Penetrating Darkness

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the hypothesis they are playable they are people who knows the mind of God and they can dive into the mind of God through the medium of Fela there are people what I call the lesser dissonance lesser dissonance every swiftness of the devil they can touch it and apprehended they stop it they I recognize the flaming missiles of the kingdom of darkness by the power of grace God is not looking for wellness is looking for previous [Music] [Applause] [Music] extra chapter for reading the first number 15 and 16 you are in extra you say Amen if you're on your way you say God have mercy forget about that look on the monitors hallelujah then as the retain body color this answer go gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan and firstly for me and neither eat nor drink three days night or day I also and my maidens who fast likewise and so will I go in unto the King which is not according to the law and if I perish I perish now let's go to Acts chapter 5 reading from the verse number 1 through 3 as such of the five read him from 1 through 3 now it came to pass on the third day that Esther put on her royal apparel they stood in the inner courts of the king's house over against the king's house and the King sat upon his Royal Troon in the Royal House over against the gates of the house and it was so when the King saw Esther the Queen standing in the court does she obtain favor in his sight and the King held out to Esther the golden setter that was in his hand so as the drill near and touched the top of the setter they said they came unto her what was ow Queen Esther and what is thy request it shall be even given the to the half of the kingdom I want to teach on a subject of entitled penetrating darkness penetrating darkness look at somebody and told the peasant to light we will penetrate darkness before you are saying it hallelujah please you may be seated in the heavenly places let's pray Heavenly Father I pray in the name of Jesus Jesus this is your service this is not the service of anybody it is your service so Jesus I ask you that too light you will manifest yourself in an awesome spectacular way that we have never experienced or encountered before Jesus bless everyone under the sound of my voice tonight let everyone leave knowing that they have been touched by you Jesus Holy Spirit I submit to you use me as the love peace of God and as the Oracle of God let me speak your word and your word alone anyway that is mine let me not speak it let me only speak your word in Jesus name Amen I want you to say it for the last time penetrating darkness oh say it again penetrating darkness oh say it like you mean it penetrating darkness you see often times we have treated the church like a physical entity and that is why we are not experiencing the activities of the supernatural that is why they are no mirror there are no signs and wonders that is why the church is dead and that is why the church is asleep because we treat the church like it is a physical entity and because we treat the church like is a physical entity all our activities and our ways are physical but the church is not a physical entity the church is a spiritual entity for us to experience the phenomenal power of God the unlimited power of God we must be spiritual we must be spiritual if we want to have a habitation of God's presence of God's glory and of God's power we must come out of the flesh and begin to operate in the spirit that church cannot function as God's entity until the church begins to operate in the spirit I want to say this again because if you don't get this you will not get the message because tonight is a spiritual warfare that church is not a physical entity that is why the Bible says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal in other words they are not physical and so the judge as a spiritual entity our house and our weaponry it is not physical it is spiritual which means that when we are engaged in battle and we are engaged in spiritual warfare and we are using because our weapons against flesh and blood and to fight a spiritual war you must use spiritual mix to fight a spiritual warfare you must use spiritual weapons but the judge has forgotten that we are spiritual entity and so we operate in the flesh everything we do is Conner we sink in the flesh we worship God in the flesh we praise God in the flesh we even pray in the flesh everything is in the flesh in the flesh how do we win spiritual battles because even our worship and our praise to have effect and to deport ate and to impact and to affect it's got to be done in the spirit we should worship in truth in spirit if that is experienced before in the flesh [Music] because because the judge is because the church is not spiritual that has no idea what is going on in the reigns of the Spirit the judge has no idea what is going on around here because we are so much currently minded and they said the reason I want to say it again we with himself from his but we are not realizing it because we are so much in the flesh so much in the flesh bastards are fighting each other past fighting each other you will be astonished to hear this I don't like the company of bastards I don't like being the days of the week of perkiness but because we are not spiritual we don't realize what is going on Satan has invaded our life is Satan has plundered our boots our blessings and our prosperity and we are sitting down doing nothing than we are fighting against each other and we are fighting among ourselves because we don't know that the battle that is going on is a spiritual battle and it is not a physical battle so what is happening is that we are in church but we are not talking to each other we are in church but we are not greeting each other we are in church but we don't want to see each other we are in church but we don't want one person to touch us we don't want to have anything to do with the other person because we are thinking that this battle is a physical battle but it is not a physical battle it is a spiritual battle and because it's not occupy the place of spirituality and so the Bible says that the religious they have hours of Prayer hours of 3 that is very common in the scripture we have our can you read the book of Acts you will see them going to pray and they head out another time of read this since our another time of Raya denies our that sees night our the alleged was spray consistently three times in maybe three times in maybe that's today when you cover Priya meeting nobody will show up go for prophetic meeting everybody would dad cover cover conference prosperity conference we will get services how to be reached we will gather three steps how to secede we will gather but when you offer prayer meeting nobody will show up and the reason why we don't show is because we are so much done we are not spiritual and so we don't understand rituals but le church means that the forces that they are up against it is not fleshly it is not physical the forces that they are against they also realize that this force is they are not weak they are powerful jesus said the prince of this world and if jesus said the prince of this world then you can understand the satan is in charge controlling manipulative but from his control and his governance spirit this generation was raisa kingdom of darkness the kingdom of darkness just by speaking it just by saying it we must rise up to the occasion the helots that rose up to the occasion they were play consistently three times in a day that one time they realize that the church was taking too much of their time as okay that's it we cannot be arranging tables and take care of these people everyday he said fine serving people or a spirit-filled control in charge of the chairs and the tables which I give ourselves continually to prayer and the Ministry of the world the highlights on simile to prayer not where you feel like it but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the Ministry of the way that is for naught when you feel like it's not way when when you feel good then you pray of God if we are going to penetrate the darkness because you can understand that in our time and in our day before them it was but let me tell you in our time and in our day the darkness is very thick it