it's a bit early for sailing yes you can't go sailing now thank you for your advice see you later grandpa your friend said that we can't go sailing yet they don't know what they're talking about oh bother grandpa's boat is stuck in the mud there's no water grandpa uh yes the tide seems to be out so we can't go sailing don't worry the water will come back again soon and the boat will rise up the water is coming back it certainly is the water is lifting grandpa's boat out of the mud we're bobbing up and down let's go sailing captain grandpa off we go i love sailing [Music] why are you there grandpa pig are you okay though do you need any help or advice earl chap we're doing just fine thank you bye grandpa they're going quicker than us there's no need to hurry when you're sailing up and down [Music] [Music] up and down there grandpa pig time to head back if you don't want to miss the tide if you leave it too late you'll get stuck in the mud right you are goodbye i don't listen to them i know more about the ties than they ever will [Music] the boat bob's up the boat the boat bob's up oh we've stopped bobbing ah the tide seems to have gone out [Music] come in come in [Music] is it meant to be like that no the house is just old everything here is a little bit wonky donkey i hope everything is leaning now but it wasn't always this way when did your house start leaning madame gazelle oh i don't know it's been so long and now i have cracks everywhere too i think your house might need fixing can't i just paper over the cracks and paint it that is what my builder told me to do what does the outside wall look like ah what's this oh that is my little christmas tree that's not little that's big [Music] it was from christmas a long time ago it was a little baby tree with a fairy on top after christmas i could not bear to throw it away so i planted it in the garden your baby tree has grown so much it's pushing your house over that's why your house is all wonky donkey oh dear what can we do about it i'll call mr bull hello mr bull we have a big tree that needs looking at i'll be right there [Music] so where's this tree then here it is that's a mighty fine tree you have there madame gazelle strong roots yes but it's pushing the house over oh yes let's chop it down oh dear my poor tree stop i saw something moving the tree it was a little animal [Music] don't worry the wild animals will be safely behind fences a lion has escaped hello i'm mr lion welcome to the zoo it is mr lion the zookeeper hello mr lion you've picked a good time to visit it's feeding time this way to the animals here are the tortoises we keep this gate shut so they don't run away they don't look like they could ever run no they're moving very slowly yes that's why they live to be so old how long do they live tortoises can live a hundred years wow now feeding time who knows what tortoises like to eat tortoises like to eat vegetables that's right that's why we feed the lettuce mr lion is feeding the tortoises lettuce but of course children not all animals eat vegetables that's right mrs wildebeest my name is madame cazelle sorry gazelle wildebeest for some reason i always get those two mixed up mr lion what animal will we see next i'll give you a clue it lives in water is it a whale or a shark oh wait and see look carefully into the water i can't see anything there's nothing in there wait i think i see something hello i'm mrs crocodile i'm the keeper in charge of the penguins adorable aren't they and now it's their feeding time penguins eat fish penguins are very good at catching and waddling you have to be very very careful with china why because china can break very easily that's why i always oh dear mr bull has smashed the teapot to pieces oh no i put it down too hard i don't know my own strengths maybe we can fix it boss i've got cement i've got a rivet gun it's not gonna work lads i know miss rabbit has a china shop she could mend it good idea mummy pig we'll go right now can i come too we'll all go [Music] mr bull is going to the china shop this is miss rabbit's china shop here we are hello can i help you a ball in a china shop hello miss rabbit i have broken my china teapot oh dear can you fix it let's have a look hmm that's very broken oh smashed it to yes but i think i can fix it oh goody can we help of course peppa oh these two pieces fit together fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle well done peppa i'll glue those bits together george has also found two pieces that fit well done george nearly finished that's the lid there's just this funny shaped bit left where does that go that's the teapot handle miss rabbit oh so it is i don't know much about china teapots it's as good as new [Music] holiday daddy pig is up bright and early i'll just go for a little walk good morning mr pig i see you have found the swimming pool this is in your goat it is his job to look after the holiday house daddy fell in the water it's not funny it is quite funny daddy oh i suppose it is a bit funny this is my daughter hello [Music] tell us if you need anything at all we'd like to do some sightseeing the village is very pretty i will show you okay i'll just change out of these wet clothes i don't look like a tourist do i you look perfect is everybody ready yes daddy pig then let's go this is gabriela's village [Music] here is the shop of my auntie can i send a postcard who is it for a goldfish a goldfish maybe a postcard of the sea yes goldie the fish likes water bongo drums carpets garden gnomes who buys all this rubbish tourists oh hello bonjourno mummy pig is buying lots of things to take home mummy pig we haven't got room for all this in our suitcase don't worry daddy pig they sell suitcases too this is the village cafe my uncle makes very good pizza you eat pizza in italy pizza is italian food oh goody i like pizza a little bit of tomato a little bit of cheese into the oven and [Music] maybe we let them cook first no okay [Music] i'm just going for one last walk what going for one last swim mr pig uh yes one last swim before i go home i want to stay on holiday forever holidays are nice but they don't last forever peppa think of all your friends waiting for you back home yes i miss my friends and i miss goldie the fish can i telephone goldie okay peppa granny and grandpa pig are looking after goldie the fish while peppa is on holiday hello hello granny how's goldie um she's eating well i sent goldie a postcard does she like