Penn State at Minnesota 1994 GAME STORY

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I'll tell you what if he finds flopping in Ingram like you did at the end of last year they're gonna be talking about carry college pays on a five game win streak but you remember back to last year he wasn't the starter for this opening game between these two teams last year but he proved himself to be worthy of the starting position tonight take it away Paul garrison Harmon is getting set to get us underway and we are a high end over end kick that Mike Archie says is all mine he'll take it at the nine the 15 to 20 they'll get out to about the 28 yard line where Penn State will put it in play first intent from there Kerry Collins getting set to bring out the offense watch ready Scout emotion second down at set [Applause] gets about third down and five carry condoms back the throw has a man it's Cal Brady it's going to be very close to the first down we'll have to take a look that brings up second down and 10 for the Nittany Lions this is Carter again has a blocking half the hallways cross the 30 to 45 across midfield and for territory at the 48-yard line he has dragged out from partings and Whitman Harding's would kicked him out of there getting onto there Whitman just takes out a linebacker Kijana Carter the other by dinner forever in the first and 10 Nittany Lions first penetration into Golden Gopher territory and Collins throws out in the flat the Freddie Scott it's complete picks up about the schedule all the way across progress will give him the first a turn in popper sequence with the quarterback this is whipping straight up the middle breaks a couple of tackles gets inside the fitting [Applause] hell that is [Applause] he walks into the end zone Lyons pitched ball right to the official time he gets in there you're supposed to expect like not a new experience at Penn State goes out in front six inches into it [Applause] 20 the 30 [Applause] whey makes the tackle they're down in one Minnesota they go double tight anchors drops I think Penn State on top of against venez Jeff Perry with a and exactly what Minnesota did all of last year self-destructing they had a great opportunity everybody involved this is ridiculous this is ridiculous it's gone now you just you keep opening up those holes and I'll just keep taking it from touchdowns and guys like Greeley and you know they just they love to see their running backs get over a hundred Yoast defensive back Becker's with the lay hand gives it locking for the golden goals that state looks to be rushing just three on this play as he dropped everybody back in the secondary Patrick [Applause] with the interception of the tip ball but once again Donna Carter is watching the action he's already has 219 yards Carlin's back to pass rifles 1 to Brady at the 49 Gerald's Palardy Fred pencil is the is the snapper big high fun fair catch signal for but it's way over his head and into the end zone Jovan a setback to Scott occurs the quarterback wags his head deep and up again to darkens running the outside there finding the corner he's at the 35 he's at the 40 and down to the 43 yard motion there is nobody back there so Decker's on a three-step drop looks looks looks looks throws incomplete at the 50 yard line cook coverage by comparing Hubbard Hubbard's kick will be taken by Ingram at the 20 he's at the 25 the 30 almost spins loose but it's finally by this time a wide receiver each way faked a whippin fake to Carter one throw Tangra complete that's the third side this time and here's a fake to the right rolling to the right as Kerry Collins he has the option to run and said throws complete to Scott at the 40 lay the fullback is offset a little bit to the left that's an offset cheat for blocking there's a gift to Carter to the right gets to the outside gets the first down inside the 40 writer Kyle Brady is tight in left Collins back to pass throws it's complete to anger him at the 26 yard line flit and Mike Archie is the tailback drop the pass there's downfield of Scott he's got a touchdown a beautiful touch that was a check off I believe but again that jamming on a line of scrimmage eggwin was the primary guy going in we said when prompting had to get Scott involved in the passing game one on one and Scott that time beautiful blue fade pad and write up the sidelines and Collins two wide receivers three left to right and back to pass goes Decker's a three-man rest for Penn State throws over the middle incomplete state it's a good snap Penn State as a return on it's a wobbly kick to the right away from Angra but Angra peels it on the short hop goes to the far sideline reverses his field comes to the near sideline 3035 and bang down he goes and it looks like pretty Scott in the flanker position there's a gift of Carter he breaks his all right he's at the 35 the 40 the 45 to 50 he go the distance they'll not catch Hashanah