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so hallelujah amen i want to thank you so much for tuning in tonight hallelujah uh wherever you are tuning in from i want you to know that i really really appreciate you whether from africa or asia or or the caribbean or north america or south america or latin america uh wherever or europe wherever you are tuning in from i want to welcome you and i want to thank you so much for being part of this ministry uh if this is your first time tuning in i want you to know you are welcome welcome welcome welcome and i trust god that uh tonight you will be blessed immensely and you will learn a lot uh tonight by the grace of god hallelujah amen well uh i have to go into the word right away because i have to close on time to give way to the uh the quarry stairs to come and rehearse uh for tomorrow all night hallelujah so i'm going to be going straight into the world and i'm going to take my time to teach you uh for you to understand this uh particular topic that we are about to embark on if there is somebody that needs to be part of this service and that you know that is not yet uh has not yet tuned in please call them test them what's up them and elect them and let them tune in i believe you are about to be blessed immensely well i told you yesterday i'm going to be teaching on a subject i have entitled disgracing the strong man but looking at the message i think i would rather title it overpower the strong man overpower the strong man somebody say overpower the strong man you see when you overpower the strong man you disgrace the strong man hallelujah so i would prefer titling the message tonight how to overpower the strong man how to overpower the strong man i want you to say that with me how to overpower the strong man or say it again how to overpower the strong man hallelujah turn your bible to the book of mark mark chapter 3 mark chapter 3 the verse number 27 mark chapter 3 the verse number 27. and i read no one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his gooks unless he first binds the strong man and then he will plunder his house let's pray heavenly father i pray in the name of jesus use me mightily and greatly to declare your word and father let somebody be blessed let somebody receive this insight this revelation let these message revive and quicken somebody's spirit conscientize somebody let somebody be delivered and set free through your word in jesus name amen i want you to say it again with me for the very last time how to overpower the strong man oh say it again how to overpower the strong man or aid for the last time how to overpower the strong man now this particular verse of scripture it was jesus that was speaking not only to the disciples but to the multitudes of people that have guided to hear him teach and preach the word and so in the process of his teaching and preaching jesus told them that no one can enter no one can enter a strong man's house a strong man's house a strong man's house and his goods unless he first binds the strong bank and then he will plunder his goods so watch this the strong man one has a house two the strong man has goods the strong man has a house and he has goods so what is the purpose of this house what kind of house does the strongman has now when you look at it in the greek is actually not a house that you and i can live in or the house that you and i inhabit the house that you and i know their house there simply means a warehouse a warehouse and so the strong man has a warehouse and usually what do you keep in a warehouse goods we keep goods in a warehouse so the strongman has a warehouse and the strong man has boots that is kept in the warehouse and the strong man stands at the entrance of the warehouse so that nobody comes into the warehouse and takes out the goods that he or she has kept in the warehouse now i want you to stay with me the strong man has a warehouse the warehouse contains goods but you must understand that the goods that are in the warehouse of the strong man are not his the goats that are in the warehouse of the strong man are not his these are goods that the strong man has taken from people these are goods that the strong man has taken from men and women individuals these are goods that the strongman has taken from families from from from communities from from nations these are goods that the strong man has has taken forcefully from a generation and so all the goods that are in the warehouse are not his i want you to understand that in this warehouse that the strongman is getting to make sure that the owners don't come to take their goods out that warehouse your marriage is there your business is there your children they are there your promotion is there your blessing your prosperity your elevation is there your ministry is there your giftings and your potentials they are there everything that adds value to you everything that makes you you everything that makes you to advance and progress and become an asset to your family and your generation and not a liability the strong man has forcefully and violently taken it and he has kept it in the warehouse that is why until we overpower the strong man your testimony you can give it for you to give your testimony the strong man got to be removed you must enter into the warehouse and take your goods when your goals is in your heads as an evidence and proof then you can testify but until then it is just impossible for you to testify tonight i am teaching you how to overpower the strong man so now you understand that the strong man has a warehouse that he has kept stolen goods he has kept your miracle he has kept your healing he has kept your destiny he has kept your greatness he has kept your glory he has kept your marriage ring he has kept your womb this warehouse contains goodies these goodies belong to you and as long as these schools are in the warehouse of the strong man you can't testify because what do you testify about when you have nothing in your hands and nothing to sow as an evidence and a proof of what god has done in your life and what god is doing in your life how do you testify in the lower courts an attorney doesn't win against because the attorney is eloquent the attorney wins the case because the attorney uses the law the constitution and