People Who Got Stuck In Weird Places

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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some people who got stuck in some weird places mother wouldn't give her a dollar to get a pack of Skittles so she literally crawled into the vending machine I didn't even know this was possible kids literally would do anything for candy I would be lying if as a child I haven't tried to stick an entire arm up a vending machine to try to get something out of it but this kid literally was in there congratulations now you got the candy now you got to keep putting dollars in hopes that the kid will come out this dude wasn't a playground over here oh crying for hell [Applause] [Music] how did he even fall through that little Gap he hold it off for dear life it's like a few inches oh there we go the aerial view I feel like if he just turned his head to the side he can just drop down no look how he's stuck there like this is something that would happen on a cartoon come on just grab my arms just pull them up there you go it definitely came out a few inches longer than when he went in he got mad at an employee and tried throwing the car and this is how it ended no this is so embarrassing and now they're gonna leave him dangling here you must be humiliated for your crimes yeah nothing like public humiliation in the 21st century you know what I could see I could see how he tried to like go into the car and grab it and try to flip it but ended up flipping himself congratulations buddy Instant Karma at its finest I wouldn't even help him either oh no stuck with the coke cat sees whole cat goes through cat is now stuck nothing satisfies The Thirst like some ice cold cat she got stuck in the washing machine and I guess big bro never came to help her out so then the police were called like we really got cops here it doesn't even look like a whole person is in there just a floating booty oh they pushed her in oh there is a person in there oh okay now there's a leg well I still haven't seen a head yet oh okay you know what just get the foot out once you get the foot out then you'll be good you can get the rest of them out pull it out like ripping a drumstick off the rotisserie come on let's go a single foot I feel like she likes it in there she Dilly dallying oh okay there we go one foot out then the other one now we're talking okay so if you ever get stuck in a washing machine you get the legs out first then grab the legs and just pull yank it out and I'm sick and tired of her oh wow what a waste of the police's time and our tax dollars this is so embarrassing [Music] there ain't no way she spawned in there this is so confusing like did somebody just take her and just put her in trying to look around there is absolutely no way she could have gotten this I am so confused right now how do you stuck in here it was quite the bad spawn I can't stop laughing at the video my little sister sent my niece she's just trapped behind a locked door right oh she's in the Blind and kids are so gullible you could just tell her she's part of the door now no more iPad no more cocoa melon only door duties these videos give me such bad anxiety like exploring a cave yeah and getting stuck in a cave you know why would you want to do this people do this for fun some people play video games for fun some people race cars go shopping eat good food this dude gets sandwiched in between two rocks for fun did no one hug you as a child it's the warmth and embrace of a human not enough you have to explore the world's skinniest cave I don't know if I could watch all of this I really hope he gets out at the end like you don't say Bros out of breath and stuck you know what just leave me there oh it's on the other side there's an opening I can see it on the other side you know as soon as you get past that so the reason I kept push ing getting closer I realize it's an illusion the water was just so calm and still above me that it was reflecting the ceiling off and it just looked like a way bigger space but it's continuing to narrow down oh I don't like that I don't like it one bit you know what is it too late to turn around I mean he must be alive when they got this video I'm gonna attempt to turn back around I I don't care if there's a room full of pirate treasure on the other side I don't even care if the one piece is on the other side you could not force me to do this this girl gets stuck on a slide above the ocean so you know these crazy slides on a cruise ship and they're supposed to be water in there why is it so dry okay all you have to do is like shimmy on down you know this is why they wait for the first person to come out before they launch the next person imagine someone coming out and just like eating you in the head okay I would be terrified of like falling back the other way I'm not gonna lie these slides are kind of scary this cat thinks he is stuck what is he doing for so much smart animals cats are real idiots like bro is terrified how is he sickness it's like he's Defying Gravity where's the other paw kind of look like he's about to be made into a sandwich now what a distinguished gentleman watch this guy fly right into a screen door and ran over to help you talk he's one big bird movies okay he has literal Talons and you're just holding them with your hands so you're gonna have to put those could rip you apart what's going down for this buddy yeah personally I would not she talking to it like it's a little hamster poor thing let me help you is it better okay we're gonna let go of this one too though okay he flew right into a screen door let's go buddy it's okay you're good buddy take a break it's okay you're okay he having a rough day his tongue hanging out of his mouth oh he looks like he's about to scream with every dangerous animal in need there is a woman dying to help out for a tick tock the face making he is in disbelief like she really just did that yeah I could claw your face off right now lady oh the dog is being so well behaved it's okay buddy I promise you do your thing he just waited there with his wing spread do you think he's asking for a hug come back here I don't think he's capable of that I can't believe she just rescued him and now she's on her Merry way this kid got his entire entire head stuck in one of these chairs I feel like they banned these chairs in kindergarten classrooms for this very reason you already know if they see a hole that's about the size of their head there is a good chance they will try to stick it in time to teach Billy a lesson let him walk around with it for the rest of the day a little idiot hat something tells me she wasn't using those bands correctly how does it end up up your butt crack come on it's not that hard just pull them off and step out of it like some pants you know you're using a barbell for probably squats why do you have a band on it we had to get an innocent bystander involved remove the band okay someone told her she's lost band privileges you don't need that for squatting my neighbor's dog smells the chicken I'm grilling no because I have one of these on my balcony I am so scared of my dogs like sticking their snap through it they are tiny dogs they might be able to like go through it but that's a big dog but all he could do is watch it's like torturing the dog he could smell chicken he can see chicken but she can't eat chicken I'm not gonna let you chill and have all the fun she jumped into the foam pit oh she got stuck and we have two guys helping pull her out you know these things are usually for kids for a reason you know I hate to see the children's have all the fun I don't think Deborah's gonna be jumping in any foam pits anytime soon this happens way more than you would think the swings at a public playground they are meant for the butt of a toddler they might not look it but the seats are very small it is not meant to accommodate a full-size badong I feel like this is the fire department's part-time job to pull out people stuck in awkward places like this bro I would be so embarrassed I'd rather walk out that Park pantsless then have to inconvenience the fire department by coming to rescue my butt out of this tire a bird got stuck in the grill of their car oh they just pulled them out I'll be good oh is that a turkey bro just dipped he was embarrassed do not record me it's so embarrassing you can't have his friends see that this cat's head got stuck in the floor yes where is the rest of the cat she really oh my God I'm so scared oh no he's in there good how did this even happen this dude reached this deep into a Pringles can and got it tattooed okay so she's gonna do the same thing something tells me she should be old enough to know that this was not a good idea common sense is just not so common it's your soul relax your body get her done it's like I feel like you have to like lube it up slather it in some oil okay we got it out okay all of that for a tattoo idea mission accomplished anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button though yes click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 1,473,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, who, got, stuck, in, awkward, places, people who got stuck, people who got stuck in weird places
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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