James Stewart Carole Lombard Comedy Drama Full Movie | Made For Each Other (1939) | Retrospective

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's all right [Music] good morning miss commission good morning hello lovely morning hi beautiful morning morning mr ladies harry it's a marvelous morning have a nice trip sensation great city boston terrific [Applause] happy birthday [Music] i can't describe her nobody can but i happen to have a photograph of it well well well oh carter so you combined business with pleasure fatal judge do little gears about this my boy here's about what about you getting married on his time without his consent or his daughters what she got doing well my boy the chief topic of conversation around these parts has been that you and miss doolittle oh malarkey office talk carter there's an award of truth on it judged a little man i think so is that so well if he doesn't like it he can love it mason oh good morning judge doolittle what's all this mess uh well it seems that everybody around here found out that i that uh when i was up in boston what are you doing in boston you sent me sir don't you remember you sent me up there to get a deposition on the higgins versus higgins case did you get it yes sir well what's all this what's all this cosplay well while i was in boston after i got the deposition i had a few hours to spare and so i um had a few just a few hours go on i got married you know what i got married yes sir i got married i'm in my office yes sir where's the deposition hey what's this oh that's that's uh just sort of a ladder so you got married yes sir i imagine this will be a surprise to some people yes sir no sir i mean well i don't know it all happened rather suddenly see we met on boston common the night i arrived and i'd had a bite at thompson's spa and then i took a little stroll around the common and i saw her standing there she uh just standing there she had a cinder in her eye wow in her eye who's i james uh mrs mason my wife oh because she was my wife then she's my wife now though and i i got the sender out of her eye and you married her yes sir quick work wasn't it yes sir ah judge we we knew the moment we looked at each other we we knew the moment we looked at each other you did yes sir last year there were nearly a half a million divorces in this country congratulations mason thank you very much sir mr hutch would like your opinion on this sir oh this is for you mr mason special messenger it's mark rush important rush important what is it oh it's nothing what is it oh it's a letter from my wife your wife what you do leave her in boston oh no she's right here sir here in town yes sir well if your wife's in town why'd she write you a letter well she likes to write letters judge yes it's sort of a little custom we have see she wrote me a letter the first day she met me right as soon as she got home and she's written me one ever since even coming down on the train together she wrote me you see when i got a letter from her it's sort of like a sort of a visit you see judge uh when two people get married they usually go on a honeymoon i didn't i don't approve of honeymoons waste of time uh-huh well you know how women are and mrs mason and i what about higgins against higgins you the only one in the office knows this case it's on the calendar for next week well if i could get a continuance opposing council wouldn't consent well but i talked to mr hornblow this morning and he agreed to a continuance well all right take a week oh wait well judge i'm afraid we wouldn't be able to make it in a week what we couldn't make it in a week like what my wife and i had sort of planned a trip to europe on the normandy oh well take two weeks then [Music] and uh after i got the sender out of jane's eye we we talked for a little while and then we uh took a little walk around the commons yes and uh now we walked for quite some time then we went over to thompson's spa for a bite it is and we had a bite well rather an unconventional meeting wasn't it these cookies are delicious they're made with sour cream i'm crazy about sour cream i'm crazy about jane okay john's so young and impulsive oh my mother this is different are you visiting relatives here in new york my dear uh well yes and no we not exactly i came over with johnny from boston together last night well yes mother we thought as long as we were engaged engaged i know how upset you must be mrs mason you know so little about me and it all happened so suddenly well i should think it was certain what did your family have to say about it i have no family oh didn't john say something about your taking a course in journalism yes but i gave it up after i met johnny yeah i'm sort of a post-graduate course oh my dear if you have a talent for writing take my advice and develop it while you're young one needs all one's time and energy for a career don't you think marriage is a career in itself oh indeed emphatically that's why one mustn't rush into it pell mel marriage is a business a very serious business a partnership in the strictest sense of the word one must prepare for it there are so many things to learn well jane will learn all those after we're married i hope and pray that that day will not come for many years well mother what do you mean you mean we shouldn't emphatically not there's no reason for jane to develop into a little household judge well i hope you understand i have nothing against jane in fact i like her i like her very much well i'm glad to do mother because you remember a little while ago you asked jane whether she'd come to new york to visit relatives well as a matter of fact she has come to new york visit well she's visiting some right now you see you we're married [Music] oh mother everybody gets married sooner or later johnny get the smelling swords what do they look like mother where are the smelling salts what's done is done you have children of your own i suppose and you love them and devote your life to them then they'll grow up and leave you and you'll say to yourself it's all right that's the way it is you've served your purpose mother