it the postcard hasn't arrived yet peppa but i'm sure it will be here soon oh we're coming home today see you later susie sheep has come to play with peppa hello susie hello granny pig is peppa back from holiday not yet susie but she's coming back today oh susie is missing pepper this suitcase is heavy are you sure we need all this stuff mummy pig these are important souvenirs from our holiday okay is everybody ready yes daddy then let's go home oh look oh dear peppa has forgotten teddy what a lovely holiday yes i have never felt so relaxed [Music] ah hello officer whatever i was doing i won't do it again mr pig here is your teddy please take a better care of him teddy i know where there are some big funny mirrors really wobbly mirrors in a tent where are these wobbly mirrors at the fair the parents have brought the children to the fair roll up roll up see my amazing wobbly mirrors the tent is full of big wobbly [Music] how does it do that daddy it's very simple illusions of optical differentials by convex and concave surfaces generate patterns oh it's magic uh yes it's magic look [Music] i've got a long neck like a giraffe this mirror looks normal to me daddy where's your big tummy gone what tummy it is mummy rabbit with her baby twins rosie and robbie hello sister how are you today very good sister mustn't chat for long though i've got customers inside the tent aren't the mirrors amazing daddy pig wow i can see two of you what do you mean i can see you in the mirror but there's no mirror is it magic silly daddy it's miss rabbit and mummy rabbit oh i suppose we do look a bit the same well we are sisters [Music] i could tell a story make it scary it was a wet and windy night in the wild west and wild animals were out looking for food looking for food at night some animals eat at night susie wild animals and the brave cowboy pedro was alone in his tent but he couldn't sleep because something was outside the tent was it a wild animal what's that it's a wild animal oh it is a tiny little bird come to look at pedro's tent i think it was an eagle eagles live in the wild west is everybody all right yes mummy it's nearly home time but we haven't done the pretend sleeping yet everybody back in the tent good night partners good night i'm glad there aren't any wild animals out there [Music] it's a wolf yes it's my daddy mr wolfe has come to take wendy wolf home all the parents are here to pick up the children bye bye everyone are you coming in pedro i want to pretend sleeping a bit more okay mummy can i come in now yes my brave little cowboy [Music] no george you can't play with the car keys you might lose them you're playing with the car keys daddy but i'm a grown-up i'm not going to lose them oh dear daddy pig has dropped the car keys down a drain oh right let's go home um that might be difficult why daddy dropped the car keys down the drain oh daddy pig don't worry i'll get the keys out of the drain with a stick hmm the drain must be deeper than i thought the stick is not long enough to reach the keys what we need is a fishing rod then we can catch the keys on a hook maybe miss rabbit sells fishing rods uh do you sell fishing rods we do actually i don't know why you don't get fish in the mountains we're not fishing for fish we're fishing for keys my daddy dropped the car keys down the drain oh you'll never get those back that drains really deep what it drains for a drain takes the rainwater away to the sea the fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys my goodness how deep is this drain we can see how deep it is by dropping a stone good idea miss rabbit we can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom one two three four five six that is deep told you what can we do now it is mr pool and his friends [Music] george loves tickers and cranes hello everybody hello welcome to the mountain beauty spot have you come to do some work no it's our day off so we came to enjoy the beauty spot do we have to do that no that's only for big athletes like me not for little explorers like you we're not explorers i'll make explorers of you but you you look like a superhero uh it's just pretend pretending that's good right let's warm up everyone run on the spot and drop your arms now stretch stretch wobble like a journey the rest now we're all warmed up we can start start what your adventure i want you to pretend that this room is a jungle it doesn't look like a jungle where are the trees you have to imagine it the trees the rain the fast flowing river at your feet your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river oh that's easy ah but it's night time and it's windy what that's how it was for me it was a dark and stormy night i was on an adventure ready but it's not windy or night time you have to pretend everyone crosses the pretend river safely well done my little explorers what's next grumpy rabbit your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles i can't see any crocodiles you've got to [Music] pretend best blackberries are right at the very top that's why i've brought the ladder um don't lean too far over mummy pig don't worry i've been climbing this blackberry bush since i was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now i know what i'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush mummy can you get out uh no i'm stuck you're stuck in a bony bush like sleeping beauty what once upon a time there was a princess called sleeping beauty one day she fell asleep in a thorny bush and she stayed there for a hundred years yes that's a nice story peppa it is susie sheep hello peppa hello susie my mummy is in a blackberry bush and she'll be there for a hundred years like sleeping beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss [Music] my mummy is having an adventure i wish my mummy would have adventures like that um can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in hundred years a handsome prince will rescue you i'll be that handsome prince grandpa pig may i borrow your pruning shears please of course you may brave sir daddy pig stand back everyone take that you corny bush you oh my prince my princess you were meant to stay in there for a hundred years that was quite long enough thank you mommy is a blackberry bush i thought this sort of thing only happened to me stand still while we pick you [Music] perhaps i should be the captain again we don't want to crash into anything steering the boat can be tricky luckily i'm good at