People Share Things The Bi*ch Did at The WEDDING (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what did that [ __ ] do at your wedding not my wedding but I suppose there were multiple [ __ ] in this event I was the best man and if the four of us asked to be beside the groom I was the only one who actually showed up one guy said he couldn't get time off work even though the wedding party was asked almost a year in advance it's not that he couldn't get the time off he just kept forgetting to ask a week or two before the wedding another guy he was a cop at the time claimed he was about to be served to appear in court so he said he wouldn't be coming this despite the fact that he hadn't yet been served the third guy was having a hard time financially and his go to the wedding fund took a hit with a sudden and expensive car repair bill his is forgivable especially since he was the only one who offered a genuine and heartfelt apology the bride's parents holy [ __ ] there's a long and complicated story about the relationship with her parents but I'll spare the details and just leave it at they said they had no plans to attend no father to give her away so she walked herself down the aisle of the church with her head held high though fingers her mom and dad decided at the last minute to show up instead of sitting at the front with the rest of the guests they sat at the very back big church small wedding and awkwardly avoided everyone else so there's a picture from the wedding after she walks in with her parents turned around looking at her with the worst case of resting [ __ ] I've ever seen mercifully they didn't attend the reception the reception was fun as well several of her co-workers kept leaving the restaurant going to their cars doing shots and returning needless to say they were shit-faced and their behaviour showed it the ringleader it can be best described as a 45 year old soccer mom who thinks she's in her twenties was constantly on the dance floor slotting up the event with her trashy dance moves and grinding on anything with a penis of the vicinity bride was not amused and on hilarious but not [ __ ] note a different cow Walker with Greek roots introduced us to the tradition of breaking a plate for good luck the restaurant provided her with an already chipped plate and permission to smash it on the floor she did and at being a hardwood floor pieces went everywhere including a big one that smacked me in the face no harm done and we still laugh about it not yet married myself but [ __ ] like this makes me want to go to the courthouse when the day comes edit the guy replying below about the DJ is indeed the groom from the same wedding totally forgot about that [ __ ] up this was my maiden honor she was a best friend from high school but we had drifted apart in the past few years and she had moved overseas invited her for the role because of our history not because of the current friendship which I did not realize had withered down to pretty much nothing anymore gave ample notice for her six months to get some shoes as my other bridesmaid had size four feet and I wouldn't be able to get them shoes so had requested for them to bring a pair of nude heels which most girls had messaged me one week before the wedding to go to the store and buy her this brand in this style of high-heeled shoe sent me a link because she had chucked away her own you choose came two days before the wedding requested me to take her out to have good meals and hang out I need help with the wedding not to spend a vacation with you backed out of doing a speech last minute because she didn't want to be awkward so I had to cut one of the groomsmen speeches or it would be uneven did not lift a finger with helping set up or on the day spent the whole day doing her mock hoop and hair and fixing absolutely nothing made us 30 minutes later she was hogging the Mac you've artists because she wasn't satisfied even though I gave her 3 warnings that we had to leave at so-and-so time spent the whole time flirting with the best man although she had a BF already back home I ended up coming out to help set up and kind guests came to help me when they saw how behind we were because everything I had asked the maid in honor to do or to delegate the others to do did not happen since she was Maya didn't do as requested throw petals when we kissed eat Cece threw a tantrum because she wasn't asked to stand with the bridesmaid when she did her speech WTF complained while we took bridal party photos these shoes hurt why do we have to walk into this field bla bla didn't say a single congratulations or wish me and my husband well me and my husband are very low-key relaxed people so we decided we wanted a very relaxed not fancy in any way as that's just not us we wouldn't have felt comfortable being in a big hall and being wanted on all day I love these types of weddings but it's just not what we wanted anyway my mother-in-law was visibly upset about this but we were paying for it and didn't want to be in debt afterwards so we decided to get legally married in a registry office in front of just our parents and siblings and then have a more personal ceremony in my parents beautifully decorated garden in front of 30 people and then have our reception in the local building everyone uses for parties and whatnot I handmade all our invitations all the decorations which took me months but gave the day the personal touch we wanted so the [ __ ] thing we arranged to have a BB cue in the afternoon afternoon our ceremony sounds white trash I know but it was the middle of summer and everyone laughs abhi bq+ it would have gotten everyone talking and helping each other out which we would have had with a sit-down meal and then we had asked on local curry house to make the food for our evening buffet the beet Indian food ever is from this place my mother-in-law behind both our backs ordered a buffet of cold sandwiches and the like for the evening and then told us she had already paid the deposit so we had to have it sounds very petty now but it's not what we wanted we wanted the whole day to have a family feeling and having known the chap that owns the Indian restaurant my whole life instead of someone that threw cheese on