PentaCon 2016: PentaParents Panel

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2016 🗫︎ replies
so javi and Kevin write their parents they I've heard about pentacon they love what we're doing they're super excited they wish they could be here unfortunately I can't but we have a little something special from them that we wanted to share with you all ah hey guys I'm Candace I'm Kevin's little sister and I hear you guys all pentacon sadly I'm not there can't be there this year but I keep hearing amazing things about it so I hope all you have an amazing time because you all deserve it personally I just wanted to say thank you to all the pendants Pollock's out there whether you're at pentacon or whether you have a friend that you know pentathol can't be there just like me um I just wanted to share my gratitude to Penta holux around the world in general just because without you guys um Pentatonix wouldn't be what it is and it's really grown into an amazing family and I'm grateful to be part of it by blood obviously but outside of that this is music that we all shared together I think it's amazing and so on behalf of not just my family but all the Penta families you guys are true blessings in our lives and we are very grateful to you for being on this what five-year journey with us I hope to share many more and hopefully in the future my family and I and hopefully all attentive families will be at pentacon at the same time so with that being said everyone I want to see pentacon blowing up Internet I want you guys on Twitter snapchat Instagram show me your post you can find me on any of those platforms at candy or JC or C a and B I II the number for JC and I would love to see your experience and hear about your experiences there and see videos pictures and silly things so hope to hear from you guys yeah have fun events come guys hi it is so wonderful to see to say hi to all of you and we're so thankful to you I cannot believe that you guys are doing this this is wonderful we wish you could have been there to say I thought of you want to meet each and every one of you however we can make it so we have to say hi to you by video and thank you so much for organizing this it's because of you that our children are doing so well it's because of you that they are fulfilling their dreams is because of you that they're enjoying this great success and we are just so thankful to you and we love you you are the best fans ever heart and best we love you thank you and we wish we could have been there again just have fun enjoy yourselves and all the best okay folks thank you so much if it was my wife said we don't take you guys for granted you guys have been great supporters of our children and so for that we are very grateful thank you for your continued support and we love you we truly wish we could have been there hopefully in future in your future event we would try our best to beat it okay thank you very much and God bless hi I'm Mike Kaplan I'm Shelly Kaplan Kaplan spirit favorite place the hamburger stand is single California and we have enjoyed come here with all the kids year after year and still we come with Augie here and we want to thank you so much for all your support wish we were there wanted to be there to give you all hugs and just tell you how much we appreciate you and god bless you we appreciate every one of you hello to all the parents that get to be there and but really if you could know how much the Kaplan family appreciates all of you thank you take sunlight something's that it thing there we go okay so um Shelly Kaplan damn with me this morning and I don't know if you could tell but she was a little nervous to do it 30 guys so she wrote something that she wanted me to read to you guys and I'll try not to cry very sweet okay hold on let's see okay my heart is with you in this exciting time of pentacon the stories I could write of how much the fans helped me slash us in the beginning and letting us know where our kids were after they won this thing off they were just swept off the stage and away into the limelight and it's been a wild journey sense and kind of technique I'm kind of a technophobe anyways so to get it on Facebook was big and then Twitter Wow but people have been so supportive than kind I know many wanted to know me just because a mafia Nestor's mom but there were people that became true friends even though I have yet to meet them oh okay sorry oh when the transformation went from PCX fans to Penta holics and we became Penta parents it was a whole new level in my life I have never had a celebrity idol I have always thought that those who are held up his idols are no better than any of us that walk this same earth they might have more zeros on their paycheck and be more recognizable but we are all special and precious in God's eyes we are just chosen for a different purpose in life how we treat one another along the way is incredibly important it has brought me such joy to see our kids be an example for others and lift people's hearts up with their gifts of music wherever they go thank you for the support you have all given our kids and your love and adoration is none like I've ever I felt from so many people around our nation and this wonderful world it has been an indescribable journey because of all of you I enjoy meeting people wherever we go and I sure wish we could be there but enjoy your time with one another you will have friends for life because of the music our children lovingly bring to you bless you all and a special hug to the other pins parents who are able to be there I love them so much and I can't wait to meet them too Shelly Kaplan okay all right it's time to pin to Paris first up we have Angelica Maldonado my crappy what what so first of all I smell sake and everybody please give them a big round of applause thank you so what we're going to do for today so I have some questions from the audience as well and so I'll call people's names they can ask the questions but maybe to kick things off you guys want to just briefly