The Secret World Of Shopify Dropshipping (Explained for Beginners)

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a hundred dollars in today's world the possibilities are endless you could turn it into some games some shoes or a concert ticket but have you ever thought about turning it into a cash machine that puts you money all year round well that's what millions of people are apparently doing with shopify drop shipping which is putting them on the path of becoming millionaires this new disruptive method of business allows them to send products straight from the manufacturer to the customer without ever touching the product everything's done through the internet but is it as easy as it seems today we're going to find out in this episode of the secret world of online millionaires hi guys it's mark in order to get to the truth we need to talk to someone that's actually started from scratch and is now making thousands of dollars every week and i couldn't think of anyone better than sarah who's only 19 years old she already owns her own house and she's well on track to become a millionaire plus her second name's finance couldn't be better right it's almost like she chose it if you enjoy this type of video then let me know by smashing that thumbs up button then i'll make more videos on this subject in the future hey sarah hey mark how are you i'm great thanks so i'm on a bit of a mission to find out whether a hundred dollars is enough to start drop shipping so you're up for me to ask you a few questions to see whether we can come to a conclusion on that yes 100 i'm glad to answer i know when i first heard about drop shipping i just thought it was like a side hustle like when i used to sell fish when i was younger just to get a little bit of extra money on the side do you see it like this for most people or do you think they could turn it into a full-time thing so i honestly think this can be a full-time thing but in the beginning for sure you want to start off as a side hustle because you do need to have another income stream when i first started out i wasn't actually making any money at all now currently it really depends it ranges so there's months where i could make anywhere from 30 000 in profits anywhere from 40 000 in profits but currently i'd say it's around a little over a hundred thousand in revenue but that is only about 30 000 a month in profit you know it's really great to hear you talking about profits and not just overall sales so to hit these kind of numbers did you have to buy any courses with these guys leaning on the old lamborghinis and flashing the cash so in the beginning i didn't really do any courses and then one time i did come upon someone that i thought i could trust so i did take his course and i'll be honest with you that was probably one of the worst courses i ever took it wasn't really helpful and i did learn a lot more from youtube i actually think people are drawn to these courses because they want a little bit support and the failure rate for drop shipping is so high what do you think that is so i think the problem with this is a lot of people go into drop shipping not fully understanding that it's actually a real business that's going to take a lot of time and effort so i would say you need to go into it with a mindset of it's a long-term thing so i'm not trying to make money in the beginning i know this is going to be a lot of work and so it's going to take me some time no one's successful overnight are they generally my saying is it takes two or three years of hard work to be an overnight success what sort of experience do you need because with with my products i had to get a lot of experience to learn the products and build my brands up is it a similar thing or is it a quicker thing do you think so i think it can be done quickly because you can find most of the information online so the main thing would be you know building your store on shopify and then learning how to actually advertise your products if you really put in the work you can probably do in less than a month because it seems so easy to get started and there's loads of people doing there is it too late to actually start now so people are always going to say drop shipping is dead and usually the people who say that are the ones who tried it and weren't successful but i'll be honest ecommerce is a growing industry it's only going to get bigger and so i see i actually completely disagree with people saying that it doesn't work now i think it works now more than it used to work before because everyone's on the internet so definitely you can still make it work you just have to be patient i always say skills pay the bills so what sort of skill set do you have that helps to make you as successful as you are so i would say the number one thing honestly to be tech savvy which a lot of people in our generation are that's the first thing second thing i'd say is obviously you need to know a little bit of marketing but that's actually something you can learn very fairly quickly if you just want to basically learn how to run facebook ads i'd say that's the most important aspect of the business i think one of the biggest issues is reaching your customer base i know when i started i used to have to advertise in the phone book it was called the yellow pages i doubt if you have even heard of that now to be honest with you but how do you reach your customer base nowadays so i would say honestly so you can do facebook ads for sure right but the problem with facebook ads is it's a little bit pricey so if you want to go the free route i highly recommend tick tock so what i would do personally with tick tock and what i actually do today is of course have your products with you but you want to kind of make it as if you own the product so you're packaging them yourself so kind of having those kind of packaging supplies i would just try to basically show videos of you packaging products saying this this this product is for this customer those types of videos do really well on tick tock well i'm a big fan of tiktok as you probably know and i go on there and i play all sorts of different characters my favorite one has to be janice but i'm a lady so seeing as you're so successful what are your top tips for finding that ultimate product honestly when you find that product usually it depends right because there's days where i can actually just find a winning product while i'm just browsing and it just happens to be so luckily but there is times where i also take over a month to actually find that one product and my personal technique for finding a product honestly is if i do see a little bit of competition i know that the product is in demand but it's really just kind of putting a twist on it and kind of rebranding it so advertising it in a different way if that makes sense you know obviously the products you're buying you're buying them in you're not necessarily manufacturing them so um those same products might be available on amazon why would they buy them from a drop shipper over and above say amazon for example which are going to go well we're going