People Who Won The Food Lottery

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let's face it your odds of winning the lottery are seriously slim but you have a much better chance of winning the food lottery this my friends is when you pay for food only to get way more than you first thought like pouring a bowl of cereal and finding a huge chunk of chocolate in there or picking up a berry from the bunch that's mind-blowingly big it's a winning feeling unlike any other so let's keep that serotonin flowing as we take a look at some super lucky people who hit the food jackpot is there anything better than reaching the bottom of a bag of chips and pouring all those leftover chip bits into your mouth well if this person had tried that with the last nuggets of their cheesy cheetos they might have given themselves a concussion these absolute units are so much bigger than a regular cheeto their finder had to bring in a banana for scale it looks like an extruder at the cheeto factory malfunctioned accidentally fusing the chips cornmeal mixed together into a couple of supremely cheesy nuggets of joy but it's not always cheetos chips that end up as chunks this guy was lucky enough to find a colossal clump of flamin hot seasoning at the bottom of his packet if you love the flamin hot burn like me this phenomenal ball of flavor could be crushed up and used to season everything you cook or true fans might just want to take a huge bite out of it though i dread to think what that burn feels like coming out of your other end what's your favorite way to eat a marshmallow is it melted in the middle of a s'more or after it's been roasted on an open fire well if you bought this bag i reckon you'd end up slurping that super long one up like a big chewy noodle normally factory-produced marshmallows like this are made up of rapidly whipped gelatin sugar and starch which is shaped into long tubes by extruders before being cut but it looks like this marshmallow's cutting blade broke which has left a marshmallow snake surprise in the bag kit kats are crunchy wafer biscuits coated in a delicious silky chocolate but not everyone who bites into them gets the crunch they expect this guy bit into his king-sized kitkat to discover there was no wafer in it at all it was just one solid block of chocolate which to serious chocoholics like me is like hitting the candy jackpot but kitkat's makers nestle claim these abnormal waferless candy occasionally occur because of malfunctions with its manufacturing equipment well in my humble chocolate obsessed opinion i think they should turn these abnormal bars into a brand's new kind of kitkat speaking of new creations if you want to stay up to date with all my latest videos then be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below trust me the videos i've got in the works are going to be a real feast for the eyes now where were we after more than a year in lockdown i bet you're all sick of hearing the word corona although this corona beer box might bring the word back into your good books as this box was being packed an extra bottle must have fallen in undetected before it was sealed up and shipped off to this lucky customer what's even more amazing is despite being balanced against the other fragile beer bottles it didn't break on its way there this might be the only time where having more corona is actually a good thing in my humble opinion the best part of any drumstick ice cream is the chunk of chocolate encased in the tip of the waffle cone you can't deny it's like a bite-sized snack from god's own dessert tray and it's so popular that some brands even increase the size of this tip just to keep their customers coming back for more but that's nothing compared to getting a second tip for free like this lucky licker who found a whole other tip hiding at the bottom of the drumstick wrapper i mean that win is so good it might as well be two whole drumsticks is there anything more appetizing than the crunchy golden puff pastry of a classic french croissant well cutting into one and finding this astonishing cross section might be i wouldn't know whether to eat the croissant or just feast my eyes on it this kind of rise comes from the laminated nature of the pastry's dough which combines layers of flour and water combined with butter when baked the steam released from the dough causes the pastry to expand but the fat in the butter stops the layers from gluing together giving us these brilliant bubbles even so it's rare to see a croissant with such perfectly spaced holes is it wrong that i kinda hope he didn't eat it but it's not just the french that can bake up delicious looking delicacies over in eastern europe and russia everyone from youngins to babushkas still enjoy the traditional treat of poppy seed roll made with a rich bittersweet center of poppy seeds and sugar the filling of this swirled snack is most people's favorite part but sadly a lot of companies and bakers tend to skimp on the sweet center fortunately these two treat seekers discovered a bakery that really makes up for it with that much filling i feel full just looking at this picture now have you ever won the food lottery and taken a photo of it maybe it was a giant grape that you couldn't resist posting on instagram or perhaps you opened a sewing kit tin to find biscuits inside if you've got some good ones send me a message at stories and they might just make it into a future video now let's get back to this lottery nothing is more refreshing than a sweet slice of watermelon particularly if it looks as