tell a little by yourselves your family and it's kind of let everybody snow you know who you are we know what frickin rippin foo Rickon County boy we got two of our daughters Sarah Scott sisters and their families so make sure you lose a daughter Lauren our Jersey we've lived here in Texas in the Dallas Fort Worth area since 1986 Lauren and Lindsey were both born in Colorado and before we moved down here Scott was born in Texas and what else yeah I guess that's it I covered our family hi um my name is Angelica Maldonado in Percy's long single parent are you don't where we were actually Kirsty was born in Fort Worth and I moved sushi born actually to Arlington and we've been there ever since and I have a border collie named Tokyo and that's about it hello I'm Mike and Mike Rossi and both my kids were born in Texas all set but we're native my wife and I are both native New Yorkers not New York City update so but will claim New York City too we've lived here for close to thirty years now so we're I guess we're official Texans now spotted their Christine T Christine all right got a question from Christine you have been on tour with your children and for how long were you on the tour we have if you did don't well what we do is Scott sends us the list probably a little before y'all see it and and then I double check it when the official one comes out but we just go through and you know how you have a list of cities on your bucket list and we just go through and like this last tour in Europe Rome and Venice what's on our bucket list and the line but so we just go through it mark off that's an end then we go of course done anything close to us Austin Houston Dallas and but that's how we pick them we don't like go on tour for a month with them I would like to and you have considered it many times but we do have to work and you know do with normal life - so that's anything that is only one thing one of our plans when we retire which is getting fairly close is to buy an RV and then be groupies around fitting the city the city and made always in holux over in aronia and hopefully that will be sooner than later we've not followed them on tour week because of both of our works is hard to get time off and and go on tour 'but i've mentioned going with mitch a few times just myself or whatever he's not real big on me i think it has something to do with cramping his style but we we - we try to do the you know the close in ones we did Birmingham and Tulsa and I think one other can't remember where that was this year but that's about it and I actually have gone I've spent probably a week I spent in Japan and all the kids are really nice because I know I'm a single mom and if I go out there and I'd be alone in a country and not know the language so they actually let me hang out with them so yeah so I went to Tokyo because that was like Percy's dream country that she really really loves and I spent a week there and um it just was really interesting just saying how scheduled everything is like you have to be here at a certain time you have to have your bags here at a certain time like they really I've always asked Kirsty to send me pictures and she never didn't and I realized that it's because they really don't have a lot of time to like you know go out and go look at things and just really structured everything they do and when they go to a venue they like spend the entire day there like they're there from you know probably twelve two o'clock on to like you know midnight so that was interesting to me and then this last time I went to Spain and I day we when I first got to Barcelona and we were in a hotel room the first night and then after that I spent the rest of the time on the tour bus and yes okay because Mitch loves me like I could not sleep on the tour bus it was just like this the whole time I could not I don't see how they do it they're just not America yeah Bam Bam tell them the story about you flying to Japan and you don't like to fly and all of that oh hi and I terrify the fly so I actually have time xanax whenever I go hey that's Percy second mom Sabrina but yeah so I have to have xanax and so Kirstie told me Oh mom it's not going to be bad I think it was like a 15 hour flight I'm from Dallas and she was like because I went straight and she's like it won't be bad we're going to get to catch up on all these movies and so I thought everything that'll be fun and so got on the plane in my plane my seat was the only one that the television didn't work and I didn't bring any books or anything because she told me oh you're gonna get to catch up on all these movies so I had to sit there for 15 hours with nothing it was the most miserable I thought it was going to go suicidal it was awful good anyway so Sara boss so we react shion's to the whole whole idea of like pentacon and your reactions like when you walked in and saw um how your kids are influenced by so many people to degree they're all coming together at this one place to meet each other I know my mind was blown when we walked in that door and saw all of you it was just incredible and I you know Thank You Tara and Hassan for doing all this and the whole committee if we really didn't know what to expect you know we you know we've been asked a few questions here and there but we didn't know numbers we didn't know really anything about it so we were we were quite amazed so and thank you all of you too I'm a fairly logical person and I try to try to bring logic to everything I don't none of this emotional as some of my family is to answer your question I'm trying to think why did this happen and how did this happen this is just like something that logic doesn't quite register with me oh very well but but I think I've got it figured out a little bit it's because of all of the friendships that pentatonix has brought together via social media and there's one step deeper in a friendship relationship you can get it too if you meet face-to-face so this is all brought together by you guys doing it with each other and the committee