secondly the attorney has evidence to back what he is saying if you say god is good to somebody the person must see the goodness of god in your life if you say god is a miracle-working god you should be able to tell the person and to show the person the wonders and the miracles of god in your life and that of your family or your business or your ministry or that of your children you cannot just say that god is god of miracles god is god of healing god is god of breakthrough without you showing an evidence which is your testimony and so for us to have that evidence for us to have that proof for us to become a living witness to what god can do and to what god is doing we must take our goats from the warehouse of the strong man and so who is the strong man we know that strongman has a warehouse he has goods in it that doesn't belong to him but who is the strong man so let me tell you who a strong man is a strong man is either a spirit or a human being that possesses great strength a strong man is either a spirit or a human being that possesses in the spiritual and physical strength because if the strong man is just a man jesus would have said it this way project the scripture for me no one can enter a man's house and plunder his goods unless his first binds the man this is not ordinary being this is not ordinary personality with ordinary strength that is why jesus called the man a strong man and for jesus the almighty god the savior of the world god himself the second in the godhead to call another spirit and to call a man a strong man then that particular individual or spirit possesses great strength both spiritually and physically and that is why he used the word strong man so a strong man can be a spirit an entity a deity and it can also be a human being either a man or a woman who possesses spiritual and physical strength not just ordinary but great strength and you must understand that it is by this strength that the strong man steals and takes forcefully violently your destiny is your miracle your breakthrough your glory your elevation your business and your advancement and he keeps it in his warehouse and he stands at the entrance of his warehouse because he doesn't want you to come and take the goods that he has taken from you forcefully by his strength violently by his strength and so he got the entrance of the warehouse so that nobody comes to take it who is the strong man the strong man is the man that possesses supernatural strength and by this supernatural strength he uses it to oppress us to oppress his prey to oppress his enemy to oppress his adversary so the strong man is not just an ordinary being that you can just push away or move away or push down the strong man is a principality the strong man is an entity the strong man is a deity strong man possesses supernatural powers and supernatural strength and so you cannot dispossess the strong man just by talking just by desiring it just by wanting it you can only dispossess and overwhelm the strong man by the overwhelming intensity of your prayer that is how you overpower the strong man you don't overpower the strong number by just wishing no and you must understand that when jesus was talking about a strong man in those days when you talk about a strong man a strong man is an exhibitor of strength a strong is man exhibitor of strength in other words they're strongly they exhibit they are great strength they are great power they exhibit their great physicality and spirituality as it relates to it relates to the strength that they possess and so oftentimes the strong man as he beats their strength by oppressing they exhibit their strength by forcefully taking away denying or strutting intercepting and taking away everything that is yours [Music] that is how they exhibit their strength i am talking about the strongman and you must understand that they don't just exhibit their strength but they also rule with their strengths they rule with the power that they possess and they rule and controls with their strengths they rule and control with their strength forcefully and violently my question tonight is this who is the strong man in your life that doesn't want you to testify who is the strong man in your life that doesn't want you to testify who is the strong man in your life that has stolen your goats and has kept it in his warehouse who is that strong man who is that strong man that doesn't want you to be celebrated because the things that you are supposed to be possessing and the things that are supposed to be manifesting in your life for you to be celebrated the strong man has forcefully taken it and has kept it in his warehouse and so you cannot be celebrated and instead of you being celebrated you are being tolerated i am talking about a strong man there are some of you that strongman is setting on your greatness the stronger is sitting on your ministry the struggle is setting on your deliverance destruction is sitting on your healing the strong man is sitting on your breakthrough the strong man is sitting on your contract the strong man is sitting on that position and the strongman has supposed expect us and determine that that position you won't have it there are some of you the strongman is setting on your education that is why that particular subject you keep on failing and failing and failing and failing and failing and failing and failing even two you have steady you have done everything that you know to do but yet that particular subject you cannot pass you have been writing these board exams over and over again and you see the devil is very tricky he's very subtle and cunning and he operates in such a way that will make you go crazy you write that about desires and sometimes you miss it by two and so you become very optimistic that the next time i am going to make up for that tool that i miss and the next time you write it again you miss it by one and then you write it again you miss it by three so you keep on missing it by a very small margin why because there is a strong man that is sitting on that board designs and as per person to tell me that you won't pass it there are some of you before you write their exams the money before you wrote the exams do you are in the early hours of the morning they wrote their exams for you somebody wrote their exams