Peppa Pig English Episodes Camper Van! Camping Holiday Special 2018 | Peppa Pig Official

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[Music] peppermint Georgia was very excited today they are going on holiday he's bringing a secret surprise it's a campervan we've borrowed it for our holiday this camper man has everything this button works the sink this button works the TV what does this button do I'm not sure maybe don't press it until we know is everybody ready to go on holiday mmm this map is a bit tricky daddy we don't want to get lost don't worry pepper I'm an expert at map reading oh that's strange are we lost yes it's grandad dog with Danny dog lost is your sat-nav broken sat-nav you're driving a camper van T 3200 sat-nav comes a standard welcome to the car of the future ah so that's what that button does where are we going today clever isn't it the computer voice helps you find your way how does it know where we want to go you tell it oh hello mrs. campervan hello we're going on holiday can you tell us the way proceed on the current road in this street line let's be a help granddad dog you're welcome lovely holiday danger danger oil is low what's oil oil helps engines to run smoothly oh no these warnings always give you plenty of time oil is gone Oh luckily I've got a spare can of oil well done daddy pig we simply pour the oil into the engine and what's wrong there's nothing in here the engines gone it's funny sheep with Suzy sheep lost engine yes it's completely disappeared I'd like to help but I don't know a thing about engines I'm probably just being silly but this looks a bit like an engine ah yes well spotted mummy sheep the campervan has its engine set back there that should be enough oil thank you mummy sheep you're welcome have a lovely holiday [Music] just up the next hill you have reached your destination time for bed where will we see mummy pig and I will sleep on this bed and you two will sleep upstairs this is just like our little house while we're on holiday it is our little house my little piggies Peppa's family are on holiday in their camper van good morning my little piggies since we're in the countryside I thought we could spend the day looking at nature good idea mummy pig let's watch a nature program one of the wonders of nature birds house little birdy we can't hear our TV Oh daddy pig there's no point being on a camping holiday and just watching TV we can do that at home good thinking mummy pig there are lots of fun places we can visit there's three world what's tree tree world is a big forest full of trees it sounds a bit boring or this potato city what's potato city there's a tour of the potato fields ending with a potato tasting sounds interesting oh there's duck land what it's a wide river full of ducks where are we going today follow the road ahead [Music] welcome to adults and two children [Music] always more ducks and Here Come more ducks daddy and Grandpa and here are all the aunties and uncles that's the last of our picnic gone dance safe thank you daddy pig oh you're most welcome it is time to go home I wonder what's the shortest way home drive straight ahead into the river oh are you sure yes drive into the river we can't drive in the river yes it's talking nonsense please press the blue button [Music] kantha ban is driving into the river has turned into a fun I wasn't quite expecting that welcome to the car of the future daddy pig oh you have reached your destination oh ho you're most welcome it's nice going on holiday but it's nicer to be back in our own little house good night my little piggies good night [Music] peppa and her family are going camping [Music] Peppa George this is the tent I had when I was a little boy daddy how do you gonna make that into a tent don't worry Peppa I'm an expert at camping mummy pig put the tent on the poles please that's it easy as pie who do these pegs do anything of course I forgot about the pegs the pegs the tent it was big enough for me when I was a boy but it does look a bit small now that's because you've grown a bit since you were a boy daddy pig and your tummy is growing the most of all talking of tummies we should cook supper first we have to collect sticks to make a fire peppa and George are helping daddy pig collect sticks for the campfire good enough sticks that's a splendid campfire now I'll light it here are the matches oh we don't need matches how can you light it without matches I'm going to make fire the old way by simply rubbing these two sticks together daddy pig is rubbing the two sticks together to light the campfire where's the fire daddy nearly there now we can heat up the tomato soup listen to the sounds of nature that is the sound of crickets chirping that's an owl look there it is oh I'm not sure my tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature it means it's time to eat I love tomato soup so do i there's another one of daddy pig sounds of nature come on children into the tent it's bedtime we'll be fine you go further in mummy pig never mind I'd rather sleep outside anyway good night daddy pig good night everyone mummy pig peppa and George are sleeping in the tent daddy pig is sleeping outside under the stars I love camping sleeping in the open air with the stars above me maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all it is morning lovely and cozy in the tent hello