and hassan and everybody Tara and and it's and it's just an amazing thing I'm just blown away by it and I mean I'm we're very very proud of our kids I'm very proud of Scott and and the group and the music that they put out that is able to bring all of you together and and you know I love each and every one of you one of the things that when Mitch started doing this and I told the story before about how I almost didn't let him do the sing-off because I'd never heard of it and I didn't know what you know what that was caught me on a really bad day and finally I had the brains to ask him who's asking you to do this and he's sitting Mitch and Kirsty are meeting us got leadership and I was like well why didn't you tell me that first so but it terrifies me that Mitch didn't have would not have had the opportunity to do this and I am an emotional person as you can tell mitch is an emotional person and you know I don't mean to sound conceited but he's an incredible man but he has that he's always had a positive influence on people and held people to a high standard and wanted to do that same thing with his music and to to just have my son have an influence like this with people in such a positive way you can't ask for better than that from a parent you know as from a parent standpoint and it's just everyday I've shaved my head and I just I can't believe this is happening I mean because when you go into the music business it's I mean it's such these guys know because they're Scott's been in it forever you it's a it's a shot you don't know and there's so many people out there that are doing it but I really think that the reason Pentatonix has had the success that they've had is because they are genuine positive influence on people and they really believe that in their heart what you see is what you get it's not it's not a put-on it's not public relations that's the five of them and that's how they are and it kind of surprises me that something like this happens but it kind of doesn't because when you get people together for a reason like that good things happen and I just think this is going to keep getting bigger and bigger so thank you I was inside I know not everyone believes in God but I truly believe that God brought all of them together and if one of them wasn't part of it it wouldn't have been what it is and I just think they're just all really really good people and I would really love to meet all of you and find out where your friend next question is brahms and yeah oh no what was God meant to curtsy like as a child one of his sisters were public saying you as well breath that he wasn't and he was an angel maybe you guys should answer but no Scott was a great kid I can tell you he he was everything all three of my children are children they're just all he was such a hard worker and you know someone asked me how did you get stopped the practice band well he just wanted to you know if he would be you know I'm gonna audition for this I want to sing here I want to do that unit you never had that for some you know you like find more places for me to sing in and it was a great student straight-a student and in just very lovable child and still is at an early age we put Scott and everything he was in soccer and basketball and swimming and just about of everything you know so I mean he got a good rounded education and such but with he and Lindsay and Lauren I used to feel sorry for them growing up because they had as her mother she was tough on I mean every time they would come home from school she would like nothing you do nothing until you tell me about your whole day would you do first period what the teachers say what do you have for homework what do you have this what I will play let's get to homework yada-yada-yada all the way through every single day can i but now I look back and say you know what that's not a bad way to raise kids because all three of mine turned out awesome and I go thank you for having that on part what was he like as a kid stubborn if Mitch didn't want to do it he wasn't gonna do it I mean not in a bad way but he was he was I turned to put that into work he was a very good kid you know he didn't give us fortunately for us thank God cuz you know how they say God only gives you what you can handle both of our kids you know we're very easy to raise we didn't you know there wasn't a whole lot of you know needing to really clamp down on them or anything and and we could tell at a very early age Mitch loved music you know from like the time he was three years old and the first time we knew he had any kind of talent we were at a he was in a play called America or something like that it a theater a local theater here in Arlington and it was the at the end of the play he had to sing a solo a make America he's saying American of the America the Beautiful or whatever and not whatever American really we have members of the military here don't care no but he brought his mom and I to tears I mean we didn't know he could sing like that I mean and we were literally sitting in the audience crying our eyes out and he was kind of like Scott - he didn't he knew what he wanted to do for a very early age and there wasn't much discussion about why I want to not do this I want to do that he knew early on that he wanted to be a singer a performer and he just did what he loves and I always told my children I don't care what you do as long as it's legal as long as you can live within your means doing and I said that's the key I said I don't care if you clean streets or you're President of the United States if you can you know live with yourself live within your means and do what you love that that means your success and I always preach that to my kids it doesn't matter what you do you have to be happy with yourself when you wake up in the morning and go to work you need to love what you do because most people aren't that way so um Kirstie was really really sweet um she lets say oh she loved to read it drove me crazy that's how much she loved the rate she was like caring