People Who Took Creativity to a Whole New Level

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just when you start thinking you've seen everything out there some genius comes along and surprises you with a new invention most people would never think of solving problems and creating new objects and ideas is just what us humans do best but let's be honest some people are much better at it than others in this video I'll show you a few of the times people went above and beyond taking creativity to new and unheard of heights now it might look like this pool table is rolling all over the place but it's actually moving to stay flat this clip comes from the cruise ship called the radiance of the Seas which has a gyroscopic self-leveling pool table that compensates for the movement of the oceans waves keeping itself and the balls on the table perfectly stabilized so you can play pool even in rough seas we've all seen the green-screen fails that happen when meteorologists wear the wrong color to work well weatherman Ian Leonard did it on purpose creating an unbeatably spooky headless Halloween costume good thing the anchor didn't ask him to deliver the headlines when Dutch design firm Pete Heine was approached by a customer to build a log Shack large enough to sit and write inside they took inspiration from cordwood construction which is a natural building method in which short logs are piled crosswise to build a wall what they built brings a whole new meaning to the word log cabins by covering the exterior of their cabin and logs including the windows you could walk right past this building thinking it's a bunch of firewood and not even realize what it actually is the average person does their best to avoid walking around in the snow for hours and hours me especially not artist Simon Beck he creates mind-blowing works of art using a complicated self-taught technique that he describes his reverse map making step by painstaking steps Simon uses a compass and his knowledge of mathematics to stomp these sculptures into the frozen landscape he's done this for a decade creating about 300 of these which is really mind-blowing I think I'll just stick to making snowman thanks this woman's handsome kimono might look like the traditional plan of Scottish kilts but it's actually sewn out of worn boxer shorts and old shirts Maya Clough field the creator of this tartan kimono specifically chose to blend the two styles to honor her mix Japanese and Scottish heritage looks great but I hope she washed the shorts first this image looks like it's photoshopped but it's not it's like French architecture meets Dali style surrealism and created something similar to how some failed panorama shots look warped in fact it was a failed panorama shot on vacation that led the photographer Jean Philippe de maĆ­z from Quebec to work out how he could control the accidental effect through much trial and error he eventually produced this shot creating an image of the iconic Parisian landmark melting away in the hot Sun these two friends were frustrated by the lack of diversity in their local McDonald's advertising so they did something to change it the duo secretly hung up a poster of themselves on a blank wall in McDonald's word hung for 51 days without being noticed in order to sneak the poster into the restaurant they dressed up as McDonald's employees using uniforms they found at a thrift store in a nice ending to the story McDonald's decided to keep the poster up there once they finally realized what was going on standard roommate etiquette says that if you eat your roommates food you replace it but instead this guy carved realistic wooden replicas to replace the bananas he ate he didn't neglect a single detail right down to the fake bruising he even covered them in real Chiquita stickers as a final touch according to his online post operation banana scam has worked perfectly and you can even watch his entire video about the project on YouTube when you think of your grandparents what do you picture I'm guessing your answer probably wasn't roller coasters well it is for these lucky kids after their grandfather retired from his career in aerospace engineering he decided to build them a private roller coaster in his backyard somebody get this guy a grandfather of the century award [Music] sure anyone can build a treehouse in their backyard using logs and nails but the Swedish design company fam and vitta guard took it a step further leering mirrored surfaces along the exterior to create a practically invisible hideaway that looks like it's floating in the trees believe it or not you can actually spend the night here as it's a hotel this homemade wooden light-up watch put your Apple watch to shame an engineering student laser cut words onto the wooden face projecting light from inside to indicate the time as the hours pass different numbers light up and the student made it specially as a birthday present for one of his friends huh why didn't it my friends give me gifts this good if you're afraid of getting your fingers blown off when you light firecrackers this guy has an alternative method just for you he uses Rube Goldberg levels of ingenuity to light those firecrackers from far away just using a plain card sample well I guess there is a simpler way you've got to have your bottled water but you're also worried about climate change so what's an environmentalist to do after how pollution is so passe how about transforming your bottles from waste into a system that encourages carbon fighting plants to grow that's what these people did when they turn their old plastic bottles into a greenhouse this injured turtle can walk again after someone made him a lego wheelchair most mobility devices for animals are targeted towards bigger pets like cats or dogs so the animal lovers in Maryland zoo decided to improvise instead of letting these four orphaned puppies go hungry one man transformed his hand into a makeshift mother by squirting milk