steering oh dear grandpa pig's boat has crashed into a little island grandpa we're stuck i'll ring granny pig she can get help whoa oh grandpa pig has dropped his phone in the water [Music] granny pig speaking hello hello hello somehow we need to get a message to granny ah message to granny polly can fly to granny good idea peppa and i can teach polly what to say grandpa pig says grandpa pig says help help help help there you see easy peasy grandpa pig says easy peasy you silly old bird you silly old bert [Music] hello polly what are you doing here uh grandpa pig says what does grandpa pig say usually old bert oh help help goodness me grandpa must need help granddad dog hello granny pig grandpa pig needs help please could you rescue him madam i would be delighted hi there do you need rescuing captain um maybe would you like my rusty old boat to rescue you yes please grandad dog [Music] may i ask you a question about talking english of course i'm an expert at talking ask away are english split infinitives a form of irregular verb or past pronoun oh actually it's quite late shall we set up delphine's bed mummy mummy can delphian sleep in my bed with a pillow at each end good idea peppa pepper and delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed now children try to go to sleep you've got a busy day tomorrow delphine is visiting your play group wow is french for sleep well i'm not sleepy at all let's sing a little song to make her sleepy yes [Music] pretty french song has sent everyone to sleep delphine has come to visit peppa's playgroup madame gazelle this is my french friend delphine donkey bonjour ah sang a pretty french song last night can we teach her an english song how about the bing bong song yes sing me this bing bong song it would be good for my english okay [Music] we're playing a tune and we're singing a song with a bing and a ball and a bing [Music] ping pong i have learned lots of new english words [Music] that is the fire phone it's only to be used when there's a fire ah fire fire fire station where's the fire where's the fire can i speak to mummy pig please oh it's daddy pig daddy pig you're not supposed to ring on this phone it's only for emergencies this is an emergency i can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere daddy pig shall i light the barbecue now yes please mr rabbit do be careful with the barbecue daddy pig trust me mummy pig we daddies know all about barbecues bye maybe it needs more charcoal give it a bit of a blow put a few more fire lighters on now we just have to wait for a fire how long do we have to wait oh it could be a long time i've been waiting ages how many fires have you actually put out miss rabbit uh none not one fire but you've got to be ready it's the fire phone oh can you answer it peppa it'll probably be your daddy again okay hello fire station hello peppa oh daddy it is you're very naughty this phone is for fires only can you put miss rabbit on please there's a good girl catty wants to speak to you hello daddy pig this phone is only to be used when there's ah oh dear daddy pig's barbecue he's on [Music] fire [Music] there is something yes it's a crab ah the crab is pinching grandpa pig's finger oh ouch naughty mr crab [Music] look george mr crab is walking sideways george is pretending to be a crab pepper wants to be a crab too we're naughty crabs pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch pink help there are two naughty crabs trying to pinch me pinch pinch pinch [Music] you naughty crabs go back to your little rock pools yes let's look in more rock pools what can you see a sea shell can you hear the sea in it what do you mean if you put a shell to your ear you can hear the sea wow i can hear the sea i loved my seashell george can you find a seashell too that's not a shell oh peppa's right that's not a shell george has found a fossil what's a fossil a fossil is the remains of an animal that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs [Music] dinosaur rock pools are such fun yes they're fun for us but not for this little fish a fish where oh poor little fish she's trapped [Music] i dropped the seeds on the ground then i covered the seeds with earth oh where have they gone the seeds have disappeared that's strange i'm sure i put some seeds here yes grandpa we saw you well they're not here now oh well i'll just have to use some more as i was saying i simply dropped the seeds on the ground a little bird is eating grandpa pig's flower seeds hi get off my seeds so that's where all my seeds went into the little bird's tummy two more little birds are eating grandpa pig's seeds oh look ah shoo shoo what's all this noise granny pig the birds are eating all my flower seeds so we're chasing the birds away there's no point chasing them they'll just come back again look we need a scarecrow what's a scarecrow a scarecrow is a straw man that scares birds away what a good idea granny pig i'll make one come on everyone bye bye little birds we're going to make a scarecrow this is grandpa pig's garden shed there'll be plenty of things in here to make a scarecrow first we need two sticks and some string we'll find them [Music] peppa has found some sticks george has found some string good i'll tie the sticks together to make the body granny pig has found some straw and an old sack lovely i'll put the straw in the sack to make the head now the scarecrow needs something to wear here's a bag of old clothes [Music] my goodness this piece of treasure is quite heavy oh dear that is not buried treasure that is a rusty old shopping trolley oh maybe that's enough treasure hunting who wants to help build a big sand castle [Music] what a good idea granny pig now i'll just check on the boat granny pig is going to help the children build a big sandcastle and grandpa pig is doing important boat things ah this is nice oh maybe i'll just close my eyes for a little bit and the children are making a big sandcastle they need lots and lots of sand they use buckets to make the castle's turrets [Music] what a splendid castle [Music] time to go home oh where's the boat gone look granny oh no grandpa pig is fast asleep and the boat is drifting away we have to wake grandpa up shout as loudly as you can wake up wake up oh no grandpa pig is still asleep grandpa's too far away to hear us we're stuck on pirate island we're castaways we'll be here for a hundred years we'll have to eat wild fruit and berries and we'll have to eat insects and