like huge books around and we'd be going out to dinner with friends or just anything she always had the book with her and she was always reading she would just sit at the table and read if we were at a restaurant and German crazy um she also like loved to sing she kept it and when she was three and she would say Oh mommy Owen I want to sing or I want to be like you know the kids on television the commercials or whatever and I think I was just sort of like sure yeah yeah honey sure and then I just I guess when she turned five is when I actually started taking her seriously and started putting her in lessons and things but she she danced for like two years but then when she really fell in love with singing and with like acting she just totally did that and stopped doing everything else they she played softball for two years and volleyball for you her but she really loved acting and singing and so she just did that like non-stop she would do it every single day it or show it like Theatre Arlington all the kid shows all the adult shows that she could get into and so I was really about it those are life just theater one of the thing I want to add is that you could tell that somebody's headed for something good when they start meeting people that are really good at what they do you know we got introduced through a friend of ours who his uncle or his Godfather was or is a voice teacher his name is Myra nice and he's in Fort Worth and he's just phenomenal and he was very instrumental in the voice that you hear now for midge and we met the horns and then you met some other good people we met Kirstie and her mom and you can tell something was going on there by the people that you meet and it just I think about that sometimes like oh my god if I had enough said yes to let him do that if we hadn't met these good folks I mean things would have been so different life would have been so bland but you can tell that as as things as the people you meet you tend to meet the people that you need to have in your life if you're doing things the right way and it just kind of seemed like things we're fitting into place and that's always something that's just fascinated me this question is from Scott hi sigh um before I ask my question I watched The Oprah Winfrey Show for 15 years and I became a very emotional person for those shows so I'm robbing cried during this so you know ok probability this is not a question this is a thank you for Mike Rossi the way in which you have supported your son with unconditional love has meant the world to me and to many people across the entire world without knowing it you have saved people's lives by your support for your son and saying it is okay to be who you are and from the bottom of my heart I say thank you for me and from the entire lgt peak LGBT community and the warmest embrace from Canada yeah seven say thank you so much for raising such amazing that they helped me through part time Samsung name is um how was your lives changed since they have become famous that's easy I'm a longtime fan we see the world we did some traveling before all of this but now we travel a lot and and bless just you know watching Scott and all the kids perform is just so fills fills us with joy and pride and it's incredible but yeah it our lives of changed luckily Scott was our youngest so when all this you know you went to college for a year and then all this thing off happen but we luckily didn't have any little ones at home so we could travel and I don't know probably live you don't know this is the sing-off is going on I work till noon every Friday and then I was out of there and got in and I would go to LA and got a on the end after that you know where we've gone everywhere so that's the biggest thing just seeing the world and doing it in such a funny you know we always go to the concerts and then we go okay let's go do a gondola ride let's go he goes to that but that's probably the biggest thing yeah the travel mostly probably more than anything else I mean early on it was it was you know we would read every single comment on the YouTube videos and and then it got to the point where you just couldn't read more than a thousand or so a day you know and and and after a while now I have trouble you know even keeping up with reading a few there's just so many from so many places and so much social media and all of that so so in a sort of the way it's got yep I've got a little numb to the notoriety compared to the early days of it when when every single new comment was something talked about kind of thing you know what I mean so anyway that's a that's the big change is just well that Scott's still the same people who are still the same family we're still the same people I mean I'm still doing the same job and Connie's doing her same job and we're daily lives haven't changed at all it's just you know all of a sudden it's just a little bit different having an event like this happens and my facebook is a lot of it I remember early on Rick and I were talking when the sing-off started and we would talk back and forth and he said one day I think that the Facebook page is gonna get over 2,000 likes really do you think it's gonna get hot wait yeah we have a pizza party every thousand pizza party too so that I mean we had these little celebrations along the way but we have had one stalker that we had somebody stole the phone number from somewhere mid 20 elementary school and pretty call my wife he pretended to be this person who they were not and you know you driving along you're not thinking really and the person said well what's mentioned phone number I want to call him so I can tell him blah blah blah yeah my wife wasn't thinking she's driving and she went sound good didn't and she gave me the number and then she realized what she'd done and so she called me and I said okay well let's call the school and blah blah blah and went on and on for a while we had to get a detective involved and and it was kind of crazy they wanted Kirsty's number two but we realized that the