pristine as this with almost no rind and barely any visible seeds this crimson cross section looks so refreshing i can almost feel it cleansing my soul but getting a seedless watermelon like this isn't just luck it's engineered back in the 1990s watermelon breeders discovered that selectively breeding different watermelon strains gave them few or no seeds even so the odds of also getting one with such a thin rind makes this melon one in a million having no rind or seeds in your watermelon must feel good but what if you cut into it and discovered it was also missing its classic crimson color like this guy did it looks like a pineapple and a watermelon fell in love and had a baby while that yellow flesh is certainly surprising to some it's actually a natural mutation in fact the originator of our red fleshed commercial variety which comes from africa is a yellow or white fleshed fruit not only that but it also has a honey-like flavor which makes this a colorful and sweet surprise have you ever bought a bunch of berries and found one that's much much bigger than all its seated siblings well some of them like this one grows so large it wouldn't look out of place shooting steroids and pumping iron at the gym some people assume monster strawberries like these are the results of genetic modification or gmo for short but there's actually no genetically engineered strawberries approved for commercial sale anywhere in the world they're more likely the result of hybridization where different strains of strawberries are crossbred to produce belly busting berries and some like these can even grow to the size of small oranges but hopefully they still taste like strawberries just about every brunch obsessed basic becky will tell you they're like so addicted to avocado on toast omg but for all their love of brunch avocados are a fickle fruit because from the outside there's no way to tell how big their seat at the center is so you have to cross your fingers cut in and pray that you don't get a cursed stone to flesh proportion like this but if the gods of brunch do hear your prayers you might be blessed with these epic proportions or even better yet no seed at all like this seedless avocados occur when the blossom that produces the avocado is unpollinated so its fruit develops without any seeds inside now just imagine how much toast that big boy will cover if those seedless avocados got you salivating then you'll need a mop and bucket on standby for what i'm about to show you say hello to the long neck avocado a specialty species of the great green fruit that grows up to 13 inches long and weighs up to two and a half pounds whoa i hope you're really hungry it may look like a regular avocado on steroids but surprisingly it's an all-natural species that's mainly grown in southern florida and as i say that i imagine all the basic becky brunchers are already booking their plane tickets to the sunshine state have you ever been asked to help make dinner by cutting up a few carrots it only takes a few minutes at most but if you were faced with either of these colossal carrots i think you'd be there all evening the longer of the two appears to be more than twice the length of this lady's hand meaning it must be around 13 inches long and the wider one is about the same width as her palm making it about 3 inches wide their lucky owner hilariously named them length and girth but even after they're cooked i think they're still gonna be a massive mouthful a lot of savory recipes call for a single clove of garlic to make the dish taste and smell sublime so when this person tried to peel one off only to discover the entire bulb was a single giant clove they must have considered adding the whole thing into the pot this is actually called solo garlic although i reckon it should be called dracula's worst nightmare it's grown through specific planting practices which encourage the cloves to fuse into one big orb now is it just me or does anyone else feel weirdly tempted to take a big bite out of it everybody loves chicken nuggets unless they're vegan but i think even a vegan would rejoice if they saw this superb selection in front of them the lucky lad who opened this packet found three totally normal nuggets along with these two super long chicken chunks inside it'd be nice to think that those are miscut sections of juicy chicken breast but it's more likely that they're uncut strands of the mechanically separated chicken that makes up some cheaper chicken nuggets well at least they taste good speaking of chickens have you ever cracked open an egg to find not one but two yolks inside like this guy that looks pretty lucky but his winning streak wasn't just one double yolker he actually got four now that's what i call a breakfast of champions multiple yolk eggs occur when a hand ovulation cycle occurs more rapidly than usual or when one yolk becomes joined with another yonk but according to the egg spurts the odds of finding a double yolker is just one in one thousand so this phenomenal four in a row makes this a magical one in a trillion moment yeah that's a one with twelve zeros so this guy either had the gods of breakfast on his side or these eggs were specially farmed you see the odds of young hens laying double yolkers is much higher at just 1 in 100 even so the odds of getting four in a row would remain high at one in a billion while that's still slim it's nothing compared to the odds of cracking open an octo yolk like this lady did not even the experts have hazarded a guess at what the odds of this happening are but