is so thick that you are not able to walk through it if you are not spirit is the church and confines us and comprise our destiny because in the name of the place we're in the soup the police the foundation of the it was for the foundations of the building and the walls of the building to shake it was a serious judge read like that then the last this church must spring far beyond and above what the prayer the prayer of the illiterate the illiterate understood the rules of engagements the last essence doesn't understand the rules of engagement really understand so we deal with strong circumstances situations conditions attached owns lots of the enemy we deal with it because we don't understand the rules of engagement and we don't understand spiritual things at all by the le church understood spiritual things the le church they were so spiritual to the state that way Peter was up and locked up in the prison physically but because the church was very spiritually inclined they knew that this warfare is not physical this battle is not physical we are living in a time where Satan has releases hearts of demons against us and against the body of Christ that is why our battle has become fierce more than ever before they had been contagious on every side they're happy resistances on every side there have been opposition's on every side because the vomits of Satan is coming upon us and the only way we can stop them for meat of Zetas and stop them it is and the words of badness is for us to go on our knees if we are going to penetrate through the darkness if we occupy till Christ come if we are going to take over if we are to have dominion we must go back to our knees so that Allah judge said this one is not physical we will not look for their best at Tony we will not talk to the judge we will not talk to anybody because it's a spiritual battle we will fight it from the spiritual angle guess what they did without ceasing they were trained and the Bible says the prayer relentlessly without ceasing which means it was just a meeting was kept increasing betrayal was made without season of the church unto God for him do you know why it was it was because because Herod is a typology of SATA he puts in in the in the courts of the prison in thoughts you must pass through three doors to get well with us and that's the only way we can penetrate through this darkness is through prayer and that's the brain death prevailing this agonizing the weight on the unease the left lamentation and the name of God and they said God [Music] [Music] release and when ruling office water an angel was this much when the angel came the angel did he come in the flesh the angel came in the spirit because the angel walked through the doors I was asleep he wake him up is that they imprison you to them not right it looks like physical imprisonment but we know what is happening in the spirit they have not only increase in your body the enemy has increase in your spirit and your soul and so for you to get out of this prison you cannot get out by the way of the flesh by the way of the carnality you are going to get out spiritually so what what happened with the angel ain't spiritual because he passed through all the doors without the doors being open with it up when awake beta a PS Vita fasten your shoes put on your shoes now they worked out without opening the door didn't realize that he was walking out of the prison it was after he has gotten out of the prison and so what happened they took him out spiritually because it was in prison spirituality there are so many of us enemy has imprison a spiritual but we are trying to get out physical that is why we are locked in the prison but if you will rise up in the strength I need the might of Jehovah if you go God and say God release my ministry release my family be released my finances be released let me tell you it will be released because you are not fighting by the way of the arm of the flesh you are fighting you are availa in prayer the judge must rise up to the place of spirituality if we are going to penetrate the kingdom of darkness we are going to penetrate the kingdom of darkness when he even came out and went to where the apostles and the church has got the praying for him when he came out and he knocked the door at the time that he was not in the door pray I was still going on prayer was still going on when he got ready were consistently persistent prayer we think that some of the infirmities and the sicknesses and the disease they are medical they are not you have been injected spiritually you have been given the infirmity spiritual and the only way you can be released out of it is for you to tell it spiritually look at the medications that you have been taken what difference has it made absolutely no difference because the sickness and disease and the infirmity is not physical it is spiritual how smart and intelligent and brilliant you are but yet every essence you write UV you take this is natural it is not natural it is Meera to deal with it you must deal with it spiritually so the scripture that we read in the book of Esther Haman has plotted to completely annihilate the entire Jewish race Mordecai head of the conspiracy and sent a message to Esther that this is what is happening as they also send a message back to modify I said God the people will let the people begin to fast and pray I was so fast and pray with my servants with my mate for three days and watch what she said after we have fasted and pray for the three days I will penetrate the darkness what is the penetration of the darkness the penetration of the darkness is the palace of the king wells and work against destinies and Families and ministries where do you cannot just come in by the way of the flesh because the Bible says they would give you when you try to fight the enemy by the way of the flesh you would you would die you you would type before your time because the enemy doesn't operate by the way of the flesh the devil function and operate always spiritually it is only that church that operates canale even though we are spiritual entity the irony of this is mind-boggling and mind-blowing it's hard to comprehend and apprehend it so I said I will pray I will certify myself I will be equated with spirit what gadgets from heaven I will no longer be as that the King knows I will be a warrior I will be a valiant woman because I first impress for three days on my knees there is no way that I can be the same Esther it's not as though the prayers and she prayed and fasted for three days the kid was in counsel with his cabinet members and dispenser and cabinet members women are not allowed including the queen is not allowed you can come into that council if you were a woman it doesn't matter who you are the Queen even is not allowed to come in the darkness but once they were inside suddenly the Queen through the gates without a mission without invitation had the temerity the audacity had the power and the authority with her audaciousness reach the gate and into the council but didn't die because the consequences and the ramification is death but a dead without thou what caused that the power of prayer that gate does it wasn't an ordinary gates because impacted that is where the execution of the entire Jewish race would be enacted she gotten into that gates until she prayed she penetrated into it and the devil couldn't stop him stop him that Devil couldn't prevent her if the church will go back to prayer the devil cannot stop us darkness first and foremost we must know who we are in God because because we don't know when we breathe without our prayer we must know who we are if we are able stop the forces of darkness because listen everything the forces of progress and the words of the enemy and the counsel of second is is planning is organizing is orchestrated is manipulated devising against how I want to pull and they've been doing this consistently every hour of every minute and of every second set and this house of demos they never sleep they are working around the clock why is the church sleepy why is there Chesley why is that such sleepy and that such is not rising up to the occasion this generation the battles we have seen fought in the previous and the past generation the battles of this generation is deep the matter of the warfare is different the