daddy's daddy pig has gone poor daddy pig he must have been cold and wet and now where is he what's that sound cause I'm safe I'm an expert at camping I slept in the car it is the first morning of pepper and her family's holiday in Italy holiday daddy pig is up bright and early I'll just go for a little walk good morning mr. pig I see you have found the swimming pool this is signor goat it is his job to look after the holiday house it's not funny it is quite funny daddy oh I suppose it is a bit funny this is my daughter tell us if you need anything at all we'd like to do some sightseeing the village is very pretty I will show you okay I'll just change out of these wet clothes I don't look like a tourist do I you look perfect is everybody ready then let's go [Music] this is Gabriella's village here is the shop of my auntie cart who is it for a goldfish a goldfish maybe a postcard of the sea yes water drums carpets garden gnomes who buys all this rubbish tourists Oh mañana mummy pig is buying lots of things to take home mummy pig we haven't got room for all this in a suitcase don't worry daddy pig they sell suitcases - this is the village calf a little bit of tomato little bit of cheese into the oven maybe we'll let them cook first no ok let's write the postcard to your goldfish yes I miss her very much do Goldie wish you were here you can pause the card here goodbye postcards fly home quickly Pizza Pizza Pizza yummy Peppa loves pizza everybody loves pizza [Music] magnifico uncle goat there will always be a special place for your pizza in my tummy oh dear pepper has left teddy behind the cafe hello officer I don't know what I did but I won't do it again mr. pig your teddy thank you just doing my job signora pepper and her family have arrived back at their holiday house okay granny and Grandpa pig are looking after Goldie the fish well pepper is on holiday I do hope we're feeding Goldie enough is fine I sent her a postcard today has it arrived oh not yet but I'm sure it will get here soon pepper and George are fast asleep in their holiday house the beach peppa and her family are going to the beach pepper and George love going to the beach what a lot of stuff we must be careful not to forget anything when we go sunshade beach back and a spotty ball good now before you start playing you need some Sun cream on the Sun is very hot pepper and George have to have Sun cream on let's try out this spotty ball it seems to work what a great spotty ball oh dear George is too little to catch the ball George would you add pepper like to have a paddle in the sea yes Daddy let's put your water wings on there we go you look very smart on your water wings George my turn my turn [Music] good now we can play in the water [Laughter] is the water cold it's lovely you started it daddy pig I'm not paying that Beach Peppa George loved the beach everyone loves the beach Peppa George would you like to play with your buckets and spades George of burying daddy pig in the sand no you can't escape my head is getting a bit hot can I have my straw hat Wow if you say please please can I have my straw hat that's nice ooh maybe I'll just have a little sleep George his make sandcastles pepper and George are making sandcastles first and in the bucket like this we turn the pockets upside down and tap them lift the bucket up a sandcastle hey pesto another sandcastle pepper George home time don't leave any stuff behind let's check that we haven't forgotten anything towels beach bag sunshade and the spotty ball that's everything I'm sure we've forgotten something hmm of course we forgot the Hat we forgot daddy Big Daddy we almost left you behind but George remembered you well I'm glad George remembered me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] peppa and her family are watching mr. potato on television I love watching programs about keeping fish down now here are some lovely drawings have been sent this is an apple remember eating fruit and vegetables helps you stay fit I'm good at eating fruit and vegetables and exercise is important today you can see me open a new Sports Center in town [Music] see mr. potato it's a long way to go to see a potato pepper he's not any old potato war right everyone has come to see mr. potato open new Sports Center [Applause] Susie for you mr. potato I don't look like mr. potato no you're much too big mr. potato is bigger than me no he's not he's a potato and potatoes are this big potatoes mr. potato has come to town welcome your friend and mine mr. go tato I declare this SportsCenter open we must all exercise and eat fruit and vegetables apples oranges carrots tomatoes why aren't you small like a normal potato because he's not a normal potato he's got legs normal potatoes don't have legs he's our super potato we watch your show every morning very good and remember to send me your drawings peppa and her friends are playgroups children today we will do drawings for mr. potato the pineapple I'm drawing a carrot very good what are you drawing Emily lovey and pedal it's a super potato oh I see and George has drawn a wonderful tomato pepper what vegetable have you drawn my watching television Oh excellent now we put the toys in an envelope and post them to mr. potato it is morning and time for the mr. potato show please welcome your friend and mine mr. potato we posted some drawings to mr. potato in an