a bit of bread we had to change the Indian food to have it in the afternoon and scrap the vbq idea plus I'm vegetarian and I don't think my mother-in-law told the new caterers as there was literally cheese sandwiches that I could eat in the evening all sounds very petty now but it was the fact she did it behind our backs joke's on her cause everyone adored the Indian food and said bugger all about hers two of my friends got married a few months ago and the groom's brother was that [ __ ] for starters he was the best man but for a few months preceding the wedding it seemed likely that he wasn't going to show up at all he and his wife got in a fight with the bridegroom because they got upset when they were told that they would invite his in-laws if they had room instead of putting them on the list automatically apparently things escalated from there and the mother of the groom called the best man's wife a [ __ ] he and his wife wouldn't talk to the family for like six months finally a few weeks before the wedding they talk things out a bit the [ __ ] head never apologizes for acting like a child and doesn't even understand that he should apologize but they sort of smooth things over he does nothing with bachelor party plans so my fiance and another friend planet instead the bride suggests they extend an invitation to the brother because it's a nice thing to do and he didn't respond until the day if they go and have a nice time until the brother convinces the groom to go to a strip club my fiance's gay and thoroughly uninjured and didn't want to get in trouble with his wife so he gave her the heads-up the wife happened to be the best friend of the bride and she promptly told the bride the stupid [ __ ] of a best man ruined the evening by pressuring them to go to a strip club and landed the groom in hot water with his future wife the day of the wedding he doesn't show up for pictures in fact he shows up around 10 minutes before the wedding starts everything goes well until it's time for speeches I've heard bad speeches this was a train wreck not once does he mentioned the bride he makes several ball and chain jokes and opens a speech by congratulating his brother on his first marriage then he said something like I'm surprised that I got married before you because you're more the marrying type despite the fact that he is older than the groom by several years and ends it with an anecdote about them running around the yard as kids the whole thing was unbelievably tacky and it's only saving grace was that it was short otherwise it was a lovely wedding but the brother is a piece of [ __ ] it wasn't my wedding that I was that [ __ ] estate quick backstory there was a brief period where my Friday routine / social life had a harmonious vibe Fridays I would meet a couple of friends at a bar I was a regular and there were other regulars that I would consider buddies cool place cool people one of those people was Tasha crazy drunk but funny fun and smoking hot one night we decided to take things further than bar buddies but have no commitments this was cool for a weekend there was immediate Kling even though I devoted a good deal of time in the negotiations trying to ensure this wouldn't happen benefit package suspended at users request fast forward about 1.5 years I had moved about 45 miles away to be closer to the city out of nowhere I get a call from Tasha her best friend jenny is getting married and will I go as her date maid of honor unknown 8 she and her boyfriend just broke up and he'll be there tears upon tears so I go to tell her Hellmuth attract in now and as the word come out they sound a whole lot like sure when and where the wedding is that weekend and I'm invited to the after a her Sultana get-together at a bar I didn't want anything to do with this but here it is taking up my Friday and Saturday I should have looked in my garage for my spine maybe it was in the closet Glover box anyway I knew Jenny about as well as I did Tasha - the sex so I show up to the bah and i'm coldly received i'm trying to convince myself that i've seen the groom around and the bride doesn't want [ __ ] to do with me there were a couple of comments about making a scene it was just awkward and painful favors for friends and all that the icing on the cake is that i was at this bar for about an hour and toshi never showed up I confirm times and locations as I left and was asked that I do my best to avoid making a scene maybe she was remembering a night I got sloppy but I couldn't think of any I arrived at the church and as I walk in the door I'm asked if I would be an usher as they were Maya old and trusted friend I am they hand me a red vest and tie I'm in a damn good looking brown suit with her Olive Irish shirt are their big shoes and a honking nose too I do it hadn't bothered looking for my spine after all I briefly saw my date and exchanged zero words in person with her but damn did she look good right before the ceremony starts they asked me to be in the wedding a groomsman is Meir as well there really is no one else so I changed vests and put on this child-sized darker blazer and watched two strangers exchange vows in a totally tense and weird atmosphere I put my own clothes back on and refused to take any pictures headed out alone to the reception site all while talking myself into staying but Toshi looked good and I was apparently a kibosh mark at the reception Tasha and I hang out away from the head table she's getting [ __ ] drunk slamming mixed drinks table wine and beer turns out the best man is her ex she floats off shitty drunk to socialize and I quit drinking I'll be driving soon I find out that the wedding party is under the impression that Tasha has always harbored a deep longing for me and ended the relationship for me I was just as confused as I was spineless before I leave I witnessed Osher attempt to rip a baby out of its mother's arms to dance as I'm making my way to the door chit-chatting vague acquaintances I can hear Toshi telling a table well every body that the bride and groom are a perfect fit because they both have herpes anyway I look damn good in that suit maid of honor at my wedding the ceremony went off without any problems and she was actually a huge help