World's Unluckiest People!

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- If you think your day is bad, just watch this video. - I don't know, it's pretty bad. - Were you struck by lightning? - No. - Did your car get squished? - No. - Were you literally robbed by a monkey? - What? - Exactly. We're reacting to people that had bad days. It appears our man's carrying a bunch of lemonade. - Mm-hmm. - Those are lemonade glasses. - Oh. - And he dropped his lemonade. - I'm going home. Even if my shift's not over for four hours. - I'd just quit. What is that? Is that an... I wanted to say otter, but otter doesn't sound right. - Oh. - Oh. More like destroyer. I love how it went from peaceful to destruction. Oh my gosh. - Why don't they move? - Oh. - Oh my gosh. - Sucks. - Yo, this is just insult... Oh. - I mean, come on. - They're just taking it like a champ. - I mean, at that point you're already soaked, why not? - That's what she said. Concrete slab falls onto a car. - What is this, in Looney Tunes? - I love how he's just looking up at it. - Holy. - I love how he's just like, "Wait, that's not falling." - "Should I move? I can't decide." That literally looked like an animation. - It really got pretty close. - How tall is that, oh. That explains it. - Yeah, that's- - That's a pretty tall building. - Aw. - Aw. Good dog goes- - It's a dog help- - Oh. Wait, I thought he was gonna help... Oh, I forgot this is making people feel bad video. - This isn't a good video, Jimmy. - Oh, this is on ESPN. It's probably good. - Oh. - Oh, he decked him. Oh, he's like, "Oh my God, what?" - My man should be in the MMA, not the NFL. - Oh, you made a dent in your car so you can fix it. I hope it doesn't work. - All right, let's see him fix the dent. - My guess is it doesn't work. - What gave away? The title of the video. - Yeah, probably. Oh. I didn't expect that. - What is- - The best part is he made the damage himself to- - The best part is the friendship we made along the way. - Thanks. - Not you. - Oh my God. - Oh. - I would die. Burn the car, burn the car. - You see this happen, you are obligated legally to make them aware. If they die, it's on you. - We made a law. It's now a law. - Holy crap, that's a lot of birds. - That is a bunch of birds. When you hear a bunch of birds, I mean, you think a couple. But that's a bunch of birds. Look how thick it is. - Oh my God. - Oh. - We went out of power. Yeah, baby. - I just love how they're celebrating losing their power. They're like, "There goes some power." - The birds are like, "We hate you, go away. This was our place first." All right, what should... Oh. - Oh. - No, why would you grab the grill as you fell? There you go. Water bottles on your hands, magazines, and then some powder of some sort. - Oh. Someone reminds me to do that to Carl. - Oh my God. You couldn't even be mad about that. That's genius. - That's pretty funny. - It's some of the most dramatic video of the day. - I love this clip so much. Everybody's seen it, but this is probably the true worst day. You're getting rescued and then they make it worse. - What's even crazier is that the news is still a thing. - Sometimes I watch the news just to see what's going on. - Yeah, 'cause you're a dad, boomer. - Yeah, I gotta be like, "Hey, it's gonna be cold tomorrow." - Why is he still spinning? Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off but he's literally still spinning. Does it ever stop? - Do you think if they like, started to land would she like drill into the ground? Or what if she started spinning so fast, she picked up a helicopter and was pulling the helicopter? Cashier's thankless. He's definitely having a bad day. - It's just so rude. - The little head shakes like I would just leave. Aw. - Aw. It's frozen. - Well, this is just too much. I mean, we've seen a lot of bad days but this is just the worst. - This is cool. - Worst day ever. - I don't know. Ooh. - Aw, don't you hate it when the iguana gets in the store and destroys all your products on the shelf? - The problem is whatever store this is doesn't pay their employee enough to care. - You show me in my job contract where it says, "Deal with this iguana." - This is the Bhut Jolokia the world's hottest chili pepper. - Right. - The Bhut Jolokia. - A million Scoville heat units. - What does that mean? - Oh my god. Oh my God. Oh my God. He just didn't even think about it. - So... - Well, another one? - That was a dumb move. - Why? - Oh my. It's suck up the heat for you. - No, not so much. - Oh my God. He wiped his eyes. - How long is this gonna last? - For some people, Five to six hours. - Five or six hours. - Wow. - He's gonna go to the hospital later, probably. - Is that Faze Banks in the background? That's not Faze Banks. - Oh. - Oh. Let's play that in slow mo, slow mo, slow mo. He's going in for it, right there. That's when he was like, "Oh, I'm gonna be on the Internet." - Fun fact, if you see water on the ice, don't skate on it. 