People Who Have Been Abducted By Aliens, What Is Your Story? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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serious people have redid that honestly believe they have been abducted by aliens what was your experience like my fiancee boyfriend at the time had just gotten home from work he went into our kitchen and I walked through the bedroom and into the bathroom and just stopped for a moment I had a weird feeling I still can't really put a name to it so I called him and asked him to come here I walked out of the bedroom and as soon as we came within view of each of her that was it the next thing we knew we were both waking up laying side by side on our bed flat on our backs on top of the blankets and still fully dressed down to our shoes three hours had gone by it was so odd and disorienting and though we had both just come to we were extremely tired we joked about the lost time at first but the more we thought about it the more weirded out we became about the whole ordeal this isn't proof or anything but I've never been able to think of anything else it could have been but when I was in sixth grade I woke up one day with four very small holes on my upper right thigh it looked like the skin had been cast out in perfect tiny circles yet there was no blood the circles were in a straight line and across my thigh horizontally no more than six inches wide completely I also felt very tired and couldn't remember what I had dreamt which is weird for me since I pretty much remember every dream I have every night I put band-aids on them and went to school as usual the next morning I wake up and there are three new holes right above the previous four I woke up once again very tired and drowsy and was now where did out by how symmetrical everything was that I showed my mom who said it was most likely ant or spider bytez next morning two more holes above the previous three and the morning after that one this is when I was seriously scared since the holes now formed a triangle that pointed to my knee and they weren't scabbing over I was so tired and confused and was scared to go to bed so I stayed up really late but woke up the next morning not even knowing when I had fallen to sleep only dark and then morning when I did wake up I was suddenly very alert and when I threw my blanket off my legs I found all the holes completely gone no scabbing or scarring or any trace of the circles on my thigh I showed my mom and she just brushed it off as if they had healed like any other cut I'm honestly not sure if this is related but I do feel like there is a correlation after this I couldn't really comprehend math anymore I had excelled at math all my life but after this incident it was like numbers had no meaning to me and I couldn't figure out simple equations I went to an advanced school and had been learning algebra and geometry and was doing great but then it was like poof all my math knowledge and comprehension was gone to this day I can't even do simple addition problems without double-checking them was camping in a campground in North GAR with some friends it was starting to downpour so everyone left their tents in the woods and decided to rent one of the on-site cabins for everyone to sleep in I decided I just sleep in my car because they wanted to stay up late and I was tired from kayaking all day I woke up to the rain stopping and it was kind of cold in the car and I had forgotten my sleeping bag in my tent I checked the cabin to see if there was any room left and the light was on and everyone was fast asleep 3:00 a.m. I didn't want to squeeze in so I decided to Trek my way to my tent in the dark with a small pen light in order to get to my tent I had to pass by everyone that they left mine was the last one and even then was fifty featuring at least from a previous tent before it I got in my tent covered up with my sleeping bag and prepared to catch the last few hours of sleep before sunrise no more than 10-15 minutes from me getting in my tent I began to highlight whispers right outside the tent door they weren't an English into my recollection indecipherable not any language I had heard at all just as the voices started to observe side the tent they weren't the same glare as a flashlight would make and both were of two different colors that to the best of my ability had no real distinct color but just colorful the whispers outside the tent began arguing louder between each other but still in a hushed tone and as the whispers grew louder the lights began swirling around the tent behind me to the side to the front not in the movement that one could make with flashlights and at this point I realized no footsteps could be heard I uncovered myself and knelt on the 10th floor preparing for the zipper to come undone like in a horror movie and I was flipping through my mind on what option to take I was the most terrified I had ever been fight-or-flight the lights world faster and the voices grew louder but still breathy and whispery my mind raced and I was sweating despite the cold and then just like that the lights shut off like switch and the whisper stopped and nothing but silence of an empty wood I stood there as still as I could and I didn't dare go outside that tent till the Sun came up it was and still is the scariest moment of my life I hope this makes sense I've never written it out before if I need to answer anything I can try and between moments at work interesting enough I went to a horror movie premiere recently and there was a scene that had the voices in it and goose' bumps ran up my arm it was identical I would have called sleeping bag over my head and died I was about 8 or 9 and my mom tells me we are going on a day trip to meet our highschool friend cool I grabbed my gameboy advance because I know my mom's friends as kids my age and wanted to show them up in the racing game I heard I overheard this from my mom talking with a friend at her house they told me to leave the room because they needed to talk about adult things little innocent curious me wonders what exactly I rattled things that I can't hear were they gonna throw some new juicy cuss words out well Mama's friend had a little girl who would sleepwalk at night started when they moved into their new house Northern California it was a suburban area but not too suburban new neighborhood with a lot of empty homes and forest patches in between each community she was about four years old and they found her one night in the backyard just sitting there after that incident they decide they need to lock her in her room at night and bar up their windows so that she doesn't end up in the woods nearby or anywhere besides her room really the story momma's friend and husband wake up to a loud boom on the side of the house in the middle of the next night felt like something hit the house because everything shook they check on their boys they are good they didn't hear anything and go back to sleep they check on their daughter on the door and realize she isn't in her room they start to freak out then here and knock at the door they open it it's the effin sleepwalking four-year-old daughter they ask her where she's been and she said with the men and points down the street P off dad sees two guys in coats walking down the street he yells at them and starts sprinting at them mama's friend said coke guys didn't react at all cut guys turns a corner dad turns the corner and they're