don't excite yourself anymore oh i'm all right now i wish you every possible happiness and joy i think perhaps i'd better go to bed i find a place to live of course someplace to live well of course not mother you'll stay with us we're we're going to find a new apartment we've talked this all over and janelyn says won't you darling we couldn't think of anything else well we'll see well say i told you'd be all right oh johnny maybe we shouldn't have gotten married maybe we shouldn't have gotten married at all [Music] oh visit the shop please all visitors are sure please [Music] don't let him be too many strawberries oh he gets rashes and don't forget to make him wear his raincoat in london well he had pneumonia once mother that was 12 years ago i feel fine now and taking care of yourself too goodbye mrs mason take good care of him goodbye mother oh mother oh it's only two weeks goodbye oh what's this the heating pad you forgot to pack it [Music] here it is wow what do you think of it well it's cozy oh it's the only one i had left i think we can do better after boat sale what for i love it it's so intimate what's this oh that's nothing no is it something somebody gave you i know it's something for me it is let me see it what are you doing what are you being so mysterious about let me see yes oh i bet it's going away present you can't fool me johnny you shouldn't have done this oh johnny you're full i couldn't leave it in the office jane what you know when i was in school i was taught that two things can't occupy the same place at the same time what oh well we'll get the start again it's a a bigger bed oh well you couldn't get a bigger bed in no though oh i think it's big enough oh yeah where are you trying [Music] johnny this is the first time in my life i've been away from america me too isn't it just beautiful yeah jane what tell me you remember the cinder i took out of your eye of the boss never know i threw that away i should not shouldn't have done that i should have kept that scent put it in a locket or something you know i've hadn't been for that cinnamon we've never met oh don't say that we had to meet johnny isn't it just beautiful [Music] both darling [Music] come here well hello carter nice of you to come down judge doolittle sent me he did oh carter this is miss uh mrs it's my wife look i'm just carted from the office how do you do that annoying it's a good thing i got here in time you've got just about 10 minutes 10 minutes for what to get off the boat to get off what are you talking about higgins against higgins what about hangings against higgins higgins against higgins goes on the calendar for next week oh no no but that's where you're mistaken i got a continuance for a whole month you think you did well i did i did you ask hornblo about it he gave me his word of honor well you know hanblo but johnny they can't do this to you no i can't do this what is just you little thingy is a puppet what does he think i am a puppet or something some kind of a pawn he can push around any way he likes pusher all over the place is that what you want me to tell do a little yes oh carter wait a minute are you sure that higgins case is going on next week monday morning at nine o'clock morning look excuse us just a minute jake i'm glad you said that john yeah sure jane look this higgins versus head is a pretty important case i don't care if it's the most important case in the world it isn't as important as our honeymoon no of course not dormant but did you what's matter that lipstick on your mouth you know a lawyer sort of like a doctor or soldier you've got to disregard your own convenience convenience you don't call this a convenience oh no don't listen tommy believe me i'd tell doolittle to jump in the lake and i'd even the risk of losing my job but if i win the case i get a chance to go in with the firm and a firm like this but it's my honeymoon and do little noses my honeymoon you there are just some things a man just can't do there's some things a man just can't do that god i thought it was funny he laughed i hate that live a pill i never tried pulling anything like this again i hate that judge do nothing someone would step on that ear thing of his and we still have the tickets here i hope higgins beats higgins [Music] oh charming [Applause] [Music] [Music] the alligator pears ernie johnny it's your mother-in-law oh hello dear would you mind fixing the place cards for me and i'm so late they're right in there on the desk the girl took so long to fix my hair i i didn't get out of the place for half past six still stopping with you should have made an earlier appointment yes i should i thought i'd put judge doolittle on my right of course naturally mr connor i suppose i'll have to have him on my left you seem to think i've never done this before no no it's just that i never had you have the wine glasses on the wrong side eddie the left side was the right side where i worked before the right side with the water glasses annie how do you think the table looks isn't it a little crowded oh that girl would drive me crazy well the things that pop up at the last minute you know i had to borrow some finger balls from the woman downstairs because we only had four oh are you sitting on johnny's right well i always have been well i thought i'd put miss doodle there tonight oh well of course it's your party my dear the justice once do you mind oh no of course not you know i used to think that john and eunice do little yes there was nothing in it but a lovely girl would you be there end see if annie has the appetizers fixed why of course my dear i think you have too many on the plate anna and shouldn't they be garnish where's the silver tray the one i gave them i don't know how many hands they expect you to have around this place it's just so much a body can do i'm only human i'll fix the canopies for you annie as you seem to have so much to do a little bit too much vinegar in the salad dressing i'm afraid i'm only human oh your potatoes aren't going to burn are they i'm afraid to put them on too early i'm leaving you know what right now you can stand