slugs the parents are here to collect the children oh where am i hello uh hello everyone have you had a nice time yes uh actually i just left something behind back in the tape [Music] they're collecting leaves to eat are they going to have salad for lunch yes talking of lunch let's have our picnic oh the picnic daddy pig you've left the picnic in the car haven't you uh yes but it's not a problem we'll just go back to the car to eat but which way is the car my map will show us this way oh who put that tree there it's not on the map oh daddy pig we are lost aren't we uh yes how are we going to find our little car george has found more footprints what big footprints dinosaur very interesting what has george found some real footprints no these are our footprints and if we follow our footprints we'll find the way back to our car and our picnic nothing can stop us finding our car now we're home and dry oh i wasn't expecting that luckily i remembered the umbrella the rain is washing the footprints away how are we going to find the car now and our picnic it's the ducks they always turn up at picnics sorry mrs duck we haven't got a picnic this time we can't find it i know this is dark can you help us find our picnic please we're here hooray thank you mrs duff i love nature trails yes and i love picnics and the little birds love picnics and the ants love picnics everybody loves picnic [Music] oh we haven't heard it for years [Applause] oh this takes me back come on pepper and mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and george [Music] hello where are you mummy pig can't find anyone what's that noise hello we've been dancing to granny and grandpa's favorite record yes granny and grandpa played it all the time oh and here's the record i used to play when i was a little piggy what is it it's called birdie birdie woof woof not birdie birdie woof woof you were always playing that i thought we'd thrown that out ages ago [Applause] the bad skill woof [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Laughter] that was fun but we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out peppa what should we throw out and what should we keep hmm i think you should keep everything [Music] please madame all right [Music] [Music] ping pong [Music] now children time for bed good night children peppa and susie are in their sleeping bags i've got to torch me too attention children no more giggling please what was that funny noise i don't know there it is again susie where are you going madame gazelle i'm a bit scared oh would you like to come in yes please madame gazelle i think i'm a bit scared too can i come in please of course i think i might be scared later i might be scared later too and me come in everyone can we have the bing bong song please all right we're playing our tune and we're singing a song with a bing and a ball and peppa and george are looking in mummy and daddy pig's bedroom george be careful not to knock everything over it's not funny [Music] peppa looks under the pillows but daddy pig's glasses are not there oh george looks in daddy's slippers but the glasses are not there either let's look in the bathroom george are looking in the bathroom the glasses are not in the bath oh the glasses are not in the toilet oh it's too difficult [Music] peppa and george cannot find daddy pig's glasses anywhere we've looked everywhere but we can't find at these glasses oh dear now what can we do i suppose i'll just have to learn to do without them if i move slowly i won't bump into things there they are daddy's glasses daddy pig you were sitting on them all the time oh [Music] silly daddy i don't know how they got there [Laughter] i wonder how oh [Laughter] well you may have been a bit silly daddy pig but at least you're not grumpy anymore i was not grumpy like this [Music] and inside this apple are more seeds to make more apple trees exactly grandpa grandpa i want to plant a seed would you like to plant a strawberry seed yes please this seed will grow into a lovely strawberry plant first make a little hole then i put the seed in and cover it with earth shall i water it for you no no i want to water it good now we wait for it to grow peppa and george are waiting for the seed to grow it's not doing anything you'll have to be patient peppa it will take a long time to grow pepper george it's time to go home but we're waiting for my strawberry plant to grow i'll do strawberries for cheese don't worry peppa next time you come the seed will have grown into a plant a lot of strawberries yes come on pepper bye bye grandpa bye bye strawberry grandpa pig looks after peppa's strawberry plant after many days grandpa pig finds a tiny plant growing day by day the plant grows bigger and bigger then one day grandpa pig finds something very special strawberries peppa and george have come to play again grandpa grandpa did my plant grow yes look [Music] strawberries don't worry george daddy will get the kite down uh yes careful there's a big muddy pearl pepper and george love to jump in muddy puddles chloe jump in the puddle please no i don't want you covered in mud oh stand back children please be careful daddy pig i know what i'm doing [Music] please be careful just a bit further daddy daddy pig you are much too heavy for that branch nonsense i know exactly how heavy i am there hooray daddy pig has rescued the kite [Music] oh dear everyone is covered in mud it's only mud [Laughter] luckily daddy pig hasn't hurt himself and the kite is out of the tree hooray mummy now that we're all muddy can we jump in the puddle i suppose so after all you can't get any muddier and i think daddy pig is going to be doing the washing oh [Laughter] george loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles mommy and daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles jumping up and down in muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying the kite everyone likes mummy pig's homemade strawberry cake a wasp i hate wasps shoo what a fuss mummy pig it's only a little wasp go away wasp just stay still mummy pig then it will fly away there you see all you had to do was stay still okay get away scram help whoa chew get it off me i hope the wasp doesn't sting daddy oh get away you little best no daddy pig is running too fast for the wasp to catch him let's eat our cake before the wasp comes back oh no we forgot to leave any for the ducks [Music] i think i lost it you said you would run around and get some