gone mum and dad check the lock and windows no tempering they notify the police who pretty much say there's not much they can do but we'll keep an eye out F in sleepwalking four-year-old daughter is fine isn't scared at all just tired and goes back to bed after that my mom didn't understand why I was scared to suck that night she believes she was abducted but refuses to tell me what happened even my dad tells me that he can't tell me the story says it's for my mom to share if she wants it shared but overhearing this when I wasn't supposed to hear it had me tripped out as a kid watch the Fourth Kind later in life and was scared of that movie two friends all laughed at me saying it was stupid but they didn't know about my mom's friends story that's some straight-up x-files crap right there maybe it wasn't aliens but it sounds like something weird was definitely happening out of all the ones here this one sounds the most believable to me especially since both parents swords also the Fourth Kind is creepy F I wouldn't say I was abducted but I have an unexplained loss of time I was around 10 years old I was riding around on my bike and it was time to go home for lunch a direct route through my town would have taken about 10 minutes but at the time I had a couple bullies that prevented me from taking that path so no biggie there is another scenic route that takes about 40 minutes to go around it was early afternoon summer time I take the scenic route I make it home almost seven hours later the funny thing is I never noticed anything weird until I got home and it was started to get a bit darker I pedaled all the way and never took any other detours I wouldn't say I was abducted by aliens specifically but I was definitely taken somewhere it was more of an abduction of consciousness if that makes sense I don't know it might have been my body too it was a weird feeling I can't really explain I was sitting at the park one day in broad daylight with four or five friends I lived in a small community in the Midwest so the park was empty except for us we were talking and smoking just cigarettes for me nothing that would alter my consciousness when suddenly everyone just kind of slowed down and eventually froze completely myself included I couldn't move or talk I couldn't blink I had to focus really hard on just breathing and then I blacked out I woke up alone in a dark nearly pitch-black room with three large illuminated screams around me on the screams I saw the park from above the exact spot where my friends and I were sitting it's felt like I was in that room for hours until I blacked out again I finally came to and realized I'd been crying hysterically on the ground the rest of my friends seemed pretty wreck to like they all just experienced something equally terrifying I was the first one of this to speak I said I think I met God and they all responded with similar brief statements I remember one girl saying they are on TV somewhere which expressed the feeling of being watched and safe and violated really well I can't remember what anyone else said just the general idea of we just got taken somewhere we didn't talk about it besides one weird short sentence age that was the strangest part for me that we didn't talk about it but we all understood that we'd seen the same thing it felt like we couldn't talk about it where it they could see us we left immediately and haven't spoken about it since I don't keep in touch with those friends anymore but it would be interesting to know if they felt like it was an abduction of some kind - I was home alone in this little house I lived in in the middle of nowhere it was probably around 2:00 a.m. and I was just listening to music enjoying having the place to myself for a change when all of a sudden my dogs started going crazy normally when someone pulls in the driveway or comes up to the back door they go to the door they heard the noise Beyond and peeked through the blinds to see who it is but this night they are running all around the house from door to door barking louder than they ever do when I stood up to go see what the heck they were on about I noticed that the whole house seemed to be lit up with a deep blue light turning into the living room it became obvious that it was emanating in from each window I put on my shoes to go outside and see who was out there but by the time I got out there the light had faded away there was no sound of a car engine or really anything and where I lived you could hear a car coming from a mile away I felt a chill run down my spine but I had the weirdest sense of fight-or-flight where neither option seem viable like I was frozen to the spot I wanted to turn around and get back inside and then I just was right back in the chair I was listening to music in as if I just blinked and there I was don't really like telling people about it because it skeeves me out so bad about 20 years ago I was walking home from the shops with my dad and we stopped to watch some really odd lights in the sky there were two lights slightly bigger than the stars zooming around and orbiting each other making figure 8's etc and then they stopped moving got bigger and bigger until bright light filled the sky and then they were gone we carried on our journey home we hadn't stopped for more than five minutes the whole journey should have been 20 minutes when we got home my mum was freaking out we had been gone for 65 minutes our watches were both still working that were 45 minutes behind every clock in the house she had neighbours friends about looking for us I don't know what happened to us or what we saw maybe nothing I live in a pretty secluded part of Washington State I was in my late teens and my parents had gone to Seattle for something so I was put in charge of the property I was closing everything up that's is the bond we own and some other small utility buildings when I look up and see three reddish orange lights in a triangular formation if they were just floating there as if they were magnified stars so magnified in facts that everything was slightly illuminated by their warm hue I mesmerised standing there and suddenly lose my sense of balance as if the ground in front of me has begun rising and I pass out next thing I know I'm on grounding the barn I had locked up according to my watch half an hour before needless to say I was petrified I scurried to the house with my tail between my legs scared and confused I slept not at all that night and any sense of security I had was gone even though I was locked safely in my house I felt hopelessly exposed in hindsight I think it's possible I was lightheaded open the barn door and fell down but it still shakes me up thinking about it man I sure do love great content and I'm working on some of that overhead dude man so you should you should go there right now go there go if you want subscribe to this channel subscribe then go over to doop man right there right there you click click right there you click right there you better do it but so help me you better go over there because you deserve something good put my heart and soul into this stuff man sternum no pressure
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 40,845
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of, aliens, extraterrestrials, E.T., abducted, abduction, Sci Fi, SciFi, Sci Fi stories
Id: uT2tF5h3t80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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