just so much and i'm only human but you can't do that what's the matter i can't please everybody oh but but any my guests will be here any minute well i'll see you through dinner but i'm leaving at nine o'clock shop in order to catch the 9 30 ferry boat to staten island and nobody's going to stop me i'm only human watch the potatoes annie dear annie has so much to do with the extra guests and everything don't you think we'd better humor tonight and sort of leave her alone but you asked me to see about the canopies well i know but it's a great deal for one person to do and too many of us telling her what to do only upset sir but i was only trying to help oh there's johnny all right i bet you forgot the wine oh granite was his favorite temple called up doolittle's club and found out pretty nice huh it's burgundy and that sparkles here i have andy chilling mother guys they'll be here in a minute hey come on you better hurry up get dressed how's everything going everything's lovely an ultimatum for manny and this one's final she's through tonight tonight it's all right though she'll see us through dinner i don't see why you have so much credible service now they often get all the help we want i'd like to change places with you just for one day jane for pete's sake what did you do with the witch hazel i didn't have it look on the third shelf back of the eye wash you're always putting things behind things that was a brilliant idea of yours asking eunice doolittle at the last minute well she and the judge are sort of like corned beef and cabbage they're always together and that impossible twerk carter i suppose you had to ask him too i thought euler's had some sort of a date with carter so what could i do gosh i'm not only do all that guy's work for him i feed him as well well it's all gonna be different when my name goes up there in that door johnny you really think so well it's practically up there now what's for dinner tonight roast beef roast beef doolittle's delight you know i tried to have annie make your chip pudding but you never heard of it it's all right between roast beef and higgins against higgins how can we lose i said that's going to be all right my name up there in the door doolittle nestor smith hutch mason oh johnny well did i win my motion for a new trial higgins against higgins i had a memo from doolittle today you did what did he say he said he couldn't handle it better himself when he eats from your table tonight he'll eat out of my hand and well i tell carter and will we hop to normandy we go places how will we do things darling i don't like that time we're the blue ones holy mackerel johnny does your name have to be last well for the time being anyway guys you know what it means to a man to get into a firm like that you know what it means to a firm to get a man like you in it here hook me up that's pretty nice nike out there it's nice as eunice dude you know what what do i know about eunice dude little snack never even noticed she had one hey you know what time it is get dressed will you well i understand well come on there oh granite puss will be here any minute good evening wow george good evening we were just wait i have great news for you tonight judge we're having roast beef roast beef for dinner would you care for some more wine judge do a little what's that more wine yes thank you annie some more wine for judge too little nine anymore annie a salad fork for judge too little i put one there [Laughter] the funniest thing happened the other day judge do a little i ran across the yearbook of my husband's class in college in the class prophecy he was picked as the one most likely to succeed what's that the other day i ran across the yearbook in my husband's class in college and in the class prophecy oh yes higgins against higgins is a pretty important case isn't it well we like to think all of our cases are important the little client of today may be the big client of tomorrow oh you're so right judge for instance we got a client the other day oh dear what happened to your ice cream annie i told you to get that ice box fixed honey give this note to mr mason is it true judge do a little something new is going to happen in the firm this week excuse me what excuse me please oh yes we're going to have a blood transfusion i'm only speaking metaphorically of course what i mean is that we're getting some new blood into the firm appointing a junior partner oh you couldn't stand serve the coffee could you get anything no no all right now here's seven dollars and i'll send you i want my twelve dollars now all right all right i'll get it for you i don't get it that's the way we keep an old firm young doing this excuse me every five years but it's quite a job to pick the right man i shouldn't think so surely it's a question of merit as a rule i trust my own judgment but when it comes to picking men excuse me please i johnny i think that's nothing like a woman's intuition oh you're so right judge of course eunice doesn't know much about law but she's traveled all over the world and she does know people five years ago it was at her suggestion that i took mr hutch into the farm it went out so well i beg your pardon i'm very sorry this year i have again consulted my daughter and now a new name moves up on the door of our offices beginning next monday the name of the firm will be doolittle messerschmitt doolittle hutch and carter well carter that's congratulations that's that's wonderful isn't it isn't it i always knew you had it in here carter i well i i'd like to propose a toast to the new partner i but we seem to have run a little out of uh there isn't any more wine [Applause] so may i have some note paper and an envelope please certainly [Applause] would you like a stamp no thank you could i have a safety pin please surely and i tell you gentlemen of the jury that the defendant higgins with unbrotherly venom and motivated solely by a desire maliciously and hatefully to interfere with his brother's rights and privileges deliberately and improperly diverted the waters of the stream well gentlemen i leave the determination of these