time okay this isn't right and they never found the person I guess but it they just said the detective said just text them and tell them to stop and they did fortunately for us but really that's the only negative thing that we've had happen along the way I mean this just still blows my mind that it's been 99.99% positive things you know I'm basically a negative person I will go ahead but this is one area that's just so friendly and so fun and it has given us so much joy and excitement and and and also you know it's funny I I don't know if it's just Facebook boy problem but more so with with pentatonix that I've connected from with so many people from my past that are like up oh my god yeah you know yeah the dumb fat kid in high school has an amazing kid what but they so it's been it's not a lot of fun this is really something we enjoy and we really enjoy when he comes home you know to just be himself and that's the remarkable thing too is that you know energy you can say these you know they're what-you-see-is-what-you-get but it really is has not gone to their heads at all and that if it was me I don't know that I could do something like that so that's why I guess the way it's changed my life is Kirstie when she went away to college we would always make sure we saw each other like every three weeks so I think that's what's been hard for me is like not seeing her and not being able to see her and not being a little forecasting here um but the good thing is I've been getting a lot of really good hand-me-downs Cynthia the next question doesn't have a name on it so I'll read it but I wanted to add a little something to it as well so for the sing-off what was that experience like with PTX being on the sing-off and how did you feel when they want to finally won well it was incredibly exciting I mean especially every week that they move on and we would just you know be so you know like wow you know at first we thought I'll be really cool to make it a couple weeks and then we're watching going you know they were pretty good and and it kind of and then all of a sudden you're halfway through you're thinking I really want them to win and then you know that finale that three left and you're just inside you're just our rack and it's a matter of fact we were up at the top saying our family and there it was a long draw down and I was by jumping and leaping and it's like stop you're gonna fall out the back he's trying to hang on to me and I couldn't stop jumping up and down I was in stuff but no it was just it was just so exciting and I don't know and it still is I mean every every time Scott calls and said guess what you know I'm like wow tell me Joey tell me everything and so it's really really a lot of fun so the single when it started and we got there to the first show and we waited in all the lines and all of that we got into the end of the venue where they were taping it and they they always put all like all the beautiful young people right behind the cameras and they they put the parents way way in the corner in the back you know so that's where we were sitting but anyway that the first group that sang I think was Dartmouth Aires wasn't it yes and I remember thinking you know boy I hope they can get through this first day you know that kind of thing in the Dartmouth they were saying and I thought they don't have a chance but all the other ones were as good as this they don't have a chance because they were so good at Dartmouth Aires and then all the other fans were that good and it just did just for me it was you know this it was amazing that they made it as far as they did two weeks in you know and then then they kept getting better and better and competitions started dropping out and you know the rest is history I guess but it was it was a it was exciting kind of one to one I wanted one thing I wanted to try to correct you maybe the tapings were on Thursday sort of thing and you were working you would work Wednesday after work you would catch a flight you would get to LA she would go to the taping and then she would go back to the airport and catch the red-eye home without even go into a tell and you did that like wow eight weeks or something like that at first didn't last very long and then I started getting a hotel and then I still get an early flight but no it was Friday's because I always left Friday at noon yeah but yeah I was kind of a long time ago but and keep in mind you know the reason we didn't think they'd go real far they met the day before auditions so it wasn't like this was a group that had been practicing for a year or years like some of them some one group I don't know what they were they're older group and they've been together 40 years so we're thinking okay they just met I mean the three yeah they did sing together and that was lucky because they had those harmonies down but I'll be in heaven I mean the day before so we put because of the time difference and when they were doing the taping of the show we wouldn't find out if they advanced until like two o'clock in the morning that yes so we were all like texting each other at that time of the morning and I'm like it it's two o'clock and I don't have the tax on I'm really getting upset and I'm pacing around the house you know we're texting back and forth did you hear anything no here they know is like oh my god this is such torture but in like you're saying in the beginning it was like well you know there they had a great effort and they just they sounded so good golly gee you know tonics and everybody's watching but then as we got closer to the end oh my god I think it was more stressful than when my daughter had her first child you know waiting for that text to come you know here we go and then when they won yeah you know we were just uh just blown away you know they had confetti all over the place and and a common mentor of the kids name is Todd Park he's a theatre director here in Arlington he's since left the area but Todd is a very if you know him he's a very serious person he jokes with it's