afterlife did you get the envelope [Music] oh yes of course I've received an envelope full of drawings this tomato looks very juicy George's picture well done Joe but this picture from Peppa Pig is my favorite Wow picture it shows daddy pig watching TV hmm looks like daddy pig needs some exercise hey what come on daddy pig let's do some jumping up and down whoo all right up down Oh daddy pig likes junk up and down down everyone likes jumping up and down it is a lovely sunny day at granny and Grandpa pig's house Peppa George daddy and Grandpa are inside watching racing cars on television [Applause] that's better the race was almost finished switch it back on wow that was an exciting into a race I'm so glad I didn't miss the finish see it's finished it's such a lovely day you should all go outside and play yes granny pig so what are we going to play racing cars I know let's build Georgia racing car No the grandpa big gun what okay I'll make a racing car for George this is grandpa pig shed when he makes things what have we got here ah an old pram baby grandpa we only need the prams wheels Peppa this bit can be the bonnet what's your favorite number George George's favorite number is two oh this racing car will be super fast George's little don't worry Peppa this will be a pedal car not a motor car ah next we need a steering wheel last of all you need racing goggles and here are Danny dog Zoe zebra and Pedro pony looky George is racing car Wow I'll race you and me I'm a I want to race too where's your racing car pepper I don't have a racing car don't worry Peppa you can be the chief mechanic you fix George's car if it goes wrong oh I hope it goes wrong let's start the race three times round a garden that's the end of lap 1 and George is in the lead what's all this noise out here I'm trying to watch television a wheel has come off George's car where's the chief mechanic what do we do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you've got the best mechanic in the whole world that was Monsieur donkey he was speaking French I thought as much sure don't he say he asked if little Delphine donkey could visit us Oh cookie Delphine donkey is Peppa's very special friend from France Delphine's coming to practice talking English with us we'd better hurry Delphine's train is arriving any minute [Music] Bonjour means hello in French Bonjour mr. donkey my goodness is that huge case for Delphine yes Delphine has brought a few little things for her visit things you do not have over here cheese bread tomatoes water I will be back to pick you up tomorrow night where should I put Delphine's luggage this luggage is for one night stay oh yes that is why I only pack a little bag now Delphine is here to practice talking English so we must all help her I must say sorry I do not speak English very well you don't speak too badly you are very kind mr. pig but may I ask you a question about talking English of course I'm an expert at talking ask away I enlist bit infinitives a firm of irregular verb or past pronoun ah actually it's quite late shall we set up Delphine's bed good idea pepper pepper and Delphine are sleeping at each end of the same bed now children try to go to sleep you've got a busy day tomorrow Delphine is visiting your playgroup maybe ya know maybe a is French for sleep well I'm not sleepy at all let's sing a little song to make her sleepy yes like they'll themes pretty french song has sent everyone to sleep Delphine has come to visit Nevers playgroup this is my French friend Delphine don't bother ah Bonjour Delphine Delphine sang a pretty French song last night holy teacher an endless song how about the Bing bong song yes sing me this Bing bong song it would be good for my English okay we're playing a tune and we singing a song with a bang and [Music] good I have learned lots of new English words bing-bong bing-bong anything is fixing a big mirror onto the bathroom wall lovely George thinks there is another little piggy in the bathroom it's a mirror George mirrors are shiny that's why you can see yourself jojje is looking at himself in the big shiny mirror it's very shiny come on George shiny things shiny things to see ourselves in have a look in a spoon pepper and George can see their faces in the shiny spoons now turn the spoon around I'm turning it round again it's simple pepper concave surfaces reflect light waves inversely to their origin and yes it's magic Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa I can make you go upside down it's magic my daddy says so ah let's find some more magic shiny things in the garden George has found a muddy puddle it's shiny enough to see our faces I can see the sky there's a cold here at Tony and Danny dog did you know looking at the sky but the sky is in the sky it's a funny magic mirror spoon I know where there are some big funny mirrors really wobbly mirrors in a tent where are these wobbly mirrors at the fair the parents have brought the children to the fair [Music] see my amazing wobbly mirrors it's very simple illusions of optical differentials by convex and concave services generate patterns it's magic yes it's magic this pyramids normal to me daddy where's your big tummy gone what tummy [Music] it is mummy rabbit with her baby twins Rosie and Robbie hello sister how are you today very good sister mustn't chat for long though I've got customers inside the tent