through a club he inserts a syringe filled with milk directly into each finger to make sure each puppy gets its nutrients adorable but also kinda gross we've all had the urge to draw in someone's dirty rear window come on they're asking for it well one artist takes it a little more seriously than just reading wash me in the dirt Scott Wade also known as the dirty car artist creates intricate murals and scenic landscapes on the backs of dirty cars creating something that looks like it belongs in a video game Jan Borman uses Legos to patch up holes and brick walls the visual contrast of the old faded brick buildings with brightly colored plastic Legos is something to see ok it's probably not the best idea if you want to protect your wall structural integrity but it sure looks cool now this is useful reddit user Dutch kiwifruit DIY des machine that automatically sorts skittles and M&Ms into separate bowls by color the device uses obstacle recognition in a small on-board computer to make these crucial decisions so the big question is when are they gonna put this in stores you've heard the comment saying one man's trash is another man's treasure well the artist behind this series of sculptures Tim Noble and sue Webster played with this idea by creating art out of their trash discarded wood takes the shape of humans which is then projected onto the wall with unbelievable results perforated users are an amazing bunch give them an idea and they'll pull out all the stops to outdo each other and this Photoshop battle redditors photoshopped a picture of this chubby hedgehog and a tiny kayak on the different images here's the Hedgehog on American Gladiator one enterprising user even made a gif of the little guy rafting down a rushing river gotta love the Internet Instagram artist red hangi rearranges common household objects into works of art this piece titled tad tarik man which translates to Pulte man showcases a gigantic portrait that was created by stringing together 20,000 dipti bags the piece which depicts a man making a traditional cup of Malaysian tea was inspired by red Hong Yi's own feelings of homesickness if you happen to be alive during the 1980s and early 90s odds are good that you had the much-maligned rat tail haircut at some point as if it wasn't bad enough the first time around one man wants to bring the look back here he is taking the rat tail to new heights with a very literal interpretation of the hairstyle you've got to admire the execution and creativity if nothing else everyone's heard of Stonehenge one of the wonders of the world Nebraska native Jim Reinders built a replica version in his back yard but with cars instead of rocks since it was first created in 1987 carhenge has become a major tourist destination in Jim's own town if you find yourself driving through Nebraska all right maybe that's unlikely but anyway make sure to stop by check it out Russian street artist nikita nomar's transforms crumbling abandoned buildings into whimsical exciting works of art he incorporates physical parts of the structure into gigantic bases crumbling bricks become teeth cracks become mouths and holes become staring eyes it's definitely better than leaving derelict buildings to fall apart this Muslim woman comes up with creative ways to dress up as her favorite fictional characters while wearing a scarf saraswathi known on instagram as queen of luna is a Muslim woman who wears the hijab or headscarf and she's found creative ways to wear her religious dress while also expressing her nerdy side this popular Instagram er has over four hundred and twenty three thousand followers two goes to show you that fandom knows no religious boundaries ever made a bad decision while you were drunk or tired at least you probably didn't have to stare at it every day like this guy did with this terrible Pikachu tattoo this monstrosity looks less like a professional tat and more like a child's drawing of some kind of beaver like animal his new tattoo artist agreed and she cleverly decided to incorporate the original image into a new design depicting Pikachu as a budding artist pretty smart speaking of the power of tattoos after a childhood accident left Norwegian man hind brick with an amputated arm he decided to transform it into something new breaked reached out to a bulgarian tattoo artist who transformed his stump to look like a lifelike 3-d dolphin creating something beautiful out of a tragedy anyone who's had a monthly period knows there's a lot of misconceptions and stigmas regarding menstruation and her Casey Jenkins this performance artist is shattering taboos about the female body and it's functions by bringing them out into the open literally for one exhibit she inserted wool into her private parts before unspooling it and starting to knit in front of an audience jiggetts performed this piece over the course of 28 days in an zhuoyun gallery even continuing while she was on her period after her performance garnered negative backlash online Jenkins became inspired by the violent misogynistic responses using your period blood as a dye she knitted those negative comments on the scarves it's definitely creative and thought-provoking too but I'm not sure I'd want to wear one of those scarves so what do you think have you done anything this creative let me know by leaving a comment down below and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 287,187
Rating: 4.831986 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, creative ideas, people who took creativity to a whole new level, funny pictures, took creativity to a whole new level, high level of creativity, creative people, people who take creativity to new levels, creativity ideas, creativity level meme, take creativity to new levels, art, design, designing, meme, memes, life hacks, world creativity, creativity level, creative things
Id: N64E01dEwUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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