very dry humor and it's hard to kind of make him laugh and are not laugh but it's hard to kind of break him down emotionally and I'm I'm standing there in awe and I look over and Todd is just bawling his eyes out and I'm trying to talk to him and he just keeps going and it was just such an emotional nuclear bomb I mean and to watch Mitch and Kirstie bright before they announced I mean Mitch was just beside himself with anxiety and he just looked like he was going to drop right there and all during the competition while they were there they people don't realize in that three months period the kids probably had two days off the rest of the time they you know they it was can be see they wanted their money's worth and they were going to work to make sure that it looked good on TV and you know some people I was very fortunate that our kids had had some dance they knew kind of how to do that but the poor kids and older people that didn't know how to do all that stuff I felt sorry for them but Mitch was very he had a lot of anxiety about it once in a while he'd call and say I can't do this this is just way too stressful they're working us fifteen hours a day and and I'm like Mitch I'm sorry but you're under contract you sign you have to do this so little by little he got more and more confident and he was okay and but it you just you don't realize what an even especially as a young person if you don't realize what a tremendous load that is and then when they did finale the live television I mean oh my god people were running around like chickens with their heads cut off I was stressed out just watching them all be stressed out and but it was just an incredible experience and just you know to leave there we went to like a little after-party afterwards for a little while and then my wife and I did get on a plane that night because she had a she flew home took a shower and went to work how she did that I still don't know if she did it because I went to bed but it was just I don't know it was just enough like I said an upheaval of emotion and you know they worked really really hard and they were one of the few groups that did their own choreography and did their own arranging you know they didn't have a whole lot of assistance it was available they just didn't use it so it was just one of those things that had to be it just was going to be him so anyway I was just gonna say I remember um when Kirstie came home and said that she and Scott and Mitch were putting together that video for telephone and I was just like I actually played it for me and I was like oh my god are you kidding I was like blown away by it and then um I guess they came when they got on the sing-off they came home maybe like a week before they left and that was when I actually first met Kevin and avi and so they had gotten together I guess and were rehearsing and they had to put some songs together for the show and they said oh mom why don't you meet us out there was an ice cream shop in Arlington that you could go and they let you sing and so they were like just meet us of ice cream shop and the first time I heard them I was just like oh my Kevin and avi I was it was just totally different I mean it was like amazing and I right then I was really I thought they were they had a really good chance and what I heard that my cousin Tommy I was like oh my god so and boy less I was tell you that when they finished the sing-off they went and did a job at the NBA playoffs or something and then they we picked them up at the airport and I told mintus this was on a Friday and I said well at least now you've got some time to relax before whatever it is that you're going to do and it was what we have to go LA and I'm like oh well what are you doing that Monday and I'm like this moment and he said yeah I said when are you gonna where you gonna say where are you coming back anytime soon because no you don't understand we're moving to LA this is a kid who'd never spent we got a few nights away at a friend's house and he's gonna move to LA and live in an apartment and all that I just I was amazed that you know and eventually you know I was I said well you know it was like first time going to college and you you know you have to do what you have to do but it just all happened so fast you know and it's probably good that it did because it didn't give us as parents time to say wait a minute wait a minute this is too fast so yeah I was going to add when I came home I'm sorry one quick story the five came home for the first time they were staying at our house I was at work he picked him up at the airport I think both would be dead but they were all at our house working on songs or their promo I would get in at 5:30 and I hear what I thought was a drum set Rick did they bring a drum set and he goes no that's Kevin I was WOW okay anyway quick story hey Hassan you got a great big stack of questions there do we have enough time to get through them or should we shorten these answers a little bit yeah you're you're good with just a few and then yeah I'll let you know what we're gonna get all right perfect next question where's at PTX taco so how do you how do your other children handle the fame of their siblings I think we should have him answer that half answer that one ask the question again for Lauren how do your other children handle the fame of their sibling oh my gosh well for me personally I'm sure Lindsay - this is Lauren I'm Lauren the show now I couldn't be more proud of Scott in every sort of way for who Wow just know I couldn't be more proud I have seen him do this and worked so hard at it since he was a child beautiful fill that dreams just then not only I mean just so great but just so inspiring to I mean I look up to him even though he's my little brother and I couldn't be more proud hi I'm Lindsay hi I am the oldest sister he's eight years younger than me so I remember him growing up very well and he was a very good awesome sweet sweet head but a very talented - I was overseas when the sing-off went on um went on so