exercise daddy pig but i didn't believe you'd do it luckily i managed to hang on to my slice of strawberry cake stop daddy we promised the rest of the cake for the ducks oh you're very lucky say thank you to daddy pig you're most welcome it's time to go home say goodbye to the ducks bye bye ducks see you next time excuse me i've got a lot of work to do hello yes do this do that no thank you goodbye peppa is enjoying pretending to be mummy pig but george is getting a bit bored sorry daddy pig i'm nearly finished there oh dad come on daddy pig it's time you did some work goodbye mummy pig and daddy pig goodbye [Music] daddy pig is digging in the garden hello peppa hello george i'm not peppa i'm mummy pig and this is daddy pig daddy pig is here to do some work that's very kind of you daddy pig now be careful it's a very deep hole i hope you are not digging in your best clothes daddy pig i want to make big snots too ice cream everyone ice cream peppa george you must take off those muddy clothes before you eat i'm mummy pig and this is daddy pig are you sure yes so where are peppa and george we don't know oh well that's a shame because i've got their favorite ice cream here but if we can't find them then here we are george there you are yes mommy we were just pretending to be you and daddy you really had his food george you forgot to close the door paulie will have flown away don't worry peppa i'm sure polly is still inside polly's not here [Music] grandpa and granny are going to be very sad maybe we should try the garden look what's that what has mummy pigs seen in the garden but daddy how are we going to get polly down from the tree don't worry peppa i'll rescue polly come on polly would you like a cup of tea oh no polly has flown higher up the tree oh dear be careful daddy don't fall out of the tree like you always do don't worry peppa i'll be very careful come on polly bad seed i wonder where george is going george has got polly's bird seed polly loves to eat birdseed has got polly down from the tree hooray what's that noise daddy pig's mobile phone is ringing hello oh granny pig hello daddy pig please may i talk to polly yes of course hello polly are you having a nice holiday hello polly are you having a nice holiday [Music] i'll just use this stick to reach it just a bit further daddy be careful daddy pig don't worry i've almost got it [Music] daddy is the water cold a little bit the wind has blown the ball out of the pond that's lucky yes what a stroke of luck it's getting even windier hold on to your hats no the wind has blown george's hat off don't worry george daddy pig will catch your hat [Music] look it's in that little tree hmm i'll just climb up and get it the tree is much too thin to take your weight daddy pig so how can we get george's hat simple i'll give the tree a little shake huh maybe if i shake it a bit harder i thought that sort of thing only happened to me it's not funny it is a bit funny mummy i suppose it is a bit funny where's george's hat it's on your head here's your hat george hold on to it this time wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees look at me i'm leaning into the wind the wind is strong enough to hold pepper the wind is strong enough to hold georgia daddy uh i'm a bit too heavy come on daddy it's really fun the wind is strong enough to hold up daddy pig there's no more bubble mixture don't worry peppa i have an idea mummy pig bring me a bucket please yes daddy pig bring me some soap yes daddy pig george bring me my old tennis racket a bucket some soap a tennis racket what is daddy pig doing first i need some water then the soap and now the tennis racket please thank you now watch this [Music] wow daddy pig has made his own bubble mixture come on everyone be careful daddy pig don't slip and fall i'll be fine are you okay daddy pig yes i'm fine wow daddy pig has made the biggest bubble ever oh dear i've spilled all my bubble mixture now we can't make any more bubbles but we can play jumping in muddy puddles look daddy pig's bubble mixture has made a big muddy puddle peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles look the bubble mixture has made the puddle all bubbly pepper loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles who put that pipe there i know i'll take a shortcut [Music] it's a bit money come on car daddy pig needs to get home daddy pig is stuck i'll ring for grandad dog's pickup truck hello breakdown recovery i'm stuck in the mud can you come and rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm moving a big metal pipe that some maniac is left in the road i'll pass you on to the next rescue service hello fire service i'm stuck in the mud can you rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm rescuing a tortoise that stuck up a tree come down tiddles i don't know why you like climbing trees you're a tortoise don't worry daddy pig i'll pass you on to the highest rescue service in the land what's that noise i'm flying miss rabbit's helicopter has rescued danny pig lucky daddy gets a helicopter ride after all should we show him what my helicopter can do yes it can go straight up it can go straight down [Music] helicopter [Music] see you later then sister bye sister whoops wow miss rabbit has tripped over one of richard's toys oh my ankle i can still hop to work no you stay here and get better but i've got so much work to do i'll do your work for you which job is first the supermarket okay rebecca look after your auntie yes mommy mummy rabbit has arrived at the supermarket thank goodness you're here miss rabbit miss rabbit is ill i'll be doing her job today are you not miss rabbit no i'm her sister mummy rabbit is this where i sit uh yes have you ever worked at checkout before no how much is this oh i don't know i've got a voucher do you take book tokens can i pay with a card um suzy sheep is dressed up in her nurse's costume don't worry i'm only a pretend nurse stick your tongue out and say ah ah rebecca rabbit's house who's speaking please it's mummy rabbit is everything okay yes good because this job is going to take me all day what about miss rabbit's other jobs we'll need more help [Music] miss rabbit's ice cream stall daddy why are you buying an ice cream oh peppa i was on the way to the gym when i thought an ice cream would be nice miss rabbit is ill you've got to sell the ice cream today oh oh i'm an expert at ice cream can i have a cherry ice cream uh strawberry vanilla chocolate banana