Penny Hardaway Documentary Basketball

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seems every time this adversity in your life you respond so much so you're trouble in school you made with your marks and having any money not having your parents around they didn't appreciate you when you got to Orlando we're always trying to prove people is that what you try to do that you do you are the man I think I try to go through life proving that I belong you know no matter where his head off the floor on the floor a lot of people say I don't have to do that but it's just my will and just my attitude that I have to prove that I can do whatever and then somebody telling me that I can't do with a third pick in the 1993 NBA Draft the Golden State Warriors select Anthony hard away from Memphis University a wonderful moment for an ferny Hardaway you know I'm not sure I don't know if the league really knew who's ever getting when I got pizza mcbounds from Memphis he was something new Luke respect right it was just like the league was tiny and man penny came he was almost like he was like a phenomenon smooth flare flash little penny in the city [Music] gotta had a whole swag everything is the suppressed new approach knows different in Jordan we've never really seen anyone else with his height handle the ball play point guard be that quick well if you're a basketball fan he'll know any other ways I won't waste my breath telling you cuz you're not a basketball fan being Hampton is definitely not the suburbs it's kind of a lower class neighborhood where there's a lot of hard-working people grinding every day to make ends meet [Music] it made me who I am the city of Memphis made me why when you grew up in the neighborhood anyone will tell you you have so many different challenges it's great grind here you earn everything you have and it's not a a glamorous city people have always been together they go to church together they stick together this area very very unusual area the people here will look out for one another throughout their existence in Binghampton but all neighborhoods have some negative things about and you would probably not being truthful if you said that they don't exist they do exist you get what you get when you learn maybe I got Sango to make it out here bad try and make it somewhere even for me look kids the new kids I heard trying to grind - I love my neighborhood how I can never tell me nothing wrong about it I'm proud of you so family I was five years old my mom dropped me off with my grandmother's she wasn't easy to live with she was very strict but his strictness came out of love I'll take everything that I know about being respectful working hard I learned it from my grandmother my grandmother he got me a basketball probably like six years old and I just started drilling it and fell in love with you saved my life because there was so much negatives that I could've gotten into just what you have in the neighborhood all day long playing sports or being in the game that was it I felt like I had to lock in because if I step a little bit you could have meant that I could have gotten killed I could have gotten going to jail he had enough smarts to know that there wasn't his destiny but one of the things that I appreciate about penny is that not only did he stay clear of him but he also pulled all the people away from those negative areas also me and uh a couple other buddies we found basketball to be better for us to bond with because we don't want to steal cars bikes robbed people we didn't we didn't want to go down that road it's my personal opinion that if you give kids opportunities if you provide them with encouragement opportunities to be mentored quality schools and good teachers I've seen it happen countless times that they rise to the occasion every time it's unstoppable [Music] I knew it 12 I had to give to play really well and then I had an opportunity to make it to the NBA I could put people in place and then maneuver with my eyes what I thought those players were doing while I was making my move I cut what move I needed to make you get around this guy but reading the defense was he gonna help or not help and then when I wanted to play it just came natural for me to see those same things he got him in 9th grade I was a senior in high school and we just work together and helped us win a lot of games you can spot him out of a hundred people that know he's he's gonna be great he moves around the court the seasons he made realized this guy has something very special neela fear and with the University of Memphis I knew just a matter of time la chose Memphis because of the history of the school especially the anus contains 100 Turner william berger keep lean these are names of Memphis history those teams were electrically the privates in the city of Memphis you know was instilled in me and I wanted to stay home and make it to make a difference back in Memphis guys stayed home during his collegiate career many guided the Tigers to a 42:23 record eight wins over nationally ranked teams recorded the school's first ever triple doubles became the 10th leading all-time scorer and said numerous other records in just 66 games plays pretty hard away and is clear in the history of Memphis things come on somebody who can do it all passes suited the rebound the film [Applause] talk about the decision to come out early to forgo the senior year a tough decision pretty much because you know I really didn't want to leave Memphis State and upstate has been very good to me the fans across and also my family's there but I had to make a decision on whether it was time for me to leave because of my grandmother you know and my mom neither one of them are getting any younger so I want to repay them for what they've done for me know my life I think I want to excel in all areas to passing the rebounding the shooting percentage two free-throws the defense I think I'm gonna work hard at all them even if people tell me I'm doing good I still want to work harder to be the best that's the one thing that I like about