is amazing daddy pig Wow I can see two of you what do you mean I can see you in the mirror but there's no mirror is it magic I suppose we do look a bit the same well and her friends are explaining they are dressed up in costumes from different countries today is international day when we celebrate all the countries of the world pepper is dressed as France George is Russia Pedro is America Zoe is Japan konnichiwa Susie is Holland to all the countries of the world do they sing the song of harmony together I like singing so do I does everyone remember the words yes [Music] [Music] and later we will sing that for your mommies and daddies it is playtime all the countries are playing in the playground the United Kingdom is on the slide France and Switzerland are on the swings Germany is playing hopscotch America Russia Spain and Greece are in the sand here are Holland and Japan now it's our turn in the sandpit why because you've had your turn you can play on the side now we want to play oh dear there is not enough room in the sandpit for more than four countries what's all this noise about Len hey they're trying to push us out of the sand pits we know yes you are oh dear the countries of the world are not playing nicely together [Music] [Music] telling people no I am NOT what is happening America Russia Spain and Greece won't share the sand pits the bossy one that is enough is this how you think the countries of the world behave of course not all the parents have arrived how is it a national day going not too bad excellent lovely we were nothing for you the song of harmony [Music] what a wonderful display of togetherness pepper and her friends love singing together in harmony all the countries of the world love singing together in harmony it is the end of another day at Peppa's playgroup children tomorrow is talent day what is a talent a talent is something you'd like doing and you're good at I like to watch television and I'm good at it think of something we might like to see you do my talent is playing the guitar [Music] the parents have arrived to pick up the children don't forget to think of something to do for parents day tomorrow it is bedtime for peppa and George I can't go to bed yet I haven't got a talent to show tomorrow but you have lots of talents pepper you can decide tomorrow it is talent day my talents are skipping singing and dancing I practice them all last night I was practicing watching television last night that's not a talent Madame gazelle said sigh what can I do then who would like to show us their talent first Danny don't I come back I can bang it down sir no net was lovely Benny hey Pedro pony what is your talent magic tricks here is a glass of water it is wet and seafood ah now I'll make the water disappear please close your eyes open your eyes Oh water has gone thank you Emily elephant I'm going to play the recorder [Music] and what is your talent hi Becca I could make a special noise it only works if I go up on my tiptoes that was very good yes but what can I do candy what is your talent skating I was going to do skipping but I can still do dancing and singing my talent is singing I can still keep dancing Suzy sheep what is your talent don't sing oh dear dancing was peppers last Talent [Music] it is so nice that everyone has chosen a different talent to perform now who do we have left Peppa I was going to skip or sing or dance a forbidden talent can be anything Peppa but not watching television think of something you really like to do Suzy sheep has come to play at Peppa's house it's a photograph not a baby it's an old photo when I was a baby don't be silly Suzy in the olden days you were a baby - Peppa no I wasn't yes you were ask your mummy mummy pig is working on the computer no I'm not I was a baby well you were pepper look here are some photos on the computer who do you think that is it's baby Alexander baby Alexander is Peppa's cousin no that's you as a baby pepper somebody sounds like they're having fun I remember it well it was taken on our first day in this house what do you mean when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our car mummy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf and grandpa pig made us a lovely flower garden daddy pig looked after it we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers and anyway you needed somewhere to play you and Suzy love to play in the garden see my friend in the olden days yes you and Suzy have always been best friends [Music] no pepper you were babies you couldn't even walk soon after that you were toddlers he was a baby in my tummy yes you were in my tummy George no Peppa this tummy is pure muscle and so George was born and granny and Grandpa gave George a very special present can you guess what it was that's right and you and Suzy were running and jumping around then one day you saw something amazing pepper if you jump in muddy puddles you must wear your boots you loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles ice let's take a photo now Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles Peppa has always loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa and Friends
Views: 12,629,968
Rating: 3.7934961 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toys
Id: sgffPbzPg8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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