matters in your hands confident that your verdict will bring justice to my client the plaintiff in this action gentleman of the jury you will now retire to arrive at the verdict jane how long have you been here i got here just as you started your summation oh john it was wonderful you should have been here when i cross-examined higgins no the other one you skinned him alive i tore him apart i really caught him johnny part of the second part wishes to announce part of the first part that we're going to be in the market for a lot of space jane congratulations mr mason good work you did a swell job [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh she's fine everything was fine baby weighs seven pounds one and a third ounces is this mine this is your boy now he's all yours mr mason come in again sometime thanks very much oh well i mean uh yeah hey what do you think you're doing holding up traffic well now what is it a boy or a girl what do you think i couldn't have all of you you wanna wake that baby all right get going johnny uh-huh you like him sorta don't you think he's just beautiful don't you think he's just beautiful jane don't you think he looks old oh what do you mean oh well i mean don't you think he looks about six months old or a year at least oh don't be silly donny don't you think he's just beautiful if he grows up to look like you how can he has all your features i i don't see how you can tell that by looking at that well just look at the crinkles around his eyes they're just like yours when you're happy he doesn't look happy jane he looks it's kind of bored well you'd be bored too if you've been through what he has oh don't you think he's just beautiful look at that gene look at that grab look at that but don't you think he's just beautiful now mr how does it feel to have your first bath be sure you've soaked his head suddenly it prevents cradle cap yes i know mother diddy johnny doesn't want not steal cradle can i do something please johnny what you've done i almost dropped him will you please move over all right should only let me show you how i know how mother they showed me in the hospital now you don't rub and dry you just pet him i am he looks red maybe the water was too hot no it wasn't mother i tested it it was just right was any water too hot for eddie johnny shirt here no not that one this one boy look at that chest come on chad can i help you kevin was it ahead my dear i will johnny you better go in the kitchen and warm his milk no not too hot oh hallelujah he's bathed he's crying for charlie five that bottle all right mister here you are feedback [Music] what are you doing [Music] [Music] oh you see mother he was just hungry if he were fed on time he wouldn't cry as soon as we're organized well this video has to be fed on the bottle i haven't heard the baby complain john never saw a bottle leave six months say anything i want to say anything what's that my dear gran of course but it's a summons no it's a bank book look oh he's deposited ten dollars hey that's a lot of money for the little guy i hope it doesn't plunge judge too little into bankruptcy i don't know after that hospital bill he's got more cash in the bank than i have well i think it was very considerate of judge do little to think about the baby's future you know it isn't the future that worries me it's the present where are we going to put him well why can't he say in our room you know he kept you awake all last night you should have taken that into consideration before you rented this apartment i know i should have now if my own room went so small why can't we keep him in our room in the daytime and in the living room at night it's too far away from the bedroom this will have to do missus yes could i see you for a minute please what is it hilda your mother-in-law hired me when he was away but she didn't tell me why you was away you mean you don't approve of my having a baby oh yeah that's your business you can have as many babies as your life thank you let's beg of you but my business is cooking you can get somebody else to rush the diapers you're you're fire well johnny now just don't worry about it after this lease is up i'm going to get you a house in the country you're going to have a room all by yourself you're going to have a garden where you can ride around on your bicycle and i'm hey mother mother come here jane look he's smiling at me he's smiling at me let's guess [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello how was it well uh ed o'malley he made quite a speech he just bought a seat on the stock exchange joe campbell he just came back from the london office did you make a speech yeah what did you say well you know just kind of things you have to talk about at reunions oh what did you say honey that speech was pretty short [Music] what did i have to say man most likely to succeed you still are i bet your speech was swell [Music] did you tell him that funny story he told me yesterday no i didn't think of it all i could think of was my achievement what i've accomplished how far i've gone i suppose i could have told them that i used your money all of it to buy furniture for this apartment well that's silly your money my money what difference does it make it wasn't very much anyway i don't know maybe i could have told them that the baby has to sleep in the dining room well whatever it's only temporary do we get another apartment because i can't afford to get you a decent stop that don't say those things [Music] sometimes i get so mad at you i can't see straight i don't think it's a matter of myself i can't see at all i know what happened i don't know no i know what's wrong you're hungry come on honey i'll get you something out of the icebox now let's see there's some cheese you like and a whole cool chicken stainless right in the face which chicken darling the trouble with you is you let people step on you you do all the work down in that office coffee i don't know got more about law than carter will ever know how do you expect people to recognize your value why do i right unless you recognize it yourself i couldn't get