those overseas for a few years so when I came back the fame was already there so it was kind of like what's going on like you know I'll be going to a movie or like it dinner and people coming up and asking for autographs or something that Fannie Mae it it's full of it's fun you know it's fun it's really I'm really proud of them I'm kind of blown away with like not only the talent all the kids but just you know awesome their fans are how creative and inspiring they are so just horn senses you're from where's visa there's a question about Thurston I was just wondering if Percy was a big little girl or we see studious all the time when she was little I have turneth hmm she went to Catholic school and she was with a group of girls and they proudly called themselves the Nerd Herd let's say she left maybe she loved anime I've spent thousands of dollars on manga anime she loved a book she loved steady she loved school was so important to her she was striving for straight A's she yeah so she's in her Sara Elliott's for us hi you guys already sort of alluded to this but I wondered if there ever was a time that your child didn't want to practice on her craft and as a parent just wanting to know how how you knew when Kenneth pushing encouraged them like you said which like no hang in there beside a contracting shoe or when to just go it's okay you're not feeling it then I think I have we're never any problem they know nothing that was God he can't not sing he can't not sing I telling somebody earlier he was he wouldn't he would be on on tour and he would be singing four nights a week and an hour and a half at a time and his voice would would almost be shot and he would still do it at night after night and do whatever he had to take care of his voice and then he would get home for a day or two arrest and he would get on the piano and start singing again and others I mean but now that's now that he's grown up as a child though we couldn't keep him off the piano we couldn't keep him from singing it was obvious to us that he was born to do this and we might as well just go with the flow Mitch was incredibly shy and to see Mitch on the stage now just I have to shake my head because he loves to entertain the crowd but to show you how shy he was early on we had in our house we have one of those you know fireplaces that you can walk around and seal the walls even look around the back he would never sing for us just stand there and sing he would have to go behind the fireplace go ahead and sing Mitch and he'd sing behind the fireplace because he was embarrassed to sing for his parents but anybody else out in public or ever not a problem but for the family he was very very shy and he would always hide to sing where his door would be closed sometimes it and we'd say all that sounds great then he wouldn't sing anymore okay what and as he is he got you know when he comes home I always like Mitch you know see that song lover Oh Dan you don't want anything to do that okay well I'll go put your seat on there so shining and even Todd his theater director and Mitch's mentor he he made a video one time and there was four kids that were theater together that is there oh these Christians Oh fun say it's not and sounds like duck I lost my train of thought later anyway who's the shy kid he finally overcame that so whenever I see him on stage and I'll ask him is that your alter ego or is that really who you are now and he's like I just love it I just love it and I'm like okay good I'm just glad that he's finally been able to let himself do that and be you know flamboyant on the stage and you know you're mentioning you know Mitch being gay and and I won't go into it but the encounter that him and I had about when he came out to me uh you know I'm not taking credit for that at all of him doing that that was all Mitch he was he's a very strong guy and he felt it was time and you have to accept your children no matter how or whatever you think yourself because long long after you gone they're still on the planet and they're living their lives and I have to say you know I really really wish that people would drop this because not what you're saying but drop the fact that he's straight again really wish they'd stop that because if you knew if you were in the situation had a family member or have family members or friends that are gay you'd realize that it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that much to get your a blog but seriously and it's it I really wish this one sub because it's so ridiculous and he that's great I'm sorry and it really it is as a matter of fact we joke about it now you know we you know we makes jokes you know back and forth about it it's not a big deal and if we could just get past that you know it would be so much better I mean why don't we have to persecute like that kind of off my pedestal I just want to say we're so glad it got over shyness - next question is from Alex's and Lawrence so do you guys have any musical tones of your own like where did it all come from all this talent well I don't bad my mother did she was incredibly talented she had a gospel voice and sang at a lot of big churches and traveled around we don't deny Allah so she traveled around does a tri-state would called an and she did musical theater remember as an adult even when we lived in Colorado and I'd fly home and watch her music you know musicals and so she had a lot of talent and she you know loved the sky you know saying and unfortunately my mother passed away before the sing-off and but you know I know she's watching him but yeah yeah I didn't I think some genetics went he does know now I mean my family is a big Catholic family from western Ohio and when we've always been in church choirs and school choirs my uncles and aunts and my parents are all of that so there's something you know through the lineage that the maybe we can carry a tune and we have a decent beer I don't have any talent for music that I've been trained for I've never been trained or anything but I taught myself