with setting everything up and organizing most of the day during the cocktail hour afterwards she gets absolutely smashed and then punches her boyfriend in the face then somehow convinces him he has been kicked out and has to leave I spoke to the owner and the bartender's and told them not to serve her any more alcohol at this point but they didn't think it was an issue yet as soon as her boyfriend is out of the parking lot she drags one of my groomsmen to bathroom and gives his skinnfloot a thorough cleaning manages to get more drunk because she was tipping the bartender a lot she then stumbles onto dance floor during my wife's dance with her father I managed to stop her before any wheel interruption happens to the dance but she then tries to kiss me in front of everyone I kind of push / drop her and she hits the floor like I shot out both her kneecaps and starts crying hysterically my mother-in-law runs over and drags this stupid [ __ ] out of the reception holder while she is shrieking like a banshee because I threw her to the ground everything is good for around 2 hours while the trash bin of Honor is nowhere to be seen until the owner of the golf course taps me on the shoulder and asks to speak to me outside in private I go outside and see her boyfriend has returned who I didn't mind seeing there because I actually liked him but his face is panicked and he just starts apologizing for something I was pretty drunk so it took me a few seconds to realize the tar marks all over the 9th green leading up to the golf cart about 90% submerged in the pond dried beside the green wasn't too concerned about her dumb ass but unfortunately she was still alive and thrashing around trying to get out of the pond I just laughed and told the owner I wasn't paying a single cent for any damages I told them to stop serving her hours previous and to call the police and have her charged for destroying the green and driving the cart into the pond surprisingly he was very understanding of my point of view and we worked together to get everything sorted out she ended up owing him just over 15 grand eight or nine for the cart and the rest was to fix the green and lost wages for him not being able to offer people a full 18 holes of golf her parents just paid for all of it and she is currently on a soul-searching adventure in Asia despite all this my wedding was still the most amazing day of my life and my wife actually thought most of what happened was pretty funny in a Jerry Springer dumpster donkey kind of way I'm just glad my wife's day wasn't ruined by it and my best friend mushy blue has one hell of a story for all of his friends about my wedding I have a couple unfortunately my first marriage didn't go very well at the wedding I had a rented tux on and I asked my new wife not to smear cake on me when we cut the cake because of that of course when the time came it wasn't just a cute smear of frosting or something like you'd see at most weddings oh no she full-on plastered me with cake and and a mess of frosting and food colouring I don't know what was worse being angry and hurt and embarrassed when the whole room was watching or when people were pulling me aside later and apologizing for it when her and her parents were still laughing and making jokes about it's a couple of hours later I thankfully remarried a great person years later and we had a small ceremony that was really very nice our photographer was taking pictures afterward before we were heading to the reception and I had been talking to my dad when he started so he just took our picture together first my mom being who she is was incensed by not being first to get a picture taken when she wanted and proceeded to throw a fit and leave my parents had been divorced for at least a decade or so prior to this maybe a couple of minutes later we were all lining up and getting family together for picture and when I couldn't find my mama learned that she'd stormed off and left on what would otherwise be one of the best days of my life there'll always be that storm cloud of pettiness that she left behind because she couldn't handle putting one of her kids ahead of herself for ten minutes worth of time my sister's wedding ah relatives on my father's side are not the greatest just not really respectable people they are on the poorer side which isn't a problem but their attitude ease they think the world owes them something my parents both grew up in poorer families but worked really hard and became pretty successful because of this my sister and I constantly got comments from our cousins that were just straight shitty constantly making us feel bad for being better off to combat this kids were not allowed only aunts and uncles it bummed us out because one family on my dad's side is actually awesome but the rule stood because of the shitty ones so of course the worst of all our aunts brings her [ __ ] kids the two daughters share her bratty entitlement it was awful and now caused a rift with the family we like because their kids weren't welcome but they are another shitty aren't tried to make the entire event about her she was pissed that the guests of honor were my parents best friends and not family my grandmother introduced the best friends to everyone and when it got to that arms she stuck her nose up turned around and walked away the best friends cracked a joke as she walked away and everyone was laughing at her which was nice well I have three shitty aunts and they basically tried to destroy the evening now my family makes themselves busy during holidays my sister lives in another state my parents leave a few days before Thanksgiving to go to their summer home and don't return until after New Year's that leaves me alone to make excuses why I'm not attending their holiday parties we had a very small ceremony and a very intimate wedding dinner with our families my one of my closest friends invited herself I should have said no but I felt bad plus I had just recently told her she wasn't gonna be the maid of honor at my wedding reception which was couple months away so I thought maybe this would make up for it one extra person wouldn't hurt would it biggest [ __ ] mistake we had a long day and she started drinking early and could