along without you for a minute and you know it everybody else knows it everybody pedula he does two only takes advantage of you i told you when he promoted carter over your head you should have quit walk right out on really how could i do that what about buddy i know your mother and me i wish you'd forget about us well if i lost my job but you wouldn't they wouldn't to come back handsomeness oh no you don't know doula well i know you all you have to do is speak up stand right up to do little don't ask for your rights demand them oh you remember when i bought you that ring in boston i promise you i'd get you a better one later well i don't want a better one later said you like the platinum or the diamonds well that can wait yeah well i suppose the mink coat can wait too huh about about 400 years i can afford to buy one what are you a man or a mouse a mouse john mason you know what's the matter with you you're too modest you don't appreciate yourself well i do want the platinum ring and i want a fur coat not the mink one but a fur coat and i want a honeymoon on the normandy and i want an apartment big enough for your mother and the baby so the baby won't have to sleep in the dining room but you can get that for me you can get everything i want everything that's coming to me but first you've got to get what's coming to you i just knew how to go about it it's easy no you think it's easy you just walk right into the office and yourself jane you you don't walk into doolittle's office he sends for you this time you're going to walk in go right up to him and you say judge do little there's something i've got to say to you right now no you can't talk to him like that though have you ever tried no jane you you don't understand i if i barged in there like that and he did he'd say what is it mason sit down he never asked me to sit down his life well then stand up but don't let him interrupt you speak your piece all right oh well no that you speak your piece it's easy to do here in the kitchen you get downtown downtown or uptown what difference does it make you're not asking a favor of him you're demanding your rights he'll listen make him listen all right okay all right well what do i say you'll say judge doolittle i've been working for you for five years now and i've given you everything that's in me every ounce all right what'd he say there's no doubt about it mason i never questioned your ability or your loyalty uh-huh well i said it just you little what are you gonna do about it i hate to think what he'll say i'll say mason what you expect me to do and you'll say judge do little the right thing i want more money and i want to be taken into the firm and he'll say hey say he'll say plenty no matter what he say you'll say judge too little i either got a raise and a junior partnership or else or else you can accept my resident mason effective immediately affect him immediately it's all right jane good idea i'm gonna do that some of these days some of these days is tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow morning at ten o'clock well if you think i should well darling there's no time like the present well come on now let's start from the beginning i i walk into the office and i say judge doodle there's something i got to say to you right now yeah yeah judge doodle there's something i've got to say to you right now either i get a raise and a junior partnership yeah i either i get a raise and a junior partnership or you can accept my resignation or you can accept my resignation effective immediately effective immediately not bad i have been working in this office for the last five years and there's something i want to tell you right now either i get a raise in a junior partnership or else a raise and a junior partnership or just too little is in okay or else you can accept my resignation effective immediately what is it a jury case uh never mind i'm thinking here are the papers in city against consolidated i want you to drop over to consolidated and see their accountants okay just got in okay okay come in judge doolittle there's something i want to say to you right now there's judge doolittle i've been working in this office oh oh it's you just the one i want to see sit down hiker sir mason yes sir you've been doing pretty good work lately well thank you judge capable dependable and loyal right from the first oh that's mighty nice off you judge but mason these are extraordinary times for all of us some of our biggest clients are affected they all complain that they're practically working for the government most of them claim that it'll be all they can do to stay in business till the next election so they're cutting expenses right and left we're the first to feel it naturally we must do something about it actually what naturally i don't want to cut down the personnel of my staff if i can possibly help it it wouldn't be constructive so the only way out as i see it is to tighten our belts i'm asking everyone to take a 25 percent cut i'm taking a a substantial cut in my own personal drawing account it's a sacrifice but it hits all of us and these are days of sacrifice i judge i know but i i hate times we must all put our shoulder to the wheel if we are to survive oh yes sir the shoulder to the wheel the only thing is glad you understand mason and i appreciate your cooperation thank you hello excuse me yes hello commissioner how are you well commissioner you know that little piece of property up on park avenue yes well if the price is right [Music] [Music] so ugh [Music] ah [Music] oh did you one second mr mason no thank you lily well morning johnny good morning how do you feel i feel fine what time is it three o'clock four o'clock five o'clock high noon it's two o'clock isn't it well if you know what time it is why did you ask me what time it is what difference does it make what time it is anyway i feel fine no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you feel better now feel fine are you comfortable perfectly comfortable are you sure you're comfortable well certainly i'm sure i'm comfortable don't you think you'd be more comfortable