with pistachio and strawberry place ah strawberry oh it's melted how about ice cream soup instead [Music] my secret mission is to get biscuits watch this susie sheep is trying not to be seen [Music] mummy can i have some biscuits for my friends please of course here you are thank you mummy susie sheep has returned with the biscuits [Music] did anyone see you no well only a grown-up look out would you like some juice to go with your biscuits what biscuits the biscuits i just gave you for your friends oh susie what's the matter we're in a secret club doing secret things and susie's told everyone oh can i be in your secret club please please i've always wanted to be in a secret club it's very hard to get into you must say the secret word which is pick a needle noodle pick a needle noodle that's it you're in what happens now look out it's daddy pig you talk to my daddy but don't say anything about our secret club hello ah there you are mummy sheep what's new uh um uh a secret club oh no oh i always wanted to be in a secret club can i join please you can't join daddy because you are grown up uh my mummy is grown up well you have to know the magic word which is [Music] what do i do now look out it's mummy pig follow mummy in secrets [Music] daddy pig ah hello mummy pig what are you doing in that bush um ah secret club that's a mooring post i won't hit it oh grandpa there's a big hole in your boat it's just a scratch ooh grandpa's boat is sinking quick grandpa pig jump off a captain never leaves his sinking ship grandpa pig's boat has sunk to the bottom of the river it is granddad dog hi there grandpa pig lovely day for a sale um yes ahoy there i'm taking my boat to the boat yard today going to get a few repairs done uh would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard too please of course where is your boat um i'm standing on it oh has it sunk well a little bit i'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago what it's a better boat than that rust bucket of yours granddad dog and grandpa pig our very best friends catch this captain aye aye skipper granddad dog's truck has lifted grandpa pig's boat out of the water wow next stop the boat yard what's a boat yard pepper is where broken boats get mended [Music] this is grampy rabbit's boatyard ahoy there me grumpy hearties who did that to your boat grandpa pig um someone drove it into a mooring post it went crash and made a big hole there you should never let other people steer your boat grandpa pig uh yes can you mend it of course i just need to size up the damage [Music] how are we going to find the right big tree oh it's usually me that walks into trees mummy pig has found the big tree clever mummy i knew it would still be here this way everybody are we nearly at the fish pond yet almost there but i'm getting a bit hungry don't worry there's a cafe on the way oh lovely i could do with a nice cup of coffee can george and i have ice creams please of course ice creams for everyone the cafe should be just about here oh where's the cafe is it behind that rotten pile of wood i think that rotten pile of wood is the cafe there's not going to be any ice creams coming out of that today hello what can i get you oh a cup of coffee and three ice creams please of course thank you hmm delicious next stop the fish pond this way oh you don't want to go that way that goes straight into a blackberry bush aha it's the shortcut it's the way i went when i was a boy no if you want to go to the fish pond you need to go up that path well i'm taking the shortcut all right who wants to go through a blackberry bush me and who wants to go on the path me race you daddy i'll get there first bye i hope the fish pond is still here yes everything seems a bit different to what daddy remembers what's that it's the fish pond george let's see the little fish oh daddy said that the fish were tiny but they're ginormous [Music] it's been a long time since daddy was here the fish have got a lot bigger like daddy's tummy oh where is daddy oh he might be lost i better ring him there's a phone ringing in that bush hello mr pig speaking it's daddy oh hello i'm stuck hello daddy hang on we'll pull you out one two three daddy is a blackberry bush ah the fish pond let's see the little fish [Music] whoa that's a big fish oh look there's something glittering they're coins when i was little we used to throw a coin in the pond and make a wish can we throw coins in of course i wish the fish pond stays here forever oh that's what i wished for when i was a little piggy and your wish came true [Music] daddy uh it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like heights this is really fun oh yes really fun in the air in a chair snow is falling everywhere flying high in a chair flying the ski lift has reached the top of snowy mountain daddy is a walking talking snowman skis skis get your skis here hello miss rabbit skis for two grown-ups and two children please there you go madame gazelle is the ski teacher madame gazelle will we ski all the way down the mountain not today danny i think for now we will stick to the baby slope the children are learning to ski on a little slope to start push off slowly with your sticks you stop point your skis together skiing is fun let's go back up and do it again [Music] walking up slopes on skis is not easy to go up the slope you have to walk sideways like a crab everyone is walking sideways like a crab madame gazelle can we see you ski now oh i don't know please very well [Music] that was amazing [Music] now which mummy or daddy would like a go why not are you sure mummy pig you haven't skied for years it's just like riding a bike daddy pig you never forget here is the baby slope mummy pig i think i'm a bit grown up for the baby slope which way does this go ah all the way down the mountain my mummy is skiing down the mountain where are the brakes oh she can't stop we have to catch up with her mummy pig is skiing along the road everyone is in the coach chasing after mummy pig wow my mummy is skiing super fast that was fantastic skiing mummy pig is skiing past the shops how am i going to stop [Music] my goodness a walking talking snowman no it's just my mummy i have never seen such amazing skiing this cup belongs to you thank you my mummy is the best at skiing down the mountain [Music] it's very good of you to steer the boats crampy rabbits but i'm not steering the boat i thought somebody else was oh dear no one is steering the boat