for you i've seen this before i've ministered to people like that before they are some of you once you are in the samsung and you are putting in the right answers that the strong man is standing beside you and changing the answers that you get the results and you can't believe it you wrote the exams answer you knew that this thing you are coming on top you knew all the answers at the tip of your finger but the results come and it is a failure and you are wondering what just happened there is a strong man standing beside you you put in the correct answers they change it i am talking about how to overpower the strong man and i'm telling you the activities of the strong man when the strongman gives your goods i am telling you no door opens for you when the strongman gets hold of your giftings and your potentials i am telling you everybody will bypass you you are supposed to be at the front but you will be at the back i am talking about the strongman there are so many that are under the influence of the strong man the strongman is manipulating your destiny and the reason why the strongman is manipulating your destiny is because the strongman has control over your destiny the strongman is manipulating your miracle the strongman is manipulating your advancement your manifestation you are supposed to be in but they've locked you outside you are supposed to be inside but they have thrown you outside you are trying to get in but to know i feel because the strong man is standing at the entrance and saying that you can enter overpowering the strongman overpowering the stronger say that with me overpowering the strongman oh say it like you mean it overpowering the strongman now i want you to watch this project the scripture again for me he said no one can enter a strong man's house and plonked up his goods the plunger that simply means to take the goods that the strong man has kept in his possession you cannot just get up and go and say that i'm taking my goods or tell the strongman give me my goods because the strongman will not allow you the strong man will not permit you the strongman will contend with you there are so many of you that the strongman is contending with your testimony this month the strongman is contended with your testimony this week the strong man doesn't want you to testify the strongman doesn't want the manifestation to happen that strongman doesn't want you to break through the strongman doesn't want you to rejoice the strongman doesn't want you to sing a new song the strongman doesn't want you to be late the strongman doesn't want you to excel and so the strongman is contending with you the strongman is fighting against your breakthrough and your testimony but today i have come in the volumes of the book for it is written that there is no enchantment against jacob and there is no divination against israel i declare that there is no enchantment or divination from the strong man from the strong woman from the powers of darkness from the demonic entities from the spirit or from human beings that will be able to stop you from testifying this week that will be able to stop you from testifying this month i declare that the strongman i tied the strongman i buy the strongman i overpower the strongman by superior power by superior authority in the name of jesus and i declare that your testimony is released your breakthrough is released your miracle is released the access to your petition and your request it is released received a manifestation somebody shout fire project the scripture for me and he said unless he first buying the strong man the by that simply means that for you to take your goods and for you to take that which the strong man has taken and stolen from you you must first and foremost overpower the strong man you must overpower the strong man what does it mean to overpower to overpower simply means to subdue the strongman you have to subdue the strongman you have to bring the strong man and that your subjugation you must bring the strong man and your subjection what does it mean to overpower the strong man to overpower the strongest simply means that to exercise a superior power and authority that supersedes and transcends the strongman's strength and power that is how you subdue the strongman what does it mean to overpower the strongman what it means is to dominate the strong man to have dominion over the stronghold when you have dominion over the strongman you can't just push the strong man away you can just hold the strong man and throw the strong man away you can command the strong man to give way and to get out of your way and the strongman will get out of your way and so to overpower the strongman simply means that to have dominion over the strong man somebody shout i have dominion over the strong man to overpower the strong man also means that to defeat the strong man to defeat the strongman to overcome the strong man to overpower the stronger means that to defeat the strongman and you cannot defeat the strongman without engaging until you engage you can defeat him and so for you to defeat him and for you to overcome the strongman you must engage the strong man in warfare in battle and in wrestling that is how you overpower the strong man what does it mean to overpower the stronger what it means to overpower the strongman simply means to stifle the strength of the strongman to undermine the strength of the strongman by your superior strength and i want you to understand that you have a superior strength you have a superior authority you have a superior power through the name of jesus we have a delegated authority jesus said i have given you what power to tread upon serpent and scorpio and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by enemies hate you including the strength and the power and the influence of the strongman what does it mean to overpower the strongman what it means to overpower the strong man is for you to devastate the strongman to support the strong man to baptize the strong man and you can shatter the stronger and backer and devastate the strongman and have dominion and control and influence and power over the stronger through the medium of prayer and warfare and decrees and proclamation and declaration by the word of god and putting the strong man at his place and putting your