if you took your shoes off can i help you i can do very nicely by myself thank you i feel fine what time is it am i comfortable how do i feel i you'd think i'd committed some kind of a crime or something you'd think i was on the witness stand i can do that a man comes home looking for a little piece and quiet and what happens blah blah why didn't you call me back why didn't you come home for dinner a million questions just because a man i ran into judge doolittle this afternoon after you saw him [Music] johnny you fool what difference does it make whether you get a raise or a partnership or anything oh jane i'll let you down i'll always let you down i'm no good jake johnny don't just say that it was my fault it's very i made you do it i'm terribly sorry i'll never do it again we don't need anything we have each other baby i'm beautiful baby you know i haven't all i want please if you tell me you feel bad i'll die johnny johnny look at me and tell me you don't feel bad well i don't feel bad jane jane i don't feel bad honestly i don't i feel fine the next time you go out and get hurt if you don't drink me with you i'll get a divorce [Music] i've got a good show here [Music] come on miss mason you should have seen him traveling is you tired oh i've been all over town and my head splitting well lean back and let lily rub the back of your neck been around visiting miss mason does mr mason know you is looking for a job who said i was looking for a job [Music] lily it isn't nice to go prime into people's affairs excuse me miss mason lily you must be the 15th woman i've had working for me since i've been married and you're too good to be true with your weight and gold ah that's a lot of gold the best woman i ever had in my house just simply perfect that's why it breaks my heart to have to tell you what oh never you mind honey i know i'm a luxury oh i'd never let you go never if i oh suck sonny you ain't getting rid of me you just get me off your budget is the head better much better i'll make an awful mess of things without you oh no you won't you'll step right in and do the job it's a pretty good job too a whole lot better than you can get on the outside taking care of a nice young man and a sweet little baby and an old lady that's a little peninski because that's because she's getting along and don't have nothing to do i wish it were as simple as that lily's a whole lot older than you are honey and she's done a lot of living she learned one thing never let the seed stop you from enjoying the watermelon it's all right if you've got a watermelon you mustn't say that miss mason you've got your watermelon but you choked yourself up on all them little seeds i always say spit them out spit them out before they spawned a taste for the melon spit them out [Music] [Applause] uh bless you are you sure carter has our telephone number he hasn't he certainly has a telephone book and why do you suppose he hasn't at least called up maybe he forgot all about it mother a man doesn't invite you to a new year's eve party and then just forget about it you know maybe we should go join him at the party jane i told you i don't know where the party is he told me he'd meet us here in his car at nine o'clock well it's almost 11 now well isn't this party also to announce his engagement do eunice do little oh yeah i don't know something like that well perhaps he thought it would be a little awkward to have you and jane at his engagement party oh now mother how could it be awkward well awkward or not awkward are we gonna sit here all evening waiting to hear from him let's call him up all the same it might be awkward why should it be awkward well hello operator hello what's the matter with this connection operator i'm calling no no no well i said carter's house he left two hours ago forget about the baby definitely has the sniffles all babies have sniffles at this time of year the cottage cold from you you know that's simply ridiculous matter of fact i caught my cold from the baby he's had the sniffles all day and when i took his temperature that's when he got your cold he said it didn't he had no temperature it isn't anything johnny it's just the sniffles i suppose i ought to stay in my room all day now mother that's silly you don't have to do anything of the kind heaven knows i try to earn my room and board by doing everything i can to help oh mother please this is new year's eve it's just like every other day as far as i'm concerned you were both perfectly willing to go off and leave me all alone to wait for the new year but perhaps it's the last junior i'll ever see oh now mother why do you keep saying things like that it's carter oh i want to leave this with you holy sweet old things a lot a little hard ain't nothing had a day off cooked up some chicken and when i went to give me the wine well happy new year to y'all happy new year have a good time well that solves everything now we don't have to go out at all we can stay right here and celebrate we'll open the wine now and at midnight we'll have a grand feast on lily's chicken yeah yeah oh come on it's new year's eve let's have fun you know it always gives me a digestion to eat just before i go to bed maybe there is some left over for me tomorrow i never did a proof of lily she's much too forward but i do miss her cooking doesn't say much for mine oh well my dear you learn it takes time of course i won't say anything times are different now when i was married every well brought up girl knew something about cooking why jane what is it i can't cook i can't keep house i don't know how to bring up a baby i'm sure i don't know what you're talking about yes you do you resented me from the first moment you saw me you resented me because you wanted jolly to marry eunice do little oh i'm idea i never said anything like that well you've hit it at it enough though i did nothing in the sort they were engaged mother i was never engaged to eunice doolin oh well not perhaps engaged and even if i had been you shouldn't keep talking about it to jane all the time i don't see why she should be so touchy about it touchy that's why