Peppa Pig English Episodes | Peppa Pig Episode 11

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[Music] today we're going to paint pictures and instead of panes we're using mods oh we've got lots of Brown mods and greenish mod I advanced and blue but this morning what's best to paint with mud I know something that's fun learn all about concrete in the olden days this is the history of concrete area concrete hmm okey-dokey earning to the colored mud situation I've got a better idea who wants to do some puddle jumping my favorite thing in the whole world is jumping up and down in muddy puddles and if we're going to jump in puddles you must wear often that's right are you ready yes then although I say it myself flat was a good puddle jump well done daddy pig but maybe that's enough for one day yes next up is dancing oh good I love dancing dancing in mud great gizelle mythical creatures your bit of a clever clogs on you actually the correct term is child prodigy making things was fun and we've still got lots to see and do tomorrow are we staying here tonight we certainly are yes I was hoping we could find a hotel nearby but I thought camping would be more fun great this is the camping area are you coming too we're not camping we glamping what's glamping it's like camping but with lots of home comforts we've got a bathroom with a basin and a bar and a toilet and we've got a living room glamping looks great daddy oh we glamping know we have our own little tent hopefully it's not too difficult to put up it shouldn't be a problem after all I am a qualified structural engineer mummy pig put the tent on the poles please that's it easy as pie yes and it's lucky it hasn't rained - right when it rains this field just becomes muds we like mud but mud and camping don't go so well together oh it's not going to rain pepper and her family are sleeping in their little tent at the Children's Festival oh dear it is starting to rain ever and George are visiting bigger world and today you'll both be driving real diggers here is mr. potato welcome food digger world where all your digger dreams come true this is the sand digger right peppa and George jump on board mummy and daddy pig you have to pedal now fill up this big bucket with sand pepper and George have made a big sandcastle [Music] this is the wall building ride stack of these soft blocks to make a world here comes George with a demolition figure oh dear George has knocked down peppers wall digger world this is the grabber machine how do we play this one let's hope it's not pedal-powered mummy and daddy pig do the peddling Oh pepper I'm George use the grabber to win is lovely prize there are mr. Potato dongs or toy dinosaurs to be won [Applause] [Applause] the dinosaur toy is too heavy for that grabber Oh try again mr. potato doll is just the right weight for the grabber aren't you lucky he wears to keep but the best news is you have earned your digger buddies you are fully qualified digger drivers thank you for visiting the digger world where all your did our dreams come true what's the matter mr. bull we're building a wall across the road oh I'm afraid children can't drive diggers but we've painted a few world we've got badges oh that's okay then hop aboard old Rajah tiga and you can have the important job of pushing the buttons knocked over the new wall buildings up there knocking them down with a very good choice pepper see you later see you later George what do you like best dine-saw oh dear there aren't any dinosaurs at the fete George maybe we can get you a dinosaur balloon are you sure they have dinosaur balloons daddy pig I'm certain of it kajoor did I get our faces painted first of course miss rabbit has painted Peppa's friends as tigers there you are Susie now you look like a tiger thank you Miss rabbit wow I like your face Susie are you cat no I'm a tiger papa would you like your face painted yes please can I be an elephant oh dear I don't have to do elephants I can do Tigers yes please there you are pepper now you're a tiger I'm a tiger Oh George what would you like to be dine-saw girl add-ons or how about a tiger instead I'm good at Tigers so am i Tigers don't say woof woof how do you know because Tigers are big cats and I'm a cat cat dee please can you teach us how to be Tigers okay Tigers creep very very slowly and then Tigers like to lick themselves clean hello children my goodness you're all Tigers and I'm teaching them to be proper Tigers what do you little Tigers want to do next that's right we have to find George a dinosaur balloon let's get you all balloons hello Madame gazelle we'd like some balloons please certainly I've got lots of different ones please here you are Peppa come on the kangaroo allow him please monkey please a permit please yes I've got all those most important all we need a dinosaur balloon for George oh dear I do not seem to have any dinosaur balloons George