i think the real question on everyone's lips is did it taste like pure luck though it's not just chicken eggs that can double up the person who cracked this kinder surprise egg or should i say twinder surprise egg was blessed with a second chocolate egg inside their chocolate egg usually there's only one chocolate shell beneath the wrapper but this incredible exception really puts the surprise in kinder surprise you might have seen a double yolk or two in your time but have you ever seen a double banana before this guy clearly chose the best banana in the bunch when he picked up this double-barreled prize according to the experts around five percent of bananas grow into double fingers but most are discarded because they don't meet fruit trading standards but if there's only a five percent chance of finding a double what do you think the odds were of discovering this triple oh [Music] well to some a triple banana might be the ultimate jackpot but only true banana aficionados know that it's a quadruple fruit like this that really hits the spot after all who doesn't want a lifetime supply of potassium but if you thought those big bananas were beasts then just feast your eyes on this super freaky kiwi like the bananas two of these small furry fruit have fused together at their ends growing into one really long berry it may look like dr frankenstein really went to town on all this fruit but this is actually a textbook example of faciation it's a rare genetic mutation where a flower's growing point changes from a round dome into a crescent shape which fuses the buds of the resulting flower together and if it's a fruit-bearing flower this can result in anything from siamese kiwis and banana bonanzas to huge fan-shaped pineapples who knew faciation could be so fascinating finding a fused fruit is lucky but it doesn't compare to getting your hands on truly big berries like these apparently these phenomenally fruity units are jumbo blueberries a gmo free berry which can grow to the size of a quarter i really want to believe these are real but if they're only meant to be the size of a coin just how small is that guy's hand or maybe their supreme size comes from a little fertilizer called photoshop if those dubious blueberries left a bad taste in your mouth let me sweeten you up with a look at this super-sized blackberry now most blackberries are less than an inch long so they're small enough to pop in your mouth but this one is so big i reckon you need to eat it like an apple it's possible that this is a kioa blackberry which is a strain of the fruit that blooms earlier and longer than regular ones this means the berries can grow up to three inches long which is almost twice the size of a normal blackberry although with enough water and sunshine even regular blackberry bushes can produce a breathtaking berry like this one i mean it's so close to the size of that egg i'm not sure which one is more likely to hatch i think we've seen enough fruit to count as getting our five a day so let's take a look at a lottery winner with a little more crunch like this fantastic find it looks like one seriously big potato was put through a lay's chip chopper lengthwise and miraculously it didn't break after it was fried packed and shipped off i bet it made for one seriously satisfying snack but as big as it is it doesn't compare to the sheer size of this 7-inch monster which was discovered in britain back in 2020. this huge sausage-shaped chip came in a packet of otherwise normal onion rings these o shaped chips are made by pushing cornmeal and water through an extrusion machine to make a ribbon of dough which is rapidly cut up into tiny rings but a malfunction meant the dough wasn't cut so this huge chip was squeezed through while it could have been a huge quality control nightmare it turned out to be one super-sized gift for this little girl now when it comes to onion rings chips just don't compare to the real deal nothing beats biting into the crunchy deep-fried batter of these super savory snacks so just imagine this guy's delight when he ordered a regular bag of onion rings and discovered a whole donut nestled inside turns out it was actually three large onion layers that had been accidentally stuck together battered and deep fried but it looks so much like a donut that i'd have been tempted to hide it in a bag of actual donuts and give it to someone as an oniony prank though it's not just size that can make an onion ring stand out astoundingly this guy pulled a malformed onion ring out of a bag only to discover it was shaped like a perfect treble clef for those of us who aren't musically inclined that's a kind of complexly curly musical note had someone in charge of that order arranged and fried them specifically like that or was it just a fabulous fluke either way i bet it was music to that guy's mouth when you're digging through a carton of chocolate chip ice cream there's nothing better than coming across a big chunk of chocolate although it turns out the makers of greater's ice cream put the mother of all chips in their mixtures this extra large chocolate chip was found inside a carton of their black raspberry chip ice cream much to the delight of their customer now most companies sprinkled chips into their ice cream once the product is mixed but at graters they pour liquid chocolate straight into the ice cream mix which breaks up as it turns it together this produces giant candy bar sized chunks of chocolate in almost every carton well i know what ice cream brands my loyalty will be serving from now on