'Cause that's why. That is literally why. - He took her down with him. - They both deserved it, there was water there. - Oh. - Oh. - Don't try and catch something like that. You gotta jump out of the way. - Oh, is that Liza Koshy? Oh. - Ooh. She smacked her head. - Maybe that's why Liza stopped posting. - This was her last video. Oh, this is IRL Cyberbully. Yo, he just took out an elderly man. - Was that a drone? - It was a model airplane, actually. - I love you, dad. - I love you too. - Not as much as mommy. - Oh. - All right, thank you for that. - He pulled up the ring webcam. - Yeah. - Just to confirm what he heard was said. Oh, boy. - Mach speed. - That's a pretty quick treadmill. - This is gonna go great, I'm sure. - Oh. - Oh. Not the pants. And then he fell and then you get the strawberries on your- - Why does that look like something Chandler would do? - Oh my God. - Oh, what? - Why does she try to close a bear in her car? What was the endgame? - That's a bear, not Marvel Universe. - Oh, you're right. - There's no bear in the MCU. - Are you sure? If there's a bear in "Endgame," somebody tweet me a picture of it. - Anyway, shark. Oh. - See, some people get scared by sharks. I'm actually allergic to 'em. - Oh, I bet a bunch of stuff's about to fall. Yup. - Ooh. - That's it, oh. - Oh my God. - Oh. - There it goes. - And all you can do is just stand and watch in shame. - To be fair, those were precariously perched like that. Come on. ♪ Can't stop the spirits when they need you ♪ Do you get why that's funny? - Yeah, 'cause it's snapped in half. - Yeah. - What am I dumb? - I didn't know if- - Fight me. - Oh, that made me burp. - Oh, you're getting grounded. - At least it didn't hit anyone. Oh, do they fall? - Oh. - Oh. - If she was anyone important, they're all fired. - Yeah, if that happened like in the 1300s, they would've been- - Dead. Wait, so he put the thing through the thing. - Oh, I bet this is gonna be a pretty shot. Oh. - Oh, it's a bad day video. - Oh, it's a bad day. - It never came out. - Oh, no. Why wouldn't you test with like a log first? You can see how panicky he's getting. 'Cause he's walking back and forth faster each time. He's like, "Oh, crap. Oh, crap" Oh, there it is. Just minus the phone. - It won't break? - No. - Higher. - Go on. - That was beautiful. - It technically didn't break on the first hit. - Security guard robbed in broad- - Oh, I thought that was a banana. That's just bread. - Oh, it's a monkey. - He's, I didn't want- - He took one more bite before he stole it. - How to be a good parent? Chris, you should really pay attention to this one. - All right. Oh, no. - No, don't do that. That's kind of mean. - That is mean. Never do that. - That's how you give a kid trauma. Elk in the road. - Elk in the road. - That sounds like a book. - A kid's book. "Elk in the road." Yeah, he's like, "You wanna go?" - You wanna go bud? - Yeah, he does. He's gonna buck your car. - Oh. - Oh, he hit the tire. - Bro, you deserve that. You antagonized him. - He gave you a warning, and then you said, "You wanna go, bro?" What else was he supposed to do? - He was like, "You shall pass." And you're like, "You wanna go?" And he is like, "All right, you can't pass." - Protection has ended. Please exit the ice and return your skates. Group two, you have 10 minutes- - Wait, she said no? - Oh. - Oh, he proposed, and she said no? Oh, that is the ultimate bad day. - That's a villain story. - Bro, imagine you proposed to Katie, and she said no. What would you have done? - I would've been sad. Subscribe.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 35,800,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: GdL3bmxUNYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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