Michael Jordan's Charles Barkley Patrick Ewing magic all those guys have the will to win and you have to work hard to do it I mean they just can't stop by letting people say hey you're good want to be better than good you know you want to be the best that's what I'm trying to do I'm from the neighborhood to the University and now you're saying okay I'm leaving all this to being the NBA I mean what more could have asked for me the movie blue chips was really what took me over the hump because I got a chance to play basketball with Shaquille O'Neal everyday Shaquille O'Neal was mega star was the number one pick in the draft the year before tearing down back boys the NBA all-star in his first year he was like the lead at the time nothing you know the movie said was the director allowed us to play real basketball and all I did was just passing the ball every single time I didn't even try to shoot so let him know hey man this is what I'm gonna do for you if I make it to the NBA and I play for your team I have no idea who he was until the summer before he got drafted so I get over to the gym I'm trying to like really really focused on playing and then stay in shape this guy was just making the most beautifulest passes ever and finally after the third day I asked I said who was this guy I said that's Benihana why he burned went to Memphis he's projected to go down by three [Music] and then a couple weeks later I found out Orlando gets the ball in the 1993 NBA Draft goes to the Orlando Masters in the category of Go Fish one ball out of 66 and they get the number one pick call a journal Metro Orlando Magic John Deere Brussels listen that's a guy his name is penny hardaway I'm thinking young Magic Johnson young Kareem abdul-jabbar you got to get this guy up in the Ottawa and he gave me the all I don't know I'm a bumble ball and then finally I said hey you gonna give me what I want well my deal is I'm gonna be looking to do all the stuff draft day I'm hearing the rumblings of there's gonna be a trade maybe I see another anchor TV anchor from Orlando go if you get chosen by Golden State you're gonna get traded back to Orlando so some talk of some shuffling right up at the top of the penny will become a good for as I get home they drive see where no magic select Chris Webber I go crazy to tear my house up bust couple windows this mama he did she's been home who I'm actually thinking about calling and say hey I want to be traded right now so then I thought calm down I see it ladies and gentlemen I'd like to report a trade and lo and behold it happens I knew I had left enough of an impression with Orlando and then I was with Shaq all summer so I was leaning more towards that I was it was gonna happen but you never know until I have for Orlando has traded the draft rights to Bruce Weber when it happened I was so happy I mean it's not like I didn't want to go to going state I just wanted to be with Shannon under that was gonna be the best chance for me to win championships I totally understood and told friends that if I was on land oh I would draft any to me they were gonna be the second coming I know when he came I knew I was gonna be magic and it was in somatic between me and up first game I'm in the locker room in Orlando Magic uniform and I'm looking across that Shack like man I mean I'm here now it's time to go show the world what I'm made of all [Music] all the two days level because you know if you ran hard got you get spot he was going to hit you I won the ball all the time right but gotta give it to Nick gotta get through these I'll give it a shot so he's really good at that and then like if guys wasn't you know hitting the shots whatever then you say boof let me go to work you had to hire a penny from shoot the 3d Scotland corner Nick Anderson on the other side and if you didn't honor that they were gonna get waddle four shots and if you did under the jacket when breaking out of your ass I was gonna worry about one person in our conference that's the mighty michael guess what Mike Scott II feel just as good we come we had understanding in the beginning that if both of us come out and play our games every single night he's gonna tell people to stop this is just my second year in the league we ran through everybody should be some really good teams are you [Applause] the home court advantage throughout the Boston Celtics we felt like that was a series we should have won to win a net built in two times alone that's this sugar you got the money Chicago bullish go on to the next series and people wolves yes humongous in the last team but not the only team to beat Michael Jordan and playoff now we can't have a lid down plan of patience because we just beat the Bulls so we had our seven-game series against the Pacers made it tougher on ourselves and we shouldn't have and ended up winning I'm going to Mountain Game seven get all the way to the finals to go through those three rounds the way that we did to get into the finals we had so much confidence do you beat might discarding you think he won a championship already we were celebrating and we were partying we had 10 days off we knew we'd have to play Houston on some somebody but we used to kill the West so like you something we beat him that year so no matter who you come we gonna beat him who's you're so happy is the NBA's best player his team it's Game one and when we're you know we're we're we're up thank you we had him down early and didn't go ahead and seal the deal and let him hang around too long [Applause] even though they came back with a chance to finish it [Applause] which other hand [Applause] first appearance at the line he has two free-throws I'm knowing that he's gonna make one you missed both forgot his own rebound and got fouled again [Applause] this Arriba uh what's cool new one of these though now he misses the third I'll put my head down by come on you know you can make one struggling [Music] given the magic hammerlock and from that point on and went down here [Music] it came back and beat us and over time not blaming on him was all our fault