you hate me jane will you please no let her go on she can say anything she likes i know my place here i am just a guest an unwelcome guest for crying out loud what's the matter with you two there's nothing that matter with me no this is her house that's my father jane i do everything i can strange around here everything i say is wrong and everything i do is wrong jane will you just because i happen to mention that john and you just do little now stop at both of you all right there you see what you made me say to mother you said it to me too don't i come yes of course you count darling but mother's an old lady she won't be with us very long now why can't you get along why can't you get along with me because she hates me you don't know how it is you're not at the office all day between taking care of the baby the house and cooking and listening to her criticize everything i do i can't stand it anymore you can spit out only so many seats johnny johnny johnny daddy what where are you going i don't know just anywhere to get away from that rank wait a minute don't you want me to go with you don't you understand a man wants to be alone every once in a while i'm sorry johnny really jane you don't have to apologize wouldn't you rather i didn't come with you that's all right johnny i don't mind you go ahead and have a good time oh well you can come along if you want to you sure you don't mind of course i don't mind we'll have a wonderful time you just wait and see [Applause] [Music] oh johnny what's happened to us i don't know maybe i pulled a dirty trick on you when i took the cinder out of your eye up in boston what do you mean i mean maybe all things been a mistake what whole thing our marriage i've gotten into debt i've gotten no place at the office i've made a household drudge out of you just like mother said jane it just hasn't worked out it hasn't worked out we haven't had any real trouble maybe a few silly little things little things that all people have to meet when they get married maybe we shouldn't have had the baby oh johnny can't be sorry about the baby oh i'm crazy about him i'm crazy about you too jane i i'd die for either one of you jane everybody that passes the table they look at you because you're so beautiful and young when you've got your whole life ahead of you ahead of us no don't when you're dragged down by a guy who just can't make the grade i'm not going to hold you to that kind of a contract [Music] i suppose this is what you call starting you're right at least we finally found something to celebrate well happy new year happy new year [Music] want to dance yeah [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] five million i think i'll go for the house and wish the baby a happy new year [Applause] hey lonely hi what's up happy new year all alone come on over and join our party happy new year why is so sad don't you feel good i feel fine come on handsome wake up look what i found a poor little lamb lost in the storm alone in neglect happy new year johnny come quick the baby the baby something's the matter with the [Music] baby [Music] mother the baby was this dr hilly what is it [Music] dr healy come into the audience a minute sit down my boy [Music] you'd better get your wife now doctor if it's bad news i don't want her to know about it she just couldn't stand it you can tell me doctor your baby has type 9 pneumococcus with a streptococcus complication and i'm sorry to say that the congestion is increasing now there's a serum a new one it's worked out in some cases without it we don't stand a chance with it well perhaps we have a ghost of a chance we must get some of that serum as soon as possible every hour comes i don't know whether we can locate any of it in the city or not i'm going to check up on that right away doctor please don't tell my wife i will [Music] give me the city health department all the type 9 serum has been sent to salt lake why don't you try johns hopkins in baltimore sorry we shipped all we had for the epidemic in salt lake city yes the epidemic's under control here in salt lake we can spell your 620 cc files but how are you going to get it out of here in this storm got to wake him up well i couldn't do that but you've got to he knows me i work for him i got to see him i i'm sorry but judge do little would never allow me to decide there are wait you mustn't do that where are you going you mustn't do this it's outrageous judge you a little jet doodling come on wake up wake up judge i'm sorry to wake you up like this what is it i gotta talk to you right now are you drunk no my kid he's in the hospital he got pneumonia you must be drunk waking me up in the middle of the night like this it's outrageous i've never heard of such a thing nation that this is your idea of something i knew you now you listen to me now you listen to me when you ask me to take that cut down to the office i took it and i didn't beef about it but i should have because that's the reason the baby has to sleep in the dining room what are you talking about my baby's in the hospital dying and pneumonia what dying dying can't you understand yes yes my baby no baby well why didn't you get in touch with me before i'm terribly sorry mate oh i don't need sympathy i need serum there isn't any in new york there's none anywhere around here and they finally found some in salt lake city and it's two thousand miles away and every hour counts be calm i can't become i can't become until i get that serum and the only way to get it here is to fly but there's terrific storms over utah the planes are grounded if there's just one thing that we could do now mission you must get hold of yourself i know just how you feel but you must get hold of yourself suppose the planes are all grounded they could put it on one of the fastest trains couldn't they no they can't i told you every hour counts every minute counts we need a plane from salt lake city but we have a plane yeah the pilot wants five thousand dollars to fly to new york oh i don't know judge i i just didn't have anybody else to turn simon well what are you standing there for my checkbook