now anyone who's ever tried to shift a few extra pounds will be familiar with special case cereal even though it's marketed as low-fat cereal that can help you lose weight it comes in a few flavors that make you think it won't be all that bad but more often than not the ratio of tasty treats to cardboard flakes is pretty pitiful except in this case where one lucky dieter hit the jackpot and poured this huge chocolate chunk into their pole i mean that diet may be well and truly lost but they've definitely won the food lottery all that talk of diets is making me hungry for junk food like a mouthwatering serving of freshly fried fries curly fries in particular these curly kings of the junk food world are made by putting potatoes through a spiralizer which cuts the potatoes into coils they're usually a few inches long at most but then there's this tightly coiled exception to the roll all stretched out it looks like it could be the same length as three huge potatoes it's so big it almost looks fake but it's not the only super-sized fry out there these mcdonald's diners also hit the oddly long jackpot with their hilariously lengthy fries they're almost long enough to make you wonder if there's someone in the back gluing fries end to end as a joke most of us are sadly aware that fast food burgers rarely look as appetizing as their promotional pictures instead of a plump bun filled with delicious looking meats sauces and cheeses you often end up with that burger's sad squashed ugly cousin but not amazingly in this instance somehow this lucky customer scored big with a bun that was so smooth and plump it looked like it was wearing a filter i reckon it could give even the most popular beauty influencers a run for their money but it isn't technically a burger it's actually a mcdonald's filet of fish sandwich unlike most of their other menu items the fishy filets buns are steamed not fried not only does this make the buns fluffier but it also gives their domes a flawless appearance well most of them when it comes to the world of sandwiches i think we can all agree that bigger is definitely better with that in mind think of the sheer size of sandwiches this lucky customer will be able to make with his mis-sliced loaf it looks like it all went through the industrial slicer at the wrong angle so it got sliced horizontally instead of vertically while it won't fit in a bread box or a toaster i guess this guy accidentally bought himself an excuse to make the biggest sandwiches he's ever had up next we've got the mother of all pizza deals now buying a two pack of frozen pizza isn't exactly exciting but imagine opening a box like this and discovering your two pack had secretly been stuffed with a third free pizza if that had been me i'd have taken this as a sign to go out and buy an actual lottery ticket but if you really want a pizza the food lottery action then feast your eyes on this supreme surprise instead of a medley of meager toppings this lucky pizza lover was surprised by a frozen pie that was made of more toppings than base but how did such a blessed creation come into being maybe it was getting to the end of the day at the frozen pizza factory when a worker realized they had 10 pounds of toppings left but only one crust or maybe the toppings were put on mechanically but the machine suddenly exploded got any other theories as to how this supremely stuffed crust came into being let me know down in the comments i'm genuinely curious and hungry have you ever seen a friend snacking on a huge bag of candy and asked if you could have just one but when you pull it out it's got another suite stuck to it that's still technically one right well imagine reaching into the bag and pulling this out whoa i think i'd play the classic gimli defense here i still only count this one but how come this conga line of gummy bears are all attached to one another well haribo gummy candies like these start out life as molds pressed into powdered cornstarch and then the gelatin mixture that makes them is poured in once cooked the gummies are sifted out and the powder molds disintegrate leaving the gummies intact without the risk of them sticking to anything but in this case it looks like too much mixture was poured in and the overflow connected them into one long line although they're not the only candy to be sweetly misshapen swizzle's drumstick squashies are a soft version of the company's famous milk and raspberry flavored lollipop candy but these soft candies go through the same cornstarch creation process as haribo gummies which you can tell by this squashy supreme that someone found in their bag is it just me or does it kinda look like a giraffe hopefully it doesn't taste like one now america's favorite bitter treat sour patch kids also go through this cornstarch creation that means every so often bags of sour patch kids can contain colossal sour patch adults like these i bet chowing down on those super sour abominations would be like eating a lemon which of these winners do you think hit the tastiest jackpot and which one would you most like to take a bite out of let me know down in the comments below and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 224,510
Rating: 4.8942008 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, people who won the food lottery, luckiest people in the world, lucky food, giant fruit, giant blueberry, giant avocado, giant garlic, perfect food, incredible food, satisfying food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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