we're lost at sea and look grampy rabbit's boat is sinking don't panic might be worse situations in this really no this is the worst but we're stuck on a desert island we're just a sea and the sky for company and we haven't got any food i've got a chocolate bar good we should save the chocolate in case we get hungry later oh dear grumpy rabbit has eaten all the food what a terrible place to be stuck is anyone else missing cheese we've only been here five minutes scrampy rabbits i'm gonna put a mark in the sand for every time i think about cheese we need to call for help call for help what an excellent idea grumpy rabbit is very good at shouting what was that that was the call of the sea someone is in trouble what can we do we'll rescue them we can use granddad dog's boat wait a minute i said i'd never get on a boat again but daddy they need rescuing you're right just this once i shall sail again life jackets on captain dog full sail [Applause] all our food is gone there's nothing left to eat there must be something to eat there hurry we're saved [Music] can only do fruit okay can i be a plum bear [Applause] peppa is in charge of the lucky dip roll up roll up for your lucky dick hello peppa hello mr bull you've got a green face i'm an apple ooh would you like to try the lucky dip okay what do i do just pull a prize out of the barrel everyone a winner mr bull has won a dolly can i have a go [Music] mrs cat has won a digger oh do you want to swap no thank you mr bull and mrs cat like their lucky dip prizes roll up roll up freddy fox is in charge of the mummies and daddy's race thank you it's all to raise money for a new school roof i'm quite good at running it's not running daddy it's a sack race oh you have to get in the bag and jump over there as fast as you can right on your marks get set [Music] and they've fallen down and they're back up again [Music] and my mummy is the winner that was fun wasn't it yes it was fun but really we must thank the children for all their hard work thank you children and we have raised enough money to buy a new school roof again i can't see anything oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you where [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank dinosaur george thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes i like fish can the seahorse be goldie's friend uh no it's too dinosaury one more room to go oh what's in this tank nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fish in here whoa there's a fish with big long ears it's a rabbit fish it is miss rabbit wearing a diving costume she is cleaning the fish tank miss rabbit is saying hello it is difficult to talk underwater hello miss rabbit that was the last fish tank oh we haven't found a friend for goldie what's in the next room [Music] this is the aquarium cafe oh goody my favorite room hello peppa did you find a friend for goldie no oh who's that that's just ginger my pet goldfish he loves the aquarium it looks like goalies found a friend after all isn't lonely anymore hooray [Applause] [Music] would you like to cross the river yes please oh stop daddy pig there's no more room oh bye bye daddy don't worry i'll come straight back for you bye gently down the stream if you see a crocodile don't forget to scream [Music] picnic spot everybody off thank you grumpy rabbit daddy pig is still waiting to get across the river hello mr pig here are the wolf family what are you doing here we're having a picnic would you like to join us yes please mr pig oh more passengers uh women and children first oh stop the boat is full oh i'll be straight back for you [Music] boat two down the creek if you see a big mad wolf don't forget to shriek hello peppa hello wendy we're joining your picnic oh goody but where's daddy pig i left him with mr wolf [Music] i'm getting a bit hungry don't worry we've got the picnic all aboard stop mr wolf there's not enough room for you oh dear i've got an idea you wait here grumpy rabbit and we'll go over all right i could do with the rest mr wolf and mr pig are crossing the river together i'm really hungry now hooray we're here hello daddy where's the picnic who grumpy rabbit is waiting with the picnic i forgot the picnic you can't have a picnic without a picnic oh you're right there uh what about me grumpy rabbit no room daddy pig i'll come back for you [Music] let's go up on deck and breathe in some fresh sea air look mummy the boat is rocking about yes peppa mummy pig doesn't like it when the boat rocks about all this sea air is making me hungry who wants to eat no thank you the waves are getting bigger here i brought you a fried egg sandwich [Music] the ferry has arrived in france remember daddy pig they might drive differently here oh oh driving is driving mummy pig you see it's just like driving at home hello there peppa and her family have arrived in paris delphine donkey and her family are here to meet them delphine bonjour means hello in french what would you like to see in paris i want to see everything oh it is impossible to see everything in that case i would like to see the real hidden paris the paris that the tourists don't see bravo mr pig tell me which part of the real hidden paris would you like to see first the eiffel tower ah okay this is the eiffel tower wow this is busy imagine what the tourist places must be like i didn't know you had a job here miss rabbit excuse me i am not this miss rabbit i am mother moisella oh i'm sorry souvenirs get your little eiffel towers here the real eiffel tower is really big can we climb up hips um it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like heights do not worry mr pig we take the elevator going up [Music] i'm glad that's over oh that is just the first stage now we must climb the steps [Music] if you feel dizzy daddy pig just close your eyes okay this is as high as we can go as visitors let's look at the view these steps are going on forever oh dear daddy pig is not looking where he is going he is climbing up and up and up what a wonderful view of paris it's lovely yes what do you think mr pig mr pig where is everybody daddy pig is at the very top of the eiffel tower hang on daddy pig ah i must call for the rescue services thank goodness you're here miss rabbit i am not this miss rabbit i am mad don't worry daddy pig i am going to get you down ah i'm going even higher what can you see daddy i can see everything my daddy came to paris and he saw everything [Music] and remember always