but I just think if we he could've hit one of those shots yeah we we don't wanna we but I okay it was just a momentum of the whole entire series that just went their way we knew that we were supposed to win those game we waiting game one the series is over in our minds lose Game one momentum left and the series was over for us they swept the entire series in a weird way it was uh it was the beginning of the end they warned us before coming to the farms about you know you have to you can't do it right off and you know we really didn't believe it and you know the Houston Rockets field is wrong back the next season numbers are good I think the first part of the year I led the NBA in scoring Shaq was injured and I kind of just took over the game Hardaway he was betting the man in the app so many different companies calling on a daily basis hey we want pinyin endorse our product and doing all-star games and being first team all-nba and I was dream that was like a really good ride it was it was just an amazing feeling for me to be the guy in the NBA at that time at little penny commercials rolling I had my own sneaker [Music] I was on pretty much every commercial that you turn the channel my commercial was on and that's a fact I'm just just living a dream now the media is making me the guy over Shaq trying to kind of put us against each other now you got two stars in a small town and I love a little piggy but you know I wanted to mess with him because we were just a mess with him so one Super Bowl spot I was doing the Reebok ad this is my plan I don't think he liked that he then talked to me for about two weeks I think in 96 that's when he really started to hit hard some disharmony possibly Shaquille O'Neal Penny Hardaway there is some jealousy and some competition over endorsement you think what is your gut telling you about Shaquille O'Neal and whether to stay in Orlando or go to the West Orlando has come out and said we are only going to offer X amount adult and someone else mainly out on the west coast can they answer and pay the young man more I think our only problem around contract time was miscommunication you know we were close never had a heart and have had a fight it's just that when I was renegotiated I felt that you know he didn't stick up for me the way I snuck off him so it was time for me to give my new money nobody was around so I was like okay tell me do some different at the Olympics in Atlanta one of the media guys asked me how does it feel not to have Shaq as a teammate anymore and I thought he asked a question wrong and I was like well if that happens they would be devastating place in Atlanta but he had already signed with the Lakers did you announce that he has signed a seven-year 120 million dollar contract to joined the LA Lakers young and you got a whole bunch of stuff going on you got a whole bunch of money coming in and you have that power two things you can do is you can listen to people or you could make your own decisions and so at that time yeah I was doing what I wanted to do what I was doing in my way and I wasn't listening about you have any questions I'm here that summer man I was like wow it's over in Orlando you lose a goddamn magnitude too hard to come back from it it was a challenge that I accepted it wasn't like I was saying hey man you know I'm gonna quit I went out there and gave them all are you set it for the future though I think we are you know hopefully we won't have any injuries you know I pray to God we want but you never know transpire Jack as we take a look penny hardaway hobbles over toward that magic bench he may have banged his knee well you're gonna see Penny Hardaway maybe get a knee to the back of the thigh right there I wonder for rebound and he slam right into the back of my knee so worst pain he hit me perfectly right as I was about to extend a jump it's like he hit a bone in the back of my to me and I never felt the same I went into the summer with that injury so you know I got to get my knee checked out and I had a torn meniscus and that's when everything started to canal here unfortunately in this game you know our greatest kryptonite is injured today I can't say when I left when he had to do a little bit more and put a lot of strain on his body you know you had to go on a post more you had to bang more playoffs the wrist will be taped today but after the season ago there's always a sense of you know just fear fear of not knowing how much another capacity you could get back in Orlando it got to a point in where they just were fado they were like you're faking injuries or you stand injured too much we're not gonna give you the next contract and I felt like I had earned it I'll never forget Doc Rivers coming in and telling me we're gonna have to go around and sell people on liking me again I didn't like that at all and Phoenix was calling and saying okay we'll give you the max contract and I chose Phoenix over Orlando go to Phoenix have a great first year there and I tear my meniscus again but I just kept getting cortisone shots in my knee and I played every game even if you could get a cortisone shot and play a game after the game you can barely walk you should take me 15 minutes to get out of my car just straighten my left leg out now mentally I was gone because I was like I can't overcome these knee injuries I'm averaging ten maybe where that's good enough for a lot of other guys Penny Hardaway doesn't average ten points and so he rearranged his game to deal with his knee injuries and he had been so spectacular before maybe people couldn't accept the new penny I was an explosive I couldn't run the same my gait changed wasn't making all-star games anymore I say for me it was disappointing because I wasn't getting the respect that I once a guy Hardaway on the bench I went from being first team all-nba till probably 30 minute out today just off the map I could trader from the sun's to the to the Knicks try to salvage some type of career that he comes right across that ankle just rolled over and went to the Miami Heat like a year later made