attacks is different the conspiracy is different it's not like the previous generation the judge must what in power I will build my church and the gates of Hell the government's get represent government's gates are satanic institutions and the government of Satan's are not reveal and the only way that government and there is destruction of the kingdom of darkness will not prevail against us in the church if when we rise up to the place of prayer God is looking for intercessors God is looking for prayer warriors God is looking for people who go on the unnies God is looking for people who are pregnant with persons who travel because you cannot reveal if you are not pregnant it is pregnant people that reveals beloved if you are pregnant with your destiny if you are pregnant with your future if you are pregnant with your ministry if you are pregnant with your if you are with your professor you should work travail until travail there is no Beth iPhone desire travail she brought forth we can sleep is five for war it's time for battle there is a man in church history by the name of George mullah George mullah George mullah I said I live in the spirit of prayer when I walk I am free when I sit I am free when I'm eating hungry when I'm drinking I'm free when I go to bed I am praying you have never been there before sometimes when you are even asleep but your spirit back is free your spirit man is in prayer because of the forces of darkness and content with your call in your ministry you are asleep you are dream this is not the time for us to play games with God and play games with the devil this is the time for us to rise up and Pakistan and penetrate the kingdom of darkness today you cannot talk about homosexuality because we have come to a conclusion that they are too powerful when you talk against them you will lose your job they will remove you from your position they will shut down your businesses so nobody want to talk about the abomination nobody want to say anything everybody is being politically correct everybody because we are afraid and we want to be in the good books of everybody anybody that tries to be in the good books of everybody that is a hypocrite and a sycophant you I took it a new a sycophant jesus said when you follow me you cannot please everybody people who hate you but the judge is afraid the churches are free but there is a rising generation there is a comparison up who are both who have the independent city and the spiritual intensity to speak the mind of God without intimidation and without fear you can come to me and tell me that you are gay you have found somebody to marry a to as you marry you I was slap you in the face please before I deal with your spiritual you got to be stupid to come to me and tell me that you have just found the same sex I should marry you I will punch your face first and the reason why I can do that legally is because the constitution of the church says that we only believe in marriage between a man and the woman and so for you to come to me and tell me a woman and a woman and a man and a man you are crazy I will slap you left and right after I finish up in you I would deliver you from that foolishness [Applause] we must rise up favorite while confronting things without fear or intimidation bodily without fear intimidation or less show love do you understand what the love of God is oh let's show them love how do you show the love is you don't address the issue on toning domination is Amity against God contracting the institution that God Himself established say show them love but that is what the church is doing that is what the church is doing and you know what that is components are these things we have higher leaders who against process what is they can and thicknesses who I guess and they are leaping congregation nobody is saying anything nobody nobody but there is a generation you may be watching me you are gay you don't like what I'm saying there is nothing you can do about it if you make an append to this church by the time you get to the premises like this was that you would like you can feel don't even don't even write don't write their levels and their dimensions we understand depth of the Spirit and when you know who you are and who is behind you and through whom you speak there is no party they intimidate you [Music] [Applause] the church must rise up and take his place the judge must speak to governments that must be Congress before that judge must are represented we should be or you'll lose your position that Judge must rise up and the judge cannot move in the power in integration if we are not spiritual because most of them they are in a court they have come in covenant with second they I am blood covenants a penis left and rights if you are not stronger you are not spirit why they will kill you they will creep on you they will paralyze you they will extinguish you by the time you realize you have evaporated you will be totally and completely obliterated from the surface of the earth you must speculaas fire and be put one of my great states means I will I read everything about him unless I don't see it if I've not heard if I've not read the book about him I will buy it I will read whistling Jesse oh the great statesmen of Great Britain you know why is great a lot of people don't know because nobody talks about it you know how he became prominent not by his speeches he became dominate during the Second World War because there was an intercessor by the name of results with it you didn't know how to deal with the second world [Applause] [Music] through the medium of man it was because of one he was behind us for everything [Applause] [Music] and would not move and women of the devil's of the kingdom of God is not looking for the body of Christ that's rise up in Romanian and power and the kingdom of darkness [Applause] in a time of darkness God raised interpreting a man by the name of John Knox the guy is a playable priya machine a friend of mine was a mahi one during the war a dove hitless a me has spoken Italy has conquered every other region and according to the intelligent network and the CIA the nest was Great Britain - in Victoria of Great Britain was afraid that plate breaking is going to sink Jonah's weight into prayer and Salinas debris just one man when you are a prayer warrior and you are intercessor you receive an omnipotent power you can change the course of nations and the cost of destinies my man that is why Gaza I thought for a man not to what just wanna tonight I want to challenge somebody who is that one man is that one woman who was join us wait on his knees and he said God don't allow this to happen to Great Britain history he stopped the traveling he said God give me Great Britain or El Sadat there or does it give me great britain one or else i die in other ways car I am not living the homes of your Orca and I'm not living your presence until you have great freedom in my house and he pray and Gaza your request is granted went to Queen Victoria in tow Queen Victoria the Queen Victoria don't worry about the intelligent network of the CIA and what they are saying that Great Britain is on the radar of Adolf Hitler and then he said to with Victoria adopted nation and every nation - Great Britain and at that time that he was saying the hitless only was advancing towards Great Britain in the full suite full speed the Queen seemed unusual he said I'm not sure is a done deal was advancing towards Great Britain all of a sudden they stopped and they came into Russia whilst they were in Moscow and they were fighting it down on two knots that why should add of Hitler destroy Russia now when Russia is in prophecy that in the a time Russia will attack Israel and so he prayed and is a God let the battle see right in Moscow the battle stopped with immediate effect and so one of the miracles two of the miracles that blew everybody's mind is the combination of the battle when at of Hitler advance towards Great Britain and suddenly they turn back to Moscow what determination of the Battle of Dunkirk is the second one and our that happy because someone was free that is why Queen Victoria of Great Britain said I don't fear the Britannia that rule IDs talking about Britannia is talking about a me the amiss that who lady s but I fear the player of journos listen with a spiritual