not control her alcohol I had asked her to keep my parents company since they are here from a different country and they don't speak a lot of English all she focused on was the many bottles of wine by the time we sat down for dinner she was slurring in the middle of dinner everybody was enjoying themselves she told my husband that he's taking me away from her and that she's mad at him because of it we laughed it off and I asked the server to limit her wine a little later she stared at my parents who were having a good time leaned over to me and asked is your dad still cheating on your mom note my parents went through a rough patch couple years back and my mom insisted that my dad was not being honest with her there was no proof and to say my mom is dramatic is an understatement they got over it and still together now nevertheless that period of time was very difficult for me when she asked me that question I just stared at her blankly part of me was so embarrassed and worried that someone else may have heard what she said but more so had just brought back bad memories about my parents marriage on my own wedding it literally ruined my mood I was horrified I straight-out told her that it was inappropriate to mention that she was embarrassed so she kept drinking more and more she then started to call her boyfriend to come pick her up he immediately got annoyed at her because she has been drinking so much and hung up on her she proceeded to call him 38 times eventually sitting at the table crying on the phone while both my family sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do eventually her bf agreed to come get her I had to gather Hearst and walk her out she did not say bye oh thank you to anyone the cherry on top was that she realized how stupid she was and called me 10 times that night to try to talk to me on my wedding night not my wedding it was my ex brother-in-law's his mother claimed to be a self-employed caterer and while she had worked in the industry in the past she had no actual business to speak of at the time she just had a normal domestic kitchen with no facilities to prepare or stole large amounts of food and a rather cavalier attitude to cleanliness she already had a very dodgy track record with her previous attempts after insisting on catering for my ex's twenty ones she had given a couple of people food poisoning and delivered a quiche with mold growing on its base she insisted on catering her son's wedding but he was refusing he knew that she couldn't possibly do a proper job of it and besides he wanted his mother at his wedding as a guest and not as paid help so she was told that a professional caterer was going to be employed on the big day everything was going well and while the caterer was setting up for the evening party the mother accosted me and asked me and my ex to run her home in my car when we got there she had prepared a whole load of food which she wanted to take to the party despite my protests stations she insisted so we loaded up a huge pot of curry a gigantic trifle and about half a dozen other plates of random food when we got back to the venue she asked us to unload it all and added to the paid catering I managed to grab the groom before we took anything in and he flipped apparently he and his bride had already had a big argument with her and insisted that they will not serve in curry at their wedding whoever made it he sent my ex inside to keep his mother busy while we hold the curry across to the other side of the carpark and poured it down a storm drain before throwing the pot in a builder skip we attracted the attention of a group of teenagers that were hanging around on the carpark and he handed them the huge trifle and told them to get rid of it for him all of the smaller dishes sended going inside including a rather odd looking cake with bright green icing she didn't notice that the Korean trifle were missing until it was time to eat we all pleaded ignorance and suggested that the real caterers had removed them or someone had stolen them when we left for the evening several of the cars and the venue windows were smeared with trifle courtesy of the gang of teens so we put the blame on them for sneaking in and stealing the food everybody who ate the we're looking green cake got food poisoning I wasn't the one getting married here but a cousin of mine got married to a woman who is part of a very culturally in Sierra Rajan Tinian family the bride and groom always seemed really happy together though so it all was fine at the reception after everyone's been drinking a lot one of the bride's very very drunk sisters makes a speech she brings out some paper and unfolds it downwards to open it up then unfold sideways and upwards revealing it to be a large wrinkled sheet it was like a gag from a comedy movie which we all seemed to expect it to be in its intentions but no she then rambles for about 15 minutes even with her eyes pouring over prepared notes in front of her about how she didn't like the groom when she first met him how she was pretty sure the parents didn't like him either he switches between crying her eyes out and not crying at all multiple times as she unveils this story about the married couple meeting in a nightclub as teens how they'd become a couple until the groom realized his now bride had been underage so he called it off how they'd met years later when she was legal how much they fought and broke up with each other often one as recently as months before the wedding how she the sister now loved that they had a baby on the way and that she's proud of her sister being a mother I mean the whole thing was like something from a Vince Vaughn movie in any other context everything she said would have sounded like a speech she was giving to damn them both publicly but she said it all just as a mix of pride as a sister and stream-of-consciousness the entire occasion went from run-of-the-mill too awkward as [ __ ] with that one event thank you for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Slime King
Views: 30,031
Rating: 4.80339 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: Z07_V24LioM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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