Penelope Keith - Dave Allen - Aspel & Company 1991

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chimps and the tea ads and of all her awards the one that means most of her was when she had a rose named after her ladies and gentlemen the fragrance Penelope Keith is that the color of the rose that is named after you knew it's not I'm gold well that's not navigate and a sturdy little grower this of course is not our first time is it no it's not that's why I kissed you it'll be interesting isn't it when people come on to these sort of shows and they kiss everybody it's partly to steady the nerves ladies and gentlemen it's also because I haven't seen you for when I've seen you we are but ours now as now as but the first time we worked together was in 1977 I think when I did ours gospel oh yeah yes yeah and remember what what clip did we show on that of you the one that people most enjoyed watching was when it was from the good life when I was paying Margo and um I fell over in the mud yes they love it you're involved with an Irishman at the moment aren't you yes I am very much so Ellis about the great Oscar Wilde a play called The Importance of Being Earnest and I'm playing Lady Bracknell it's a great part I have to try and get the music that most people know about it out of my ears it's been on the film of a great film they made with a dame ease heavens playing Lady Bracknell I'm trying not to listen to that in my ears although everyone says to me how are you going to say a handbag yeah that's a handbag isn't that liners and how are you going to say I haven't decided yet man I really haven't no it still there's still as fresh as ever as a plane it's a wonderful bit there's always a very good reason why peeping go on and on and on it's usually because they're good and it's a very good reason why everyone knows about the handbag scene because it's a brilliantly written scene yes it is we we did a read-through on Monday and people still laugh spontaneously we're lucky enough to have Michael Denison and Elsie gray in it Michael has played he tells me every male part in the play and he now had his eye on Lady Bracknell so on really Greece's two steps but of course the Lady Bracknell apart from the fact you have to surmount what you think is the greatest performance the definitive one whether or not Italy soon ceased to be of course but it's another bossy lady isn't it yeah yes she is I wouldn't say another one but she's a bossy lady certainly yes only she gets her own way very intelligent woman that's interesting isn't it because the time when intelligence wasn't a much prized virtue among women I mean ladies their name Society had to look pretty and arrange things rather well and things men mainly meant dinner parties and but she's quite bright that one and then your latest television performance you are a strong independent woman it's using fascinating that one talks about these women who are intelligent a strong bossy independent if they were men they'd be frank and frightfully a nice chat so inviting me you're outspoken I said no I tell the truth but if you do tell the truth as a woman or you do speak your mind you're known as outspoken or or bossy yes a gene price is certainly outspoken as an MP you have to be don't you otherwise you wouldn't get elected and but she's a Roman and it's very difficult for women in the House of Commons they're only 44 of them and there are 650 MPs women would get on much better if they were able to have wives and that's a really good sexist remark but because women do all the other jobs as well but this is the whole movement and I sound like a politician now because I've been studying rather a lot of it and for regular hours in the House of Commons you can't run a house and the family if you start your work at about 2:30 in the afternoon will certainly in the house maybe go until 4:00 in the morning what will appear the only people will actually go to the house parliamentarian there's no money you look at all those benches they're always empty where are there yes but I want to know that too I looked at rather a lot of clips and there weren't many women there no man either asleep so the place is deserted one way or the other it is yeah won't do no back to your work the good good life and to the manor born are being shown again to very delighted audiences do you watch it I have done yes I have I certainly watched The Good Life I know I watched I watch them both yes I can now look at them fairly dispassionately I couldn't when I just done them having just seen no job for a lady on Monday I kept thinking of all the things I probably should have done at the Commission's and the omissions but done with good life and malleable and they're far enough away now for me to be able to see that they really were quite good here and there were huge audiences and Thursday yes well mana born I think it's the last episode of the first series played to 28 million people which is a lot isn't it is a lot yes I didn't remember the day the figures came out for that I was walking up in in London going into the broadcasting house and I kept thinking what is 28 million I couldn't you know I can conceive of a theatre with with how many people there are there even that's a bit stunning sometimes but 28 million I reckon was almost every other person playing the formidable characters that you sometimes do every no rather people see her perhaps them as formidable do they then are they afraid of you when they meet you no no not at all because I have that like Dave we're part of the small breed or happy breed of people who actually make people laugh so I have a great bonus with that so they're not frightened of the women that I play they recognize that they can laugh along with them or at them I do have a slightly find it difficult in as much as if I go to parties or I'm occasionally asked to open things that they expect me to be funny and I say no I'm not actually a comedian I'm an actor who interprets the words I mean I had these wonderful lines wild I mean if I could think of just one of them throughout my life I'd be really happy but I'm not actually funny per se and you have the same problem people expect you to be funny possible but they always hit you at the wrong time I mean the people do strange things I was was urinating in a public urinal and there's a man standing beside me and you you you've come across and obviously people peg you and you know that they recognize you new thing what is he gonna say what is the crisis and your ID but hey Val announced yeah yeah yes I mean you're standing there with your dignity how much can you help watching a show yeah this fellow stood then he said can I have your autograph right excuse me so he took out the pencil and papers and I said yes hold this wasn't wasn't amused him I just remained in your pews if you would for a moment because we're having a break and after that Tom Jones welcome back welcome back and welcome home from the parched deserts of Nevada to the lovely soggy atmosphere of Britain the boy from ponta prete Tom Jones
Channel: videocurios
Views: 48,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Penelope Keith (TV Actor), Michael Aspel (TV Personality), Dave Allen (TV Writer), dave allen, aspel and company, Interview (TV Genre)
Id: wLK-C-lH9ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 27 2014
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