with to pray with to rise up we must stop are these words of the enemy the same rose that is big shots that's a mobilization that is my own in the race of the Spirit we must rise up race is not by me they must master Isaiah put it this way associate yourself and in pieces associate yourself and be broken in pieces and it's a come to know and it's a form without coming to pass why because God is with us this time Church it's not a plane Church is the pre church this endtime Church you must be a power Korea you must be a power broker where you ain't and you step the place they must feel your presence demas they must feel your presence they must feel your presence a time is coming you will see me frequently like you see me every Sunday and everything because God have given me another assignment to the nation's that's my next assign you won't see me like you see me and join me once I'm here I've just told you and I said that to say something that the Lord is sending me to the nation's I will just enter into a city by the living of the Spirit enter into a city and nation and organize the crusade and Allah told me when you enter into any nation and in this city your influence one of the city and of Adam nation your influence and you will manifest my glory and you will show off my power and I will be with you it doesn't just happen it happens on your knees every landmark requires an emic where there is no me mark that cannot be a landmark there was a man by the name of William brain well not William brain William bream well the man knelt and prayed for 36 hours without a morsel of food David Livingstone played in his heart shifted from left to right pray for revival in Africa John Wesley said I pray consistently and constantly and God unsettling consistently and constantly when you a man and a woman of Prayer you are not afraid of circumstances and situations and conditions you are not [Music] and the proclamations of men they don't intimidate you they don't even as a teenager I knew the power in prayer sometimes I will be missing from home my parents will be looking for me I'm in the bushes and in the woods praying and fasting snakes will be moving around me I didn't care about a snake snake will be lying right there and I'm interceding for India they're not commissioned me when I was 14 years old I read the book more recent who knows book and it talked about a dad the three hundred thousand gods of India I couldn't believe it and they're not begging me to start praying for India and so I bought the world back and I put it on in my room I pin it to the wall and I will lay my hands in India and I was until my sweat it's like they have poured water on me it will be coming through the door my mother thinks that maybe I have poured water in my room it'll be second ruff ruff ruff ruff what what I am trained so when people like Ben a he went to India and 1 million gutted it is Noble some of us we have prayed for consistently praying for India pretty pathetic for nations one day I was working with my younger brother by the roadside pedestrian crossing a young boy with the mother they were coming from the opposite direction we are also going through this direction they were coming I don't know them from Adam we have never made them before we don't know them and oftentimes when I'm working with my younger brother in those days you know and kids will be talking about how I will be shaken Asians you know and sometimes in the midst of people in the midst of I'm talking about as I do not have Italy sometimes I'll be I did this until this thing had impact on my mom I would just walk [Applause] somebody said I do it everywhere to intimidate the devil so the outside I would do it the pollutant thinking that there is something wrong and my brother will look at y'all look at my brother with Salafi and be going you think that it is now we started with no now we have been in this pin for tied for a long time in high school my principal called me to her house and said you what is wrong with you in to a house he said you know this young boy what is wrong with you I've been hearing you you have been saying some things language you don't how can you be saying something you don't understand I said this woman is bringing herself I kept quiet she said everything when she finished saying it because she says something that provoked the spirit in me is that if I were to say stuff that I don't understand my children who carry me to the psychiatry Hospital which means that we that we are speaking in tongues we are crazy now so I look at her when she finished I said if doing something that you don't understand makes you crazy then the whole diner is crazy she said what do you mean so what face is that what what do you mean I said we do a lot of things that we don't understand so I started this way I said when you go to the hospital and the doctor diagnose you and gives you a prognosis and prescribe a medication for you to go and buy let me say chloroquine is very common in Africa and prescribe that for you to go by you go and you buy it as a man isn't it she said of course because the doctor have checked me out and has prescribed the medicine and I said even though you don't understand the pharmacology of the chloroquine tablet but you believe that if you pick it it will work she said yes he said the same thing when I speak in tongues I don't need to understand it with me and I said I will take it a step further it is not today that when doctors are going to catch you when they are going to do surgery they sit down with you and they tell you how they are going to do it it is modernized in those days when they are going to do surgery they won't tell you that this and that and that is what they are going to do so I looked at her and I said let's take it for instance you are going to have a surgery and the doctor said the condition that you have you need surgery I said ma'am will you do it she said if the condition needs surgery for my survival I would do it I said really she said yes even when you don't know the part of the anatomy of your body that the doctor is going for that you will still allow the doctor to cut it she said because that is his or her hair profession and Paul said for when I speak in tongues my mind is unfruitful by my spirit praise and he said speaketh not unto men but unto God and he speaketh mysteries and so I came to a conclusion I said ma'am when I speak in tongues I'm not speaking to any man I am speaking to the Almighty God and as long as he understands what I am saying it is okay by the time I was through with her she couldn't believe it she looked at me she said these things I would like to speak in Polish I lay my right eye on her and I said in the name of Jesus I did by the power of the Holy Ghost [Music] my principle receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit she was sitting on the couch she for prom I said yes she got up she was speaking in tongues she was trying to stop it but she would it trying to stop it but she couldn't she was still speaking it was his putting this book in Thomson today she's a believer speaking in tongues I am talking of power but I was talking about something of no for body so I was working with my younger brother but this turn crossing this woman and the son about seven years we're coming towards us and on this side highway just when they were about ten feet from us the boy just left the Madison to the street and the mother said what is wrong and the boy was pointing at us so my brother and I we stood because we wanted to help the woman go take grab help a child but when we make the child to be running all over they were drawing on the nobody knew what to do apparently the little boy reside but on that route he met his much I wasn't in prayer I was just walking wait you are a warrior where you are an intercessor you don't need to pray just your presence your mere presence power the judge must reason to the police Austria we cannot be tunnel we are we are we are dealing with spiritual entity and we are operating it by physical abilities a demonstration demonstration this ritual institution you are using your administrative degree to run it set I will strip you naked you want to work in power you want to stop the witches of your community you want to stop the results of your family you want to