feet on the neck of the strong man and declaring that you strong man you can steal other people's schools but not me i am tying you down i am overpowering you by the intensity of my prayer uh what it means to overpower the strongman it means that to overwhelm the strong man by your power and we can overwhelm the strongman by the power of prayer by the power of worship by the power of praise by the power of declaration by the power of decrees by the power of declaration and the prophetic word we can overpower we can dominate we can subdue we can subjugate we can bring to disrepute we can bring to reunite we can suppress we can oppress we can suffocate we can subdue we can stifle we can overwhelm the enemy who is called the stronger you must testify this is your season of testimony you must testify you cannot be denied of your testimony that is why tomorrow as we gather here for the all night we are going to overwhelm the strongman with the intensity of our prayers we are going to engage the strong man and we are going to command the stronger to lose it hold and creep over our testimony we will plunder the house the warehouse of the strongman we are not just taking our goods that he has stolen but we are taking our goods with interest overpowering the strongman the strongman has taken your joy forcefully the strongman has taken your goods your property forcefully but beloved we can overpower the stronger we can silence the strongman we can strip the stronger of its power and authority we have been given what it takes we have dominion you must testify i don't care what the odds are you must testify i don't care how many strong men you will testify you must testify you must see the glory of god you must see the hand and the finger of god at work in your life you must experience the favor of god i don't know who i'm talking to but i am announcing to somebody that by the time this week is over your first and your middle name will be called favor that strong man that is oppressing you that stronger that is oppressing you that stronger that does deny you of your breakthrough and of your miracle i declare by the finger of door i declare by the blood of jesus i super impose the blood of jesus over every strong man i tie every strong man with the feathers of iron and with the blood of jesus i strip every strongman of their power of their strength of their influence of their authority i release fire from heaven to consume them i declare to the strongmen to the powers that be have you not heard have you not heard and have you not read that our god is a god of a consuming fire i declare whatever you are hiding whether in the heavens or on the earth or beneath the waters of the earth i declare may the fire of god consume you may the fire of god bend you i declare that the servants of god the children of god the daughters of god the sons of god the body of christ your testimony is being released your prophecy is being fulfilled your access to your petition and your request is manifesting right now somebody shout i receive it [Music] over overpowering the stronger the strong man intimidates the strongman cares and he usually scares and intimidates those who doesn't know that they carry superior authority they carry superior power that supersedes and transcends his power and authority project the scripture for me no one can enter a man's house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man the binder simply means tie tie the strong man down give it to me in the niv the niv translation and then i will read the amplifier i want you to look at this translation it will bless you the niv said in fact no one can enter a strong man's house without first time up you can enter into the house of a strong man without first tying him up today i stand as the prophet of god i stand in the apostolic anointing and in the prophetic anointing i stand in the anointing of the powers of the age to come i stand on this great commission and this assorted order and i declare that any strong man that has taken your goods i arrest that strong man and i tied that strong man with the feathers of iron i tied that strong man with the blood of jesus i tied that strong man with a rope that comes from heaven and i declare that they will not escape they will forever stay in this room if you believe in shout fire so you must first tie him up then he can plunder the strong man's house you must tie him that is why we are gathering tomorrow for the all night you must be here let me tell you it's good to tune in it's good to watch it's good to join the service online but i'm telling you there is a difference when you are in the atmosphere there is a difference when you are here in peace that is why tomorrow you got to be here in person the fire will be too much the power will be too much the presence will be too much the authority will be too much and i'm telling you you will literally feel the presence of jesus you will literally feel and be engulfed with the sakana glory your spirit man will be revived you will be on fire you will hold the strong man with a single hand and the strong man will not move look at what the amplifier says i love the amplified translation he says that but no one can go into a strong man's house and steal his property unless he faced what overpowers overpowers and ties up the strong man the overpower that simply means you must beat up the strong man you beat up the strong man you knock out the strong man and then you tie him up to beat up to overpower to knock him out means that you must engage the strong man in battle and in warfare it doesn't happen by wishing and desiring it it happens by engaging engaging engaging the strong man with the world engaging the strong man with the blood of jesus and getting the stronger with the promises of god with the prophetic way and getting the strong man with the authority in the name of jesus and look at what he says i love this way he said and then he would run zach he would run zach and the rob there simply mistake his house you see watch this and then he will run zach and rob his house the rope there when you look at the literal translation is take so watch this again i will read it and then he will run zach and take his house you you didn't catch it what it simply means is that i am not just entering