Carter Penn State touchdown on a 62-yard state territory Minnesota with the ball trying to get up another first down if they can get it and shade is back to pass he strolls complete that's a 44 down lineman for Penn State the linebackers are very tight as is the hero they give to darkins he's coming wide will he get it the first down yes at the 30 right they have a tight end and a wing and he goes in motion and they get the darkins on a counter play he runs to the right and can't get anywhere no backs in the backfield shaved looking looking straight back to pass three-man rush for Penn State throws in the end zone incomplete good coverage down there by Penn State he had nobody yet I don't quite understand this down 28 to nothing but he wants to give him some encouragement I guess dahlberg's kick is up and it's good the field goal we have Archie and herring deep for Penn State Mike Archie at the 10 he's at the 15 he's at the 20 he's at the 25 worst film by Carter Penn State in a a.split back set roll over the middle and once again pretty Scott was interfering Penn State now in a split back set carry Collin gives to my car chief bounces to the outside he's at the 45 he's at the 50 as a first down throw I this time fake to the tailback long pass downfield for Scott he's got it at the 10 that's down to support the tailback behind two big pull backs and they roll out right with Kerry Collins showing in the end zone is it complete Keith's olsommer for the touchdown well two tight ends that time no backs straight back to pass shade throws it's complete at the 39-yard line out of Ryan Hubbert is a redshirt freshman from Jensen Beach Florida high punt Ingram at the 20 the 25 the 30 spins to the 35 still on his feet to the 30s order out of it but I'd go for some more points than they are fake to Kijana Carter throw over the middle complete to Phil Collins at the 47 yard line in Minnesota since they deny permission Chris Campbell in motion left to right deep handoff to Carter Carter comes to the corner he's inside the 40 two-minute drill it's a pass because the two-point stance there's a middle screen to Brady not really a star detail back Scott the flanker Ingram the wide receiver there's a pass downfield for Scott Scott took the ten out of bounds at the 10 yard they go without a huddle same play roll out right by Collins throwing complete the Scott puts a pivot can't get to the inside line and is knocked down at the 18 yard line by 100 and the ball is loose the ball is loose in Minnesota's hunter came up with it darkens the lone setback trips meaning three wide receivers to the right there's a handoff straight ahead to darkens darkens into the middle of the line before big with the score penn state 35 minnesota 3 back after this on the penn state Sports Network severs are right this time the lone setback darkens goes in motion from right to left Tim shade to the quarterback Bob's his head takes to drop he's got a blitz ease nailed by killins and Smith the quarterback er right blitz by Penn State of the whole game they've been only rushing three people in the post four killings comes from the outside and Smith comes right up the split at his Ingram the flaker is Scott Carey Collins is the quarterback Whitman and Kijana Carter in the backfield Carter has a hole it's a 25 to 32 35 37 yard led in the backfield with John Whitman the near back pull back in Kijana Carter the tailback play-action fake to Carter trolls complete Stanga room at the 50 he's at the 40 he's down field to the 30 and out of bounds at the 25 what a move and there's a pitch to Carter Carter here's a block on the right side gets through the corner he's at the 25 an almost worldwide receivers set but the back split fake to Whitman throw over the middle caught that ball because there was a defender on his outside and a defender on his inside was a great throw and he only was always are the two defenders amazing throw and an amazing catch in the noise of the Metrodome has not been a factor here folk mr. shade is looking a two-eyed receivers each way and a flexed tight end to the right chuck Rijos goes in motion from the right slot and shaded straight back to pass looking at a three-man rush they've got the hand in the face good job by Jeff Perry just took the tackle and it pushed him right back and before the backspace because you got your the whole offensive line who point stands for Minnesota's front line so you know they're gonna pass block here shade being sacked back at the 19 yard line again a three-man rush and it was Todd Adkins this time yeah they they are lining defensively I got the fresh two got the outside one you got them into slot I got the third order they don't care what how they think they need to change and it's working very well okay we have the nickel package now because we have Walli Richardson gets the nod as the quarterback in this series of downs for Penn State I say