circumvent the warlocks and the psychic powers and the palm readers pray God is looking for people who want to pray today pastors do they would not be no player zero player especially in America America busted no prayer no prayer this is a personal research I made a frittata Rita who told you we are here we are eating burgers we are eating KFC McDonald's and all that drinking tea the witches are hiding in fine booty wearing Louis Vuitton and Versace go to Africa they come visit me a minute if you don't live here I will kill you they are doing stuff you the pastor you don't have time 18 beggars because your life is at risk they demonstrate their power go to a place like Benny have you been there before I will tell you my experience there were some people who come they would stick to the ground and snake will come out of the ground oftentimes I tell I tell I tell we American pastors that are here that we feel that we are not as if you are anointed let me take you to Benny you will know if you have you been on or not right here it came beggars I was invited to a certain church they do three services every service there is food banquet the pasta cook fast service banquet second service banquet when I told him I was fasting he was sure American tech is a bad Church we have no power we have no see that is one when there is trouble in the government they don't control the church because they know the church is crippled paralyzed we have no spine no prayer die in Africa who is lukewarm who are backslidden and he he he doesn't pray and you open your mouth yeah but they would choke you they would not come out God worship go to South Korea they have over 200,000 prayer mountains and they have abducted the African Way of pray every Friday or night 10:00 to 5:00 they play hey when you go to Asia the average believer trees for an hour as well Europe don't even talk about if they are shutting down on the edges all my pastors friends who have churches in Europe they have relocated they would take the beauty from them no change so that one don't talk about it let's come to America where we are play when you see a pastor who is a player your five minute I am telling you do your research this is the statistics um tell 5 minutes 5 minutes what we thank you for our food and we thank you for the drink you have given us and we thank you for the breath of life hallelujah what so we are not fighting against flesh and blood we are fighting against principalities and powers that is why like this city in this kind of region said I will not like it because the principality of this region of this nation is not hostile to this kind of church is hostile to motivational speakers where they they work on your emotions they put a video there they go to the remotest part of this earth get somebody who is naked get some flies pretty inside Marisa and put it on TV and work on the emotions of people and take the Amin there have been so many times they arrested all our TV program why don't you come in to get people to be partner to that thing it takes me off because every Christian television when you turn on is raising money raising money if you saw thousand dollars the Lord will offer your family it will cover your job it would die no no wait there are people when they come on so so so so so so what the line is done you keep on calling impertinence and they are ignorant and they don't know how to come out I think it is not good you can give when the lost speaks to you you can give when the Lord instructs you you can give her that ran cement and expansion of the gospel but where it becomes manipulation hardly will you turn on Christian television where there is serious prayer and demonstration of power why would there be demonstration of power on television network Christian television network when they themselves they don't have power the church has no power we Americans fast somebody oh I just fasted my breakfast what I just fascinated by breafast one fasting six to twelve and you wake up a [Music] 12v power with great darkness I'm dealing with the reality of the church in America we love food listen if I want to have pain services there is a way I can have I will get a cook this shop I'm telling you if I were to have pain services on a Sunday I know how to do it you know how to do I will get a cook every service free food to eat the place will be they will come because of the way they will come because of food you let me announce that tomorrow's program before you get in you eat after the program food will be waiting believe you me your evangelism anointing will come how you would tell everybody but amazingly you will commit you didn't talk to anybody but if there is food let's go pray a city now what they do it is sighs it is you know things like that issue make us cry that is why there is no power there is no presence there is no glory and what we are doing Jesus is not in it Jesus is not in it Jesus I can't challenge you right now I tell you rise up and I will tell you let's pray not in tongues in non language for two minutes but that you pray in new language from one minute you will change it to tongues you know the reason why you don't have the prior capacity if I said pray in your non language three minutes if I asked you right now to rise up you will start speaking in tongues after one minute because you don't know how to talk to him you don't know how to stay in this present and speak from the darkness and the bottomless of your heart in your non language you don't have a relationship with him he's not your friend you are not in love with him have you ever been in love before what I was in love with my wife and I'm still in love with my wife when we're dating we'll be on the phone you know after we marry I was thinking what were we talking about to unfold what what is sappy were we talking about what are we talking about two hours before well we will be talking about global issues or if it blows my mind and we are not exhausted of our conversation it keep on coming one after the other different topics different topics we will die set it by set it dry set it two hours wait you are in love with Jesus you can stay in his presence and talk to him an hour in your non language Satan is messiness around pushiness around messing with our heads messing with our family messing with our ministry our calling because he knows that these people they are not spiritual Satan who steal from us say one day one day one day one day I will get it back time he'll own look at the years that have passed the wound is still no hue if time heal your wound should have been healed long time ago that's how good pain you still carried because it has got nothing to do with in the physical it is spiritual when Jehoshaphat the king his enemies deposited rose up against Israel and they wanted to destroy them Jehoshaphat went to the presence of God in prayer in prayer now when he went to God in prayer he was thinking that God is going to give him some weapons and God is going to tell him position there me let them pick the they are they equivalent of Ellingson with the assaults God a deities after you finish praying God said let the praise and worship go ahead of the army today Isis fighting Isis and then the coalition armies is that Eagles top of voice of France come and lead us you see all these maps that laughter is impregnated and I will tell you the laughter you know what is going to happen all of them the accident you resign that very day some of those I was passing by I was I didn't plan I came to visit I'm not part of the part of the wire but God said to Jehoshaphat let the prison worship go ahead you know the reason why now Joseph art was thinking that it was a physical battle but did he know that it was a spiritual battle he was thinking that his to fight these people with the arm of the flesh if he had tried each and every one of them would have died because they came to fight Israel with their dogs of which Jehoshaphat didn't know but God who is all knowing new so he said this one you are not going to fight it by the end of the flesh let the praise and worship team go ahead and the Bible says that as the praise and worship wait ahead and when they began to sing and to praise the answer will come again Judah and the waist meet when they engage them spiritually angels angels were