that team made the starting lineup after that I went back tried out for a couple other teams nobody really took me seriously after didn't know it was like my name had already gone down and I don't think anybody want to deal with any more like he said all type of Rick is there he was gone legacy means a lot I didn't know how how big the word legacy was until older gentleman his name is David Porter started saying you need to lay a foundation to leave a legacy coming from the NBA made millions of dollars was first team all-nba dream team Olympic gold medalist and one of my goals was definitely to win an NBA championship I wanted this so badly that I never got but it's just it was God's plan I got a phone call senator Desmond was in the hospital and he got diagnosed with stage four cancer and they had given him 24 hours to live I met this we were in elementary school really he had this you know charismatic attitude he was always had energy little guy with a big heart that's what he was they're down here in little bit of framing any way up that it was different in their sizes yeah but they both had giant heart you didn't think anybody in the world could stop him on the court we kind of competed against each other at the park and that's how we kind of started being friends it falling on the corner dancing penny had such a love for basketball from them being around each other so much and them talking basketball day-in day-out they just got this bond together I [Music] really feel that we came from the love of basketball we hadn't connected in like maybe three or four years you know it just seems like life flashes the flash right in front of my eyes like man who took it back to when we were growing up to me going to the NBA and seeing him periodically now seeing him on his deathbed it's hard to describe because you just don't foresee that as a young man he said God told him to write down my logo on a napkin and say this is the person who I need right now more than anybody you know we prayed we talked about a lot of stuff but he was mainly talking about his basketball team dance has always loved basketball the children it wasn't about the winning it was about them working together playing hard having fun and you pick up some skills I made coach days when I was in the third or fourth grade he was like the superstar the neighborhood at all the time when you see coach days you like hey coach there's code s but soak up this that was a neighborhood guy the guy that everybody always wanted to be around or even play for I think about him even now there were times that he needed gas money to take some of the playoffs that stayed not close to the summer but in the surrounding air because he didn't want them walking the streets dance we used to ride around on a little Saturday and he had 15 players but then she was gonna get those children to in front of the games they was there's life there's love people that's was hard there's such a huge heart to be able to play under coach days it changed my life because code is installed my heart can stop my passion for the game my toughness he got on the hospital started doing chemo but kept coaching they introduced me to the kids and said hey can you come to practice went to practice the next day and that was the first day on the job I didn't know that but dads knew that it just it went from there the day that he went to chemo as you can imagine he was his sap from energy it was really supposed to be at home but he was in the gym he didn't miss a game he didn't miss a practice he did it for the love of the kids the chemo was just too much for him to sit on the bench and to make every practice so that's when I started helping him I was in the sixth grade coach penny came in to try to help go - coach the kids and just be a helping hand to his friend he ended up coaching us and fell in love with our games and our personalities and us as human beings [Music] and ever since then he's just kept coming back every day and every day this community is all we have it's community care about Lester we care about the community we just gone right here acting crazy and we live not only ourself down a founder down in our community down they started talking about vision about where we wanted to go he was always big on one to win championships and could never get over the hump and he felt like I could take him over the hump and meet him talk one night he was like we'll win three championships with Lester we're going win four championships with east and then we'll go on to Memphis and then when a championship in Memphis for the city yes yes Howard Ashman dream [Music] I think that this is possibly the only one that could have poor opinion out of the business sector into the coaching sector and you know one spender found out that this one what needed him he had no problem in joining Desmond [Music] [Music] I don't I don't come here live you know maybe birthday but I don't know I don't frequent here but I'm talking two days all the time it was on a Sunday I was just leaving church the nurse there wasn't much longer that he was gonna have then when I walked into the room I just remember he was just breathing so hard trying to guess for air and the caretaker was like penny is here and he said I love you and then I told him I love him back and then I just I couldn't hold it just to see him trying to hold on and it seemed like ten minutes after he said that he passed away we were growing up man we just had dreams just kids it's not a day that goes by that I don't think about him basketball brought us together [Music] basketball still has us together now [Music] there's nine invested so much instead of community because we saw these little boys as being us we walked through the neighborhood we walk the same halls it were faced with the same adversities that we were faced with and we were just trying to give them an easier path we want to do that because we feel like that's what was right trying to help them become better people better students better basketball players honestly it feels great to have a