to deliver it nice and fast to you on prime so definitely with drop shipping what you need to do with the product specifically is you want to sell product that looks very unique a product that maybe that person just came on and they've never seen it before and so when they first see it their instinct is just to buy it from your store because they don't think that they're going to go be able to get off amazon so that'll be the main thing and also very much having that branded look on your store because that makes you look more legit in one of my past videos i interviewed a young guy called jack and he runs an amazon fba business now he actually has to buy his stock ship it to amazon who then sell it for him so he thinks that's the best business model out there do you want to challenge him in my personal opinion i might be biased but i do think shopify is a lot better shopify drop shipping for sure and the reason for this is because with amazon you have a lot less control and it's a little bit more of you're not really able to market your products right so it's it kind of it is a business of course but it doesn't have a lot of the business aspects so if you're actually trying to create a real long term brand which is obviously everyone's goal at the end of the day then i feel like starting a shopify drop shade business from the start definitely is a lot better and you're going to learn more yeah because i've always felt in retail once you've it that first sale to the customer you've probably not made any money really because you spent all that money trying to attract them once you've got that customer of course you've got all their details and you can target them again i say target sounds terrible doesn't it but you can obviously put like special offers in front of them and i know with amazon fba you're just giving them all that data and let's face it amazon that's all they're after isn't it just give us the data that's what we want exactly yeah like with drop shipping right you can basically do email marketing so you can basically target your customers again you can also target them on facebook and so yeah you have that connection but amazon you don't have that and what what is your average shipping time because i know i bought some presents for christmas for my family and two of them didn't turn up i was unaware where they were coming from so there's me christmas day egg on my face because i haven't got them a present they're thinking he hasn't got anything for us fortunately it did arrive but how how many days would be your average shipping time from your supplier to your customer so for me it takes about 10 to 15 days maximum i know before it used to be 30 days but with 30 days you are going to run with a lot of issues and so i would say the maximum you want to keep it at is 15 days what happens when it all goes wrong i mean you can have a product that doesn't live up to expectation shall we say or you can have someone saying i didn't get it so how do you handle those situations so there is going to be a lot of issues with dropshipping it basically is just problem solving the whole time and so when you have things go wrong usually just feel like okay like i think i'm just going to quit i'm not going to do this anymore but the best way to handle these types of situation you have to make sure you have good customer service and so having a virtual assistant is really really beneficial i remember when i had my first product it was really really difficult to gauge the market so when you got your first product were you successful with that straight away so my first product i actually sold bracelets and i'll be honest with you selling bracelets probably was a big mistake because that's a product that you can find everywhere right and so when i as a beginner that's kind of like your first instinct to sell something you're comfortable with but that definitely did not work out for me so i would say a product that really sells well is something that's actually going to solve some kind of problem because there's going to be people already searching for that product and so if you can just get it in front of their face that's basically a product that will end up doing really well for you i mean i'm in retail a nice walk-in shop i've had several i'm always surprised by what can be the biggest seller i mean this year for example we have millennium falcons in lego could not get enough of them i think it's something to do the mandalorian beer now so what's the product that surprised you the most that you've been selling or have sold in the past so at one point actually one of my first successful stores i start to sell basically like pet products so i started off by selling like dog water bottles and also this little like bag that carries the dog on your shoulder and so i was really surprised to see that the dog water bottle is actually what sold the most because basically it's a product where you can actually take it with you anywhere so if you're going on a walk with your dog basically just kind of put it out and your dog can just take a sip of the water really conveniently and i was actually really surprised that that product sold so well even though it was very saturated so it was definitely surprising for me sometimes you just never really know it really depends on customers so here's what everything's been built into if you had everything everything that is taken away from you would you be able to start again with let's say 100 i definitely think i could make it work and so i would say what you could do to make it work take advantage of free marketing so for example tick tock so you can just use that free traffic to get sales so usually i'd say the biggest expense is marketing so as long as you can kind of replace that with tick tock then you could definitely make it work with a hundred dollars but as a beginner i know it would be a little bit harder i think we're going to see a complete revolution in the business world when these young drop shippers decide to start their own brands and apply their online skills to building huge multi-million dollar businesses i don't think the world's going to know what's hit here if you'd like to see how i would start a dropshipping store with my 30 years of traditional business knowledge then make sure to smash that thumbs up button to let me know so i'm going to leave the next video right up here but don't click on it just yet don't forget to subscribe and ring that bell if you want to build your wealth and never miss out on future videos okay i'll see you over there
Channel: Mark Tilbury
Views: 173,602
Rating: 4.9765649 out of 5
Keywords: shopify dropshipping, shopify dropshipping 2020, shopify tutorial for beginners, dropshipping 2020, 2021, shopify store, shopify tutorial, dropshipping for beginners, drop shipping, dropshipping shopify, dropshipping business, make money online, dropshipping challenge, shopify challenge, dropshipping tutorial, shopify success story, shopify 2020
Id: YwmG27Oyv-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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