to play the guitar and I still play the guitar at church and sing every Sunday so that's that's a that's about the most of it I used to sing her and her and my son Scott to sleep every night for years years said I hope and that that's how they kind of got some of the the music thing I sing but not like he does I mean there's no way I'm the only thing we have together micchon eyes were both tenors and that's where it ends cuz he I can't sing like that but I had an uncle that was had a high tenor voice that had an incredible voice that used to sing in church choirs and stuff and I think that's probably where it came from Oh than just a you know Thunderbolt from God but how my wife plays the saxophone or she used to Mitch she used to play this the cello and that was something we had to get him to you know practice that he he liked it but he didn't want to put in the hours for the you know practicing but he was really good at it and I was kind of sorry to see him drop that because I loved the cello and so God replaced that with Kevin so I I sound really great in the shower and in the car alright next question is from Jennifer first off I just want to say thank you so much for sharing your children with us I feel like a proud mom most of the time because I keep following them and so I can't match and how are you guys my still just they're just amazing amazing your kid my question you're welcome my question is does their temperament or yeah does their temperaments babies match their temperament now what we kind of alluded to to it a little bit of them so what I would say yes but because Scott was pretty chill babe it was a lot easier those two Thanks no it's Scots of Scots temperament pretty much been pretty even his whole life he's the easygoing and loving kid and you know in soccer he stands around and throw rocks while the other thing you know with Heather wasn't chasing the ball and stuff it'd just be really easygoing means he's always loved Beyonce so I don't know if ever he was pretty good in sports yeah this is the same he's quiet you know kind of a reserved person and the toughest thing we have to get out of Mitch's with what's going on out there you know what do you what's coming up you know what are you are you going to perform here perform there we never we never know anything and we usually find up from from these two or Facebook or Twitter oh you're gonna be on its own so I say Mitch oh yeah forgot to tell you about that so then he's good he's always been very closed mouth and you know just kind of keep things to himself like that very quiet person and his sister is the complete opposite and if it were her doing this we'd have an irk you know an hourly report so it he's just he's the same he's just always been like that yeah I think her she's like niche and we never know we never know what's going on huh always says and it's funny because you would think because I have the girl that she would be the one to win for me but she's not like I know nothing because she she was she just really laid back and just sweet girl so actually funny thing Kristen is on Twitter tweeting about me I wonder what's going on she said tell him don't go - please stop bragging so we got one final question from @gg mommy zero eight one two Brittany I think you've kind of answered this a little bit but I'm just wondering if when they were really little you know everyone kind of has that thing I wanted to be in cowboy or whatever so did any of them have that little thing that they wanted to be before they said yeah I definitely want to be a singer no stop it was a singer I mean yeah and I remember the day because I went to a concert with his dad I usually want with him that I didn't go this time and Scott came home it was truck fishing America and that was one of our favorite and we had all their albums and went to all their concerts but and he came home that night and um he was just just ecstatic just six yeah he said I know what I'm doing when I grow up and I said what and he goes on get the same cuz even for people it's really fun and I'm like cool well you hang on to that so it was never baseball or anything and when he you know he knew how hard it was to break into the industry so when he got a nice one all that I remember him one day he would didn't know really if they should do that he knew how hard it was and that's why he did have a back-up plan at USA it was music performance first but it was music business second he did have a back-up plan but it's always been music since a shorter fishing in America yeah yeah they're great great oh gosh I've asked those two they know all their songs too very very simple always want to be using I didn't hear the question I'm sorry the krusty ever want to be anything else so that is there are any questions so please everybody so on one final little yes thank you - thank you one final thing is yesterday just so happen to be you thank you and I asked Mike in my red I feel red also as it has a huge thank you for you guys coming and speaking with us we really appreciate it we have some gifts for Rolla parents and everything I hope mine is a air conditioner yeah this was a sponsored trip that we did so there's a lot of people here that helped a lot of sponsorships the sponsorships that we had so we had some particularly to make sure that you know we wanted to show you guys how much we appreciate you coming here Oh where we pride thank you again everyone and with that we break for dinner I will resume at 8 o'clock 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Channel: PentaCon Event
Views: 74,092
Rating: 4.9778395 out of 5
Keywords: PentaCon, 2016, PentaCon 2016, Panel, PentaParents, PTX, Pentatonix, Event, Rick Hoying, Connie Hoying, Mike Grassi, Angelica Maldonado, Curline Olusola, Oluwole Olusola, Michael Kaplan, Shelly Kaplan, Parents, Special, Q&A
Id: g4JHf8oP-Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 20sec (4100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2016
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