person like me in my corner and I know that's gonna help my back I came he was in sixth grade Alex Alex Lomax he was the one that gravitated towards us most and we just kind of grabbed him under our wing those days I coach peanut made me who I am today and I know 400% effect without Jim I wouldn't even be as good of a basketball player or a person as I am now Dan still inspires me because I knew what his vision was it was his legacy that he left behind loving kids and giving back it was his heart and passion that brought me back to the neighborhood to start doing this and I'm just keeping it going he was there for all the lesser championships and he cried out every one because he was so joyous about wanting that for the neighborhood after this past we won two championships with East and we're on pace for a third championship in a row the Memphis East Mustang the number six team ranked in the country head coach is Anfernee Penny Hardaway Wendy still put on the court this game time y'all need to lock in when playoff time you lose you go home you can't prove it to us in practice can't be waiting on anything you have not any human life do not play city is more than teammates we're brotherhood coach days and coach penis tall dating us it wasn't promise for us to get back to the state tournament we just need to seal the deal on a 31 in a row for the school for the neighborhood for the city everything that des has said up to this point has come true that has become our life's purpose I put everything else to the side to carry out this vision and these dreams that we have let's get the third one in the roll make history hi from the Murphy Center on the campus of Middle Tennessee State University in montréal Tennessee who welcome you to maybe one of the most highly anticipated state quarterfinal match where the students at all time aware the players in the pop know your mangoes have a sleeve for somebody to wear all games nice steel that comes romance down the floor sweets and stories they're dancing with each other now for the pressure on [Applause] hey ghosts unless Memphis East suffocating defense they're just nowhere to go connect the ball man we got come on raining threes at the Murphy says that'll do they punch their ticket to the state semi finals Bearden isn't gonna let these have this game without a fight all those in lane and battling underneath [Applause] Oh things are nobody out here let's go back to the magic and you got a Dominator now here Thomas she says any of you TED talks with the University of Louisville attending the next Tigers head basketball coach I can't because I'm late he's right now was officially relieved of his duties as the head basketball coach at Memphis are you still the head coach when there's all that noise out there like there how do you keep these guys focused on the top I've always stayed focused because I'm here now I'm with these guys I'm fully invested I'm all-in with him you know what I'm about I want this third goal ball I'm not focusing on anything else outside of it it's gonna be a dogfight man playing those guys every time they take us to the max we have to play almost a perfect almost perfect game because they're so good offensively the similarities are just the toughness the kids are from the inner city I grew up playing together a you and know each other's games we know we know their game into our games it becomes a chess match three years ago we won semifinals we have to play against the Memphis team we scored over they don't give a shoot around because the game is the next day so we found a local YMCA to go to do our shoot around put the game plan in and then finish the rest of our day most team you know they wouldn't go today after they played they'll just go back to the hotel and rest but I just believed in just putting the game plan in right now it's a team that we played five times we know them they're just in every game defensively and making some changes and we got to make a couple more tweaks to make it easier for our guys but tomorrow's game it's been coached from day one you know always know what the defense was gonna do and the other teams plays memorize it was our second third assistant coach oh she called a play and now we're not gonna do that you do this and boom bang boom ball he always had that ability since day one they make adjustments to it Desmond and I used to talk pretty much all day long the day before a big game to put the game playing together and it's championship we really want to wear black Desmond was big on he loved black that's why we all started getting the black uniforms no those aren't school colors but we're still doing it for him big game today we're gonna go out and take care of business the story don't overlook this name because we want for time in the world coop then play your heart out we got to play them like we've never seen him before we got to go rebound there for Alex [Applause] four points tomorrow nice played by Jones defense is the name of the game for whitehaven and they have shown it this week maybe to make no longer matters - a championship [Applause] the place has been buzzing all week 3 and week giving up nothing else ease and ain't no foul the previous championships all smiles on a Memphis East they lead by 17 which is the largest lead the back the back they champion the best Aziz must pay and the emotions Floyd for Anfernee Hardaway this group has meant so much to him he has seen these these boys grow up as a young man he coached them in Leicester middle school has seen it through where one of his best friends growing up Desmond Merriweather who passed away way too early at the age of 41 from colon cancer predicted this would happen they wanted to coach together at Leicester middle school and win state titles there go on to high school and do it and that prediction still holds true for Penny's great friend [Music] be back and be happy is kind of like a double collie because you're doing something you love to do and that's teach basketball going to basketball but you're doing it when you learn you teach