I've got an idea could we have two of the long balloons please watch this everybody what is daddy pig doing with a balloon did anyone guess what it is kangaroo oh no it's a cure that's right a dinosaur daddy pig has made a balloon dinosaur pepper and her family have come to watch the carnival I'm Suzy sheep and Molly mole yes I can't wait is going to be amazing with fire-breathing dragons and magic people flying let's hope it really is that great what's that is it starting no that's just someone sweeping the road before the carnival Caverns oh it actually sounds quite good using brushes and just bends to make music the car won't has be done here is mr. bone and his fancy jazz band it is mr. Pony the optician [Music] [Applause] it is captain dog and Danny dog she's not doing much fishing well that makes a change from all the jobs miss rabbit normally does she's probably quite happy to put her feet up here is mr. potato oh no the string has come loose it's okay I've caught it call the rescue service hello service I'll be right back wait a mo I can't go rescue with all this on who wants to be Carnival Queen when I do some rescuing why don't you all take it in turns to be queen sorry mr. potato mr. Agee - what is your plan I never have a plan I just make it up as I go along autopilot on have a nice day water pilots fly helicopters on their own Wow how can we get this balloon down shall I pop it no don't pop the balloon okay I'll tie the knot miss rabbit is going to let the air out of the balloon miss rabbit has rescued mr. potato thank you now I can get back to being the Carnival Queen oh I think we've got three Carnival Queens now everybody loves animals it is morning peppa and her family are having breakfast there's a letter here for George it's an invitation to Richard rabbits party sounds fun I'll take George to the party as long as it's not a that awful soft play center it says soft play daddy doesn't like this soft play center last time he got stuck and was rescued by a helicopter and a fire engine and a crane it wasn't exactly like that pepper it was only a helicopter I think soft play sounds lovely I will go with you George it is time for Richard rabbits party you're very welcome to stay if you want it's soft play isn't it no thanks [Music] hello you're very welcome to stay if you want see you later hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig I quite understand if you don't want to stay no I'll stay us grown-ups can have a nice quiet chat while the children play oh okay play center where everything is soft this is great the children are having so much fun yes get them out of your heritage the little children have been playing all day time children that was a lovely party wasn't it fun are you ready to go home now my goodness we're never going to get the back is any one thing forward I'll have to go in don't worry I'm coming in oh no I'm stuck to help mr. elephant has come to collect Edmund elephant we're stuck no problem ladies I'll get you out daddy pig peppa and Suzy have come to collect George ah what good little children you are where are your parents that usually happens to me that is going to happen to me isn't it I'm going to go in there and get stuck where smaller that's kind of you both but it is my job as a grown-up I must do this don't worry Peppa if I get stuck I will ring for the rescue services ah yes I'm stuck lucky I've got my phone hello oh you're in here too yes I'm a bit tied up at the moment so there's no one to rescue us [Music] Hey Thank You pepper and Susie for rescuing us hey now we can all go home the little ones have gone back inside pepper can you bring the little ones out now pepper and Susie love the soft play center everyone loves the Sun play center [Music] pepper and her family are going to potatoes sitting sitting mummy it's a theme park pepper where the magic of vegetables never ends it will be fun potato City here we come here we are the family have arrived at our field of potatoes is this potato City it must be and it looks like we picked the right day to visit there are no crowds are you sure this is the right place daddy pig it just looks like a farmer's field to me excuse me is this potato City now that's potato City it isn't quite what I was expecting how many tickets two adults and two children please miss rabbits busy isn't it easy no this is quiet for potato City have a lovely day Peppa's friends have come to potato City too and this is mr. potato himself welcome to potato City where are the magical vegetables never ends see how vegetables grow learn how they keep us fit and healthy and get shot into space by the potato rocket Heather and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket George wants to ride on the potato rocket - are you sure George it looks a bit high daddy pig doesn't like Heights oh I'm not getting on George is too small to go on this out oh okay make