get my chip and get me a pen quick one to the right and find out where the nearest telegraph office is you should have gotten in touch with me sooner now don't you worry about that syrup we'll have it here and in plenty of time too [Music] yes mr mason the serums here and the money's here too and i could certainly use that kind of dough but the weather's gotten so bad it's impossible to take off that's all well what can i do i'm a married man myself and i got a couple of kids i got to think of them my wife won't let me she says if i do go she won't be here when i get back if i get back well what are you gonna do with a guy like that let me talk to him now listen you what do you think this is a suicide club you can't expect anybody in his right mind to fly a plane on a night like this especially an old crate with whiskers why don't you sure that's tough we'd certainly like to help you out ain't there no other place you could get some of the stuff well maybe in a few hours when the weather clears up gee the guy's crying now wait a minute buddy take it easy suppose we well maybe i he just won't take no for an answer hold the wire jim could i borrow your plane are you nuts you know how it is you've got kids of your own suppose you were in his place well i can't let you take my plane i haven't got any insurance i couldn't get anything hold in a minute keep your shirt on i'll give you half the money if you loan me the crate what if you crack up then you can keep the whole five i don't need it i think you're crazy but all right if you want to okay buddy relax think he'll ever get off the ground with all that well i did going down i can't say i like that kind of dough looks to me like i'm gonna be in five grand before morning [Music] he's all right he's holding his own nicely may i go ahead and see i don't think you better not just now why doctor why don't you want me to now please don't worry it's only why don't you want me to oh [Music] [Music] now i want you to lie down and rest i'll give you something to make you sleep will you do that to me oh doctor healy please don't make me sorry when can i see in a little while [Music] baby dies i wanna die too i know he loves the baby too you know almost as much as he loves you what johnny you'll be so lonely as the baby he'll have you jake and you have him you can't be lonely either as long as you have each other do you know when you're rarely known when you have no one to share things with not even a loss then i had someone to share things with and now the baby oh my babies baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] and they're calling commercial nc24 come in conway come in can't you read me conway can't you read me come in conway and they're calling new york do you read me still can't contact conway storm increasing over the rockies denver send out an emergency to all stations stand by to contact conway north platte nebraska calling conway commercial nc24 do you read me 24. this is omaha you hear me conway chicago calling commercial nc24 conley can you read me at your answer [Music] [Applause] conway no we haven't seen or heard a plane all day sorry but there's no you sending searching parties out in this blizzard [Music] it's just something i could do it was just something there is will you come with me sister madeline i'm not a catholic that doesn't matter you know how much he means to johnny and me we've only had him such a little we do want to see him grow up and be a man please help my little baby i love him so he's so small and helpless he can't do anything for himself we can't seem to do anything for him please please [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] shall i order another tank of oxygen doctor if the serum isn't here in another couple of hours well charlie hello jane [Music] we'll always be together no matter what happens just like this always [Music] then [Music] oh [Music] mercy snakes alive what's happening never mind that [Music] what place is this liberty corners where is that 35 miles in new york for mercy sakes alive saint francis hospital new york city rush [Music] hello hello operator i want the saint francis hospital new york city and reverse the charges [Music] happy new year darling well gentlemen i guess four is about enough on a business day well that's all very good joe but ain't it about time you bought one what's that conway calling doolittle and there are certain things gentlemen that i want distinctly understood now i called this meeting of all the partners in order to make my position clear once and for all that before i accept your offer of partnership in the firm of doolittle measure schmidt doolittle hutch and carter you must know that i consider the methods of this firm at the present time old-fashioned self-satisfied high-handed and thoroughly inefficient it seems to me that and i demand that they be changed effective immediately come in excuse me i hope we haven't interrupted anything important johnny i know just too little won't mind we just couldn't wait we had to rush down the moment it happened what what happened the baby can talk yeah no oh they don't believe us come on darling let's prove it to them show them now don't be afraid to speak up say daddy say daddy come on darling say daddy come on say daddy let's speak up now don't be afraid say that they say daddy daddy say daddy say daddy come on johnny say daddy say daddy mama what you
Channel: Retrospective - Classic Movies
Views: 324,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1930s films, Hollywood classics, Retrospective - Classic Movies, cinematic gem, emotional classic movie, emotional journey, emotional performances, emotional rollercoaster, enduring love, golden age cinema, heartwarming story, memorable characters, nostalgic classic film, nostalgic feel, romantic comedy, test of love, timeless classic movie, timeless tale, unforgettable romance, vintage films, vintage romance
Id: DihaoolCCe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 53sec (5573 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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