dispatched to lay and compost meet against their enemies and the enemies where am i late didn't throw in the palms into the city and just saw the enemies why because they engage them engage them spiritually this battle is no physical it is spiritual and taste the enemy spiritual don't play games don't be Conner don't live in the flesh deal with it spiritually that is where the church must come to the business is not going well go on your knees the marriage is not going well go on your knees go your knees I'm talking about the power of prayer that penetrates darkness if you will come to that level and that dimension of Prayer listen to me everything else will fall in place everything else will fall in place the church in America must pray we we have slept for too long we have slept for two too long and we have brought all these wiggly teens into the church all these worldly things the only way we can win the world is when we have their programs in our church who told you that which scripture did you read so if I want to win somebody who has tattooed or her body I have to battle myself what kind of scripture is that and that is what we are doing in the church that is why the church has become an entertainment center and I said time we Donna the church has gone wetly and the wetly has gone sadly so you cannot distinguish between the church and the world when you come to the church you don't even know that you are in the church because the church is exactly like the world because we are importing the things of the world and we are bringing it to the church the church is spiritual entity it's a spiritual establishment and we we are spiritual people and we are fighting against spiritual beings and our battle is not physical our battle is spiritual let us rise up and take our stand in the spirit realm and penetrate through darkness and take everything that the enemy has stolen what the church is supposed to be doing is to match to the gates of the devil much into the kingdom of darkness the church only waits to fight when the enemy attacks so we are always on the defensive side we are always defending we are always defended while the enemy is attacking we must turn out from that we must take the battle to dictates of the enemy we must we must stop we must prevent we must intercept we must hinder we must watch the activities of the enemy through the medium of prayer if you swallow my riches I will squeeze your Adam's apple until you vomit it by the power of prayer haven't you read it he said that with the serpent has swallowed he will firm eat it the book of Job that which he has swallowed he will from God said I will cast it out of its belly to cast do you know what that means it means that pressure and force not willingly no not for loot really press and force if the enemy is going to release what he has taken away from you you must pressurize the enemy to to true prayer on the enemy through prayer through prayer you cannot be sleeping 24/7 you love sleep there are times by yourself declare and all nights with the powers of darkness deal with the forces when they turn from the left deal with them from the right deal with them when they fly let the winds be plucked off because of your prayer which is shouldn't able to come to your house and sit down comfortably and cross the lake it shouldn't be possible immediately they enter they should be saying I'm a witch I'm a witch and which there is too much fire here you are not in prayer but just your mere presence exposes them your mere presence and taste like that you don't wish it you do it through prayer you don't just desire it you do on your knees you bow your knees and pray submit wiglesworth was in in a hotel and suddenly the windows of the hotel a stone came into his room and the windows opened the windows were just sort of being like that and it was lying in his bed so what is happening so he got up to look through the window and when he looked through the window he saw that Devin is if I knew that it was you out on my bed I am talking about power I will be walking in that is the kind of power we should be working in so if I knew it was you I would have slept why did I even wake up he just went back to his bed and slept he didn't say Satan thank you receive fire he is already fire oftentimes it is out of panic that we press that impress fear they are coming after you when you pray out of here your prayer has no power and it has no value and it will not have effect there Camille Madhu cover her down Oh God so messy and or that is coming out of here I've told you so many times about a Ali the guys dynamic is a force to reckon with and the pastors who don't know what they were doing were casting out a devil demo from this youngster 12 year or girl and for house and I've told you how charisma depends because the people cast out Devils they spray you with saliva because of the way we prayed for hours they were praying they say they couldn't cast out the devil a I'll ensure that he was watching them this pastors wasting their time he showed up he held lady by the neck and said this is a Ellen I don't have time get out that people left with immediate effect when you tried that people would jump on you you know the reason why because it is not by his name that the demon Flay is by the power that was carry and he has power through the medium of intercession and prayer and prayer lester Samra was in the water was lying on his bed the devil literally came to his room and move the bed from the walk to the middle of the room he got up and realized that the bed that was on the wall now is in the middle of the room you open the hotel window he didn't open the door because Satan is a bastard he doesn't come through the right way always come through the wrong way so he opened the window and says Satan where you move this bedroom move it back to where it is who told you is not a vision it's not a dream it's not a revelation he was standing there bed moved back to the wall and he shot his windows went back to sleep I am talking about your walk with God desire power and the power comes OOP to prayer if I've not played something it's like my whole day is messed up when when I pray I feel good when I come out you see me like that when I come out of pray I'm 12 feet well when I come out spiritually I have to bend to come through the door I'm tell you something sometimes when I look at you in the way I want you guys to walk in power you have not caught it yet you have not caught it yet it's not enough just to be a Christian you must be a Christian with power power some of these prayer requests are being received an appointment I shouldn't be getting those prayer request an appointment somebody is troubling you at work you are not having peace kicking against you whatever you do they don't appreciate even though you were hired as long as you are there you are a boss you mess with me you are fired I will fire you how do I fire you when you mess with me I just go to the bathroom and then I just mentioned your name Rize Terry so that you have been properly me at this work and you don't want me to have peace from today I fire you you will never retain a game may not take your place that will favor my gosh and I will just walk out and when Theresa talk I will Jasmine said today's your last day at work I'm showing you secrets of spiritual dimensions don't do don't deal with stops and circumstances and with people by physical means I'm not talking to you if you cross my path I will slap you many years ago I used to get angry about people who talk about me by bite me and say stuff about me I get so angry to the standard when I come to the puppet it reflects in my message they were touched by the time I come to the puppet I am so angry I will tell you people that have been talking underneath I remember you people that have been talking about me there were people there were ladies that time I was in my realities that they were they were watch when they are other people like the saloon and that is they will just pick their food because people are there who knows me and say oh pastor Grantham economy okay honey I'm coming tell you reality and the news will just Israel but the greatest dating this versus pasta is dating that person and some of this before in church and so how we hear it so when I come there be location