it quick oh it's very quick George has changed his mind oh dear George come to mummy maybe I'll just get off too [Music] yes lots of fun go round and put your head through that hole welcome to the dinosaur guard say hello to my dinosaur friends don't be frightened they are not real but this is exactly how they would have looked walking the earth together it's not what Triceratops lived in the Cretaceous period Stegosaurus was Jurassic they would not have walked together how do you know that I'm a clever clogs anyway who wants to ride one dinosaurs in potato city because dinosaurs ate potatoes anyway children like dinosaurs rollin rollin horny vegetable roundabouts swing [Music] [Music] Saito's city where the magic of vegetables never ends today is the school sports day peppa and her friends are all here run as fast as they can I can run it two million miles Peppa Suzy stop talking and run Rebecca rabbit is in the lead Rebecca rabbit wins peppa and Suzy I would have won if you hadn't been talking to me Suzy no no pepper remember it's not winning that matters but taking part yes Richard have to see who can jump the farthest George George has jumped as far as he can if she doesn't run he won't jump very far Richard rabbit ready which rabbit is jumped further than George and the winner is red Childre 'but remember it's not the winning that matters but taking part to pick a parent to race with you're not very good at running I was very good when I was a little baby but now you have a big tummy but I could still touch my toes all right but you must run very fast the mummies and daddies will run the first part of the race and then hand the battens to the children in the lead don't worry Peppa there's still one more event event of the day the tug-of-war boys against girls you must pull the rope with all your strength the girls will win no my boys the boys were waiting [Music] everyone is pulling so hard the Rope is breaking teams wins I love the school sports day expecially when I win prize the children's face pepper and her friends are at playgroup mr. bull is checking the school roof no put this roof on for you you did mr. bull lovely job it will last you a lifetime but it is leaking water look it is going drippity drip you need a new roof oh dear where are we going to get the money for a new school roof we can do school fights to get the money good idea penny but who would run it yes the children can do it me I can do the face painting I can do the microphone we can have a mummies and daddies race and I could sell balloons yes we will have a children's fate [Applause] it is the day of the children's fete all the grown-ups are here Danny dog is in charge of the microphone Emily elephant is in charge of the bric-a-brac stall break it back Emily he will be busy all day selling it here is mr. Fox mmm this all looks very interesting may I have that one how much is it how much have you got oh of course we are facing money for the school roof everything wonderful Emily how much money have you raised money did you not get some money for the bits and bobs I didn't need to mr. Fox took it away for nothing [Music] Suzy sheep is in charge of the face painting stall hello Suzy can I be a mountain leopard please no I can only do fruits okay is in charge of the lucky dip okay mr. ball has won a dolly can I miss is cat as one a digger mr. pool mrs. cat like lucky prizes roll up roll up Freddy Fox is in charge of the mummies and daddies race it's all to raise money for a new school roof I'm good but we must thank the children for all their hard work and we have raised enough money to buy a new school roof again today pepper and her family have come to the funfair George wants to go on the helter skelter ok see you later see you later roll up roll up hook a duck and win a giant teddy mummy can we have a go ok 1 pounds please one pound it's all for a good cause a giant teddy mummy I'll try pepper but I don't think it's that easy your rights you've got no chance what it's impossible waste of money if you ask me we'll see about that mummy pig has won that's amazing hazy John teddy wouldn't you like a little teddy instead pepper no money a giant teddy it's a bit big no it's not George and Daddy pig are queuing for the helter-skelter hmm it's a bit high George are you sure you want to have a go one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause too high for George don't worry George I'll come up with you that's one pound please so George isn't afraid of heights anymore oh it is a bit high isn't it I'll just go down the stairs the stairs are full of children that's the way down daddy pig oh okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hits the target and we're not giant today we don't want to win another giant teddy pepper Sam worry you won't win women a useless at this I'm sorry what did you say it's a game of skill how much for one go one pound