into the warehouse to take the goose that he has stolen away from me but i am taking the warehouse i am carrying the warehouse and listen to me tonight you are carrying the warehouse tomorrow we will carry during this all we will carry the warehouse we will hold the warehouse like this with all the cookies and it will be in our possession because god has given us the power to overpower the strong man i want you to turn your bibles to isaiah 27 the verse number one in that day somebody say in that day somebody saying that day now the scripture says in that day in that day to us is today between today and tomorrow between today and tomorrow you must testify between today and tomorrow it must happen to us is now somebody shouting now to us is now in that day the lord with his severe sword great and strong will punish laviata the fleeing serpent that twisted serpent and he will slay the reptile that is in the sea do you understand what that means lafayette is a snake it's a serpent and you only know of snakes serpents that move with their stomach but there is another kind of snake that flies and there are some of you the strong man that is pestering you the strong man that is battering and suffering your life and your destiny is a lafayette and god is saying that because you must testify because you must you must see his glory because you must experience his goodness because you must walk in his favor he said i will bring out the soul the great soul and he said i will cut off lafayette i will cut them off lafayette the fly serpents the twisted serpent under the sea in other words they are some of you your strong man is a marine spirit your strong man is an aquatic spirit and and your strong man is a serpent that is under the sea ravaging your life bringing you sorrow and pain and tears god is saying if they go under the sea if they hide under the sea the soul will make them under the sea because that result god has declared war against the strong man the strong man of your household the strong man of your family the strong man of your marriage the strongman of your finances the strong man of your business the strongman of your career the strong man of your education the strong man of your children the strong man of your ministry god is declaring war i declare in the name of jesus made the sword of the lord go forth and cut off into pieces and shred into pieces of every strong man that will not let you go every strong man that will not let you testify i declare let them be cut into pieces i said let them be chopped into pieces if you believe in shout fire and he will slay the raptor that is in the sea in other words god is going to deal with the strongman that are in meat air those that are here on earth and those that are beneath the waters of the sea his judgment will come upon them his wrath is indignation will swallow them up through his great sword overpowering the stronger listen to me this week we would disgrace the stronger we will embarrass the strong man we will we will subdue we will make the strongman succumb the strong man who kotou we will bombard the strongman with prayers and declaration we will bombard the strongman with the world we will bombard the strongman with the prophetic way the angels of god will engage the strong man whilst we lift up a lamentation unto jehovah your testimonies are short your own baby none of us will be barren for it is written there shall be no barriness in the land none of you will be unfruitful you will be fruitful in every aspect every area of your life you will excel your smell will be like a field that has been blessed you will be lifted up as a trophy of the almighty your adversaries and your act enemies will see you and they will say we did everything but we couldn't stop you we tried everything but we couldn't stop it we throw everything at you but we couldn't stop it you are in your season of testimony what they said it can happen the lord will do it because he is the god that does hard things he said i would do a hard thing it is hard but not impossible with god get ready something is about to happen i see stolen goose been retained i said i see stolen goose bee retain stolen greatness stolen destiny stolen favor stolen houses cars stolen promotion elevation stolen husbands stolen wives stolen properties i see it being retained i see stolen businesses and finances and capital i see it being returned get ready to celebrate get ready to testify get ready to rejoice arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of god has risen upon you for the bible says for the from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the name of the lord shall be praised get ready to praise the name of the lord get ready to celebrate the name of the lord put on your dancing shoes put on your dancing dress for you are bowed to celebrate you are about to see the power of god in your life such as you have never seen before oh i came to announce to you that after tonight and tomorrow your middle name will be breakthrough somebody shall break through i said shall break through i will shout breakthrough the next name will be testimony somebody shout my name is testimony or somebody shouted with me testimony that is your name receive it in the name of jesus let there be an expeditious manifestation receive god's speed i'll receive it now divine acceleration divine spirit reset now in the name of jesus somebody shout tomorrow the aurora will be too much yeah i am going to descend in the prophetic and the apostolic i am going to descend in the end time anointing i am going to descend as a warrior to confront the power in the spirit any entity that will try to delay your testimony i am ready for them i was born ready i have been ready i am prepared equipped for them you can't miss tomorrow it is happening here be here in person be here in blessing and see if you will not live here with your testimony hey ma somebody papa a
Channel: Eagles Chapel
Views: 2,351
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: how to overpower the strongman, august 12 2021, prayer city, eagles chapel, prayer city eagles chapel, pastor raphael grant, prophet raphael grant, thursday service
Id: lzZhfYGqxAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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