when you get you give you know it's easy to give your resources so you make a lot of money you can write a check you can give the charity you can give to your school but the most precious thing that God gives you is your time is the one thing in this world you can never get back so how you spend that time says a lot more about you what you advocate for what you do who you pour to how you pour into them the young guys that he's teaching they're learning the most valuable lessons I think about what it takes [Music] something that has been polarizing the city of Memphis over the last week the head coaching situation at the University of Memphis the top candidate to take his job his Penny Hardaway and Penny Hardaway st. Memphis basketball if that's the direction they go in I think the consensus in Memphis is why not [Music] good morning what a great day to be a tiger I want to talk about the young man that I had a chance to talk consistently with the last three days he's a champion everywhere he's been everything he's done he's done his best he's an Olympian he's an NBA all-star he was the finest high school player in the city was an all-american at the Tigers he has been an incredible coach and now his next move and legacy is to be the head coach at the University of Memphis please join me in welcoming coach Penny Hardaway coach Peppa's target [Applause] good morning this is the unbelievable day I couldn't have dreamed anything any better just coming here today was just amazing just hell ride just to enjoy the journey coming here at the starter something special it's just it's really great looking out in the crowd and seeing all the familiar faces from when I played it's a family reunion so we're back to being family I want to see the Memphis flags waving on the cars I want to see the t-shirts going again the hats going again like the old school days and that's what we want to take it back to we're gonna get out there and I know that's what we love we're gonna play hard-nosed basketball losing is not an option in my mind it's not I'm not just coming here to be a face I'm coming here to make a difference [Music] the rebound here as soon as I got announced around the city it seems like it was a domino effect of positive energy when I took over the coaching responsibilities alex was committed to Wichita State and Ryan was signed with you a beep once the change happened those guys talked to each other and was like hey we'd rather stay at home and for those two guys to be at home now in a Memphis uniform with me coaching it's a dream come true for those kids this is my first class it's the first team that I'm coaching here I'll never forget this group it's a special group because this is how I'm gonna start my career so I would never forget not one practice not one game not one little thing one small thing one big thing I'll remember this I'm gonna soak this in it to be able to give this reward I'm sorry basketball was most guys don't get a chance to get to win six championships and then now also be the head coach at the University of Memphis his reward there you know I really think off for because it could have gone gotten worse for me after I retired but it actually got better I'm ready for the stage I'm ready to uh I'm ready to produce and ready to you know get going I'm not a bragger I don't I don't I'm not cocky I'm just confident and what I know that I can do and basketball is what I was going to do I've never could have imagined that that's called everything that's happened like he literally called the three championships the middle school the championships in high school and me being at the University of Memphis in 2018 and that's still amazes me truly know how I didn't think that it was gonna happen his way I really did you never know what God has planned for you I didn't know that this was plan for me but it's been a beautiful ride watching penny grow up I'm tremendously proud of all of these iterations on his life he's met this son to grow up through a city then to come back to be the leader bring a life full circle to me he's just doing what he's supposed to do he's doing what God's holding him do and that's go back and help those that were like you whether you're just a friend of his or you know a family member or somebody needs to be picked up he's always willing to give you this that's who penny is I've a long enough for him he was the first guy to put me in position to be who shuts a hell of a play harder what you owe me nothing I owe you I knew one day you come back and do what he's doing right now our penny is this neighborhood if this neighborhood was a body penny would be the heart of that's what penny has restored here she has brought that hard factor back to the neighborhood and so everybody feels like being part of the body [Applause] basketball is everything to me and the city stakes keep getting higher and higher but that's what I love about the game of basketball you always have to prove yourself just like you have to always prove yourself in life so I accept the challenge we got a couple more things that we have to accomplish we can't get satisfied [Applause] let's go do now for none I took them hard overcoming with they took my heart away heart away I've no penny sisters great hand with somebody like them around my looking around the city listen cuz he took so many lives even a father figure they're Muslims needed to hell [Music] [Music] [Music] will y'all whip up a wedding day to my heart away Harlequin for my gonna go dog holiday company Hardaway [Music] take my heart away while complaint pinning I just think there's they had of course now it's been their first no leaving outside a pen trainer with five person maybe on the court and off the court I say thanks it's been a toast jugglers thank you for being a fight taking my life [Music] definitely
Channel: Ryan Smith: Sacking Mental Illness Podcast
Views: 1,968,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bPSkIvmIY1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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