where I've called a woman tell you you are being say that I'll stop [Applause] ask them ask them they will tell you and one thing about me I'm not afraid of anybody don't be fooled by this heightened body I am Not Afraid of anybody's face so I will come and I was you you had the one in charge I will finish with that be fine stop preaching was pleased and I'm also angry so the face Islamic one day the Lord would be sad do you think that when people come to church they come to hear what people are saying about you this God when you following in knows how to straighten you and bring you to an alignment so you think when people come to church they come to hear what people are saying about you the gossip and the bad by dinner they are not here for all that from henceforth don't talk about yourself and what anybody is saying or what they have said about you when you come to church treats my weight to the people in fact everything you say that I said the people that they don't care they are there to receive the a miracle they are brittle and to meet me they are not there to meet you and then the second thing he told me he said in a time talk about this issue you take the battle from my hands anytime you begin to see it you take the battle from my hands keep quiet don't talk about it let me deal with it and I'll end that and I stop all those childish behaviour that I was betraying and I'm telling you I can I can rewrite a book how God have dealt with all my enemies one by one one by one handsome devil devil this candle lights me they cannot assassinate me they do all kinds of things but I don't deal with them from the arm of the flesh I deal with them from my closet and when they see me they have been baptized by the devil and ploy by the devil but when they see me they give me an O patience you know why not me they see the God in me and they realize this God is more powerful than the devil that is using him I am talking about penetrating darkness fight anybody working power working Authority and also what in humility you are come but powerful you are hope but you are a container of the presence of God when they mentioned your name in the coven's of witchcraft they'll go help at Scapa because you load yourself with spiritual power through prayer who want to pray who want to be a priori arise on your feet [Applause] TRAI is what stopped the words of the enemy TRAI is what stops the activities of the kingdom of darkness prayer trivia if you are tired of anything and everything don't be tired of praying go on your knees by your knees you can hold the city at ransom by your knees you can make your family come to alignment with the will of God and the purpose of God don't fight your husband because your husband is changing women all over the place I won't cook for him I would deny him ourselves those things he doesn't work those days rather you are pushing to go and do it women can can I give you a secret marriage and those who are can I give you a secret can I give you a secret I will give you the secret all you need to do when he is not at home or he is asleep take his pant and tie into one of the room and lift it up before God and sell God this is my husband's pant I'm using it as a point of contact as I lift up this pant on to you the part that he was made the Dunamis power not functional strategy play player you don't just spray it must be skillful strategic you must pray intelligently I remember a lady was in the service has moved to Houston when I taught on the Covenant of salt and the husband in the penis gate he will follow let me tell you something that happened today you know today I was indoors I got out I went to the ATM machine Ali became the lady said the devil the devil is trickery the lady said oh today is my daughter's birthday she insisting I was at the ATM Asadabad she insisting would you like to sow a seed yes would you like to sow a seed so when I had seat Sarah maybe she is one of us no she's a believer so I just put my hand in my pocket and then gave her some money for the daughter so I was standing by the ATM machine but I realized the lady was at my back with the hand around me and said oh can you give me your number you know we can meet you no I said wrong address you believe what I did you can't this man of where you can get the thing was like yeah by the time I realized this lady's arm was at my back around my neck I gather you Foust feel it people were there people were waiting in line say you foul spirit Jezebel spirit in the name of Jesus Christ you know I'm going to preach tonight you have come to tempt me to neutralize the anointing before God punish you I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry for yourself I'm telling you if he dropped answer people were coming people had come in to look what is going on I saw you a prostitute yes he said say I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so I said no you have no idea a prostitute I do that devil let's say I'm sorry I'm sorry said be sorry for yourself if not because of something I would strike you with blindness and the lady came some lady who was standing can say say please you will stand there and say that I need that to demonstrate the angle of course you stand as I will take your hands off me no let me show you power what's underneath begging and these are the manipulations of the enemy that if you don't take care by the time you realize they have released the spirit of lust so all of a sudden who are having funny funny feelings when you see there's much more little little girls wrong address no not this one this one is wrong address it doesn't matter what you were put in your eye here and you come to church and you think that you are coming to that one those things they are they are juvenile they are the neighborhood witches Meebo those one they are little little people anyway so he had the message on the covenant of swords the husband be sleeping all over the place and she didn't tell me anything but she caught a revelation on the Covenant of soul the husband went away he took swords and oil entered into the closet started anointing the husband dresses with the salt and no short at all the dress and the pants and everything went inside quietly and stopped talking the husband will go to work will not come early and when it becomes lady aspect that the wife arrange food serve him and everything suddenly the husband started coming le and she never has the husband anything the husband will come home early and she said she was watching this man is coming home mainly what is happening and one day the husband said because something happen came home went to the wife and the anointing was working and he said what is wrong when I go out the power doesn't work I am but when I come home she says she just kept quiet she didn't say anything he waited the following day she went to wake you the husband went to work he said he took this whole thing I am teaching you some don't fight with money revelation prehaps the husband stop because if you go to another woman and the team is no function why should you go you come back to your wife we are enjoying my original they are cruising having fun in marriage you are fighting with your mouth you have kiss your husband ah you say I've been sorted every part of your body I don't know which part of your body I will search Wendy a case came to me like that the woman have insulted the miser bastard this man is the foolish man half I have every part I don't know which part and me I was sitting down quietly listening the master are you hearing what Jesus don't deal with stuff with physically deal with it with spiritual means you know how you deal with it in your closets you know how you talk to God about the situation in your closets that is how you get momentum and you get an upper hand tonight I want to make a decision that you will be a prayer warrior you will be a priori you would prevail in prayer you will a good night in prayer are you ready to pray because we pray when I say are you ready I'm not talking about American prayer we will pray look at somebody's are you ready to pray Oh tell the person if you are not ready excuse me let me take you to Asia and Africa hallelujah let's leave America amen find a place position yourself position yourself look for a space a space and pray this is the prayer God