mummy pig has won unbelievable here's your giant teddy I like that one mummy they're too big no they're not daddy pig and George are riding on the big wheel I'm glad that's over five times round for one pound it's round [Music] test your strength all the old average Bell what do we have to do you hit this button with this hammer if the bell rings you win a prize no skill involved but you need to be strong I'll have a goal one part luck oh I'm strong I'll have a go stand back everyone do be careful daddy pig you're not that weight oh yes daddy pig is scrubbing a bit tubby what I'm just saying daddy pig is a bit round in the tummy give me that hammer goodness me I've never seen anything like it that wins all the giant Eddie's we have mommy can we get these patties to my friends what a good idea most kind thank you very much [Music] my birthday parties it is Peppa's birthday it is very early in the morning [Music] mummy pig and Daddy pig is still fast asleep it's 5 o'clock in the morning yes okay let's get your birthday started mummy pig daddy pig and George are giving pepper her birthday present thank you everyone you're welcome Peppa I didn't know teddy was a girl teddy Oh daddy of course Teddy's a girl my new dress thank you everyone you're welcome teddy don't get you dirty do you know what's happening next pepper yeah my friends are coming for my birthday party and daddy is doing the magic chant yeah no one will know the magician is your daddy he will introduce me as the amazing Mysterium amazing miss Tia yes at the amazing Mysterio daddy's been practicing his magic tricks all week here are Peppa's friends candy cat Suzy sheep Danny dog Rebecca rabbit and Pedro pony come on children the party is starting daddy pig is going to do a magic show Oh papa remember what you have to say ladies and gentlemen introducing the amazing Mysterio gentlemen for my first trick for my next trick I need a helper from the audience I just need one young lady you put your hand up first can you tell the audience your name okay Susie here are three balls a red one a blue one and a yellow one okay you have to secretly choose one while my back is turned okay how do you chosen one abracadabra you chose yellow abracadabra red really magic daddies you said all three colors shush Peppa don't tell anyone would you like one more trick yes please close your eyes no looking say the magic words abracadabra open your eyes the candles out pepper it is bedtime for peppa and George good night my little piggies granny and Grandpa pig have come for dinner hello where are pepper and George they're asleep oh but I so wanted to see them can I take a peek okay granny pig but be very quiet my little darlings you should be asleep okay but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep story all right once upon a time there was a little boy called me honey fans of magic oh yes now Pedro planted that bean and it all in an enormous field store that went high into the sky that's right Petro climbed to the top of that Beanstalk and found a horrible big giant but I don't work that I want to princess oh yes there he found a beautiful princess Peppa Pig and George a brave knight let me Big Daddy pig and Grandpa pig are waiting to eat dinner I'll go and see what's keeping granny pig what's next in the story naughty granny pig you woke the little ones promise when the story ends grandpa I'm good at ending stories granny pig and you go downstairs I won't be long well after they ate the lovely dinner everyone fell asleep granny pig mummy pig and Daddy pig are still waiting to eat dinner that bedtime story doesn't seem to be working I'm the expert at telling bedtime stories I'll finish the story I'll be down in a minute okay there's a boy a beanstalk a castle a beautiful princess a brave knight and a very hungry King so they all had a big dinner and lived happily ever after the end right I think I'd like to sort this out they're almost asleep thank you I'll take over now you have missed the story mummy all right quickly now tell me what's happened once upon a time in olden days a long time ago mummy pig's been up there for a long time I can hear snoring at last pepper and George are asleep George it looks like princess pepper is the best at telling bedtime stories oh I am [Music] [Music] daddy pig where are your shoes now I need to look beautiful just like me Peppa has found mummys makeup box daddy pig it's time to go to work mummy pig is working on her computer hello Peppa hello George I beg your pardon Peppa I was just saying hello oh I'm not put a pig I might be pink oh yes of course hello mummy pig hello and this is daddy pig George and hello to you too daddy pig no thank you goodbye is enjoying pretending to leave mummy pig but George is getting a bit bored sorry daddy pig nearly finished Oh dad come on daddy pig it's tiny did someone goodbye mummy pig and Daddy pig [Music] daddy pig is