look where you're going then dr brown bear is rolling down the hill [Music] oh my goodness call an ambulance the ambulance is here oh yes everyone into the ambulance don't worry dr brom bear we are here to make you better thank you but i don't think i need your help i am the doctor remember yes but we must do all the checks i really don't think this is not another word children what do we do first check he's awake well done peppa are you awake doctor yes good he is awake this is all very nice of you but who knows what to do next we ask him his name yes but in this case what is your name dr brown bear now we ask him what happened you saw what happened i tripped over that ball and fell down the hill that was a bit silly now wasn't it which is hurting every bit is hurting where is it hurting most in my arm and my leg and here on my head we just need to bandage him up because you have been such a brave doctor you get a sticker children say thank you to dr brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works thank you dr brown it was my pleasure dr brown bear loves ambulances everybody loves ambulances who can tell me their favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles and what do we need to make a muddy puddle dirt and water dirt and water mix them together to make a muddy puddle peppa please test the puddle this puddle is too dry let's add some more water please jump again peppa this puddle is just right nice and muddy and making muddy puddles is a bit like making concrete concrete is what we're using to make your new playground it starts off wet and soft like mud then it sets and goes hard forever right now it is gloopy like custard let me show you you see it's very soft but who can tell me what's going to happen next the concrete will go hard exactly it will set as hard as rock uh daddy pig i think you should step out if i ever i'll be with you in a moment mr bull i'm just talking to the children yes but you see the concrete is soft still soft and now hard all thanks to a bit of simple science now mr bull uh what was it you were saying i was trying to say you should get out before the concrete goes hard ah daddy pig is stuck don't worry daddy pig i'll have you out in a jiffy oh i'll dig up the playground daddy pig loves being dug out of concrete everyone loves being dug out of concrete hello mummy pig mr rabbit is the parachute trainer this is a parachute it will help you float through the air after you jump should i practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained [Applause] all aboard i'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay mummy pig i'll come up in the plane with you good luck mommy don't worry mummy pig remember you've got a parachute yes daddy pig oh we are a long way from the ground oh dear daddy pig has fallen out of the plane there she goes no wait that's daddy pig wait for me daddy pig mommy pig has jumped she is going to rescue daddy pig oh she's got him bro my mommy to the rescue thank you for saving me mummy pig oh teddy pig you're starting to slip mr bull has just finished mending the school roof lovely job it'll last for years i can't hold on ah daddy is daddy pig all right oh oh i'm fine good because you need to do that parachute jump again what to raise the money to fix this new hole in the school roof oh all right [Music] actually we're in a bit of a hurry hurry and here are in there why are people always in a hurry granny pig has a plane to catch she's going on holiday holiday i never have time to go on holiday i'm too busy being in a hurry miss rabbit are you talking like a taxi driver again yes the taxi has arrived at the airport goodbye my little ones bye bye granny bye bye pepper and george are waving granny pig goodbye here is mr wolf taxi hop in bye bye mr wolf pepper and george love waving goodbye bye bye daddy how are we getting home in the taxi oh it's gone been on holiday have you i'm actually very tired do you mind if we don't talk talk yes people talk too much these days don't they talk talk talk talk talk talk and they say some people can talk for hours without taking a break my sister can talk hello taxi service hello could you pick us up from the airport please the airport righty-ho stop hello mr bull are you mending the road no i'm supposed to be mending the airport but my truck's broken down i'm going to the airport hop in have you got any luggage just the sand miss rabbit's taxi is full of sand bye boss [Music] oh hello lads here's the sand thank you miss rabbit no problem take us home please miss rabbit righty-ho there you are my last taxi ride of the day now you can go home and have a rest ha i should be so lucky so it will catch you waiting it's just another busy day for miss rabbit [Music] oh dear it's not funny george let's play snowballs peppa has made a snowball [Music] [Laughter] george come back to little piggy oh dear maybe this game is getting a little too rough sorry george george let's build a snowball peppa and george are making a snowman first they make the body george this is the snowman's body now they make the snowman's head [Music] now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth george has found some sticks for the snowman's arms peppa has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth [Music] this is his face now the snowman needs a nose [Music] peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman's nose [Music] oh dear george has dropped his sponge in a muddy puddle george you're making the car all muddy again i will wash the mud off pepper don't use the muddy water [Music] oh dear peppa has thrown the muddy water all over the car oh never mind we can use the garden hose to clean it off yes yes can i hold the hose peppa holds the hose and daddy pig turns on the water [Music] where's the water [Music] daddy pig please turn off the water no need to panic oh dear everyone is wet at least the car has been washed we've all been washed you go and dry yourselves while i polish the car see you later see you later daddy pig is polishing the car so well he can see his face in it [Music] what a funny face oh more funny faces it's peppa and george and mummy pig what a lovely shiny car yes i am a bit of an expert at these things you
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 510,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 5sec (7325 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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