increase my prayer level increase the momentum of my prayer let me become Priya addict because I want to have power with you some of the situations that has been dealing with you over the years if you had gone on your knees you would have dealt with it long time ago long time prayer is hard work I will lie to you you must discipline yourself discipline yourself when it comes to faint prayer preyus bath penetrate you must discipline yourself it is hard work but when you discipline yourself you get the results it can comes that TRAI become part and parcel of you it is no longer work it becomes part of you it becomes fun it becomes like a hobby to you you pray for fur that is where I want you to come to that is where I want you to come - are you ready to pray are you ready to pray I want you to pray and tell God that God let the spirit of prayer come upon me do you know that intercessors and people who stand in the gap and be pray God gives them a Mac or you don't know spiritually God puts Mac on their forehead turn your Bible to the Book of Ezekiel let me show you a scripture Ezekiel's of the nine divest number four ezekiel 9:4 and the most said unto him go through the midst of the city through the midst of Jerusalem and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that been done in the midst thereof decide and the cry is prayer men that intercede men that travail go to Ezekiel go to the city and put my mark on them that any time I see them I will know that these are the men that stand in the gap for the city and they pray for for the abominations of the city that God will show mercy the question you should ask yourself is this is there any mark on your forehead does heaven recognize and acknowledges you as an intercessor and a prayer warrior if Heaven doesn't tonight the spirit of Prayer must come upon you you know we talk about the Azusa revival and other things how do you think that the Jews are revival he came about if they come about by breaking bread they were in breaking bread it came about because the way group of people led by William Sam who were hungry for God and they decided to be having prayer meetings to receive power from on high and as the data to pray power from on high came upon them and every fiber began to spread all of to us pray I know some of you have head of their Pensacola Reviva do you know how it happened you can have a personal Reviver but it doesn't happen automatic you must learn how to pray you must learn how to go on your knees are you ready to pray please this kind of prayer you are not looking at who is looking at you know this kind of prayer you are not looking at the other person say these other person would think that I'm crazy no let him think that you are crazy let me think that you are crazy listen to me you know what you need from God you know what you desire from God you know what you want from God there are some of you here under the sound of my voice you need divine intervention there are some of you your situation you you need it is an emergency it is 9-1-1 something must happen now you don't have 48 hours you don't have 24 hours you don't have 72 hours you don't have one week something must happen now and it is not going to happen because you desire it is going to happen because you breathe so don't look at anybody and 1000 dispenses what will be the possession of this person the trouble you are going through the single the sleepless nights that you are behaving do they have any idea or any clue it is just you and look in this church and God forget about anybody around you because today something has shifted to this famous happy [Applause] God must aim that a chain that I've been assigned a case you from the kingdom of furnace you must stop that agency stealing from you and take it away from you and undermining your destiny you're calling your ministry your family your marriage and your finances you must stop that power that prophecy that have been delayed for so long you must take authority over the spirit of delay that spirit spirit somewhere so that your prophecy will come to pass so that your destiny will manifest so you are not here to joke you are not here to play games you are not here to bring to play to sleep you have a comfortable bed is it this chair that you will come and sit on him and start sleeping when you have a comfortable bed if you have left your comfortable bed to come here it makes you mean business business there are some of you single ladies all these things that they have been saying about you it must end you fear God you work in the ways of God but because you are single when you are talking to any man that is married they begin to husband's NASA until you don't want to talk to anybody is that devil it must end your own husband must come today your own wife must come today you are looking for you must get it today your business must excel it must expire you must contract the sickness must disappear from your body but illness it must live by its own accord from your body you must walk out of here free with the Liberty that Christ has given us there are some of you you desire spiritual gifts through the prayer there should be in your spirit that gives should be activated your eyes must open to see into the spirit and into the supernatural your spirit why ears must open to hear the voice of God clearly and accurately you must take control and jump over your destiny and over your life through the medium of prayer you must take back everything that the enemy has taken from you from your family and from generation past you must take everything with interest are you ready to pray I just want to provoke you into something in you you think that the way you are that is how God wants you to be you are way more than this you are better than this you are operating below spiritual capacity and dignity you know pretty below you are much more than this you are better than this as you are standing that there is greatness in you but Satan's purpose to suppress it but today to the medium of of prayer and the intensity of the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus your greatness can come you have been in prison for so long Satan have locked you up but you can't emerge you can walk out as a free moral agent are you ready to pray I just want to stay upset e-teens in you you have the power don't be looking for the power somewhere oftentimes the devil have deceived you and told you that the only people whose prayers are very powerful and the pastors who to do the same God I serve is the same God you sir I am his servant you are his servant I am his staff you are his shot what is the problem what is the problem he does God call you grandson no go cause your granddaughter God doesn't have grandchildren all of us young and old we are his children so this power is not limited to just few people is for everybody everybody that is why you must know what you carry that is the first thing you must acknowledge if you are going to pay the trade back you must know who you are and what you carry and the power that is behind you if you are going to penetrate the darkness tonight you will pray and you will get results somebody shout our debt result you are not praying to while away time to waste time because you have nothing to do you are here to get results you are here to get results before you were just free but now you have got a revelation in that revelation if everybody in your family had failed not you you can feel you are too loaded to fail it will be a great disservice for you to fail in fact if you want to fail you can see are you ready to pray our usual you are ready to pray I want you to pray like you a mad woman I want you to pray like you a mad man because something must happen today don't be thinking about oh ok next week or next two weeks or by the end of the year you don't have that time it must happen now somebody say now somebody say now somebody say are you ready I want you to lift up your voice ah ha ha [Music]
Channel: Eagles Chapel
Views: 13,570
Rating: 4.7358489 out of 5
Keywords: warfare, carnally minded, spiritual minded, occupy till I come, hours of prayer, travail
Id: hAvOKV9282Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 28sec (8728 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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