big Wayne Holmes the 330 powder from Silver Spring Maryland then they're at a an offensive tackle off the play action back to passage Richardson throws a parole to Jeru vicious at the sideline and he has a first down at the Minnesota 47 yard line Campbell and Phil Collins the wide receivers give fake to Pitts give up the middle to Bruce Bryan milled a great fake by Richardson milind brambles across the 40 inside the 35 inside the 30 25 to the 22 Wally Richardson play-action fake looks throws it's complete to Chris Campbell at the 20 but his knee was down the 37-yard field goal attempt from the near hash mark by Britt Conway with Bill Collins in to put the ball on the astroturf the snap the set the kick it's a Boomer and it's no good it has to play some of these kids no setbacks five wide receiver straight back the pass goes solder solder has the pack starts on back in a single safety to receive the punt from Minnesota high wobbly spiral Archie is racing to catch it at the 40 he makes the catch up to 45 to 50 he's in Minnesota Territory at the 42 and a line drive front but that had a little hang time on it yeah they missed the tackle on it vultureman was the man as you call there's a good crack back by killers boy he dumped that guy right on his derriere this becomes the split in left there's a pitch to Steven piss he's got a whole person threw them into the secondary and gets slot where he becomes a receiver he's one of the better pass receivers on the squad straight back to pass Richardson throws to Archie complete at the 26 yard against the Minnesota Gophers so he had roughing the passer yeah Wally Richardson and I didn't want you television mother fate in front of us though I give to my curtsy up the middle to 1000 mine that's what you pull up quick oh my that's a quick pop in there now number one unit he's alternating them like George said they only brought so many players three wide receivers right solder fakes spot pass what our super block on Clint hold as the van is loose on the right side goes down the right shouter straight back to pass there's a look in over the middle that's that Center no setbacks Souders same play over the middle this time it's headed for to 200 he's played a good share of this second half and he's straight back to pass on the drop he's throwing deeper Chris Campbell he's got about 250 Campbell looks back keeper at Christie's at the 10 he's at the five down to the poor nice throw that's that's what they want from Wiley riches exactly what kept getting a touchdown he gave him a nice stiff arm at the end and got down to about the three yard line Terrence Blaine was the guy who got him and I really think he'd have beat him if he put his head into the wind a Finnish years back but again left-wing position gift a mil millon lures as heads takes tacklers with him is right up against the goaline no signal yet so he did not get in justin o'connor and bobby stevenson and it tight in Jason's slowed is now in at the full-back position with Pitts and again Fletcher on the wing slope gets the call touchdown Jason's whoa redshirt freshman pull back followed the quarterback Sauter sends his tailback in motion and drops straight back to fares there's that middle screen again but this time Penn State's played it very nicely whose flexed to the left straight back the pass goes solder big rush by Penn State and down he goes as Chris Snider sang course our gonna make an effort five wide receivers being ranked by Penn State she always got him he has to throw it away good rush by Scioli and all freshman is the tight end there's a pitch to Ambrose Fletcher he cuts upfield at the 40 the 45 and has a pretty common in motion now and there's a gift to the full-back Jason slowed and he manhandled some people runs free Woodson makes the final catch of the ballgame and the two squads shaking hands the coach is looking for each other Jim whacker and and Joe Paterno out having a word I don't know what you say that's a difficult circumstance well I know Joey has a great deal of respect and admiration for Jim whacker and vice versa when Joe won the coach of the year when you whack a winner I think for one double day and direct he's a very great Christian guy and whatever and they're very good friends but you know you're professionals you're understand we got out class tonight final score Penn State 56 Minnesota 3 more after this word from your local station this is the Penn State Sports Network
Channel: Arc-Lite
Views: 4,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Penn State Football, 1994 Penn State Football, Penn State vs. Minnesota, Minnesota Golden Gophers, Minnesota Football, Nittany Lions, 1994 Highlights, Kerry Collins, Ki-Jana Carter, Freddie Scott, Bobby Engram, Mike Archie, Brian Milne, Terry Killens, Todd Atkins
Id: H0ibdRYMZaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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