digging in the garden hello George mummy pig and this is daddy pig Oh daddy pig is here - so what that's very kind of you daddy pig Oh now be careful it's a very deep hole I hope you are not did you did your best clothes daddy pig I want to make pig snorts too [Music] ice cream everyone ice cream pepper George you must take off those muddy clothes before you eat daddy pig are you sure yeah so we're a pepper and George we don't know oh well that's a shame because I've got their favorite ice cream here if we can't find them today is mummy pig's birthday daddy pig has made mummy pig breakfast in bed happy birthday mummy pig peppa and George have made mummy pig a birthday card oh what a lovely birthday surprise and there are more surprises to come enjoy your birthday breakfast take your time daddy pig has made a birthday cake for mummy pig oh we've just got to put the candles on one two here I come mummy pig has finished her birthday breakfast oh no we're not ready yet who is it it's mummy can I come in no no is there something secret going on no nothing's going on oh but you can't come in oh I see mummy pig why don't you relax in this sitting room that sounds nice well it is your birthday okay Peppa I think I know what the sitting room is he's nice magazine Thank You Peppa and here's some pretty music Thank You pepper we need the same number of candles as mummys age one two three oh dear we haven't got nearly enough candles daddy how old is mummy I'll whisper it in your ear really old you know I think three candles will be fine mummy pig's birthday cake is ready we just have to put up the decorations in this sitting room oh there you all are I was getting a little bored do I have any choice nope have a lovely walk I'll call you when it's safe to come back in I forgot what hard work birthdays were daddy pig peppa and George are decorating his City granny Pig and Grandpa pig have arrived for mummy pig's birthday happy birthday mummy pig aren't you coming inside oh I can't come in yet daddy pig peppa and George are doing secret things for my birthday how lovely see you later bye mummy would you like to come inside now I'd love to close your eyes keep your eyes please mummy 1 2 3 open your eyes [Music] what a lovely surprise blow the candles out and make a wish I have no idea open it and see it's a beautiful dress now you just need somewhere nice to wear it what's this two tickets to the theater tonight thank you mummy pig loves going to the theatre and granny pig and I are going to babysit the little ones what a super birthday I'm the luckiest mummy in the whole world [Laughter] [Music] and Suzy sheep are playing snap I went again I did not I don't want to play with you anymore I don't want to play with you anymore oh dear peppa and Suzy have had a quarrel mummy sheep is here to take Susie home pepper say bye-bye to Susie I am NOT talking to her and I'm not talking to her oh I'm sure they'll make it up they are best friends really it is not funny we are not best friends anymore daddy pig is making supper Peppa George suppertime it's spaghetti [Music] what's the matter pepper peppa and Suzy have had a little quarrel but I do miss Suzy a bit hmm let's give Suzy a cool man hello mrs. Pig May Peppa talked with Suzy please hello Suzy hello Peppa we can be friends again if you say sorry I'm sorry I said you cheated even though you did cheat well I'm sorry you were ever my best friend it doesn't matter I can easily find a new best friend it is a lovely sunny day all the children are at the playground Danny dog is on the round with his best friend Pedro pony George is on the seesaw with his best friend Richard rabbit Susie sheep is on the swings on her own Peppa is playing mini golf on her own here is Emily elephant Susie she is not my best friend anymore so you can be my best friend but my best friend is candy cats Zoe if you want you can be my best friend but my best friend is Rebecca rabbit hello hello pepper oh good I see you two have friends again we are not friends we will never be friends again hmm I think it's about time you two made it up pepper say sorry to Suzy only she says sorry first only if she says sorry first I know I'll count to three and you can both say sorry at the same time all right one two three sorry no you can be best friends again idea and Suzy best friends again so I win but my ball knocked it in so I win you're just making the walls up you are making the rules up I went no I win you two are just the same that's why Suzy's my best friend in the whole world and Peppa is my best friend in the whole world ever [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 7,593,500
Rating: 3.5769932 out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Id: EZfOd5knN4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 41sec (3821 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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